Unbroken Love_Shades of Trust

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Unbroken Love_Shades of Trust Page 9

by Cristiane Serruya

  The Dorchester, The Park Suite, In the living room

  Saturday, November 27, 2010

  6:39 p.m.

  Sophia knew Gabriela would like to see her getting dressed for the ball and to visit the ballroom as the gala had been all they could talk about at their house for the last month.

  She booked Park and Dorchester suites and convinced the MacCraigs and the Allenthorpes to stay the night. Alice and Leonard had also decided to take the kids to stay with Gabriela and Maria.

  Sophia exited the bedroom just as Alistair, who was sitting on the sofa with Gabriela, Ariadne, and Michael, finished telling them a funny story.

  Alistair’s breath caught in his throat as Gabriela jumped down and squealed, “Fireflies and fairies.”

  Sophia smiled and swirled on her feet. Her dress flowed and sparkled around her.

  Gabriela clapped her hands. “You’re the most beautiful woman on Earth, Mama.”

  The words were robbed from Alistair’s mouth.

  The night had been Victoria’s inspiration for Sophia’s gown, a one-shoulder sheath dress of silver matte satin. An undulating peplum of reflective silvery micro-organza traced a graceful arc around her left shoulder over a fitted long sleeve. The peplums repeated themselves on the skirt, waving down from her small waist to her feet, to finish on a rise-and-fall uneven hem. On them, Victoria had applied Swarovski crystals, as if trying to mirror the Milky Way.

  Sophia’s hair, the only thing black as the night, was held up in a French twisted bun where a single diamond star was pinned.

  Was there ever a sexier woman? Alistair rose from the armchair, hypnotized by the sight before him.

  Sophia’s lips parted when she saw him dressed in his new Anderson and Sheppard single-breasted dinner jacket, with the last button of his white shirt still opened. His black tie was hanging untied around his neck. Hot, hot, hot.

  In two steps, he was towering over her, his hands spanning her waist.

  She grabbed the ends of his tie and pulled him down, sensuously whispering, “I’m tying you.” To me.

  Leashing the desire to lick all her lip gloss off, he breathed, “I’m forever tied.” To you.

  She closed the button and knotted the tie perfectly. To take her mind from the sexy man in front of her, she asked, “Do you like the dress?”

  “You look celestial, as if the sky had powdered you with scintillating stars.” His mouth moved to kiss her on the neck, just under the ear, where the blue-grayish diamond of the earrings he gave her as a wedding gift was clipped.

  Sophia clamped her lips together to stop herself from moaning. Stop, Alistair Connor. The children are looking at us.

  “I want all this light pouring over me in delight.” He rimmed her earshell with his tongue.

  Sophia gasped, unable to keep inside her all the pleasure he was building.

  Leonard, who had entered the room to see part of the scene, leaned on the wall, smiling at the passionate couple. “Ah-hem.”

  Alice, joking with the giggling girls as she put her hands over their eyes, said, “There are children in the room, in case you’ve forgotten.”

  Jesus, Mary, and Joseph. Alistair composed himself, and spun on his heels, with a not so innocent look in his eyes. “Sophia is just knotting my tie.”

  “Hmm. Such a convenient excuse,” said Tavish, from the doorway. A naughty grin spread over his rugged face. “Would you also tie mine, please, Sophia?”

  Alistair’s growl made the children’s tinkling giggles even louder as they went down to the ballroom.

  “Oh, my God!” Alice said, enchanted with the decoration of the corridor that led to the ballroom.

  Hidden green lights illuminated the walls, which had been covered by light-green moss, and the ground with artificial grass. The wire chandeliers were covered with ivy and multiplied themselves in the mirrors. White and yellow Clustered Coelogyne orchids, found in Eastern Himalayas, representing both countries, abounded in spectacular arrangements, falling from the walls and chandeliers. Small black ottomans and armchairs were scattered around, blending in with the decoration.

  Alistair was aghast. He had never seen such a complete transformation of a place. “This is absolutely outstanding, my love. It seems like we’re in an Indian forest.”

  “You must not forget to see the amazing outside entrance. I’ve been there earlier. Ethan’s personal assistant is of the utmost competence.”

