
Home > Young Adult > Inferno > Page 14
Inferno Page 14

by Erica Stevens

The chair stopped clattering across the floor as Derek came up against a shelf. Merchandise rattled against the metal shelves, but nothing fell to the floor. A strange whimper escaped the man. Cassie winced, hating his terror, even if he had done worse to her, even if he did deserve it. Devon and Julian took a step toward her. They would never hurt her, but she was acutely reminded of the fact that they were larger, and far more powerful than she was. No matter how much of a fight she put up, they could forcefully move her out of the way if they chose to do so. Though she didn’t think Devon would do that to her, Julian seemed determined to get at Derek.

  Narrowing her eyes, Cassie braced herself for the battle. They would have to go through her to get to him. She glanced back at the sounds of shuffling behind her. Dani and Luther had taken up residence in front of her father. Chris glanced rapidly between Cassie and Derek before sighing softly and moving reluctantly over to stand behind her. He glanced briefly at her before dropping his head down. Melissa eventually moved to stand beside Chris, but Liam and Annabelle hung back, seemingly torn, and looking more than a little confused.

  Devon took another step closer. Panic descended upon her, he was going to force her to move, and if he did so, things would never be the same between them again. She could never forgive him for standing back and allowing her father to be viciously murdered. Her heart lumbered painfully in her chest. His beloved emerald eyes were caring and intent as he stopped before her.

  “Cassie.” Her arms trembled, she braced herself for him to grab hold of her and move her, but he did not. “Cassie, that man is not your father.”

  The breath whooshed out of her in an explosive exhale. Her chest constricted tightly, disbelief and confusion swirled through her. “What?” she gasped, shaking her head forcefully in denial. “That can’t be… What!?”

  Devon’s eyes were caring, warm, so unbelievably loving. “He’s not your father Cassie.”

  Her arms fell limply to her sides, shock stuttered through her. She shook her head, unable to believe what he was saying. Just what the hell was he saying? “How could you possibly know that?” she whispered.

  “His blood.”

  Cassie frowned in confusion. “Like knows like, blood knows blood,” Julian growled. “That blood is nothing like yours. It smells nothing like yours, and it certainly doesn’t belong to a Hunter. He is not your father.”

  Cassie couldn’t breathe, she couldn’t think. She tried hard to process this information, but it would not slip into place when her world was tilting so precariously at the moment. “He lied,” Devon said gently.

  Cassie shook her head. She wondered where her anger was, but it completely escaped her as she could find none when there should be lots of it. There was only a sad acceptance, and a joyful relief that left her shaken and weak. “He’s not my father?” she breathed.


  Cassie heaved a soft sigh, inhaling shakily as she turned slowly around. “Ok, ok good.”

  The man, this stranger that she didn’t know, was watching her with wide, terrified eyes. The others had moved out of the way, apparently having decided that he was now fair game for Julian and Devon. A strangled cry escaped him; he fought desperately against the bonds that held him to the chair. Though she knew he was not her father, she still could not stop the rush of sympathy that swamped her. Because of this man she knew what it was like to feel trapped, helpless, at the absolute mercy of other people. But where he had shown her no compassion, she would show him some.

  “Why did you lie?”

  His eyes zinged rapidly around the room, apparently looking for something that he would not find. Wild, stuttering noises escaped him, but he formed no coherent words. Cassie’s heart wrenched. She could not do this to him, it was not fair. Devon grasped hold of her arm as she took a step toward the strange man.


  She touched his hand gently, needing him to understand this, even if she didn’t. “It’s ok.”

  He hesitated, his jaw clenching. Devon gave her arm a brief squeeze before slowly releasing her. “Devon!” Julian hissed softly.

  Devon held up his hand, holding Julian back when he came forward. “Wait,” he ordered gruffly.

  “Are you out of your freaking mind?” At Devon’s head shake, Julian continued. “Is she!?”

