Scold's Desire

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Scold's Desire Page 19

by Marie Hall

  "You give us all more purpose," Mark said as he looked back over his shoulder.

  Xavier, too, glanced back. Balbroke and Whitby were in some deep discussion now, and only because Io mentioned she didn't care for how Whitby watched her did he feel any concern. They rode on, reaching the shire nearer to sunset than planned and decided to make camp for the night. Lifting Io down, Xavier needed to force her chin up so she'd look at hm. "I meant what I said, I would spoil you if I could. You are worth that to me, and you do not make me weaker, so give their words no weight in your mind." He watched her nod, but she was biting her lip and was quick to look away as soon as she could. Taking her hand, he raised it to his lips. "Let us see about a supply of cider, and then we can see how fast I can get you naked." He laughed at how quickly she looked up at him then. "For your bath, of course." That got him a smile and a giggle. But she remained mostly sullen, even as she emerged from the bath house with a pink flush from the heat and smelling of lavender. She picked at her meal as well, and though it was secured for her, she surrendered her small but private room, to Lord Rigatos, who was at least grateful. She kept herself with that day's group of guards as everyone gathered around the campfires, and not until he picked up his bedding and motioned her to follow did she again get close to him.

  "Are you certain you do not want the room at the inn?" Xavier asked as he watched her spreading out the blankets. She shook her head, remaining quiet.

  What more might he do to take the sting out of Balbroke's criticism? He knew what hurt was they tried to shame him, by using her. Had they attacked her directly, she'd have been able to let it pass. She continued to fuss with the furs until he knelt on them and reached for her. "Io," he chided as he pulled her down beside him.

  "I told you, they would see me and think poorly of you," she sniffed and wiped at her nose with the back of her hand.

  "Their opinions do not matter." He gave her a smile, and rolling to his back, he tugged her arm, causing her to lean in. "Balbroke is one to talk. His wife is a cow."

  Her gasp was loud and she sat back to look at him. "Xavier, that is not nice."

  "Neither is Lady Balbroke, and if she has to pass you in a hall, you will have to press up against the wall or risk being smashed. I once saw her try to sit next to a man, and when she finally rose, he'd been smothered to death."

  "Xavier," Io cried out then giggled.

  "She cannot be without platters of food in arm's reach, or she has a fit."

  "Xavier, stop." She put a hand over her mouth to smother the laughing.

  "I am giving you warning, I shouldn't want to lose you to an accidental encounter," he said, pulling her down to lie on his chest and lifting his hand so he could stroke the silky hair.

  "Well, thank you. I shall take the warning to heart and avoid tight passageways." She snuggled in, and Xavier relaxed.

  They settled in a little more, Xavier keeping her close as the moon rose and the night grew quiet. "The sky is clear tonight and the stars out in great abundance. Perhaps we might watch to see one fall." He put an arm behind his head. "Or maybe you might refresh my memory of the constellations." He pointed up.

  "I do not care to look at the stars anymore," Io muttered and actually turned face down.

  Xavier chuckled. "And why is this? Who does not like to look at the stars?" But Io only shrugged and buried her face deeper in the furs. "Io." He chuckled again, but then concern crept in. "Did you not take lessons in reading the stars?" Giving it some thought, he added, "I know you did; you used that knowledge to guide you to the sea." Again, she shrugged. Rolling to his side, he worked a hand under her chin and lifted her face so he could look her in the eye. "It is a skill that saved your life, Io. I would you practice it."

  "It was a lesson that set us apart," Io commented and tried again to bury her face.

  "What do you mean?"

  "It was the lesson I missed and for which you punished me, by not letting me attend the festival."

  She didn't really carry any emotion in her voice when she spoke, which told him she no longer carried a grudge over it, but while she might have placed the wrong committed against her in the past, Xavier didn't like the idea she couldn't find any joy or pleasure in looking skyward on a clear night.

