Triple Team- Reverse Harem Series

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Triple Team- Reverse Harem Series Page 23

by K. C. Crowne

  The door to the room was heavy and loud, and it creaked loudly whenever anyone came in, so we'd have some warning if that happened. It also meant though, that while we should try to be quiet – to be safe and discreet – we didn't have to try too hard. We could afford to let ourselves go and give into the moment – if only a little bit.

  Wes turned the shower on, and a moment later warm jets of water cascaded over my bare skin. Closing my eyes, I savored the feeling, forgetting for a moment, that I was showering with one of my best friends. Wes didn't let me forget for long, however.

  Coming up behind me, he enveloped me in his strong arms, holding me against his toned, wet body. He'd soaped himself up, so he was slippery and sudsy. His erection pressed into my ass as he nibbled my neck.

  I reached behind me, taking him firmly in my hand and gave him a few long strokes. He groaned into my ear.

  “Fuck, yes,” he whispered. “That feels good.”

  His cock twitched in my hand as I stroked him. He bit down on my neck, a playful nip, but it sent shockwaves of sensation coursing through me.

  “Bend over,” he growled.

  Removing my hand from his cock, I bent over as instructed. My hands were pressed to the wall of the shower in front of me, ass pushed out toward him. I expected his cock to fill me up, but instead, he grabbed hold of me with one hand, burying two thick fingers inside of me with the other.

  “We don't have much time today,” he said. “But I really think we should let this be a regular thing. What do you say, Sarah?”

  With his fingers moving in and out of me, my heart thundering in my chest, and my head spinning, all I could muster was whimper.

  My body shuddered, and my skin felt like it was on fire. God, I’d needed this. I needed him. Wes removed his fingers from my pussy and took hold of my hips. He pulled me back against him until the head of his dick rested against my opening. I wiggled my ass, begging him with my body to enter me. Wes rubbed himself against me, between my thighs, teasing my clit with his member before taking hold of it and pushing it firmly into me.

  That first thrust took me by surprise, and my legs almost gave out underneath me. My voice echoing around the bathroom, I cried out as he filled me up, stretching me open and reaching the deepest parts of me.

  “Yes, yes,” I moaned, my back arching as he continued thrusting himself into me.

  His fingernails dug into my flesh as he pummeled me, his grunts deep and low, echoing throughout the showers. At this point, we were too far gone too care if anyone heard us or not. Wes pulled on my hair, pulling me up as he lowered himself down, and kissed the back of my neck. Shivers ran through my body as the pleasure took over. He continued fucking me, fast and hard.

  “You like this, don’t you?” he growled. “You like being sneaky in the showers.”

  “Yes,” I moaned.

  “You like fucking me,” he said, his voice sounding deeper than ever before. He thrust into me, nearly reaching my cervix.

  “Oh God, yes,” I cried out. My hands were slipping on the wall, and I fell forward.

  Wes pulled himself from me and grabbed my shoulders, turning me around. Lifting me up into his arms, he pressed my back against the shower wall and his cock entered me again.

  My legs wrapped around him as he buried himself inside of me. His tongue filled my mouth and we kissed, the water from the shower washing over us in warm rivulets.

  Being held up in his arms like that, made me feel fragile, yet safe at the same time. He was a big teddy bear of a man, but sexually, there was nothing soft and fluffy about him. There was a dominance I hadn't expected, and it turned me on immensely. My body was trembling around him as he fucked me, uttering dirty phrases into my ear as he plunged deep and deeper into me.

  “You like being bad for me, don't you Sarah?”

  Words were lost on me. I was in the thick of it, overcome with pleasure, and all I could mutter was, “Yes, yes,” over and over again.

  “You'd do anything for me, wouldn't you?” he said, driving himself into me with an animalistic grunt.

  “Yes,” I said again.

  “Goddammit, I could fuck you for hours,” he bit out as he buried himself to the hilt inside of me.

