Supernatural Academy: Year Three

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Supernatural Academy: Year Three Page 13

by Eve, Jaymin

  Larissa’s white teeth worked across her lips, the slightly pointier vampire fangs visible against the pinkish brown. “I’m torn. Maybe one day I’ll get over my attraction for him in this way, and then we can exist happily as best friends. We’re very good at being friends. I wouldn’t want to lose him in my life. But…”

  She trailed off, and we both knew what she hadn’t said. What if she didn’t get over her attraction?

  Could she live a half-life like this forever?

  I hugged her quickly. “You don’t have to make any decisions today,” I reminded her, when I pulled back. “Hell, you don’t have to make a decision in the next hundred years. We live for a long time. And right now, in these tense, high stress situations, it’s like being in a constant state of intense emotions. It’s hard to know your true feelings. I say give it some time and see where it naturally leads.”

  Look at me being optimistic about having hundreds of years. If the gods got their way, we might not even have two days, but no one should go into these battles without a little hope.

  And here was mine.

  “Should I go on dates?”

  She didn’t particularly look thrilled by the prospect of dating again.

  “You deserve to be happy,” I reminded her. “If Rone’s not giving you what you need, if he’s not stepping up, then it’s up to you to grab at whatever means to happiness you can. If I’ve learned anything over the past few months, it’s that life is unpredictable, and sometimes you just have to take a risk.” Probably a contradiction to my last piece of advice, but I wanted her to be in control of her own happiness. “If there’s someone you want to date, then I say … yes. You should go on a date.”

  The shower shut off and we straightened, waiting for Ilia. “I don’t want him to think I’m doing it to make him jealous,” she said softly, “but I also won’t wait forever. A really nice guy asked me to go to town with him, have dinner, maybe catch a movie. I think I’ll say yes. If things go south with the gods … at least I gave it a shot.”

  My throat was tight as I wrapped an arm around her. “Movie and dinner sounds kind of perfect.”

  Ilia groaned as she entered the room, shaking her head, springy curls back to their usual perfect disarray. She dressed and straightened, looking more herself in leather pants and a red tank. “I feel so much better,” she said with a smile, rubbing her hands across the smooth black pants she wore. “I might even come and watch this little SSW match today. It’s been so long since I’ve seen a decent few rounds.”

  “I’m heading to the fields, too,” I said, “Asher and the others are there. We want to stay together to wait for Louis’s call.”

  Like he’d heard me, his voice was in my mind. Louis just called, baby. He’s ready for us.

  The world seemed to both slow and speed at the same time, and it took a concerted effort not to pant in rapid breaths as panic rocked through me.

  I’m on my way, I sent back to Asher, successfully managing to hide my emotions from him and my girls.

  A tingle of his energy ran along my spine and I almost closed my eyes so I could enjoy it uninterrupted. This new bond between us, it was like a long-forgotten muscle that we’d just started to use again. At first it felt heavy and sometimes painful to control the energy flow, but the more we used it, flexed that “muscle” the easier it became. I could see one day I wouldn’t even have to think about my intentions. The muscle would just know, remember, and it would be like breathing. A reflex.

  If we lived that long, of course.

  We started walking again, moving faster than before. Just as we were leaving the edge of the paved path, ready to step onto the grassed area toward the students visible around the SSW fields, there was a crack of what sounded like thunder above us.

  I reacted immediately—it was a perfect, cloudless day, and I knew this wasn’t natural. Last time something “not natural” cracked above my head, it was energy that killed Asher. I would not let that happen to my friends. They didn’t have a second life to come back with.

  Shoving them aside, I used my power to protectively surround them, before I rose into the air, heading straight for the strong presence I could feel hovering above. Whoever they were, they were powerful, but not familiar. It wasn’t any of the gods I’d met, and Louis would have been here sweeping us away if they were legitimately free.

  This was something else.

  The barrier above the Academy extended high into the sky, but I was fast, hitting it in seconds. I would not let anyone hurt this school. I might not know and love all the students, but they were mine to protect. As I burst through the barrier—no match for my power—it reformed behind me, and I was left to face the last thing I actually expected to be above the Academy.

  A fucking dragon.