  Forcing her, roughly, to her back, he leaned over her so she was pinned and couldn't look away. "It was a good deal more that set us apart Io, but I can understand not wishing to have the memory. So look up now. Look up at the stars and tell me what you see. Let us make a new memory for you. A better memory than one of discontent and anger and… betrayal. Look up, and we will make doing so a time when we were together in a quiet night, with nothing too close, the wind gentle and the air warm. Look up," he encouraged, and when she still hesitated, again, he said, "Look up, Io; look up, and tell me what you see, what you dream of when the lights of heaven flicker and glow."

  "I dream of going back to Bainsport. Of being with friends and familiar things." Her arm came up and wound around his neck.

  "What stars might you follow to return there, Io?" he asked, kissing her temple and then her cheek. "What stars will lead us home?"

  He heard her snort and felt her chuckle. "The road will lead us."

  With a groan, he nipped at that sensitive place under her jaw, making her giggle. "There are times, my lady, that your practicality completely ruins me."

  "Ah," she cooed and lifted her hips to rub against him. "Should you rather I be less practical at times? Perhaps pretend interest in the things you like? Should I ask you perhaps for lessons with a sword?" Again, she lifted up, pressing against his stiffening cock.

  "I would have you like what you do with me." Working his arms under her, he held on and rolled so she settled on top of him. "And if you do not, I shall be content to do them alone. I shall just enjoy the stars myself."

  Again, she giggled but began to push backward, down the length of his body. He spread his legs to accommodate her and she eased into the familiar position. "Well, my lord, there are many other things I do indeed like to share with you. But like you, I do not need you to enjoy them for me to enjoy them," she said as her hands smoothed up his thighs and her warm breath puffed out over his sac.

  His cock jumped, but she was in no rush to take hold, either with her hand or her mouth. She touched him everywhere except on that aching shaft. "Io," it was a plea but it sounded harsh, even to his ears.

  "Watch the stars, my lord," she said, rising a bit to push him flat on his back. Her fingers trailed down his chest, over his belly, and lifted before she'd have touched him.

  He growled; she laughed, but then the breath was driven out as she nearly swallowed him. She spent a long while holding him in her mouth while her hands toyed with his sac. He could feel her tongue swirling around, tracing over the ridges, her teeth scraping with nerve wracking delicacy and her lips squeezing then releasing so he could hardly think.

  When she finally took a grip on the base of his shaft and began the slow stroking, he almost gave in. That she could bring him to his end so quickly had as much to do with her always improving skill as his willingness to give up control to her. There wasn't anyone else he knew he felt safe to let go so completely with. Io made him free, let him be a man with no other concerns than being with a woman who could own him if she but asked.

  Gritting his teeth, he tightened his control over his body. There wasn't going to be a quick end to this, not tonight. Io must have sensed him pulling back because she eased her grip and slowly withdrew him from between her lips. "I think you might have spent a few too many nights looking at the stars, Xavier, and not practicing, yourself."

  He chuckled, then moaned as she again worked her hand up and down in a slow, easy fashion. "Ah, see, it is practice, though that makes it so easy to find it," he said, rising up on his arms to look at her. "But for me, there is nothing better than you."

  "'Tis the same for me," she said, holding his eye as she again took his cock in her mouth. Working in time with the motion
of her hand, she again brought him right to the edge before pulling back and releasing him.

  "Same for you, is it?" he asked before shoving her backward, moving to lie between her legs and shoving her knees up to her chest. "Then I will not give you leave to miss the lesson." His mouth crashed down, covering nearly the whole of her mons. His tongue pushed through, only to find her already dripping. Sucking and licking, he made sure nothing was left before focusing his efforts on her clit.

  As soon as his mouth covered the hard nub, Io gasped, arched up, and her fingers twisted in his hair, pushing his head down. Her little cries rippled over and through him, hardening him to the point he feared bursting. But he wouldn't rush. Not when these chances were so hard to find on the road.

  He stayed at the task, alternating between sucking on her clit and plundering her cunny until she cried out and spent as hard as he'd ever seen her. Io was trying to catch her breath when he moved, shifting up and settling at the apex of her body.

