Alpha Knows Best: Second Chance Shifter Romance (Southern Shifters Book 3)

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Alpha Knows Best: Second Chance Shifter Romance (Southern Shifters Book 3) Page 13

by Eliza Gayle

  Malcolm wasn’t about to remind her that she’d said no only a few hours ago. Now, as he stared into those crystal blue eyes, he knew there was no chance of turning back. She’d likely damn him later but not until she stopped screaming and begging from the pleasure he intended to give her.

  “I’m going to put my mouth on your pussy until you scream, Chey. I want to feel all that sweet cream flowing across my tongue as you come for me. Are you ready for that?”

  She whimpered and nodded. He smiled and eased the rest of the way down to her body where she parted her legs wide for him. He settled between her lush thighs and positioned his face over the blush pink folds that were flush with her need. The sight made the cat scream. He tried to tighten the leash and the cat shook him off. He wanted nothing to do with Malcolm’s control. He kissed her first. A soft touch just above her mound. He watched her gasp and whine as he continued, making sure that every inch of delicate skin between her thighs received an equal amount of attention.

  With his fingers, he parted her folds and admired the wet flesh underneath. With his head swimming from the scent alone, he swiped his tongue from one end to the other, adding a hard little flick to her most sensitive bundle of nerves. She jerked underneath him, forcing him to grip her hips with his hands to keep her in place.

  “Holy hell, baby. You’re so hot and sweet I might come before I ever get inside you,” he whispered, trying to ignore the harsh graveled tone of his voice.

  “Oh, God. More. Please. More.” Her pleas did not fall on deaf ears. He smiled, more than happy to oblige her. He wanted to eat her night and day. Screw food. He needed Chey pussy for breakfast every morning.

  “Relax, Chey. Let me show you how much I love every inch of you. Trust me.” He immediately stroked and lapped at her sex. Touch after touch, he drove her closer to release. With her wild jerks and frantic hip thrusts he once again contemplated the ropes. She’d look so fucking good tied up. At his mercy. Begging for more all day long.

  She spread her thighs wider and he stifled a smile against her thigh. That was more like it. Less fighting, more fucking. That would definitely be his motto from here on out. He licked and sucked some more, nearly exploding when she reached up and grabbed her own nipple. She rolled it between her fingers and pinched it hard.

  A greedy grip of need had him plunging his tongue inside the entrance of her tight and clenching pussy. He worked his magic until she whimpered and cried out for relief. A wide smile spread across his face while he worked her relentlessly. How many times had he dreamt of her? Of this? The reality was easily a hundred times better. He’d been such a damned fool. He growled in warning when she grabbed his hair and tried to direct him where she so desperately needed him. Her hold eased.

  “I can’t take it,” she cried.

  Malcolm had no intention of torturing his mate a second longer. He curled his tongue around her clit and sucked on the plump bud he knew would give her the release she sought. Her thighs tightened around his head, his claws shredded the sheets and her whimpers filled the room. The center of her body flowed hot and liquid. She was so close.

  One last pull and she arched violently, screaming in orgasm. A sudden jerk brought her off the mattress and Malcolm raced to catch her before she fell off the bed. He grabbed her arms and pulled her to him. Her heart raced wildly against his chest, her breathing ragged in his ear. Her head fell onto his shoulder and the world beyond the two of them melted away. The tremors still running through her squeezed his heart. He ignored the insistent throbbing in his cock and instead focused on the incredible moment presented to him. His woman in his arms, holding onto him like a lifeline. She made everything worth it.

  Her nails bit into his arms, making him smile. He lowered his mouth to the red spot on her neck where he’d marked her earlier. Moments before his mouth closed over the sensitive skin, she murmured his name. He bit down.

  Chey’s common sense was screaming at her. Don’t do this. Not again. However, the aftermath of her explosive release left her unable to think straight. Like it or not, she wanted more and anything less wasn’t enough. A fresh wave of ecstasy from his mouth on her shoulder washed over her, pulling her deeper into the desire she couldn’t wipe away no matter how hard she tried.

