Dreams of Sweetwater River (Whispers In Wyoming Book 3)

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Dreams of Sweetwater River (Whispers In Wyoming Book 3) Page 9

by Lisa M. Prysock

  Chase chuckled. “Yeah, you mentioned that before.”

  “I know,” Logan nodded as he studied the mules and the wagon before adding, “but I really like it.”

  “As sure as God puts His children in the furnace of affliction, He will be with them in it.” – Charles Spurgeon

  Chapter 10.

  The Pearly Gates of Hope

  Jill slipped into a red, strapless sundress and paired it with the jean jacket she’d worn earlier in the day. Then tossing aside her purple plaid shirt and jeans, she sat down in the wingback chair near the writing desk and pulled on her brown suede boots. Twisting her golden-brown curls into a messy bun, she secured the bun with a clip. She added a pair of elegant, dangling, red and gold earrings. Then she slipped on a matching bracelet. Alex had given her the jewelry set at Christmas after their son was born. Logan was right. She was never going to stop loving Alex, but maybe she had plenty of room in her heart to go on and love again, and love more… if she could continue to make progress in recovering from the anger of her loss and embrace the new of what was happening in her world.

  Logan whistled from the bottom of the staircase as she descended for dinner. Thankfully, the guests were all being entertained with a campfire dinner and weren’t there to witness her deep blush. He strode to her side and leaned close to her ear, whispering sweet nothings. “You look stunning tonight my princess.”

  His comment made her blush again as he led her slowly toward the front porch. “You look great, too,” she whispered back nervously. In fact, Logan always looked great! He was tall, handsome, and muscular. He wore jeans with a cream, cable-knit sweater over an olive green, dress shirt; leather cowboy boots; and a musky cologne Jill adored.

  What if Logan had the idea she wanted more from him than she was ready to give? The thought made her somewhat reserved throughout the rest of the weekend, but overall she thought it was going well. Logan wasn’t rushing her and she found herself enjoying his attention.

  The candlelit, steak dinner with Chase and Phil had been amazing. It had been fun, delicious, and romantic at all of the right times… as had the slow dancing to sixties, seventies, and country western love songs Phil had arranged to play from her favorite CD’s on the boom box. They danced beside the corner table on the spacious front porch where the four of them could look out into the Wyoming night sky at twinkling stars after watching the sunset at dinner.

  Somehow, being away from New York and Lander, Jill allowed herself to forget some of her situation and just enjoy being there with Logan. Once he escorted her to the door of her room, she whispered good night, and allowed him to give her a peck on the cheek for a good night kiss. Then she backed away from him into the room, closing and locking the door immediately before things could get out of hand. So far, Logan had behaved a perfect gentleman, and she didn’t want to compromise his integrity or her own. His integrity might be to God, but hers was to Alex.

  She hummed a little tune as she washed her face, brushed her teeth, and slipped into soft pajama pants and a roomy tee shirt. Pulling some of the letters from her purse to read, she settled into a mound of pillows on the bed contentedly. Then she reached for her cell phone and dialed Madison’s number.

  The phone rang three times before Madison answered. “Hey Jill! What’s up?”

  “It’s not too late, is it?” Jill asked.

  “On a Friday night?” Madison laughed. “I’m up late writing every Friday night these days.”

  “Guess where I am?” Jill smiled.

  “Uh, Wyoming?” Madison was typing and sounded mildly distracted.

  “Well, yeah…” Jill laughed this time. “I’m at The Broken J!”

  “No way!” Madison asked, “You’re at the ranch where my writer’s retreat was?”

  “Yes, way!” Jill grinned.

  “Well, how’s it going? Have you met Phil and Chase yet?”

  “Of course! You’re not going to believe this, but turns out my Logan is Chase’s cousin. Philomena is really helpful with my marketing work. This place is incredible and the views are amazing…” Jill got out of bed and began pacing slowly near the window.

  “Wait, who’s Logan?” Madison spit out, trying to keep up. “Is he the rich, handsome cowboy Lindy told me about?”

  “Are you making popcorn?” Jill laughed, hearing the familiar popping noise.

