Rebirth of the Heroes

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Rebirth of the Heroes Page 10

by NAK Baldron

She turned, fists up ready to fight, but lowered them the moment she saw Ren and embraced him in a hug.

  "You're in danger—"

  "I know." She gave him a comforting pat on the back. "It's as it should be."

  "Kaito-Tanken Shaya." The sorcerers spoke in unison, with one voice. "You're granted admittance to the Amethyst Nation, provided you swear not to speak of what you learn with anyone outside our Nation."

  She stood frozen like a statue for several breaths.

  "I swear upon my honor to never reveal what I learn."

  A sudden force, like the wind of an ice storm, pushed Ren back. His being slipped through the stone walls of the Bloody Square, and he found himself back in the void.



  Texas, Earth

  Tuesday, September 27th

  The next day Kandice woke up a little after 9:00 AM with a splitting headache. She sat up and Lance brought her a shot of vodka with a packet of powder.

  "This will take the headache away in about ten minutes," he said. "It really works."

  The powder tasted like dirt in her mouth, so she appreciated the vodka to wash it down. The slight burn helped mask the poor taste.

  "How do you want your eggs?" Slava asked from behind the counter.

  "Any way is fine," she said.

  "Fried it is."

  When she sat down at the breakfast table with everyone, there was a large jug of orange juice, toasted bagels, eggs, and strange bacon.

  "It's turkey," Blake told Kandice when she picked it up.

  "Oh," she said. "I didn't take y'all for health-conscious."

  "We're not," Lance said. "Slava doesn't eat pork."

  "Pigs are filthy animals," Slava said.

  She took a cautious bite. "It's actually pretty good."

  "Yeah," Blake said. "I've already had two pieces."

  When they finished eating, Kandice did the dishes, despite Slava and Lance both protesting. She gave Blake a look, and he reluctantly gathered up the dishes and helped clean them.

  "Are you ready to go car shopping?" Lance asked Kandice when they had finished.

  "No," she said. "I've got to go home and change."

  "Oh. Right," he said.


  He was still wearing the same clothes as the day before.

  "I'll follow you," Lance said, "and we'll take my SUV to the dealership."

  "Thank you for breakfast," Blake said. "I should head home. I've already got four missed calls from Aunt Jackie."

  "You can move in with me you know," Kandice said.

  It just came out. It hadn't been the plan to ask him to move in so soon, as the slightest change was difficult for him to process. But Blake moving in with her would have been what their mother wanted. Plus, he was great company, and her only family left.

  "Are you sure?" Blake asked. "I mean, you've only got the one room. Wouldn't it be weird if I was living in your living room?"

  "Not at all," she said. "You don't have to answer now. Think about it and let me know."

  "Okay," he said, and left to head home.

  Lance picked up his keys. "Are you ready?"


  They pulled into a small dealership that wasn't far from her apartment. There were maybe thirty cars to choose from. Even though they only sold used cars, they all looked immaculate. There was one row of six sports cars that caught her eye. Going fast sounded exhilarating.

  Once they parked, a man came out to greet them. "Hi, Lance. Do you need to trade in your SUV already?"

  "No, not today," Lance said. "We're here to get her a new car. Kandice, this is Mike. Mike, Kandice."

  "Pleasure to meet you." Mike shook her hand. "Do you know what you're looking for?"

  Lance turned to Kandice. "Sportscar?"

  "Yes," she said with a giant smile.

  "Right this way," Mike said.

  He led them over to the row of cars Kandice had seen as they pulled in. There was a little BMW, and a Porsche, but it was the midnight-blue Mustang that caught her eye. It looked fast, but also had enough room for more than two people.

  "Great choice," Mike said. "This is a 2010 Mustang GT. Semi-automatic transmission, with paddle-shifters. Zero to sixty in 4.9 seconds, and tops out at about 150 miles per hour."

  "How much?" Lance asked.

  "Same as usual?" Mike whispered to Lance. "All cash?"

  "Yes, same as usual."

  Mike pulled out his phone and tapped away.