  With his teeth embedded in her flesh, his hot tongue stroked over her again and again. The man knew how to use his mouth, that’s for sure. Her entire body felt hot and loose under his touch despite the frantic way she held onto him. That skin-to-skin contact meant everything to her. Hell, it was more than the contact. Had a day ever gone by she hadn’t thought of him? She’d spent a lot of time and energy on being angry with him instead of trying to move on.

  One of his hands roamed to her thigh and spread her legs until she straddled him. It would be so easy to lift up and take him inside her. Her stomach jerked at the remembered sensation of his thick shaft pushing its way inside her. She wanted to feel that again but not yet. First, she needed her own exploration.

  She pushed at his shoulders with no results. He was like a brick wall. “Malcolm.” She shoved again.

  In a slow, sort of regretful motion, he released her shoulder and looked into her eyes. Wild. That’s the only word she could think of when she looked into the golden green of his gaze. The primal hunger she recognized took her breath away. He wanted her.

  “I’ve never wanted a woman the way I want you.” His confession shocked her. He’d been with so many others. She hated that all the stories she’d heard plagued her still. Her eyes closed and she turned away from his knowing eyes.

  “Look at me.” His hand curved around her jaw and firmly turned her back to face him. “Open your eyes, Chey.”

  She shook her head. “Don’t want to.”

  “Yes you do. Look at me,” he repeated. The commanding tone of his voice made it all but impossible not to obey. Her heart ached for him.

  “The last few years have been more difficult than you can imagine.” Tears formed in her eyes and threatened to fall. Somehow she held back.

  “I only want you. That’s all that matters. If nothing else, please don’t underestimate how much I desire you.” He lifted her hand and brought it to his thigh, where her fingers brushed his erection. “Feel how hard you make me. How much I need you. If you believe nothing else, believe that I am yours every bit as much as you are mine.”

  Chey tried and failed to swallow past the lump forming in her throat. He made it difficult for her to catch her breath.

  “You walked away and never looked back. I didn’t do this.” Not once had he tried to contact her. If he had, things might have turned out very different. This fantasy he had about her now wouldn’t last. Not once he found out the whole truth.

  “I never said I wasn’t a cold hearted bastard. But a man can only take so much and I’ve reached my limit.” He dragged his thumb across her lip. “My methods have always been harsh but back then my motives weren’t complicated. I had a duty I owed to my family. The rules I resented were still rules and it was all I had left to cling to. Funny how quickly all that turned. Now I’m prepared for any outcome except one.”

  She looked at him, holding her breath while waiting for him to continue.

  He pressed his lips to hers for a gentle kiss. “If you walk away now it’s nothing less than I deserve but for now I have hope.”

  Chey trembled under the liquid gold of his gaze. For a fleeting moment, he gave her hope as well. The dark, haunting emotions she carried with her on a daily basis slid to the deep recesses of her mind. Right here in this moment, she believed her world hadn’t turned upside down and ripped her heart out.

  “It’s impossible to change the mistakes of the past. You can never go back and undo what was done.”

  “I know. So that leaves only now and what we choose to do with the future.” He brushed his hand down her arm, soothing her.

  “If only it were that easy.” He had no idea what he had in store for him if she stayed with him much longer. The truth always
went for the jugular.

  “Stay with me today. Worry about tomorrow later.” He cut off her protest by kissing her again. A soft slant of lips across hers, a swift plunge of his tongue into her mouth until the heat exploded in her senses and he got exactly what he wanted: her need.

  She grabbed at his chest and arms, clawing her way to his waist. The inward hiss against her mouth only spurred her on. The press of his cock at her tender flesh sent shockwaves streaking through her. As much as she wanted him inside her, slaking both their need, there was something she had to have first. It was her turn to blow his mind.

  Chey placed both palms on his chest and pushed with all the strength she could muster. Fortunately for her, catching him off guard worked perfectly. He fell back on the bed with a dull thud and a quizzical expression on his face.

  “Chey… What are you doing?”