  Cassie knelt before the stranger. He cowered away from her, but she made no move toward him. Though she did not like his terror, she did feel he deserved at least a little of it. “Who are you?” The man simply stared at her, his breathing rapid, his eyes still bulging wildly.

  Cassie rested her hand lightly on his leg, seeking to offer him some reassurance, but he instantly jerked away. For the first time, something other than terror, shone from him. He stared hard at her, his lip curled in revulsion. Cassie sighed as she leaned back. It didn’t matter what she offered him, he was still repulsed and disgusted by her. She found the fact didn’t bother her as much now.

  “Fine, you hate me, I don’t care. But we need to know what you know.” She glanced toward where Julian and Devon stood side by side. She was briefly amused by the fact that they probably didn’t realize they were standing identically, with their arms folded over their chests, their legs braced, as they watched her with nearly identical expressions of disbelief. They may not know exactly how they felt about each other right now, but it was apparent that they were still very in tune with one another. “If you don’t talk to me than Julian will be the one to find that out.”

  Julian’s full lips curled into a small smile as he gave her a sharp, approving nod. The man sputtered more disbelieving noises that drew Cassie’s attention back to him. “He won’t hurt you…”

  “Like hell!” Julian snapped, his pleasure vanishing instantly. Devon placed his hand firmly against Julian’s chest as he held him back. Julian glared fiercely back at him, his eyes flaring red, and his temper heating at the thought of being denied his revenge.

  Cassie ignored him as she continued on. “But this is going to happen.”


  Devon stood silently; watching intently as Cassie leaned forward again, instinctively going to comfort the monster before her before she thought twice of it. She sighed softly; her hands fell helplessly back to her thighs again. He wanted to go to her, to pull her away from that man, to get her as far from the monster as possible. But she would fight him and for some reason, that he couldn’t even begin to fathom, she was bent on comforting the man that had held her captive and tortured her endlessly.

  She had always been a bit of a puzzle to him, but right now she was a downright enigma.

  She sat for a moment longer, the deep sadness in her eyes almost more than he could bear. But, eventually, she stood slowly away from him. Though Devon wanted to go to her, he remained where he was, waiting for her to come to him. Whatever was going on inside her, she had to sort it out for herself.

  Finally, she turned and hurried toward him. Devon opened his arms to her, relief filling him as he enveloped her tightly. Bringing her close to him, he buried his face in her hair, savoring in the delicious scent of her. He would never understand her completely, and she would never cease to amaze him, but he loved her more than he had ever thought possible.

  Pushing her thick hair gently back, he kissed her silken skin lightly. She shivered as she pressed closer to him. Her bright eyes met his, a soft smile spread across her full mouth as he kissed her. A tightness began to build in him, he clung to her as he fought the rising desire and lust that built rapidly within him. He pressed his forehead against hers as he pulled away, lightly stroking her face with his fingers.

  “I need you to go out back with everyone while I talk to Julian.” She opened her mouth to protest, but he quickly cut her off. “It will just be for a minute, and there is something that we need to discuss. And we need to get those windows boarded back up.”

  She frowned for a moment before nodding swiftly. “Ok.” Devon did not want to release her; he did not want her out of his eyesight fo
r even a minute, especially with those things running around. But this had to be done, and it would not be long. She stepped out of his arms, frowning at Julian as she gave him a fierce, determined look. “Don’t hurt him,” she ordered briskly.

  Julian quirked an eyebrow as surprise, disbelief, and something akin to amazement flitted across his features. “If he fights it, it will hurt.”

  Cassie hesitated for a moment, her gaze darted toward the man watching them intently. “Try your best not to.”

  Julian’s mouth dropped as he shot Devon a look that clearly asked if she was out of her mind. Devon shook his head at him, trying to silence him before he could say anymore. Julian’s mouth snapped shut, his arms folded over his chest as he studied Cassie. It was obvious that he was trying to figure her out, but Devon knew that was impossible.

