Falling Hearts (Hearts of Wolves Book 1)

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Falling Hearts (Hearts of Wolves Book 1) Page 9

by Maggie Garrity

  “Okay, shift back, and tell them all to get back to the cabin,” I went to get back in the car, “I don’t think anything will happen tonight, and we need a plan to protect the pack.” I drove as quickly as I thought I could push the car, with Ryker racing ahead of me looking like a ghost flitting through the trees. As I parked the car a dark grey and lighter grey wolf joined Ryker before they all shifted.

  “Nothing to report at the borders,” Jarren’s military training was making a full show tonight. I was never happier to have a former Marine in the pack. His unique way of assessing situations would be invaluable while we searched for the threat.

  “Good, did you get to look at the truck at all?” I knew the answer before asking. There was no way the cops were letting anyone near it.

  “No, sir,” Jarren answered, “I won’t be able to access the truck as a human. I am waiting for them to impound it, then I will go in as a wolf.” I gave him a slight nod before I limped up the stairs. The hole in my gut was kicking my ass. I walked into a room full of tension, and I immediately wished I were back with Zee, with her soft hands on me, soothing me.

  The pack was skittish. Wyatt was pacing the room with his eyes darting around constantly. He looked ready to climb out of his skin. Delaney looked furious, which wasn’t that new, from her seat on the couch by Tegan. Her leg was bouncing, and her fists were clenched tight. Cody sat silently beside Mackenzie who had her arm around him in a death grip.

  Tegan was the calmest of them all. She had been watching the door, and when I walked through her eyes immediately met mine. Then they instantly searched me for wounds, an easy task since I didn’t have a shirt anymore. I must have been looking better because she let out a relieved sigh. Wyatt stopped pacing when he heard her and looked me over as well. The tension in his shoulders eased a little before he started pacing again.

  “Calm down,” I tried to keep my voice low and soothing. I could almost feel all the nervous and worried energy rushing over me. “I’m doing fine. Delilah patched me up, and I’m already healing.”

  “I can’t believe you went to Zee’s place after that,” Delaney yelled, “She obviously told someone about us. How else do you explain the Hunters finding us? She probably is one, and you’re just handing her the pack because she’ll spread her legs for you. Doesn’t this pack mean anything to you?” Delaney was on her feet, her green eyes furious as she ranted at me. I wanted to tear her apart for being so disrespectful, but I pushed the instinct aside. She was scared. They all were.

  “Sit down Delaney,” Jarren spoke before I had a chance, and oddly enough Delaney listened. “Zee is not a Hunter. I’ve been to her home. She is all human, as is her sister. I did not smell even a trace of the Hunter gene in them. Besides, this scent started before Zee knew the truth about the pack.” Delaney’s anger slid from her face and I noticed the shine of tears as she ducked her head.

  “We need to talk about the explosion and the man that was standing there,” I turned to Jarren, knowing he would have some insight. “So, you agree this is a Hunter?”

  “I do,” he nodded, “It has always been a possibility but that first scent wasn’t fresh when I got here. Then there are the games, scents completely disappearing and never leaving a scent in a place where I can discern anything. They have stayed in overly populated places since I returned to the pack. That suggests that they may have some type of surveillance on the pack or they are tracking our activities in town. The use of a bomb wasn’t meant to kill. He wanted you to know he was there. He was taunting you, trying to get you to reveal yourself. From the amount of shrapnel he placed in the bomb he did want to hurt you. I think he expected you to shift from the shock. It’s a good thing you kept your senses.”

  “That would explain a lot,” I agreed, “He just stood there and smiled at me. I knew it was him, I could smell the same scent everywhere. He leaned against a car and acted like it was some big joke to him. Then when I made a move towards him the bastard ran. He was fast, too. I’ve never encountered a Hunter before, but he was faster than a human.”

  “That will be the little bit of the Lycan gene left in him,” Tegan piped up from the couch. Everyone turned to her in surprise, and her cheeks colored a little. “I started reading about Hunters after our trip home. I know Dad seemed to think we were jumping to conclusions, but Mom was worried. She gave me some books about our history and the Hunters.”