  Trying to catch her breath. His movement caused the head of his dick to press against her clit and a harsh burst of pleasure had exploded over her. She gulped air until the fog in her brain dissipated. Finally, she slowly lifted her hips until their bodies no longer touched.

  A warning growl erupted from Malcolm.

  “Let me do this my way this time. I need this. Please.”

  The harsh expression on his face softened and he nodded, although the muscle tic in his jaw indicated he allowed this with the barest of control. She liked that. It gave her the impression of power, something that had been lacking in her life for quite some time.

  “I’ve dreamt of this you know. You lying in my bed with me hovering over you. Touching every single inch of your body.”

  His teeth clenched and those rumbling growls returned. “I love that sound you know. I don’t know what it is about your growls but they make me so wet.”

  “Jesus, Chey. How am I supposed to lie here after a comment like that?”

  She laughed, surprised to hear the unfamiliar sound from her own mouth. How did he keep doing that to her? “Come on, Malcolm. Be a good little kitty for me.”

  “I’m about to show you a good little kitty.” The words were rough—the tone all deep, dark need. A shiver worked over her.

  Chey ignored him and curled against his side until her face was only inches away from his groin. His erection was thick, the engorged head a deep shade of red with a tinge of purple. She wrapped her fingers around the shaft and lifted it from his stomach. Pre-cum glistened at the top, beckoning her. She had to taste.

  Chey brought her lips to the tip and flicked her tongue across the small slit at the top. Salt and spice exploded across her taste buds, awakening her senses even further. Bold now, she squeezed her hand until he hissed his appreciation. Control. She liked this. She circled the head and lapped at every spot of flesh she could touch. She loved the soft, smooth as silk skin stretched taut from his desire.

  “Ahhh, Chey. You plan to kill me today don’t you?” His fingers slid into her hair and tightened enough to tug her forward. She followed his direction and covered his head completely. The insistent ache between her thighs nearly drove her mad while she took him nice and slow. They didn’t have to rush. She had time to explore him and that’s what she aimed to do.

  How many nights had she lain in bed and dreamed about this? Despite all the changes she’d gone through, it was brief memories of the cougar who played with her and the man who’d taken her virginity that got her through the roughest days. She’d managed to nurse the anger only for a few months. How did you stay mad at the man who’d given you the greatest gift of your life? Instead, it was the emotional pain that had lingered despite everything.

  His muscles tightened and he sucked in a sharp breath. “I don’t think I have the control for this for long, baby. You’re killing me. I’m going to crawl out of my skin if you don’t let me inside you.”

  Instead of slowing her movements, Chey picked up the pace. Him in control was exactly what she didn’t want. The thought of him under her control or, better yet, completely out of control, made her stomach clench with excitement.

  A dangerous growl she recognized all too well filled the room. “When you get done playing, I’m going to fuck you. I’m going to flip you on your stomach and hold you down while I take you until we’re both in the agony you’re giving me.”

  His whispered words worked over her like warm oil on cold skin. Her legs trembled and her stomach fluttered wildly. She wasn’t exactly immune to the clawing animal inside. She screamed in her head for more until Chey thought she would go out of her mind.

  “Fuck. Stop.” The alarm in Malcolm’s voice shocked Chey to the core. She lifted her head and he launched from the bed. “We’ve got incoming.”

  “What? How? Who? Are you sure?” She reached for her clothes and began to dress.

  “Don’t bother. We’re going to have to make a run for it.”

  She only hesitated for a second before she shoved the pants back down her legs and stepped out of them. It didn’t take a genius to know he meant they’d be shifting soon.

  He grabbed her hand and dragged her to the ground. “Stay low. I have no idea if they’re coming in hot.”

  “Who? What the hell is going on? How could anyone find us here?”

  “The who is likely Ben and that bitch. The how I have no idea. Only a couple of people know about this place.”

  “How much time do we have before they’re at the house?” They didn’t have time to worry about how they’d been found. For now, their complete focus had to be on getting the hell out of here without getting captured.