  “Mama, what are these?” asked Gabriela, pulling her hand and pointing at the two huge Buddha statues marking the entrance.

  Ethereal. Ethan took a deep breath when Sophia stepped into the ballroom on Alistair’s arm, still explaining to Gabriela who Buddha was. Then she looked in his direction and granted him a joyful smile. Jesus, Sophia. Do you want to give me a heart attack?

  He controlled himself as he greeted the whole group, but he had been dreading this moment. Ethan wanted to talk to her and hear her say his name in that same sexy tone she had before. He wanted to pick her up and take her to his bed in his suite, wrap her in his arms, and block out the rest of the world. He wanted her love to cure him.

  As he made small talk with Leonard, he realized that as much as he wanted to feel her, to have her intimately, he wanted her to want him back. Even if it was only a fraction of his love and need of her.

  Sophia saw Scott at the end of the room standing next to one of the Chinese Warrior Terra Cotta statues. She waved to him and he beamed at her, walking quickly to greet her, “Soph—Ah, Lady—”

  “Oh, please, Scott. Leave the lady-thing for later. Sophia will do.” She shook hands with him and turned to introduce him to the group. “Scott Mulberry, Ethan’s personal assistant. He’s the person responsible for this and much more you are going to see during the night.”

  “Sophia is exaggerating. Most of it was her idea.” He motioned to the large tree planted in the middle of the room, illuminated by green light. From it, artificial branches sprawled across the ceiling, which was covered with ivy and white and yellow Clustered Coelogyne. “I only put everything together.”

  “Oh, Scott! Don’t be modest,” she rebuked him gently.

  Scott couldn’t have been happier with her approval and it showed on his face. “Let’s say that I carried out your ideas well.”

  “Let’s agree to disagree,” she answered.

  “If I were you, Scott, I would not try to convince her,” Alice said, smiling at their banter.

  “She’s quite stubborn,” Tavish added.

  Sophia elbowed her brother-in-law. “As if you weren’t.”

  Alistair was pleased to see that Scott was as respectful and professional as she had told him. “For all she has been saying about you, Scott, you’re the man to have at one’s side.”

  Isn’t it enough that you’ve robbed my woman? Now you want my assistant, too? Ethan approached Sophia again and said, “Sophia is incredible, MacCraig. I’ve never seen such a creative mind.” One I want all for myself.

  Don’t expect to see her again so soon, you son of a bitch. “She is, isn’t she?” Alistair said, possessively wrapping his arm around her waist.

  I want to breathe this intoxicating, sweet ether of yours, Sophia. Ethan nodded and asked, “If you may lend me your wife for a few seconds in private?” Forever would be better.

  What? Sophia looked startled at Ethan while Alistair was so surprised by the blunt question that he didn’t answer.

  “I wish to talk with you about the speech, Sophia.” Ethan grabbed one of her hands and squeezed lightly.

  Oh, God, Ethan! “I’ll kiss Gabriela goodnight and ask her nanny to take her upstairs. It’ll just take a moment.”

  It’ll take forever. He nodded and let go of her hand.

  Fuck you, Ashford! Alistair saw red, but he followed Sophia without saying a word. It was not the time to talk about her close relationship with Ethan. One day, Ashford, I’ll break your fingers for pawing Sophia.

  Chapter 8

  “You look ravishi
ng, darling. The moon itself cannot compete with you,” Ethan said huskily as they walked through the ballroom. How could I ever think anyone else could? My goddess, my everything.

  Ethan, stop. “Thanks. Vic did the dress; she is quite daring.”

  “It’s a gorgeous dress.” It makes my imagination run wild.

  “I don’t know if Scott has told you, but I’ve decided to split the receiving line in four to spare the guests from a long and tiring wait,” Sophia changed topics smoothly. “Your CEO and Edward on one, and you on another with your PR; Alistair and I on another, and Zahira and Ashley on the last one. After, we can go to each table and greet the ones we have not spoken to.”

  “An excellent idea, darling, as always. But as you’re not standing by my side, I prefer to stand alone,” he answered.