  She moved slowly toward everyone else. Chris wrapped his arm around her shoulders, pulling her tight against his side as his head dropped against hers. Melissa and Luther enveloped her sides, pressing tight to her in an effort to comfort her. Annabelle and Liam held back for a moment before turning and disappearing into the back of the store with Dani.

  “Is she serious?” Julian asked softly.

  A bewildered expression was on Julian’s face, his ice colored eyes were wide with disbelief and uncertainty. “Yes.”

  Julian blinked in surprise before turning toward the stranger in the chair. “After what they, what he did to us in there?”

  Julian thrust an accusatory finger at the panicked man in the chair. Devon could not bring himself to look at the man again. If he did, he was greatly afraid that he just might kill the bastard himself. Though he knew Cassie’s wishes, even if he didn’t understand them, he also knew what he wanted to do to the man. What should be done to the man. And if it meant keeping her safe, he was going to do whatever it took to make sure this man never hurt her again, even if she didn’t like it. He was not going to lose her again, and this man was the biggest threat to that happening.

  “You heard what she said.”

  Julian spun back toward him, his jaw clenched and unclenched as he ground his teeth. Frustration boiled from him, murder radiated out of him. Devon shuddered, his own murderous urges simmering just beneath the surface. “I don’t understand.”

  Devon closed his eyes, taking a moment to steady himself. “Neither do I,” he admitted. “But Cassie is different than us; she’s everything that is good and right in the world.” Julian’s eyes flickered, narrowing slightly. “It’s why I love her; it’s why we both love her.”

  Though it killed him to say those words, he knew that they were true. Julian did love her; even if he didn’t understand her at all. Julian would do whatever he could for her, he would keep her safe, and he would do anything he could to make her happy. But they both knew that this could not be one of those times. Julian studied him intently, his eyes hooded and thoughtful. Devon’s hands clenched as he fought the urge to punch Julian. He did not blame him for loving Cassie, it was impossible not to, but she belonged to him, and the thought of another person coveting her was enough to make him want to snap.

  “Is that why we love her?” Julian inquired softly. “Or is it because of the darkness inside of her? Is it because we both know that something else resides in her, and we both respond to it?”

  Devon started in surprise, his eyes narrowed fiercely. “What do you mean?” he growled.

  Julian quirked an eyebrow, though that movement was usually one of amusement, there was no humor in him now. “You know what I mean Devon. Yes, she is exceedingly giving and caring and loving, but there is darkness in her. That darkness was there even before those bastards took us. I recognized it in her from the beginning, and if you really think about it, you did too. So, was it her goodness, or her darkness that pulled us both in?”

  Devon opened his mouth to protest Julian’s statement, but he snapped it quickly closed. He knew what Cassie was, he knew better than anyone what she was capable of, but he had never truly acknowledged what was inside of her. He thought back to when he had first seen her, when he had been drawn to her like a moth to a flame. Her inner light had shone brilliantly against the dark night surrounding her; she had stood out against the crowd of students gathered around her. Though he had not known what she was, he had been unable to resist her; unable to leave her side from the moment he had seen her.

  But he had believed that it had been her light that had pulled him in, but had it also been the darkness inside of her? Had he also been drawn in by the power that had taking control of her, and enabled her to kill Isla even before she had been experimented on, tortured endlessly, and injected with Julian’s blood? Had the darkness, and the monster inside of him, recognized its kin in her?

  Devon hated the thought, but it was one that he had to face. He hated the demon inside of him. Cassie had enabled him to keep that beast locked away as best he could, but she also had one inside of her, lurking beneath the surface, waiting to break free. Waiting to destroy whatever enemy it had to destroy. Though he truly believed she was everything good, he also knew that there was a shadow inside of her.

  That there always had been.

  “It doesn’t matter what pulled us in,” Devon said softly, though he wanted to believe it was only the good, for both of them. “We’re both here now, and the good in her far outweighs the evil.”

  “Does it?”