  “I’m starved. I’ve been working on this manuscript for about eight hours straight with only two breaks.” Madison explained.

  “I just wondered what the popping noise was. Anyway, Logan and I kind of go way back. He was the boy-next-door, Mr. Popular during high school, and now, well, uh… he’s my new boss.”

  “Uh-oh… the boss, huh?” Madison giggled and Jill could imagine her friend grinning into her cell phone. “I knew it! I just knew God had somebody for you! Oh, and Lindy said he’s a pilot?”

  “Well, he has his own helicopter and flew us here in it. How do you know God has someone for me? I mean, how can you tell?” Jill wondered.

  “I can hear it in your voice. You sound happy. I think you sound like you might even be in love!”

  “Maybe…” Jill smiled, twisting one of her curls around a fingertip.

  “Well, enjoy your stay at The Broken J. How are the kids?” The coppery redhead asked.

  “They’re doing great! Improving. My mom is in her glory. She has them to herself this weekend… well and Aunt Meredith,” she explained.

  “Aww! I’m so glad…” Madison replied.

  “Chase and Phil have helped with the plans for Logan’s ranch next door to Mom’s house, and I’m his new Marketing and Activities Director. You’d love Logan’s kids, too.”

  “He has kids?”

  “Well, he’s their guardian. Gracie and Micah. Long story.”

  “Gotcha!” Madison nodded. “Love those names.”

  “They’re really cute kids,” Jill explained. “How’s Randal?”

  “He’s wonderful!”

  “Glad you two are still in love. I’m getting kinda sleepy though Maddie so I’m gonna let you go so you can get back to your writing. We’ll catch up later.”

  “Okay, sounds good. Glad to hear from you. I was wondering how it was going,” Madison replied. “Night night and take care!”

  “You too! Night night! Happy writing!”

  Jill hung up and settled back onto the bed, sinking into the pillows again, ready to read a few more letters. She opened the first one on top of the stack she’d brought from Lander. It was so hard to stop reading them. They were so interesting.

  June 7, 1917

  Dear Laura May,

  How is the weather in Minnesota now that summer is upon us? I hope this letter finds you well, in spite of the fact the United States government has declared war on Germany this week. We read about it in the papers. I fear my husband Ernest may be called upon to join this fight. When I read about the bombing raids on London and the sinking of ships, I don’t see how we can avoid it.

  My heart still struggles with grief over the loss of our little Moses. Sometimes I wake in the middle of the night after dreaming of his little body and his warm, chubby hands and cheeks. He was the sweetest child. I wonder how I have managed to go on, but the Lord has somehow sustained me. He has blessed us with another chance. Anytime now, we’ll soon have another baby in our arms.

  Ernest is so hopeful. I know he wants a boy, but it might be a girl. You’ll soon be an aunt again! Keep me in your prayers.

  Your Sister,

  Christy Jane Rosenberg

  Belden Farm, Lander, Wyoming

  The next morning, Jill rose at the crack of dawn. She showered and slipped into a pair of jeans and a pink plaid shirt. Next, she sat down in the wing back chair and pulled on her tan leather boots again. They were perfect for riding since Chase had mentioned they’d all go riding today. She pulled on a light-weight, fringed, brown suede jacket and went in search of coffee, wondering if Logan had risen yet. She didn’t want to knock on h
is door across the hall from hers if he had decided to sleep in.

  Several freshly brewed pots of strong coffee waited in the kitchen, but otherwise the main ranch house seemed quiet. She smiled, enjoying the aroma drifting into the air along with a glorious sunrise peeking in through the windows. Pouring a mug of bliss, she made a mental note to remind herself to ask Logan if he’d thought to order more coffee makers or at the very least, a commercial size coffee maker for the main barn house back up at The Sweetwater River Ranch Resort.

  Clutching her mug, Jill wandered onto the front porch, surprised to find Philomena and Chase seated at the same corner table where they’d enjoyed dinner and dancing the evening before. They had a Bible open on the table and with arms stretched out on the table, they clasped hands as Chase read a Psalm out loud to his wife. The scene seemed so intimate she turned around to disappear back into the house, running directly into Logan’s chest as he followed her with a cup of coffee of his own onto the porch.

