Falling Hearts (Hearts of Wolves Book 1)

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Falling Hearts (Hearts of Wolves Book 1) Page 4

by Maggie Garrity

  “Hi, Tegan,” Zee waved and offered a friendly smile, “Do you want to join us for lunch?” I watched as the nervous tension left Tegan’s stance and she smiled back at Zee before sitting across from Wyatt at the table. I noticed that she avoided looking at me, but her gaze flitted over to Wyatt repeatedly. Wyatt just stared at her while he ate. I grinned as I went to get several cans of soda and brought them and plates to the table.

  “Have you gotten a chance to go shopping or anything?” Zee immediately jumped into friendly conversation with Tegan. They talked about local stores, the best place for every kind of shopping I could imagine. They made plans to get together son. I watched the girls’ easy interaction with a smile. Tegan was shy with everyone, but Zee’s friendly nature made it hard not to like her. Wyatt caught my eye and gave a nod, he could see it, too.


  When I pulled into the drive after dropping Zee off at the bar, Delaney was already on the porch waiting for me. Her eyes were flashing with anger, and she stood stiffly watching me climb from the truck. I held her eye contact, waiting for her to lower her gaze. Finally, she did, but not quickly enough for the wolf in me. A growl rumbled in my chest and I caught the tremor that ran through her body. She may have blatantly broken rules, but she didn’t actually want me angry with her.

  “Delaney, my office, now,” my voice was gruff as I tried to rein in some of my anger. She avoided looking at me, but she still held her head high as she walked into the house with me following. Even as a pup, Delaney had challenged others, and she had never been a wolf to put her tail between her legs. I respected that about her, and I didn’t doubt that she could make an excellent Alpha female. She just wasn’t going to be my female.

  I shut the door to my office and turned to find her right against me. Her hands snaked around my neck quickly, pulling me down for a searing kiss. Her tongue teased my mouth. She nipped my bottom lip, trying to gain access. I removed her arms and gently pushed her away. The anger was right back in her eyes, I doubted it had ever left.

  “So, a little human bat her eyes at you and you bring her on pack land, to the pack house no less. Do you have no respect for your status as the Alpha? She is a no-body, lower even than Tegan, but at least Tegan is a wolf,” Delaney was pacing as she ranted. Her voice was an angry hiss and she hadn’t looked at me again since she started speaking. If she had she would have stopped immediately. I could feel rage boiling just under my skin, making me want to shift and put her in her place.

  “Delaney! Do not speak!” I growled at her. She froze and I watched her shrink in on herself at the power in my voice. “I will never hear you talk about humans that way again, and you will never put Tegan down again. She works harder than any other wolf in this pack. She is higher than you.” Delaney’s frightened green eyes grew wide and her mouth opened in a question or defiance, I wasn’t sure. I didn’t plan to let her say anything.

  “Oh, don’t look so shocked,” I snapped, “Did you think your little act of defiance and this angry display would go unpunished? Starting tonight you answer to Tegan. If she tells you to do something, I want it done. This will continue until I think you have learned some humility. Until then you will be considered the Omega. You will eat last, speak last, and if you cannot do all that I asked without complaint you will be packing your bags and going back to Colorado. So, before you try to protest, I suggest you think about what your father would think of such a disgrace to his name.”

  I didn’t wait for her reply as I left the office. She wouldn’t be happy, but she would do as I said. Her father was not a forgiving man. He had a lot of beliefs of what a wolf should be. Sadly, it seemed that along with a lot of the honorable traits, he had also passed along his prejudices.

  I left the house, feeling the energy still rolling off me. I went into the forest and shifted. I set off at a brisk pace, enjoying the wind as it blew through my fur. I sniffed the air as I ran, traveling quickly to the far edges of the territory near town. I noticed an odd smell, human but with a sickly evil smell. I stopped running and tried searching out where it was coming from. My hackles raised and a growl rumbled continuously in my chest. The smell was something bad, something that could hurt the pack.