  Devon spun on him, his hands fisting at his sides. “Yes, it does. I know what pulled me in!” he hissed. “It may not be the same for you, and I don’t care, but we will not kill him.”

  Julian studied him for a moment. “I don’t know what pulled me in,” he admitted. “Even before I began to have suspicions about her abilities, I found myself oddly obsessed with her. At first I told myself it was just for revenge against you, and a challenge, but if I truly think about it I believe it was more. I wanted her from the beginning…”

  “Julian!” Devon snarled, unwilling to listen to him talk about his desire for Cassie.

  Amusement finally flickered over Julian’s features. “Ok,” he said, laughing softly. “I get it, don’t poke the bear.”

  “Screw you,” Devon spat at him, his lip curling. “You’re an ass.”

  “Yes,” he agreed. “But, I’m an ass with a point. You and I both know that to change her is dangerous. To all of us.”

  “That’s why I don’t intend to change her, not unless we know she will be safe.”

  Julian rolled his eyes as he heaved a large sigh. “Come on Devon sell that line to someone else. They may believe you, Cassie may even believe you, but I know you. I’ve known you for a long long time, and you’re teetering on the edge my friend. I’m surprised you have lasted this long, but it is only a matter of time before you take what you want. And she is what you want.”

  “I can control it…”

  “For now,” Julian interrupted sharply. “But you need to realize the state that you are in, and the position that you have put us all in.”

  Devon’s jaw clenched, his gaze darted to the man in the chair. He was watching them intently, listening to every word of their conversation. Devon glared at him, wishing that he could rip his throat out, wishing that he could sate his overwhelming thirst on the bastard. The man’s eyes widened, he leaned as far away from them as possible as he recognized the murderous intent in Devon’s eyes.

  “I have not tasted her, and though I do love her, it is not the same,” Julian said softly, his voice oddly thoughtful for Julian. The guy had never been thoughtful about anything. “I’ve touched you both, so I know that your feelings run deeper and stronger than anything I have ever felt. It is why I have stayed away from her, and why I have let you have her. But I also know that she means more to me than anyone I have ever known, and I want the best for her. For now, I believe that you are the best; you are what she wants. I cannot give her what you can; I’m not ready for that yet.” Devon stared at him in disbelief. Julian was actually being selfless? Julian!? It was
utterly confounding to him. “I’m just not sure if you’re what is best for her right now though.”

  “Excuse me?” Devon growled.

  “I don’t want her hurt, and changing her could hurt her. And you will do it eventually, no matter what you think.”

  “Do you have premonitions now too?” Devon demanded.

  Julian grinned at him, a frustratingly maddening grin that Devon wanted to punch right off his face. “Nope, I just know you, and I know what you want. I also know what she wants, and she’s damn persistent and determined. And what she wants is to spend eternity with you, no matter what it might do to her. When it comes to you, she has no thought of herself, or her own safety.”

  Devon was silent, his hands fisted and un-fisted as he glared at the man in the chair. There was too much frustration inside of him, too much anguish and hunger. He needed to take his irritation out somewhere; there just wasn’t anywhere to do it now. Not without risking all of their safety.

  “If it weren’t for the fact that I know it would destroy her, that she would not survive the loss of you, I would take her away,” Julian said softly.

  Devon spun on him, rage flaring instantly through him. “You even think about taking her from me and I will destroy you!”

  Julian held his hands up as he took a step back from Devon’s wrathful advance. “I just said that it would destroy her if she lost you, I wouldn’t do that to her. But I fear for her safety around you Devon, and I fear for your sanity.”

  Devon took a step away from him, his jaw clenched fiercely. His gums ached, he could feel the familiar tingle of his fangs wanting to explode, wanting to destroy and tear and shred as they drained the life from something. Devon shuddered, closing his eyes as he struggled for control over his baser, instinctive urges.

  “Do what needs to be done here. Find out what they did to her, and why. Find out who he is, find out how many of those things they created, and where the children are. Do it quickly Julian. I want to get her the hell out of this town and away from this ass.”


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