Rebirth of the Heroes

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Rebirth of the Heroes Page 12

by NAK Baldron

  "Thank you." Akio formally bowed to Ren, legs straight and torso bent with a straight back.

  "Um," Ren fidgeted, "you're welcome? It was nothing really. Of course, I'd help Shaya. I owe her everything."

  Akio straightened and gave Ren a quick smile. Ren didn't realize it, but he'd just won the eternal loyalty of Akio, and solidified his position within Clan Kaito.

  "Akio," Shaya said. "We need to talk."

  She led him away from the others to a corner where the guards weren't standing too close. The room wasn't large enough to avoid being overheard, so she lowered her voice to a whisper. "I've passed the examination."

  "You can't—"

  "I didn't take the vow. Nor will I. They've agreed to train me without betraying my loyalty. I can't share the secrets of my training, but I'll be free to leave when I choose."

  They stared at each other—Shaya desperate to know what Akio was thinking, but he'd locked his thoughts away behind the face of stone.

  "Don't you see?" she asked. "I'll be the only Thief Lord in history to be a sorcerer. When I return, I'll have powers beyond any other rival and can rebuild my clan. Our clan!"

  "As you command, Kaito-Tanken Shaya." Akio lowered his head.

  "Damn you! Don't be like that."

  "I am your First Sworn. My blood is your blood. My salt is your salt. My steel is your steel. Command me and it shall be done."

  The cold indifference in which he recited the words were too much to bear—Shaya shoved him with open palms. Akio stumbled two steps back but kept his face down and his hands at his side.

  He'd rather I beat him, than speak his mind.

  "Akio, First Sworn of Clan Kaito. You're hereby made acting leader of Clan Kaito until my return from the Amethyst Nation. Go now. Arrange the proper documents and witnesses." Shaya's voice echoed faintly off the back walls of the room.

  Everyone looked at them. If Ren's face was any indication for the feelings of the rest of the room, they were all afraid.

  "As you command, Kaito-Tanken Shaya." Akio gave a formal bow, turned and left without looking Shaya in the eyes.

  Damn you, Akio.


  Texas, Earth

  Saturday, October 1st

  The only light came from the glow of the street lamps far from her. Kandice looked up, but there was no moon in sight. Lance and her split up tonight to find the mayor—it was eerie being on a stakeout alone. Lance had better tracking skills than her and having backup would have been reassuring.

  Plus, there was always the bonus of being alone with him.

  Lance: Compound looks clear.

  Kandice: I've found his SUV, but there's no sign of him.

  Lance: Keep watching.

  Her location to watch was the gravel mine while he watched the mayor's house. There was a lower ditch on the roadside that her car could slide into without getting stuck. With the lack of moon, it was out of sight from passersby. The metal warehouse was two-hundred-fifty yards away from her—with binoculars, everything in front of the building became visible.

  There were at least twelve cars in view, and maybe more behind the building. The mayor's SUV sat in the front, next to a second identical one. It was the vehicle from the first night Lance took her on surveillance at the mayor's house.

  Two men wearing suits came around the corner from behind the building. Kandice could make out the rifles hanging at their hips because they kept their hands resting on them. When they turned the corner on the far right of the building, Kandice lost them to the harsh shadows cast by the front flood lights.

  Kandice: They've got at least two guards. Maybe more inside.

  I'll never get past everyone.

  There are at least twelve or more people inside. No idea how many Aether Walkers.

  Lance: Hold tight.

  Just keep an eye on them.

  Take photos of those you can so we can try to identify them. If you notice any new Aether Walkers, take notes of what they look like.

  I've probably seen them before. If not, I'm sure Slava has.

  Kandice clicked off her phone before finishing her next text. A new SUV was pulling into the mine. It was less than thirty yards away. She dropped behind the hill of dirt before the headlights caught her and listened as the sound of the tires got further away.