  He stopped talking, and instead dotted my neck with kisses, nibbling on my ear lobes as I lost control. My pussy spasmed around him, and I dug my nails into his back. His mouth found mine and drowned out the screams from my orgasm. I held on to Wes for dear life as he buried himself inside of me again, holding himself steady. His legs shook wildly, but he held onto me. I knew he was coming with me, without him even saying a word.

  As the last wave of pleasure washed over us, he just held me there against the wall. He stared into my eyes and kissed the tip of my nose. His lips curled back into his trademark smirk.

  “Damn, that was better than I thought possible,” he said.

  I was still breathless, but I nodded in agreement. I couldn't find the words, so I didn't even try. I relished his arms around me and the fact that he didn't rush out of there like Austin had done the night we’d spent together. Even though we could get caught, he held me for what felt like an eternity, with my head nestled against his neck and the warm water running down our bodies.

  The sound of the door opening and shutting pulled our attention back to the moment. He quickly dropped me down to my feet, steadying me as he did so, but there was no time to cover up. Footsteps echoed from the doorway as I lunged for my clothes, but it was too late. I stood naked before Luke with my shirt in my hands, and he looked at me then at Wes, putting two and two together.

  Luke was naked as well except for a towel wrapped around his waist. His chiseled chest was clear of any tattoos. Unlike most of the guys there, he wasn't inked up. A trail of dark hair went down from his chest, disappearing underneath the towel and leaving me to wonder what secrets he was hiding down below.

  “Luke, please don't--” I stammered.

  “Don't worry,” he said, a sheepish grin on his face. “I won't tell anyone.”

  “Nah, Luke is cool like that,” Wes said, soaping up underneath the spray of the water, his back to us.

  “What do you mean?” I asked.

  Wes chuckled and Luke followed suit. There was something I was missing, but I couldn't be sure what it was.

  “He means I'm not nearly the proper nerd most people think I am,” Luke said.

  I was still confused, and momentarily forgot that I was still naked as a jaybird in front of the two of them. Luke's gaze moved lower for a split second, and he smiled wider. I smacked him on the arm.

  “Eyes up here,” I said.

  “Sorry,” he said, chuckling. “Hard not to look. Can't say I'm not a little jealous of Wes right now.”

  “You are?” I asked. I’d never thought of Luke like that. I mean, yeah, he's a good-looking guy, I'd checked him out a time or two, but he never seemed interested in me, or dating in general.

  He shrugged, and Wes shot us both a look over his shoulder, clearly enjoying the show.

  Wes added, “Luke and I have been checking you out for a long time, Sarah.”

  “Really?” I still couldn't believe it.

  “I'm just better at hiding it,” Luke said. “Didn't think you'd be interested in a nerd like me.”

  “He's not all nerd,” Wes said, egging him on.

  The two of them laughed, a thunderous sound that echoed through the bathrooms. I still felt lost and confused. I guess I hadn't been paying attention, but the two of them were a lot closer than it appeared.

  “You're so cute when you're confused,” Wes said, winking at me.

  “I feel like I'm missing something. Probably some guy code bullshit,” I said, rolling my eyes. I reached for a towel and wrapped it around me.

  “It's just that, Luke and I have, on occasion, shared a girl,” Wes said.

  My jaw nearly hit the floor. Wes, yes, I could see him being into threesomes and other kinky shit. But Luke? Nerdy, keeps-to-himself and studies

data, Luke? No way.

  He shrugged, his brown eyes twinkling with a deviousness I'd never seen before. Even though I'd just had a crazy-intense orgasm, the idea of being with Luke and Wes at the same time turned me on all over again. I'd never thought about it before, but in that moment, staring at both of them, I felt my pussy throb.

  “I should probably get out of here before we get caught by someone else,” I said.

  My cheeks were warm, as were my insides. There was a fire growing inside of me, and had I stayed put, I feared I might get into some real trouble. Sleeping with two different men in just a few days was bad enough, I didn't want to add a third. Besides, Austin would be arriving soon, and I didn't want to risk us getting caught. I had no intention of getting my ass chewed out for having sex in the public showers at work. Though the thought of Austin knowing I wasn’t sitting home and pining over him was a nice one.