  “Good morning, you two lovebirds!” Philomena called out.

  Too late to disappear! She’d been both cornered and spotted. Jill backed up quickly and steadied her coffee to be sure she didn’t splash any on Logan, herself, or the porch. Logan did the same. “Oh!” she chuckled. “Hello there, Logan. I was wondering if you were awake yet.”

  “Good morning, beautiful!” Logan winked at Jill. “Good morning all!”

  “Good morning everyone,” Jill said, turning back toward the table.

  “Why don’t ya’ll join us,” Chase invited. “We’ve just finished our morning devotions.”

  Logan pulled out a chair for Jill with his free hand while he balanced his coffee carefully in the other. Jill sat down and Logan took his place beside her.

  “So what’s the plan for today?” Phil asked. “Is everyone still up for a horseback ride after breakfast? Chase suggested a picnic lunch by the old mill after we enjoy some trail riding. It’s very scenic. I think you’d both enjoy it.”

  “There is nothing I’d enjoy more,” Jill replied. She’d missed riding so much during her time in New York… she couldn’t wait to hit the trails.

  After a light breakfast of Mrs. Wade’s bacon, eggs, fresh fruit, and buttermilk biscuits, they’d wandered into one of the barns and chosen their saddles and mounts, all four of them wearing jeans, boots, and cowboy hats. After working so hard, it would be a fun and refreshing change of pace for all of them. Several ranch hands were about, busy doing their morning work under Kade’s capable supervision. With Logan and Chase present, they knew better than to offer assistance. Instead, they kept busy and out of the way while the cousins hoisted saddles onto horses for the girls. It had been fun choosing saddles from The Broken J’s amazing tack selection. A few guests wandered in with the same idea of horseback riding in mind. Everyone waved or said hello to the foursome. They all knew who Phil and Chase were, and nearly all of the guests and staff at the ranch had heard the helicopter land, warned by an announcement letter not to be alarmed as Chase’s cousin was visiting from Lander by privately owned aircraft.

  Jill rode in the most amazing purple saddle she’d ever seen before, sitting up straight on a beautiful white horse named Pearly Gates. Saddles had come a long way since she was a kid. Chase and Phil took the lead. Jill and Pearly Gates followed behind them. Logan brought up the rear or followed beside Jill on his horse so they could converse now and then. Two hours later, they had ridden to their hearts’ content, meandering along at a comfortable pace most of the time and trotting steadily at other times. They rode through sagebrush flats, woods, and meadows.

  They dismounted at a spot alongside a creek Chase had chosen by the mill, agreeable to the party. Philomena spread out a blanket and picnic service for four with Jill’s help. They feasted on leftover barbeque ribs, potato salad, baked beans, cornbread, and a thermos of chilled lemonade beneath a brilliant blue sky and warm sunshine until all were satisfied. It was a perfect day of leisure. Philomena reclined with arms behind her head, leaning back against one of Chase’s thighs so she could view the cloudless sky as he stretched out his legs. Logan situated Jill so she could lean back against his chest as she admired a meadow in the distance brimming over with a sea of wild prairie flowers. It was both peaceful and pleasant for all four of them with only the serene, comforting sounds of flowing creek water and the occasional grazing noises the horses made to soothe them. Several butterflies flitted by, flapping their delicate wings and mesmerizing Jill with their graceful beauty. For some reason, it felt as though they’d always known each other.

  Philomena had made arrangements for a petting zoo to be on site at The Broken J in the afternoon. When they returned to the ranch, kids were everywhere enjoying llamas, alpacas, goats, lambs, rabbits, piglets, chickens, and even an armadillo. Jill was drawn to the zoo almost immediately, thinking of how much her children and Logan’s niece and nephew would enjoy the animals. Before Logan and Chase could even finish putting the tack up, the girls were off to the excitement with the rest of their guests.

  Logan watched Jill’s face light up like a child’s, bright with wonder as she explored the zoo, touching each animal and enjoying the interaction with the other children. She looked so delighted he wanted to wrap his arms around her and carry her off to a castle in the clouds. Instead, he waited patiently off to the side with Chase, seldom able to take his eyes off her. Jill thought it sweet Logan held her hand as they chose to hitch a ride in the wagon back to freshen up at the main house.