  I kept my nose to the ground, following the smell along the outer perimeter of my territory. The scent never moved more than a few feet inside of my territory, almost as if whoever it was just wanted to taunt us. It finally ended at a small creek, and after assuring myself that it didn’t start again on the other side of the creek I headed back to where I had first picked up the scent.

  I could sense Wyatt and Ryker in the forest following the perimeter in other sections of the territory. Wyatt was closest to the house, Wyatt get home, now. Stay with the girls no matter what happens. Something isn’t right out on the east side of the forest. Ryker, get here quickly, we need to track this while it’s fresh. Both wolves conveyed their agreement and started running. I had a horrible feeling that this scent meant something bad was coming.

  Chapter Seven


  “You haven’t stopped smiling since you walked in tonight,” Lynn observed as she handed me beers for a table. Her eyes were full of curiosity. I sighed happily but didn’t say anything to her. I knew I was smiling like a fool. My cheeks were sore from it. I couldn’t help it though.

  Alex had been by the bar every evening since our date Monday. He never stayed long, just long enough to eat. I didn’t get to spend too much time with him, but every time I could stop by his table, he would touch me somehow. Nothing inappropriate, just a brush of his fingers along my cheek, or tucking a strand of my hair behind my ear. If I could take a break and sit with him, he held my hand. He kissed my cheek each night when he left.

  By Thursday when he was leaving, I was a ball of sexual tension. I couldn’t imagine how he was so calm about touching me. Before he left Thursday, he asked me to spend Friday morning with him. He pressed a chaste kiss to my lips when I agreed, and I gasped at the rush of heat that simple kiss caused. Looking in his eyes I realized he was just as affected as me. His pupils were dilated, and I could see amber swirling to mix with the light brown.

  When he left without taking anything further, I decided I would have to push the matter. He was incredibly sweet, but I was dying to tangle my fingers in his hair and kiss him. Dying to get his shirt off so I could trace all his magnificent muscles. I was smiling so much Friday night, because I had done just that.

  Alex was tracing designs on my palm while we sat on his cliff. I didn’t bring my sketch pad because I didn’t want distractions. He was distracting enough, sitting in a pair of dark wash jeans and a maroon button up shirt. The sleeves were unbuttoned and rolled back to reveal his forearms, and I had been idly stroking his arm until he grabbed my hand.

  My plans for seduction had gone out the window while we sat together. I was enjoying the forest, imagining how I would shade one place or another if I were drawing it. He stopped his tracing and I glanced at him to find him watching me. His eyes were intense, and, in the sunlight, they looked pure amber. I ducked my head, but he caught my chin between his thumb and finger and tipped it back up until I was looking in his eyes again.

  Alex leaned forward and brushed his lips gently across mine. The hand holding my chin slid around to my cheek and his thumb traced up and down softly. His amber eyes searched mine for a moment, and I silently begged him to kiss me again. He must have gotten my message because he pressed his firm lips against mine again. I felt his tongue flick against the seam of my lips, asking for me to open them.

  I sighed and parted my lips and slid my hands up into his hair. It was incredibly soft, and I loved the feel of it in my hands. His tongue slipped into my mouth, tracing my lips, the roof of my mouth, my tongue. I gave his hair a playful tug and he backed away with wide eyes. I gave him a half smile and he jerked me into his lap, so I was straddling him and kissed me harder. He nipped at my bottom lip and then soothed it with his tongue, and I moaned.

sp; His hands moved from my face to slide down my back. I felt his fingertips graze my bare skin as he played with the hem of my shirt. I started unbuttoning his maroon shirt and he pulled back to watch me. With each button more of his gloriously tanned skin was revealed. I leaned forward and pressed a kiss to the center of his bare chest. He pulled in a breath through his teeth, and I looked up quickly. His eyes were half lidded as he watched my progress.

  I reached that last button and I nearly moaned at the sight of him. His chest was just as I had pictured. Firm and defined muscles, an eight pack of abs and sexy lines that disappeared in his jeans. I desperately wanted to follow those lines, but I contented myself with running my fingers along his abs. His muscles clenched and he trembled a little when my fingers brushed along his ribs. I looked up at him and grinned, he was ticklish.