  “Too bad,” Wes teased. “I was hoping we could have a little more fun. Maybe another time?”

  I didn't answer him. I was afraid of what I might say in the moment. I wasn't thinking clearly; I was confused and overwhelmed with sexy thoughts. I couldn't be trusted to make a sound decision. But even though I didn't say it, my insides were screaming, “Yes.”

  My body wanted it. Hell, even my mind wanted it. I just had to sort it all out.

  * * *

  “Jacklyn, please, call me? I miss you. Let's make plans for Christmas, okay?.” I sighed as I hung up the phone.

  Not only was I worried about the possibility of somebody intentionally setting fires out in her direction, it had been too long since we'd talked. I knew Mallory was too busy for me right now, but Jacklyn too? That hurt. I felt like I was losing both of my sisters.

  I was home after working a pretty boring routine day. Not that I was complaining. Boring in my field was a good thing. We'd had a few EMT calls, but nothing too exotic, and thankfully, no more fires. Two the day before had been enough to last me for a little while.

  Still, I was exhausted from working all week, and to top it all off, having more sex than I'd had in a very long time. I was confused where all of this was going, but that wasn't something I'd open up to Jacklyn about, anyway. In fact, I was hoping to get my mind off my guy troubles.

  My phone rang a second later. Jacklyn's number. I smiled as I picked up.

  “Hey, sis. What's up? I'm sorry I kept missing your calls, I've been really busy lately,” my sister said.

  “It's all good. I was just worried about you,” I said. “How are things on the ranch these days?”

  I had to pull my phone away from my ear, grimacing at the high-pitched sound as my sister squealed with delight.

  “Oh, my God, you're not going to believe this, but I am seeing a guy,” she said.

  She rambled on and on, speaking way too fast for me to make out all of it, but I got the gist of it at least. She seemed really excited about it, and for that, I was happy for her.

  “So he's been staying there at the ranch?” I asked. “What do Milo and his brothers think of him?”

  Jacklyn worked on a horse farm for three brothers – Milo, Elias, and Sawyer Bucknell. I'd met Milo once or twice and liked the guy well enough. He seemed to be a decent guy, and to have a good head on his shoulders. They seemed protective of my baby sister, and I was thankful for that. Since Mallory and I couldn't be there for her, and since our dad died, it was nice knowing she was looked after, and was in good hands. Deep down, I had hoped she and Milo – or one of the other brothers – might end up together one day. This new guy threw a wrench in those plans, however.

  “Milo likes him,” she said. “Well, likes him as much as he would like any other lodger, I guess. He couldn't care less about what he thinks, personally.”

  “So they don't know you're dating him?”

  “Not exactly,” Jacklyn said. “I mean, technically, we're not dating. And I'm not supposed to get involved with our lodgers, but Eric is – different.”

  “I see,” I said, suddenly not getting a good feeling about this. “Different enough that it's worth risking your job?”

  “Please, Milo would never fire me,” she laughed.

  “Don't be so cocky, sis. They've been good to you, but the rules are the rules,” I said.

  I mentally kicked myself for not following my own advice in regard to Austin, but it was too late for that. At least I could try to prevent my sister from making the same kinds of mistakes I was busy making. If I couldn't be an example, at least I could be a cautionary tale.

  “Like I said, we aren't dating. It's not like that. Yet.”

  “Yet,” I said.

  She sighed. “And you wonder why I never call you, Sarah.”

  “Sorry,” I said, gritting my teeth. “Tell me about Eric.”

  “What do you want to know?”

  “How old is he? What's he do for a living? What's he look like? Standard fare.”

  Jacklyn paused, and in that silence, I felt a bit of uncertainty in the air.

  “Do you know anything about this man, Jackie?” I asked.

  “I know he's handsome,” she said.

  Internally, I was screaming, but I knew it wasn't fair. Jacklyn was the baby of the family, and for that reason, she'd always been a little naive and gullible. A little softer than Mallory and me. She was also a hopeless romantic.

  “Okay, so what's he look like?” I asked.

  “Well, he's tall, dark and handsome, of course,” she giggled like a schoolgirl.