  My mind raced over what she had said. How much of the gene could he have? I hadn’t smelled anything wolf about him. Wolves couldn’t make their scent vanish and reappear at will like he seemed to be able to do. The pieces were falling into place, but I didn’t like all the missing ones. We’d never been threatened by Hunters when I was growing up. We knew of them though. Now we were being threatened. I could only hope it was just this one man. Our pack was new and small, it wouldn’t be easy to take on a cell of Hunters.

  Chapter Nineteen


  It had been four days since Alex’s truck exploded and three days since my car had shown up with a note from Alex in the visor with my keys.


  I doubt thank you will cover what you and your sister did for me and my family but thank you. I’m sorry that your sister didn’t believe us. In case you’re wondering (I bet you are) I’m all healed up. Not a scratch on me. It’s those good genes.

  Don’t forget what I said about being friends. I’ll be seeing you as soon as things are more secure and maybe we can discuss my friendly plans.

  - Alex”

  I’d laughed at his note, and Delilah had asked what was funny. The moment I mentioned Alex she talked over me about one of her classes. She didn’t talk about him and if I brought him up, she changed the subject quickly. Jarren was a different story. If I mentioned him, she would turn red and leave the room. I gave up all conversation that had to do with the pack after two days of it.

  Delilah and I’s relationship was becoming a little strained, so when she dropped by the bar for a drink, I was happy. Her dark hair was in loose curls that I was positive had taken her hours. I took in her dark wash jeans and low-cut black sweater, and I smirked. She was dressed to impress tonight, or to make someone jealous.

  Whoever it was supposed to be, she didn’t take long to draw attention. A guy I’d never seen before walked up to Delilah’s table. He was tall, much taller than Delilah. His muscles were defined under his fitted button up charcoal colored shirt. It tapered to fit snuggly against his trim waist. The black designer jeans hung off his hips in a very studied but attractive way.

  His brown hair was shorter on the sides and a little long on top. It was styled in haphazard clumps, like he’d just came from a round of wild, hair grabbing sex. His high forehead and defined cheekbones seemed to be at war with his surprisingly full lips.

  Said lips turned up in a smirk as he spoke to Delilah, motioning to the empty chair at her table. I almost gasped when she blushed and nodded. It wasn’t like Delilah to flirt with the tourists, but there he went sitting down with her. He angled his chair towards her and quickly engaged her in conversation and making her giggle.

  From a distance something about him bothered me. He seemed too perfect. A shitty thought to have, like Delilah didn’t deserve perfect. But still, why was someone dressed that nicely wasting time in the bar. He belonged at the resort. Delilah’s smile stopped my thoughts. I couldn’t rain on her parade, when I hadn’t seen her smiling with a guy in ages.

  I didn’t have any more time to worry about Delilah. Jackie had asked for the night off. I could have kicked her for it as the night progressed. The bar was packed, and the tips were great, but I was running around like a crazy person trying to keep up with orders. James slinked his way out of the dish-room to help. I’d have to share my tips with the greasy asshole, but it was worth it to be able to catch my breath a little.

  Shortly after nine Alex walked in flanked by Jarren and Wyatt. Now that I knew what I was looking for I couldn’t help but chuckle at the guys.
All three subtly raise their heads and their nostrils flared as they smelled the room. Their eyes shifted restlessly hitting on every person in the bar, as they made their way to a table. I doubted they missed anything, including Delilah giggling foolishly with her new friend.

  Jarren’s head snapped around so fast at the sound that I was worried he’d give himself whiplash. I glanced at my sister, too. Two hours of talking and drinking had my sister plastering herself to the stranger. She leaned in closely to talk in his ear and he stroked his finger down her cheek to her neck, continuing the trail to her collarbone.