  "With all the fees, it would be thirteen five," Mike said.

  "Sounds good. Get the keys."

  "Are you sure? That's a lot of money," Kandice said, after Mike had walked back toward the building.

  "It's okay," Lance said. "Besides, he'll set up all the paperwork to where it's not in your name. It's well worth the extra price."

  Mike came back and handed the keys to Kandice.

  "We'll be back in about twenty minutes," Lance said.

  "Sounds good," Mike said. "Don't wreck it."

  They both laughed.

  Kandice climbed into the driver's seat, and Lance sat beside her.

  "How do I drive this?"

  "It's basically the same as any car," Lance said. "You'll just use the paddles behind the steering wheel, the right to shift up, and the left to shift down."

  Kandice started the car and pulled it forward. When they got on the street, the car took off like a rocket.

  "Press the right," Lance said.

  She did, and the needle dropped out of the red.

  "Again," he said.

  The needle dropped again.

  They came to a light, so she slowed down.

  "Press the left twice," he said.

  She did, and the engine revved up a little.

  Once they got through the light, they took the ramp onto the highway. Kandice shifted up this time without having to be told. When she merged onto the highway, the car was already doing seventy mph.

  "Take the toll road," Lance said. "We'll open it up and see what it can do."

  She took the toll road overpass at eighty-five mph. The car hugged the turn and didn't slide at all. Once they were on the highway, Lance turned on the police scanner that was in the middle of the dashboard.

  "No cops," he said. "Go as fast as you can."

  Kandice got into the far-left lane and put the pedal down. The car climbed to 120mph and she let off the gas. It was far too fast for her comfort. The car wasn't shaky, but she didn't feel in control.

  "I can't go that fast."

  "That's okay," he said. "You'll get used to it. It's just important that the car can do it if you ever need to get away."

  They took an exit and pulled into a gas station so Lance could get into the driver's seat. He wanted to test out the engine and see how fast the car could really go.

  When they were back on the highway, Lance got up to 145mph before their exit forced him to slow down.

  They were back in the dealership parking lot in under ten minutes.

  "What did you think?" Mike asked as they got out of the car.

  "Do you like it?" Lance asked Kandice.


  "We'll take it," Lance said.

  "Excellent," Mike said. "Give me about an hour, and I'll have all the paperwork done."

  They spent the hour finding a storage facility that was open 24/7 and had security on-site to store her moped long term. The unit they settled on was a ten-minute drive from Kandice's apartment.

  When they got back to the dealership, it had been two hours.

  Mike was waiting for them.

  "Are we good to go?" Lance asked.

  "Yes Sir," Mike said.

  He had put the dealer tags on the car and showed them the registration. It was under a Susan Carroll. They went into Mike's office, where Lance counted out $13,240 for Mike. The receipt showed the car sold for $9,800, with taxes and title. Mike counted out the money, put half into an envelope, and half into a safe behind his

  "As always, it was a pleasure," Mike said, and shook Lance's hand, then Kandice's.

  He gave Kandice the keys and walked them out to the car.

  "If you need anything, just stop by or call," Mike said.

  "I'm sure I'll see you again soon," Lance said.

  Mike beamed with a smile.

  Kandice got into her new car to follow Lance back to the house.


  Sapphire Nation, Fencura

  Shaya turned back to Ren, but he was gone. She heard him calling for her, yet there was no sound—it felt like a thin fishing line pulling on her ear, egging her outside the Bloody Square.

  She turned back to the sorcerer's circle. "Where did he go?"

  "Unsure." The sorcerers answered as one. "There're many places, even unplaces."

  "We're done here?" she asked. "I've passed my trial, and won't face death?"


  Not wasting another moment, she took the west gate, but instead of stepping onto the street, she found a wall of white light blocking her path.


  The faintest whisper. "Shaya."

  She took a deep breath—though her lungs didn't fill—and stepped into the light only to find herself in the void again. Her eyes were burning in the light, but in the void they turned cold like an ocean wave during the rainy season.