  When she couldn't hear the SUV moving anymore, she popped her head up. It had parked with the rest of the vehicles. Four men wearing suits were getting out, pulling two women with them. The women wore cocktail dresses as if they were heading to a dinner party. Kandice used her phone to take a picture, but it couldn't zoom in far enough to get a detailed photo of their faces.

  The men had to hold the women at the front door until the patrol came back around and let them in. The women were flailing their legs, but the men holding them didn't seem to notice, or care.

  Kandice: They just brought in two women they kidnapped.

  Lance: They're probably for a human sacrifice.

  Kandice: I've got to do something. I can't let them kill those women.

  There had to be a way to save them. It would be impossible to stand by and do nothing. It would eat at her for weeks. Knowing they'd be alive had she done something.

  Lance: Don't do anything!

  Anything! They're extremely dangerous!

  If there are more than two other Aether Walkers in there with the mayor, it will be too much for you to take on by yourself.

  He was right, but knowing there were two women about to die did not sit well. She leaned over and almost puked, but it was only dry heaves. Her stomach was in knots.

  Lance: I'm inside his house. There was a chimney on the roof. It was tight, but I got in fine.

  No motion detectors in this room.

  Windows are clean, too.

  I found us a way in. Just have to take care of the rest of the house.

  Kandice: We need to talk to Blake. I think he'll be able to take the security system offline.

  Lance: I'm going to find a way out of here without going through the chimney. I don't know if I could climb out.

  Kandice: Let me know when you make it out. I'll keep an eye out here.

  Cars zoomed by every couple of minutes on the highway close to where Kandice crouched. Like clockwork, the guards outside made their round about every six minutes. They were the only two guards outside, but there had to be more inside.

  * * *

  After three hours of staking out the building, everyone came out. Lance had gotten out of the mayor's house and made it back to his own. He texted her to stay put, and out of sight.

  Aether Walkers—and men dressed in suits—poured out of the building in droves. There were thirty or more people. It was next to impossible to note all the Aether Walkers at the speed they made it to their vehicles.

  Leave it to Aether Walkers to believe in carpooling.

  She dropped behind the dirt mound again as the cars and SUVs pulled out of the mine. When there was no more sound, Kandice popped her head up to verify it was all clear for her to leave. The mayor's SUVs were still there, and at that moment the guards who had been walking the perimeter came out of the building carrying a large black bag.

  They opened the back of the SUV and threw the bag into it.

  A couple minutes later, they brought out a second bag. They had to be body bags, most likely filled with the women they dragged in. Her stomach tightened up again.

  Kandice: I have an opening!

  Lance: No! You can't take him alone. Just wait.

  Kandice watched as the mayor walked out with a woman beside him. It was the same female who had been at the mayor's compound. Her dress was fire-red. Kandice couldn't help but stare at her through her phone.

  Kandice pulled out a seal. It was impossible for her to take them on alone, but the urge to rip him apart, limb from limb, was strong.

  Lance: Kandice, don't attack!

  Kandice: Ok! We've got to get this fucker though.

Lance: We will!

  Kandice hid again until the mayor's SUVs left, then drove back to Lance's to discuss the night and go over each other's notes. Her mind was on autopilot from the night's events, but she made the whole drive without speeding.

  Lance and her argued from the moment she got there. First, about what had happened to the girls that went inside. Then, about when they should attack the mayor.

  Kandice's blood boiled—something needed to die. Lance, an Aether Walker, it didn't matter. The rage took over her entire body. Slava stepped between them as the voice of reason. They apologized, and Slava pointed out that clearer heads would prevail in the morning, after a good night's sleep.


  Sapphire Nation, Fencura

  The five of them stood upon the stage, while the crowd below cheered. Eight sorcerers stood behind them lined up shoulder to shoulder in the same way Ren and the others were. The young woman continued to represent the Amethyst Nation to the crowd at large.

  "These five have passed their examinations, and have been found worthy to join our ranks, concluding the 1,154th examination. Food and drink are provided in celebration. Please enjoy yourselves."