  I could only shake my head at Delilah’s antics. She’d end up sleeping with the guy at this rate, and then I’d pick up the piece when he went home to his girlfriend. Pessimism and I were apparently good friends tonight. Trying to shake my thoughts I headed to ask the guys what they wanted. The closer I got to the table the more I could hear Jarren’s steady growling as he watched Delilah.

  “Jarren, shut up and stay, or get the hell out if you can’t control yourself!” I snapped, catching all three men off guard. His ice blue eye shot to mine and his lip curled in a snarl. I leaned closer to speak quietly, “You’re drawing attention to yourself. I don’t know who he is, and while I don’t like him either, you cannot sit here acting like a wolf protecting his mate. Delilah isn’t yours to protect. Now, what are you guys drinking tonight?”

  “Three beers, Zee,” Wyatt answered with a grin. Alex looked surprised but maybe a little pleased at my outburst. I wasn’t sure why I had said anything, other than people had been looking at Jarren and I got worried. The growling had stopped, but Jarren’s eyes still tracked everything going on at Delilah’s table.

  “Got it, be right back,” I bent to kiss Alex on the cheek and went to get their drinks. That ended up being the last time I made it to their table that night. They didn’t stay long. Wyatt seemed twitchy, looking at every person as if they would suddenly blow up their beer mug.

  Jarren didn’t even drink his beer. He studied Delilah and her new friend the whole time. Delilah must have realized that Jarren was watching because she ramped up the flirting. I struggled not to laugh when Delilah climbed in the guy’s lap and Jarren’s face turned red. When the flirting couple finally left, Jarren shot to his feet and followed them. That wasn’t going to end well.

  “He won’t start trouble,” Alex’s voice slid over me, making me forget to worry. He pulled me back into him and wrapped his arms around my stomach. Warmth coursed through me at his touch and I leaned back, trying to put more of me in contact with him.

  “He says something isn’t right about the guy and he wants to see where he’s going. I think he wants your little sister. I’ve never seen Jarren lose his composure with anyone but her.” He pressed his nose in my hair and took a deep breath. I relaxed in his embrace for a moment before I pulled away.

  “I agree with him about this guy,” I turned to face him. “Something about him was really bugging me. Oddly enough, I’m glad Jarren is keeping an eye out for her. I just hope he doesn’t get too wrapped up in her. Delilah isn’t likely to ever accept him, or any of you.” I shrugged and looked up at him.

  “And her sister?” Alex bent to brush his lips lightly against mine. “Could she accept us? Or even just me?” His voice was a whisper and his lips brushed mine as he spoke. I hated that he doubted me, but I couldn’t blame him.

  “Hmm…she might be persuaded,” I smiled slyly at him. “How about since you showed me your thinking spot, I’ll show you my favorite place to go? I’m off during the day tomorrow.”

  “That sounds great,” he grinned, and his dimples caused my breath to catch. “Do you want to meet here around ten?”

  “Perfect,” I pressed a kiss to his lips, but when he tried to pull me closer, I pushed against his chest to stop him. “You guys get out of here. I’ve got work to finish and you’re distracting me. I’ll see you in the morning. Wear boots.” With that I headed to talk with a customer who was waving his glass at me.


  When 10am came, I pulled into the lot to find Alex already waiting. His dark wash jeans, and typical black shirt were paired with what appeared to be a new black leather coat. I grinned as he bounced on the balls of his feet in the cold with his breath coming in little puffs of steam.

  “It’s a good thing we aren’t climbing cliffs today,” I told him as I stepped out of my car. I’d gone for comfort instead of sexy, wearing a pair of fitted but well-worn jeans, a cream-colored sweater and my jacket. He took in my outfit and his lips tipped up into an appreciative smile. “That leather jacket wouldn’t have survived the rocks.”

  “So where are we going?” he asked as I waved him over to my car. He eyed it apprehensively before he got in.

  “I saw that look,” I told him and shot him a glare. “This car has lasted me since I was 16, and it gets around good in the winter.” His chuckle made me smile as he slid into the car without a word about it.