  "Shaya!" Ren answered, and this time the voice was strong and clear.

  Shaya spun in all directions but couldn't spot him. After a minute of calling to one another and spinning in every direction imaginable, she stopped.

  Searching is pointless.

  Resolved, she centered her mind and allowed the sea of calm to wash over her. If she'd had a face, it would have shown a chiseled, unwavering expression of indifference. A moment later her consciousness became a blue orb which swelled to twice her normal size. She'd become a beacon of light in the utter darkness of the void.

  "Is that you?" Ren asked.

  "Yes. Come toward my light."

  Moments passed.

  Waiting hurt Shaya's gut like food poisoning: first knots, then wrenches. Eventually she puked more light—her orb expanded further, and she began to feel thin.

  It was worth it, because her orb touched the outer shell of Ren's consciousness. He too erupted into a ball of light, an orange sphere-small by comparison, but bright enough to overpower the blue hue around him-and flood the space with his own orange glow.

  "Together now," she said. "Focus on Shinzo."

  "Right, we're inside the Emperor's court."

  Ren envisioned the space and willed the image to Shaya. She could see the guards and tapestries on the wall. Her own body lay on the ground in Ren's arms, an odd experience to see herself from an outside perspective. In that moment Shaya realized why it was so easy to scare others into following her commands. Not many women wore the fine lines of battle on their forearms with pride, nor pulled off a blood-red sash with poise. But even lying there unconscious, she looked every bit the role of Kaito-Tanken. Her father would be proud.

  "Now!" they cried in unison.


  Sapphire Nation, Fencura

  The weight of Ren's body pressed into the stone floor as he held Shaya in his arms. It felt unnatural after being in the void for so long, and it dawned on Ren why sorcerers were usually so thin. He had never considered himself fat by any means, but the thought of losing weight didn't seem like a bad idea now.

  Shaya shifted in his arms to give him a strong hug, and Ren was pulled out of his drifting thoughts to the growing fact she was laying in his lap hugging him. She'd been his only friend in need of help as she lay dying, but now she was a woman and his body knew it. Goosebumps lingered on Ren's skin from the chill of the void, but as she lay in his lap, his skin began to feel like it was on fire—and all while his pants tightened.

  Ren pushed himself away from Shaya. "I'm glad," he swallowed hard, "you're back. I was so worried. Your skin was a dark blue."

  Her skin quickly regained its natural wheat complexion, though a faint blue hue was still visible. "Look at yourself." She glanced down at his lap as she pushed herself up.

  Ren did and found his own arms were the faint blue of sea ice, just under the water's surface. He kept staring at his arms longer than needed to avoid looking back at Shaya. His chest was on fire, and he could hear his heartbeat pumping vigorously.

  Shaya placed her hand on his arm where he was looking. "Thank you. You've shown courage and brought honor to Clan Kaito. I'm proud to count you amongst us."

  "Thank you." Ren knew nothing else to say, he was preoccupied with keeping his mind cleared of thoughts of Shaya in sexually provocative situations. A real chore for a sixteen-year-old boy. He reminded himself of Akio and envisioned daggers being plunged into his eye sockets. It worked wonders on his self-control.

  Shaya held out her hands for Ren to take, and when he did, she pushed her feet to his and used the leverage to pull both of them to a standing position. Ren found himself face to face with Shaya, so close he felt her breath against his skin.

  "Congratulations." Abaze clapped Ren on the back.

  Ren forced himself to turn and face Abaze, though it meant leaving the most intimate moment he'd ever have with Shaya. "What?" Ren's mind was still foggy from desire.

  Shaya left the two of them alone to talk, while she introduced herself to Adaku.

  "For saving her. She must mean a lot to you; or else you wouldn't risk your life."

  "She's Kaito-Tanken Shaya. I'd die for her if needed." Ren realized he meant it as the words came out—not just honorable words to be said in polite company.

  "Good." Abaze kept his eyes on Shaya. "She's your clan leader?"