  “Really?” she asked shocked. Oh, Ethan, you have to stop this idolatry. It’s not healthy.

  What did you think? “Really,” he confirmed as they entered the Gold Room, part of the Ballroom Suite.

  Ethan was about to close the double doors when her fingers curled around his hand.

  Are you crazy? “We don’t need to shut them.”

  Jesus, Sophia. Not even for a few minutes? He discretely breathed in her perfume, taking advantage of her closeness. Sweet, as you are.

  He closed one and left the other angled, “Is that okay?”

  “Yep.” Sophia sat in an armchair, a bit uncomfortable with the position he had put her in. She crossed her legs and nervously bounced her foot.

  Immediately Ethan felt his lust awakened by his high-heels fetish. Sophia was wearing silver snake high-heeled sandals that he wanted to feel pressed to his buttocks as he thrust into her.

  “So,” she charged on, “what is the problem?”

  This is not the time, Ashford. Focus on the matter at hand. Sitting on the sofa, so close to her that their knees were almost touching, Ethan clasped his hands together. His desire was so out of place with what he had to say that it left him as quickly as it had appeared. He looked down and simply said, “You’ll have to do the speech.”

  Sophia’s mouth dropped open. “Why? I didn’t prepare for that. I can’t—”

  “Sophia, Calista and George made my life miserable.” He looked up and there was so much pain in his azure eyes that she pitied him. “And my grandfather—” He was a bastard too. “Well, the thing is, I’m not ready to talk about abuse.”

  Calista, George, and Niarchos were given a loving, handsome, and intelligent boy to raise, but they hadn’t been able to understand or appreciate the shy boy who did everything to get their attention.

  Oh, Ethan. You should consider therapy. “Did you prepare the speech?”

  He laughed derisively, taking three pages from his inner pocket and gave them to her. “As if I could. Scott did.”

  She scanned the pages quickly, expelling a long audible breath, handing them back to him. You’re wasting Scott’s abilities. “It’s very good. Exceptionally good, in fact, but not my style. Don’t worry, I’ll handle this.”

  He leaned forward and put his hand over her left one, which was on her thigh. “Thanks.”

  A sharp knock on the door frame startled them and both pulled back their hands. Tavish was filling the doorway with his tall, broad frame. His opinion of what he had seen was written on his raised eyebrow.

  Good God. Sophia almost jumped up, but making an effort, she stayed were she was. “Yes?”

  “Alistair Connor asked me tae tell ye that Edward Davidoff and Ashley Something are here.”

  Ethan stood and stretched out his hand to help her up. “Are we set?”

  “As agreed,” was her answer, lightly squeezing his hand and letting it go.

  As they moved to exit the room, Tavish came in and held Sophia’s forearm. “A word, Sister-in-law.”

  Ethan halted. He squinted his eyes at Tavish and then turned to look at Sophia, who just smiled and walked back to the armchair.

  Brooding, Ethan left the room.

  God. Spare me these problematic men. After what seemed like a long awkward silence, Sophia probed, “Well?”

  Tavish sighed and sat in the place Ethan had vacated. “I doona know what to think of what…of what I’ve just seen. Would you like to explain yourself?”


  The word dropped heavily in the room and Tavish’s sea-green eyes widened. “Nae?”

  Oh, Sophia. Just a sentence will suffice. He gave you the benefit of the doubt. On purpose, she put her hand over his, which was lying on his thigh. “Each and every one of us carries our share of secrets. It’s not my story to tell and it weighed on the speech of this event.” She squeezed his hand and finished, “That’s the only explanation I’ll give you. Or anyone else.”

  “Brava!” Alistair entered the room, clapping his hands, sardonically. Anyone else? Me too? “What explanation?”

  Oh, damn! Screw you all! She raised her chin and squared back her shoulders, ready for battle. “About—”

  Tavish’s hand dropped heavily on her bare shoulder. “About her speech.”

  You two share many secrets. Alistair’s gaze delved in her soul but found nothing suspicious. “I didn’t know you were doing a speech.”

  “Neither did I,” she volleyed back. “That was what I was talking about with Ethan. Period.”