  He told me about the police investigation while we drove. After several interviews with Wyatt and Tegan, since they claimed to drive the truck that night, the police were leaning towards teenagers acting out. The bomb wasn’t overly complicated, the screws and nails used for shrapnel were sold everywhere. Evidence was severely lacking, and Alex wasn’t interested in pursuing it.

  Our walk after I parked my car was quiet. The silence was comfortable, and I didn’t spend the whole time thinking of how to fill it. Instead I watched the forest for new drawing opportunities and avoided where my thoughts wanted to stray. After several minutes, the trees thinned out and a little beach like area stretched along part of a small lake.

  “This is where I come to think,” I pulled him to a tree that had fallen during a windstorm. It made a perfect bench. “I draw here a lot, too. The fallen trees mixed in with the new growth make great contrasts for my sketching. Plus, there is a lot of wildlife around. When I get out here early enough, I can watch the deer come down to the lake.” I looked out over the beautiful lake and smiled.

  Several trees in the area had fallen like the one I used to sit on. Moss covered some, and others were drying out over time. This time of the year it was a sea of autumn colors around us, and the surface of the lake was glassy and calm. It made me wonder how soon we would get our first snow.

  “This is within the pack’s territory,” Alex was looking around the lake. He placed his hand on a few trees and walked to the water’s edge to gaze out across it. “It’s peaceful here. I understand why you like coming here to draw.” He made his way back over to sit beside me on the log.

  “How far does your territory range?” my curiosity had the best of me. He’d told me the history, but he never openly discussed the pack. I’d been curious and done some research on wolves. I knew Alex was the alpha, the other’s looked at him for everything. I wondered who his second in command was. I figured Jarren or Wyatt, they seemed to be the ones he relied on the most in situations.

  “We cover the forest, and we’ve started to move our boundaries out to include Cadillac,” his gaze was far away, like he was picturing the borders. “We can’t police the borders around Cadillac as wolves, it would draw too much attention. Realistically we just want other packs to know that we claim the town as part of our home. Wyatt thinks once we have more wolves, we need to push the border out more, but I think for now we are handling enough with the forest and Cadillac.”

  “And Wyatt, he’s what exactly?” I hoped he didn’t mind my prying. I wanted to understand how it all worked.

  “Wyatt is the beta male,” Alex answered easily, like my questions weren’t bothering him. “He is like a lieutenant. Minor things go through him, he ensures people are doing their jobs, and he helps keep the pack safe.” He shrugged his shoulders and seemed to think for a moment before going on.

  “Really he does a lot of things. I may lead the pack, but most things go through Wyatt before they come to me. I make the rules. Their protection and well-being are in my hands. I lead hunts
and pack runs. I am the final say in anything pack related.”

  “That seems… odd,” I couldn’t really wrap my head around letting another person control my life. “I mean, I can’t imagine having someone dictate my life.”

  “We don’t think like that,” his eyebrows pulled together as he tried to put explain it to me. “We share traits with humans and with wolves. The wolf side makes us crave the pack life. Wolves are social animals; werewolves are just as social. There are exceptions. Some wolves leave their pack because they want a human life. They still tend to be very social, just among humans.”

  “If a person is turned, they just fall right into that life?” I ignored the little voice inside that hissed at me for asking that question. I wasn’t asking for myself, just because I was curious.

  “I can’t say for sure,” Alex answered, his brown eyes searched my face for a minute before he continued. “I was born a werewolf, so it has always been a part of who I am. The pack life is all I’ve ever known. Tegan would be able to give you an idea though. She was turned young, but she still remembers being human once.”

  I nodded, trying to keep my features schooled. I didn’t want to give him hope, because even though I couldn’t deny my curiosity, I didn’t know if it was a life I could choose yet. I turned to look out over the lake. When the weather was warm it would be filled with geese. Some days I brought bread and fed them. Today nothing moved across the surface.

  “Can I see you?” I finally asked. I didn’t look away from the lake. I was afraid of what he would say. From the corner of my eye I saw him reach out to me. His finger traced down my cold cheek and I shivered at the contact.


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