  "Do you see stars now, my love?" he teased.

  She moaned, "Show me more, Xavier."

  "As you command," he whispered as he heaved forward, filling her in one smooth motion, her body clutching his as tightly as her arms and legs did. She held him so close, he could hardly move, but it didn't matter. Io took her pleasure again, and only after the force of it ebbed did she loosen her hold and allow him to move more freely.

  She gave him only enough slack so he could move, keeping their bodies touching at every point. His hard chest pushed against her soft, full breasts, their hips and groins grinding into each other. Her face buried in his neck, letting him breathe in the scent of her hair.

  His strokes were short but deep, and he knew that would mean it'd take longer to push Io to the top again, which was fine with him. The more time he spent, the more pleasure he received.

  For a third time, Io cried out, and this time, her hold loosened almost completely, a signal she was ready for him to take back control and hopefully drive her once more into bliss.

  Leveraging up on his arms, he drew back then entered at a torturously slow pace. Once, twice, until Io growled at him and punched him in the shoulder. Perhaps his little goddess wasn't ready to give up all control. He knew he could use this to his advantage. Times like this, when they battled over who was in charge often led to very pleasurable outcomes. But even as he thought about it, the hairs on the back of his neck stood up, and he was made aware of something amiss.

  Leveraging up even more, he rocked forward, harder and faster than any time previously. Io started but easily fell in rhythm. From somewhere in the woods, he heard an owl call out. Then another. A communication not between birds but men. Yes, his men were already on whatever the disturbance was, and Xavier again gave Io his full attention, as she deserved.

  He did cause her to spend once more, moments before the tightening in his sac became unbearable, and pushing in deep, his release came with a pleasure that inhibited breathing for several moments. He gritted his teeth to keep from yelling as he would if in more private a setting. The second wave of delight caused his arms to give out, and collapsing on top of Io, he sucked in several deep breaths and worked to stop his heart from pounding. Sweat trickled between his shoulder blades and down his back. He clutched her to hold her still, Io's little movements causing his cock to jump as if ready to go again. Io's shifting became a bit more pronounced, and he lifted his head to look down at her.

  "You smother me," she complained with a smile.

  "Beg pardon, my lady," he griped but lifted up on his forearms. "Better?" he asked when he heard her inhale deeply and release a long, satisfied sigh. Again, his cock twitched.

  "Much." Once more, he twitched, and she laughed. "Do you plan to have another go?" He wasn't sure if she teased or not, and he willed his cock to stay down.

  "I think I have done enough stargazing this night. As have you." A deep breath to fortify his will, and he rolled to the side.

  "I think the stars you showed me were the most beautiful I have seen," Io said, rolling to lean against him.

  He reached around, feeling for where the covers had gone to, finding them and drawing them up as Io took a deep breath then yawned loudly. "Then I will endeavor to show you them again often. My goddess should live among the stars."

  "Flattery, my lord?"

  "No, flattery would be me saying you will always outshine any star I might set my eyes upon," he told her, putting an arm around her and pulling her closer as sounds from the woods reached his ears.

  "Ah, well, I think you should flatter me then." Her words were muffled and sleepy. And as he listened for danger, her breathing evened out and her body relaxed in sleep.

  "Whatever is your will."

  Io started awake, sitting up so fast, her head spun a bit.

  "Easy, love, settle," Xavier's voice whispered in the dark night. His arm came across her chest and he started easing her back. But then she heard it again. Something from the black edge of the forest. "Io, settle."

  "We are being watched," she said, keeping her voice low as sound traveled too easily.

  "Lie back, Io," Xavier insisted, and when she did, he drew the furs around her.

  "Something is out there."

  "Settle," he repeated as he pulled her closer and put his leg over both of hers.


  "Settle, Io, you are safe. I am aware we are watched. But your men are already about. Listen."

  She did, but all she heard was an owl off in the distance.