  For now. He offered her his arm, walking her out of the room with his back ramrod straight and in dead silence.

  Tavish followed the couple, not knowing if he should feel guilty.

  Sophia greeted the first couple in her line: Mark Lodes and his wife, Hannah, who was pregnant. Hannah was Alice’s best friend and Mark was Alistair’s. The couple had met during a weekend at Craigdale Castle, falling in love at first sight when she was eighteen. Now she was expecting their first baby.

  Alistair saw Sophia’s eyes being drawn to the very round belly and her lips tremble for a brief moment before opening in a wide smile. He saw the glowing happiness of the pregnant woman and his friend’s hand smooth her belly in a loving caress.

  And he hated himself.

  He regretted his actions so much in that moment, not just for himself and the fact that he was no longer able to father a child, but also for Sophia.

  He imagined a pregnant Sophia, happy like Hannah was, and himself placing his hand on her stomach to feel their child move.

  He thought about her nursing their son. Or their daughter.

  His throat closed and he decided that he was going to give her a baby, and soon. Not an adopted one, but she would have a real pregnancy and birth their child as she did with Gabriela. It didn’t matter anymore to him that the semen would not come from his body. Her happiness was the most important thing in his life.

  It was an impressive shift in his priorities. He was married to a woman who had given him everything he wanted in life and now he would give it back to her. Her love for him had changed him in so many ways, he hadn’t been aware of how drastic the changes had been until he saw Sophia looking at his friends with a hint of envy. He had only seen it in her eyes before when Carolina ran to Drake’s arms.

  She had entered his veins bit by bit, an antidote made of patience and lots of love. She had refilled him and he asked himself again, what had he done for her. He wanted to create a family for Gabriela, and he wanted to participate in the life of a child of their own from the very beginning.

  He stepped closer to her and his arm snaked around her waist, his hand spanning her flat stomach.

  She looked up at him, startled. She was not expecting such a demonstration of love. Her hand covered his.

  I love you. With a kiss on her forehead, he bent his head and whispered in her ear, “We’ll have ours.”

  The smile she gave him was so brilliant that it chased away the hate that had tainted him a few moments ago.

  Sophia couldn’t believe her eyes as the line of guests moved on and she caught a glimpse of Calista and George. They were purposely in the line Ethan was greeting. An
d what made the situation worse was that she couldn’t warn him without making a scene. How could I have missed their names on the guest list?

  Think, Sophia. Think. She looked around for a second, but another of the sponsors stepped in front of her. She thanked him for his support and indicated his table.

  “Everything okay?” Alistair asked as he felt her fidget, which was not common for Sophia.

  She shook her head slightly and looked up. “I need to step beside Ethan for a second.”

  Ashford again.

  She saw his lips thinning and for a split second considered not helping Ethan. But that was not a possibility for her.

  This must be serious, Alistair Connor, don’t chain her with your unreasonable jealousy. “Go,” he whispered, smiling at another couple that approached. “I can handle this alone for a few minutes.”

  She didn’t lose time. Four more couples. As soon as she was next to Ethan, she said in a rush, “Scott needs to talk with you. Now.”

  He raised his eyebrows. “Is there a problem?”

  Three more couples. She gazed discretely down his line. And whispered, “It seems so.”

  “I can’t possibly leave here now. Here comes one of Ashford Steel’s best buyers,” he answered in the same way.

  Two more couples. She didn’t know how, but in the middle of a smile she managed to hiss, “Go!” Just one couple.

  But Ethan was much taller than her. His hands fisted by his sides. “I’ve seen the problem.”

  “Difficult man!” She expelled a long, audible breath. What are you going to do now, Sophia?

  When Ethan saw Sophia move in front of him, as Calista and George closed in, he was so astonished that he didn’t even budge.

  “I’m so happy you could come this evening.” Sophia stretched out her hands, taking Calista’s. And she looked at George. “The support for the sexually abused is of the utmost importance for us all, isn’t it?”

  Calista and George just stared, open-mouthed.

  Letting go of Calista’s hands, she stepped back, the hem of her dress playing around Ethan’s ankles. “Ethan and I, we trust that you’ll always support our cause and behave accordingly.”


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