  “Somehow I doubt that look is meant for me,” Jackie’s wry voice pulled me from my musing. I felt a blush creep into my cheeks and Jackie giggled at me. Her eyes were suddenly focused on something behind me. “Him, I could see giving that look to. Or him… or him.” Her eyes were bright, and I turned to see what was attracting her attention.

  Alex was walking across the bar toward a table. He gave me a wink as he moved through the crowd. Wyatt and Tegan, and a couple I assumed was Delaney and Ryker followed him. Tegan waved happily at me. I couldn’t help but laugh at the sweet girl. We had been out shopping earlier in the week, and once she stepped out of her shell, Tegan was a blast to hang out with. I loved gossiping with her about Alex and Wyatt while I showed her around town.

  When my eyes shifted to the other girl in the group, who I assumed was Delaney, I was surprised to find the red head glaring venomously at me. I smiled tentatively in greeting and the girl turned up her pert little nose and sneered.

  “Huh, how’d you piss her off?” Jackie questioned as we watched Delaney slide up beside Alex and stroke her hand down his arm while she talked to him. “Oh, that explains the voodoo she just cast on you. You’re sleeping with her man.”

  “I’ve already told you we aren’t sleeping together,” I smacked her in the arm and made my way over to ask what Alex and his friends wanted to drink.

  “Hell yeah! It’s even better when they keep you up all night,” Jackie hollered, causing many patrons o chuckle. I just shook my head, planning the death of my fellow waitress. My sexy little speech to Alex on Sunday had already been well circulated and I really didn’t need any more drunks undressing me with their eyes.

  “Hey guys, what can I get everyone?” I smiled as I waited for their answers. Wyatt winked at me and asked for two beers. He laced his fingers with Tegan’s, and she blushed but nodded at him.

  “Hey doll,” Alex stood and grabbed my hand, pulling me over to him, “this is Ryker and Delaney.” He nodded to them in turn. Ryker smiled and asked for a beer, but Delaney didn’t acknowledge me at all. I could feel Alex tensing beside me, and he squeezed my hand hard enough that I sucked in a breath in pain. He looked down at me with concern and quickly released my hand.

  “I’ll be right back with your drinks,” I gave Alex a smile and went to the bar to get beers for the whole table. Delaney hadn’t ordered one, but I didn’t want to look I was excluding her out of jealousy. At that very moment, I was definitely jealous. Delaney’s hand was resting on Alex’s thigh as he spoke to her. She was shaking her head, and glanced in my direction for a moment, before turning back to Alex with what I assumed was a perfected look of innocence.

  That was how the night continued. Delaney ignored me completely unless Alex wasn’t looking, then I would feel her glaring at me. I didn’t think Alex was dating her. He’d been seeing me every day for the past week. But I didn’t really know him that well. When I looked at the table for the probably the millionth time that night, Alex was talking to Ryker while Delaney tried to distract him with her flirty touches. I wasn’t the only person upset by Delaney’s little display. Ryker looked wound tight and ready to snap as his blue eyes followed her every move.

  At one point as the night wore on Alex was dancing with Tegan while Wyatt was drinking a beer. Alex twirled Tegan away from himself and back and she was giggling like a little girl. I stopped to lean against the bar and watch their fun, grinning at how sweet Alex could be to Tegan. Right up until Delaney slinked out of the crowd. She pressed up against Alex’s back and ground against him while reaching her hand around to run from his chest down his stomach. I was seething, and when her hand slid into the top of his pants, I knew I had to get out of there. I looked for Jackie and found her already nodding with a look of sympathy on her face. I dashed from the bar.

  Chapter Eight


  I yanked Delaney’s hand out of my pants and whirled around to face her. I knew my eyes were amber. The heat of my body trying to fight the change and punish the new omega was surprising. I usually had control, but watching Zee run from the room had made the control snap. I took a deep breath to try and calm down, and then, still holding her offending hand, I drug Delaney to the hall that led to the restrooms. I had her against the wall and my face inches from hers in seconds.

  “What the fuck do you think you’re doing?” I seethed.