  "Owl," Xavier whispered in her ear. "Now dog." As if on cue, a bark then a howl. "Owl again, but twice." Like he'd some command over forest life, the hoot of the owl sounded, twice. "If we were in danger, Io, there would be much more, much louder calls. Settle, sleep. There are a few hours before sunrise.

  "Xavier?" Io whispered, pushing against him more. If her last venture into the darkness of the forest taught her anything, it taught her to be cautious of any sounds.

  "You are safe," Xavier affirmed, taking her wrist until her arm stretched over him and she felt her finger brush the hard hilt of the sword which rested at his back. "You are safe. Sleep a while more." His arm tightened more, and Io tried to relax, but sleep eluded her for most of the rest of the night and the unease she'd felt throughout lingered until the skies began to lighten.

  "You are going to be tired all day," Xavier said, startling her a bit for how awake he sounded. "Should I expect nothing but a foul mood from you?" He eased over her, letting his weight push her into the soft, mossy ground.

  "There are ways you might mitigate any unpleasant feelings," she said as she reached up to put her arms around his neck and bring his lips closer.

  "Should I thrash you now, then?" He used the moment his words stunned her and made her gasp to steal a quick kiss. "You cannot rail at me all day if your backside is sore."

  When he bent to get another kiss, Io turned her face away. "It was not the solution I was thinking of," she grumbled.

  "No?" Xavier laughed. "And here I thought I was wed to a practical woman."

  Io tried to shove him off, but he wouldn't budge. She tried next to wiggle out from under him, but he only settled more fully on her. "Oh," she growled out. "You are most terrible. Get off me," she said, punching his shoulder, but when his lips tickled that place under her jaw, the fight left.

  His lips worked down her jawline, around to her chin, which he bit softly. "Perhaps it was not one of my better suggestions," he murmured against her throat.

  "No," she huffed but lifted her chin to give him more access. "One of your worst."

  Xavier pulled back a look of mock outrage on his face. "Worst? I must disagree." His expression turned positively wicked. "I remind you of more than one occasion when you very much improved your mood after a thrashing."

  "I think you are thinking of something else entirely," she quipped back as it was impossible now not to feel his hard length pressing against her. As much as she'd like to keep the banter going, both hi
s weight and her own wants forced her legs to part. He was barely down between them before he was nudging at her entrance.

  "You may be very right," he said, lifting off her completely. He took a moment to stare down at her before he acted to flip her face down. Io had her face in the furs before she could consider what he was about, and a moment of panic rose when she felt him settle back down, slightly to the side, but enough that legs and upper body were pinned. His callus hand rubbed over her arse, causing the skin to prickle even as wetness formed between her legs. "Then again, I am certain that more than one time, a thrashing made you very pleasant company."

  "Xavier," she squeaked out just before his hand cracked down on her right cheek. It wasn't painful or forceful, neither was it a playful swat that he was quick to rub the spot. "I think you might agree now?" His wicked chuckle made her skin prickle, and when he lifted his hand again, she willed herself not to tighten her body. His hand came down again, but with the effect she most desired.

  The heat spread out over her skin and her sex pulsed. Anticipating the next, she lifted to meet his hand and bit her lip to stop the moan.

  "You are completely vulgar," Xavier said, rolling over her.

  "And you like me so," Io said, spreading her legs that he'd have the access needed to finish what he started.

  "No," he said, shifting forward and entering her only partway. "I love you that way."

  "Xavier," she called and tried to work back so he was seated more fully.

  Xavier actually countered her movement. "Ah, ah, ah," he chided. "First, you must tell the truth."

  "What truth?" Io tried again to get him inside.

  "That thrashings make you pleasant."

  Io gasped, then growled. "Xavier," she whined.

  "Admit it, and I will give you want you want." He rocked a bit forward then retreated again.

  "Xavier, that is not nice," Io grumbled again, trying to get him to fill her more completely.

  "Do you want me to be nice?" She shook her head. "No, you do not, so admit you are more pleasant if I—"

  "I am, I am, please now. My lord," she nearly yelled and shoved back so hard and fast he hit the end of the passage.


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