  A cacophony of sound filled the courtyard, and Ren clenched his jaw in pain.

  "What?" Ren asked, he hadn't heard Shaya over the sounds of the crowd.

  She spoke directly into his ear. "I need you to come with me to sign documents."

  "What about the celebration?" Ren yelled. "Are we free to leave?"

  "It'll be fine. It's not as if they will leave without us."

  Ren laughed—she was right.

  Ren allowed her to lead the way, and they walked off the stage to join Akio, who handed Shaya her sword. She fastened it securely inside her blood sash and pulled the sword halfway out of its sheath.

  "Move aside," Akio commanded, using his daggers to point the men and women out of his way. "Make way." He was careful not to point at any of the children.

  The crowd was slow to move. More people had shown up for the final celebration, and the courtyard was so packed that it became stifling hot. Ren breathed heavily through his mouth and nose as they pushed their way toward the gates. Even the threat of being cut didn't persuade the people to part quickly.

  After what felt like an eternity to Ren, they were free and back on the cobblestone streets outside the walls of the Emperor's estate.

  Ren stretched his arms wide, as did Akio and Shaya, and let the cool ocean breeze carry away the stench of the crowd.

  "Where are we going?" Ren would follow Shaya anywhere, but not knowing made his scalp itch.

  "My home." she led the way, with Akio taking the rear position.

  * * *

  "Akio will be an excellent clan leader, and as my First Sworn, is the only choice." Shaya reiterated this point for what had to have been the tenth time.

  Kasai-Tanken Shirou and Sora-Tanken Miku had both come to Shaya's home along with their First Sworn. Policies were in place to assure clan affairs were handled on the rare occasions that a Thief Lord was forced to leave Shinzo. However, there wasn't a precedent for placing a non-blood kin in charge. Clan Kaito was the first to be so close to extermination since the ancient clan wars.

  "Akio is not your blood," Shirou said. "I'm not sure you can place a non-blood relative in charge while you're gone. What's more, you make it clear that you don't know how long you'll be away. It seems to me that you have two choices. Don't leave, or dissolve the rights and standings of Clan Kaito."

  Akio stood mute.

  Is he on their side? Ren thought. Does he want her to stay?

  Shaya clenched her fist, but her face of stone didn't falter. "Clan Kaito will never surrender its claims, nor its territories. You mistake my purpose if you think this is truly a debate."

  "You mean to dictate terms to us?" Miku said. "We respect the Time of Daggers, but no such protection is guaranteed to your First Sworn. Only tradition. Place him in charge, and we can kill him. Thus, eliminating your clan's claims."

  Still Akio didn't move, and Ren did his best to match Akio's stoic stance. With no practice, Ren found keeping a face of stone near impossible, but biting his lip kept his expressions muted.

  "I'll remind you, Clan Kaito pointed out the betrayal of the Clan Gin. It is Akio who leads the investigation into their betrayal. Surely, the death of a traitor is preferable to my own modest clan."

  Miku scoffed, "You'd feign modesty in an attempt to lull our guard. Akio is the finest killer alive, but even he can't win against twenty well-armed men. I think we'd all risk four men to split your islands."

  "What makes you think Goruden-Tanken Hiroshi would split anything?" Shaya asked. "He'd buy a hundred mercenaries to kill Akio, claim the prize for himself, and kill any of your men who got in the way."

  Shaya stepped forward. "However, if you're willing to back my choice of a successor, and vote it lawful, there'd be nothing he can do without risking his own destruction. Honor would demand his clan be returned to salt and dust."

  "A moment please," Miku said, and the two of them conferred with one another.

  After nearly an hour of debate, it appeared Shaya had won, or at least convinced them of a draw. They didn't have to agree with her stance, that Akio had every right to run the clan, but they would have to protect themselves. If Goruden-Tanken Hiroshi managed to claim all of Shaya's holdings, he'd be more than double the size of any other clan. With Clan Gin one piece of evidence away from utter destruction, no clan would risk allowing Hiroshi to gain any more holdings. The Time of Daggers was too close at hand, and with such an advantage, he'd be able to take on all the clans. They needed Shaya, and through her Akio, on their side.