  “I don’t know what you’re talking about. I was just dancing with you and Tegan,” Delaney’s look of feigned innocence made me furious. A snarl ripped out of my throat and she finally seemed to understand that she had gone too far. She whimpered and bared her throat to me in a show of submission

  “You weren’t dancing Delaney,” I growled, “You think I can’t smell the scent you left all over me? I’m not your mate Delaney! I’ve told you before I don’t want to mate with you. Your jealousy of Zee has got to stop now. I swear I should be sending you home to your father.” Her eyes shot to mine, and I could see the shine of tears in them. She searched my face, silently begging me to change my mind. I wasn’t sure which decision she wanted me to change, but I knew I could never mate with her.

  “I don’t want to send you home,” I watched as her body relaxed a little and she nodded at my words, “but you need to stop this. I don’t know what Zee is to me yet, but it has nothing to do with what you are to me. You’re a pack mate, I’m your alpha. I also like to hope you are my friend.” With that I released her hand and went in search of Zee.

  I scanned the bar quickly to be sure Zee hadn’t returned. I caught Jackie’s eyes briefly and she shook her head at me. I caught Zee’s unique scent of forest and citrus and I followed it. She was once again in the alley behind the bar. This time she didn’t look embarrassed by anything. She was standing with her fists balled at her side and her brown eyes flashing. When the door closed, she narrowed her eyes at me, like she dared me to speak. I opened my mouth to explain and she pounced on me.

  “Why did you even ask me out?” she poked her finger in my chest, “You took me on a perfect date. It was like you could read my mind. You’ve been up here every night. Our date this morning! I thought just maybe you’d be a good guy. Then you show up here with this red-headed viper that has been treating me like shit all night while she rubs against you like a cat in heat!” Her cheeks were red, her breasts rose and fell with each angry breath, and I could hear her heart beating fast in her chest.

  “I came back that second time because that first night I saw you I thought you were gorgeous,” I started slowly so I could be sure she listened to me, “I asked you out that second day because you were fearless and sexy. And I’ve been back every night since because our first date was perfect, just like you said. This morning was amazing, and I haven’t stopped thinking about it. Delaney is a friend, but also a responsibility. Her father trusted me to take care of her. I can’t turn my back on her, but she is nothing more to me than a friend. I can promise you that. She’s just jealous of you.”

  While I spoke, Zee relaxed against me a little. Her fists unclenched and she pressed her palms against my chest. Her breathing was still heavy, and her heartbeat still thrummed, but I could smell the beginnings of arou
sal in her scent. She was gazing up at me with her lips parted. Her little pink tongue flicked out to wet them.

  I groaned and pulled her to me, pressing my lip to hers much rougher than I had planned. She gasped and I took advantage, invading her mouth with my tongue. I licked at her teeth, the softness of her inner cheek, and the hard palate of the roof of her mouth. Her tongue tasted me as well in more tentative flicks. Her little hand wound around my neck and she tangled her fingers in my hair. When she gave a light tug, I couldn’t fight back the growl. She pulled back and looked at me in surprise.

  “Did you just growl?” Zee breathed, and then she pulled my head back down before I could form an answer. She nipped my bottom lip and then soothed it with her tongue. I loved the feel of her soft body pressed against mine. I ran my hands down her sides and around to cup her firm ass. Her scent was filling my mind and I could feel my control slipping. I couldn’t do that here, not without warning her about my being a werewolf. I pushed her back gently, breaking our kiss.

  Zee looked hurt, and it made me regret my move. I wanted to explain to her, but I was trying to get a handle on my wolf instincts that were trying to push through. She searched my eyes for a moment, and whatever she saw there must have confirmed something for her. She nodded, turned, and walked out of the alley. I stood panting, listening to her car door shut and the engine start before she drove away.

  Chapter Nine


  My hands shook as I tried to push the buttons to call Jackie. I needed to get it together and fast. I needed some distance to do that. The ringing through my blue-tooth ended abruptly and the noisy sounds of the bar filled the line. I wondered if Delaney was dancing with Alex again.

  “Hey, are you heading home?” thank goodness for Jackie. She was great at cutting to the chase and right now I didn’t need any bullshit.


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