  “Of course,” I muttered. “But beyond a cliché, what else?”

  “He's got a little gray at his temples, though I don't actually think he's older than thirty,” she said. “He's just – well, he's got this air about him. He's so mature.”

  “You don't know what he does for a living?” I asked.

  “We never talked about that,” she said.

  “What have you talked about?” I asked.

  “Well, he was very curious about my sisters – especially you,” she said. “I guess he used to dream of being a fire fighter himself, but he's got a knee problem. He limps, but it's hardly noticeable. I guess that's enough to keep him from being a fire fighter.”

  “Might be,” I said. “Depends on how serious it is.”

  “I don't know too much, just that he's really impressed by you.”

  There was the tiniest hint of jealousy coloring my sister's voice. Seriously? Jealous over me? I hadn't even met the guy, probably never would. She had nothing to worry about, even if I were the type to steal my sister's love interests – and I definitely wasn't into that. That was not the kind of person I was.

  Of course, I never thought I'd be the kind of person to screw my boss and one of my coworkers in less than a weeks’ time, but there we were. Anyway, there were some lines that even I would never cross, not in a million years, and trying to snake a boyfriend from one of my sisters was one of those lines.

  “Well, how about you ask him more about himself? That is, if you're serious about dating him,” I said. “But talk to Milo first. Please, sis? Don't risk your job for a guy you hardly know.”

  She sighed. “Fine. If it seems to be going anywhere, I'll talk to Milo.”

  “Good,” I said. “Besides that, how's everything else going out on the ranch?”

  “Well, one of our mares is due to give birth any day now, so that's exciting. It's keeping me busy. And I just can't wait to see the baby,” she said.

  “Have you been affected by the fires at all?” I asked.

  “Oh no,” she said. “They've not been big enough to cause us any problems. Just some smoke from that last one was pretty thick since it was kinda close. At one point, we thought we might have to evacuate, but they managed to put it out before it got too close.”

  “Good,” I said. “You know I worry about you.”

  “I know,” she said. “And I worry about you too. You do dangerous work. You and Mal both.”

  “Speaking of Mallory, have you talked to her lately?�
� I asked.

  Jacklyn laughed. “Yeah, right. She's too busy with her boy toys at the moment,” she said. “I don't know the last time she came up for air.”

  “That's what I thought,” I chuckled. “I need to call her too, and we all need to make some plans for the holiday..”

  “Maybe so. Lecture her on her life choices for a change.”

  She tried to sound light about it, but there was some bitterness in Jacklyn's voice, and it hurt to hear it. I knew both Mal and I were hard on her – I knew that sometimes we could both be a bit too hard. It was only because we cared about her though. We only wanted the best for her.

  Jacklyn was still fairly young when we lost our dad, and sometimes it felt like Mallory and I had raised her ourselves. Maybe it was wrong, but I knew both of us kind of thought of her as our child. It was hard to imagine Jacklyn as an adult even now. She was in her twenties, but I pictured her as the precocious twelve-year old who rode horses and drew hearts in her notebook still.

  “You know we only do it because we love you,” I said.

  “Yeah, yeah,” she muttered.

  There was some talking in the background. The voice was muffled, but familiar – Milo. Jackyln put her hand over the phone and talked to him in the background before coming back on the line.

  “Hey, I've gotta go,” she said. “We're all going to grab a bite to eat.”

  “Have fun and tell Milo and the guys I said hi.”

  “Will do, sis.”

  She hung up the phone, and I laid there, feeling even further away from her than I did before our call. I'd hoped that by talking to her, I'd feel more connected to her. Closer. I missed my sisters. It was about time we got together again – and soon. One way or another, we'd have to make time.

  I sat up in bed and reached for the glass of water I kept on the nightstand. My throat was parched, but the glass was empty. With a sigh, I pulled myself up and out of my bed and walked into the kitchen. I grabbed some ice from the freezer and turned on the faucet, holding my cup beneath it. I was waiting for the glass to fill up, and it took me a moment to realize there was no water coming out.


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