  At least, that had been Shaya's explanation. She hesitated to bring it up at first, because it admitted her clan was the weakest. But conservative tactics and general pragmatism was how the clans beat the Emperor and managed to hold on to their position for all these years.

  "We agree," Shirou said. "On one condition."

  "What condition?"

  "That you marry me upon your return."

  Akio pulled his dagger, but Shaya cut the air with her hand. He sheathed the dagger and retook his stoic position. Ren swallowed hard and felt his own face burn.

  I'll never look at her again.

  "You insult me," Shaya said. "With your right hand you'd allow my position, while with your left you'd steal my holding for yourself."

  "You would still be Kaito-Tanken Shaya, and—"

  "And nothing. Once we had children, you'd have me killed and claim everything in the name of our child. Even if you're a patient man, your child would inherit everything."

  "Our children, would claim a position of strength." Kasai-Tanken Shirou stepped closer. "Let's not play coy, we both know where we rank within the clans. Together our children would gain a position to bargain with."

  "Miku speak up," Shaya said. "Tell him it can't be done."

  "Nonsense," Miku said. "It's never been done, but it can be done if you choose."

  "Never," Shaya said.

  "Fine," Shirou said. "You're right. This is no way to win your affections and join our clans." He showed his palms, "Concede to this. Swear to give honest consideration to my proposal, to think about the truth in my assessment of the tactics and the advantages to both our clans. Do this, and I'll back Akio's position."

  Sora-Tanken Miku nodded she'd vote with him.

  For a long moment Shaya stood silent. "Allow me a moment alone."

  They agreed and Shaya retired to her room to think, leaving Ren and Akio alone with two Thief Lords. The four of them stood silent, each with a face of stone. He couldn't see his own face, but Ren knew it was the weakest.

  After ten minutes, and a sound Ren thought was pottery breaking, Shaya returned from her room. "I swear to give honest consideration to your proposal of marriage Kasai-Tanken Shirou. From now until the time I return. Until which point, I place Akio as leader of Clan Kaito."

"I swear to back Akio and recognize his leadership as lawful," Shirou said.


  * * *

  An hour later, after an awkward meal, two scribes entered Shaya's home with the formal documents needed.

  I Kaito-Tanken Shaya recognize Akio of Clan Kaito, as acting Kaito-Tanken from now until my return from the Amethyst Nation. Upon my death, Akio shall become formally Kaito-Tanken Akio, with all the rights and properties thereof.

  I am of sound mind and body upon signing this contract, and acknowledge Henry of Clan Kaito, Kasai-Tanken Shirou, and Sora-Tanken Miku as the formal witnesses to this contract.

  -Kaito-Tanken Shaya

  I Kasai-Tanken Shirou formally recognize acting Kaito-Tanken Akio.


  I Sora-Tanken Miku formally recognize acting Kaito-Tanken Akio.

  - Miku

  I Henry of Clan Kaito formally bear witness to this contract and the signing of those herein mentioned.


  I Akio of Clan Kaito formally accept the position of acting Kaito-Tanken Akio.

  -Kaito-Tanken Akio

  With the final swish of Akio's pen mark, the scribes took the contract and pressed it against a blank parchment. Using a stone rolling pin, they rolled the completed contract against the blank parchment. After several passes with the stone, they pulled the document back, to reveal a mirrored copy on the formally blank parchment.

  "Kaito-Tanken Shaya," the scribe said, offering the documents.

  She waved them away and gave Akio the duplicated document. "Congratulations, acting Kaito-Tanken Akio."

  Carefully she rolled the original document and slipped it into one of two polished oak cylinders for safe keeping.

  "We're finished here," Shaya announced, and the other Thief Lords left.

  Unsure what best to do, Ren said, "Congratulations, Akio."


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