  “Less than a minute or two. They’re right out front. Hence we aren’t getting out of here in the Jeep. I’d bet money on it being disabled as we speak. But we can’t shift until we get clear of the house so we’ve got to go now. I can get us out of here but you have to stay close.”

  Chey smirked. “Just go. I’m right behind you.”

  He squeezed her hand and planted a hard kiss on her lips before letting go. The look in his eyes made her stomach tumble. He had way too much power over her. Before she could think about that her ears perked up. Quiet scrapings at the front door. “They’re here.”

  Malcolm crossed his mouth with his finger halting their conversation. If the people out front were shifters they’d be able to hear every word they said. For once, her incredible hearing would be working against her.

  Moving from the bedroom she followed Malcolm into the shadows of the large living and kitchen area. The windows were not covered and if they weren’t extremely careful they’d become sitting ducks. All of their senses were stronger than humans, including their eyesight. She could see in the dark nearly as well as the daylight. Already she began debating which animal to allow free. She’d been told many times how weird it was that she could be either. That in one body she captured both the spirit of the wolf and the cougar. Natural enemies.

  It didn’t feel weird to her. How could it? She’d known nothing else. Each one had their advantages and disadvantages, but in a time sensitive situation it wasn’t easy enough to go back and forth. During the precious seconds it took to change she would be incredibly vulnerable. The wolf was always stronger in a fight but the cougar moved much faster.

  Malcolm moved again and she followed. So far the intruders had not been able to breach the door. He led her to what she thought had been a simple pantry to find the far corner held a trap door. Malcolm lifted the door and she peered down the steps leading under the house. When he indicated for her to go, she hesitated. Trapped under the house didn’t sound like a good idea.

  Malcolm placed his mouth right at her ear and barely whispered, “Trust me.”

  Trust him. Boy, wasn’t that a tall order. However, she did believe in his own need for self-preservation enough to believe he wasn’t going to get them caught. They didn’t go to this much effort to escape the first time to just give in now. Chey silently moved down the staircase and into the pitch-dark cellar. It wasn’t big enough to be called a basement. Chey curled her lip at the pungent scent
of damp rotting earth that stung her nostrils and made her eyes water. This place desperately needed an airing out.

  She jumped when someone touched her shoulder. A hand whipped up and covered her mouth, and in a whirl of dust, she swung around to come face to face with Malcolm. The scream she’d been ready to let loose died on her tongue. He’d managed to close the cellar door and get down the stairs behind her without so much as a single creak. His ability to move astounded her.

  He motioned her to remain quiet before slowly releasing the death grip across her face. She had so many questions about what the hell they were doing down here it nearly killed her to keep them inside. Even the slightest sound could alert whoever was in the house to their whereabouts. And they were definitely in the house.

  There’d been a single creak above their heads only seconds ago. Chey glanced around the room searching for something—hell anything that gave her a sign of his plan. Except there was nothing here. Four walls, stinky dirty and stairs leading back into the house and in the hands of their would-be captors.

  After what felt like hours but was probably only about forty-five minutes, Malcolm pulled her close and whispered again at her ear, “I think it’s safe to move but we still have to be careful and not make a sound. They haven’t gone far.”

  “You really think they’re still here?” she mouthed.

  “Ben is a patient hunter. More so than anyone I’ve ever met. He’s waiting somewhere close by.”

  Chey nodded. Emotion knotted her stomach. Not exactly fear. Okay, maybe a little fear. Getting dragged in front of the cougar council by Ben and that bitch wasn’t exactly her idea of a good time. Humiliation was definitely not her thing. Finding the bastard who killed John — now that’s all that mattered.

  “How do you propose we get out of the house?”

  Malcolm flashed his teeth in a wicked grin that looked more like a snarl to her. “Ye of little faith. No hidey hole is worth dick if there isn’t more than one way out.” His head inclined toward the far corner and she zeroed in on the location searching for a door. Still nothing. He silently laughed and Chey bit back an angry retort. Now he was just playing with her.


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