  Chase mentioned he and Philomena would be heading into Tipton later that evening for a date as the wagon rumbled along. “Ya’ll are more than welcome to join us, or enjoy the festivities going on here at the ranch. Talk it over and let us know. We’re kind of thinking you two might enjoy the option of having some alone time.”

  “You know it bro!’” Logan chuckled giving Chase a high five.

  Philomena rolled her eyes while Jill shook her head. It was hopeless. The cousins were like two peas in a pod.

  Philomena explained what would be happening at the ranch. At six-thirty in the evening, hay wagon rides would bring guests to a cookout dinner site of barbecued beef brisket, Roosevelt beans, corn on the cob, campfire baked potatoes, coleslaw, watermelon, blackberry cobbler, and sweet tea. Dinner would be accompanied by dancing, along with a country western band performing on a bandstand, with the sunset and mountain range for a stage backdrop. She also mentioned they hoped Logan and Jill might consider attending church with them Sunday morning before returning to The Sweetwater.

  “Tell you what,” Logan announced, “I’ll talk it over with Jill and we’ll get back with you about tomorrow morning. I think attending church together would be awesome! Tonight, Jill and I will probably hang here at the ranch or take off and do our own thing, but if we change our minds we’ll text Chase.”

  But they that wait upon the Lord shall renew their strength; they shall mount up with wings as eagles; they shall run, and not be weary; and they shall walk, and not faint. Isaiah 40:31

  Chapter 11.


  “Chase…” Logan ignored the thumping in his hip and overcame the limp that caused him to be a few strides behind. He winced in pain and kept going. Catching up with Chase, he stopped his cousin at the bottom of the staircase after Jill went to freshen up in her room and Philomena headed for her bedroom. “How important are your dinner plans this evening?”

  “Whaddya have in mind, Cousin?”

  “Well, listen, this is my way of saying thank you for all you’ve done to help Jill with marketing and I don’t get down this way toward Tipton often enough… but what do you say we fly the girls to dinner at this little Italian restaurant in Cheyenne I know of… my treat?” Logan suggested. “Once Jill and I are back in Lander, with five kids between us, there won’t be much time for this sort of thing.”

  Chase laughed. “For real? Like just fly over to Cheyenne for dinner, tonight?”

  “Sure, why not?”

�re crazy, good fun Logan! I’ll ask Phil. I don’t think she’ll mind… we were just going to grab a burger or a steak in Tipton,” Chase replied, “but I have a feeling Philomena will love your idea.”

  Logan nodded. “I’ll check with Jill, too.”

  Chase started in the direction of the bedroom and office to the right of the front hall. Then he turned around, scratching his head. “Wait! Where ya gonna land that beast?”

  Logan laughed. “Well, we’ve got two possibilities. Number one, I’m friends with the owner of the restaurant. He owns a second private parking lot across the street from the restaurant. He rents the parking lot space to a corporation during business hours, but the lot is usually empty at night.”

  “That’s legal?”

  “Most of the time,” Logan replied, his eyes twinkling. “As long as we don’t get any complaints filed at the FAA or with the local authorities and the updraft doesn’t fling any rocks at anybody, should be okay. I don’t do it very often. I also have a contact in operations at the Francis E. Warren Air Force Base heliport, but we’d have to take a fifteen minute taxi ride with that option. I’m leaning on the first option.”

  Chase nodded. “I’ll say a prayer.”

  Jill texted Philomena:

  I’m in fashion trouble… really hate what I brought to wear. H-E-L-P!

  A few seconds later, Phil replied:

  Chase just went to the barn to talk to Kade. Come on down to my room. Will fix you up.

  Jill replied:

  Thanx! You’re a lifesaver.

  As Jill flew down the staircase, Phil opened her bedroom door and poked her head out. “C’mon in! The coast is clear.”

  “Thanks so much! I have a dress in case we go to church tomorrow, but it’s not really what I had in mind for what Logan has planned this evening,” she explained.


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