  Abaze extended his arm. "I'm sorry about before. Adaku is gifted with the healing touch. I hope you're not too badly hurt." There was no sincerity in his voice.

  Ren shook his arm in forgiveness. "I'm fine."

  In the moment's excitement, he'd forgotten about his injuries. He didn't feel any pain at all. Adaku was a gifted healer and must have loads of experience healing Abaze's victims. He was an arrogant man, quick to temper, but Ren didn't sense a cruel intent.

  "She's a beautiful woman. I'm glad to hear you're not involved."

  Wrong. He was cruel.

  "Do you know if there's anyone else?" Abaze asked.

  Ren considered lying. Shaya and Adaku were a few feet away laughing with one another. Shaya's laugh was infectious, lacking any self-consciousness about it.

  "Not that I know of."

  "Excellent." Abaze slapped Ren on the shoulder. "Excuse me." He walked over to the girls, leaving Ren alone.

  After another round of laughter amongst the three of them, Adaku excused herself and came to Ren.

  "How are you feeling?" she asked.

  "Better. Thank you for healing me."

  She bowed her head slightly. "You're welcome, but I'm sorry for my brother's actions. He's going to be king one day, and it makes him impulsive."

  Ren didn't know how best to respond, so he smiled like an idiot.

  "She's beautiful," Adaku continued. "I can see why you would risk your life for hers."

  "Oh, no." Ren waved his hands. "She's my clan leader."

  Am I that obvious?

  Adaku flashed a flirtatious smile and stepped closer to Ren. Close enough he could smell her—spring and new grass.

  Is that lavender?

  Before Ren could make an ass of himself, the guards clicked their heels, and Ren looked over to see a young boy, no doubt from the Ruby Nation. The two gold disks in his ears, shaved sides of his head with a long braid left on top, and his copper skin where all telltale signs. Ren saw the tattoos on his hands as he walked closer to them, the customary tribal design in between the web of thumb and index finger, a Ruby Nation custom.

  Glad for the interruption, Ren excused himself from Adaku to greet their newest member
. He wanted to believe she found him as attractive as he found her, but her brother had been obvious in his aim to conquest, and feared that was their way, not a reliable sign of attraction. Back home it was easy, women only touched men they were interested in. Often subtle, or "accidental" touches to save face if rejected—which rarely happened—but women made their interest known first. Everyone knew men were hot blooded.

  "My name's Ren." He extended his hand, but before they could shake a loud ruckus in the hall interrupted them.

  A clattering of steel echoed off the stone in the hallway. Though he couldn't see past the curtains, Ren recognized Akio's voice.

  "Step aside in the name of Clan Kaito, or die where you stand!"


  Emerald Nation, Fencura

  Abaze found the dark grey cloak he had hidden in some bushes near the castle's escape route. Wrapping himself up, he donned the hood, ensuring no one could recognize him.

  With a quick search for any guards that might be watching, he seized his moment and left the castle grounds. It was a small waterway through the castle walls which had dried up long ago, now only used by rats and Abaze to enter and exit the castle's walls.

  He made his way through the streets which were clearing as the source-light set and everyone returned home for the evening. Even though the streets were cleared, he took back alleys and side streets to avoid any encounters with the king's men on the main roads.

  When he finally reached Mitaire's house, he used little pebbles from by his feet to toss at her window. Nobody appeared in the window after the third pebble. He turned to return to the castle, but just as he took his first step he heard the window open.

  Mitaire climbed out her window and used the building next to hers to climb down. They embraced, sharing a long kiss. She was a beautiful girl, even in her ragged and worn clothes, with green eyes and raven-black hair which hung past her shoulders.

  "I didn't think I would get to see you today," Mitaire said.

  "I couldn't stay away even if I wanted," Abaze said.

  "I have somewhere we can be alone," Mitaire said and grabbed Abaze's hand.

  The two scurried through the streets using back alleys until they reached the outskirts of the city. Darkness enveloped the land, and the guards walked the streets, lighting the lanterns along the main roads. They stopped in front of a dark house.


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