  It was gold, almost blindingly bright as it glittered in the sun. I had to squint to make out the gigantic body with heavy, thick scales. It was also rocking four claw-tipped legs, huge powerful wings, and a jaw as large as my body, with teeth the size of my palm.

  Gold. It flashed at me again, and … I was pretty sure I knew who this was. She wasn’t a threat, as far as I’d heard.

  Letting my energy fall, I cautiously moved closer.

  “Are you okay?” I asked, softening my voice. I’d never dealt with a dragon before and had no idea how temperamental they were. Especially a powerful queen.

  As I got even closer, I caught a glimpse of two prone figures over her back, and I was just opening my mouth again when the dragon swung one of those giant wings in my direction, clipping me across the face.

  As it hit me, a strong burst of energy followed, and I had one thought before everything went dark.

  I thought she was our friend…

  Chapter 19

  It was Asher’s voice shouting in my head that woke me.

  Maddison! Baby, come on, wake up so I can figure out what’s happening!

  He was angry, a red raging power following his words. I got the quick sense that he was covered in gold right now, and probably rampaging around the school.

  Ash? I shot back, wincing as I tried to gather my bearings. Where are you? What … the golden dragon attacked me.

  His reply was fast and brutal. Following, but she’s using her power to throw us off the trail. It’s original energy, and it’s tricky. I need you to help me, love. I won’t let you go again.

  I blinked again, and as more of my senses fired I realized that we were flying still. I was clutched in the huge taloned feet of the dragon. She had me tightly encased and I could see nothing at all.

  Not even slivers of light … but then again…

  I pressed my face closer, and I was almost certain that wherever we were right now, it was not daytime. There was no visible light. I’d learned in class that dragons could move between the realms, so we could technically be anywhere in this world or in Faerie, or even the demon realm.


  Are we still on Earth? I asked Asher.

  There was no reply, and I shook my head, searching frantically for his energy. It had been there, so strongly, and now … gone.

  Sorry, little one.

  The voice in my head was not Asher’s. It was strong, powerful, sounding like it was filled with a thousand other voices, ringing like magical instruments.

  I need to cut your communication off. I left it long enough so that he would know you were alive, but now it’s time for us to move along the only path left to save the worlds. I just hope we’re not too late.

  Terror welled in me, and with it, confusion.

  Why are you doing this? I thought you were on our side?

  I used the same method of communication, following her magical energy.

  I’m on your side. I had no choice but to take you by surprise. Jessa, Mischa, and you are all the same … powerful females. You’re the ones who need to follow the path.

  So why knock us out? Why not just talk to us?

  A brief pause, and I didn’t bother to move, kn
owing there was no point fighting her. Even if I were strong enough to take her on, I’d only drop out into some unknown situation that might be worse than where I was now. She said she was on our side, now she had to prove it.

  I have seen, she started slowly, that you would not come without your mates. And this is a journey that no man can take.

  I spluttered, before biting back. I’m sure if you explained it, we could have figured out a way. None of us need our mates at our sides all the time. We can function without them.

  Fuck. I hadn’t lost that much independence, right?

  I have seen, she repeated, in her calm bell-like voice. It’s not you that was unreasonable, it was the other three. Braxton, Maximus, and Asher. They would not let you go, and the time wasted arguing was the time needed to save the world.

  My reply died in a loud exhale of annoyance. I wanted to argue further with her, but I really couldn’t. She had a point.

  I didn’t know Braxton that well, or Maximus at all, but I knew enough about both to know they were strong, dominant, and hugely protective of their mates. I mean, Louis was another prime example—his mate was one of the strongest magic users in the world, rivaling him for power at times, and he still couldn’t quell his protective instincts.

  They protected us because they loved us. I’d never doubted that about Asher, and he was actually really good at walking the line between protecting and smothering. But if this dragon believed they would have hindered us long enough to cost us the battle, then I was sure they would have. We knew the gods were to be free at any moment. Maybe she really had no choice…

  How dangerous is this journey?

  We dipped down then, like she was banking to come in for a landing.

  It’s most certainly going to be the most dangerous thing you’ll ever do. But it’s the only shot we have. I’ve followed every possible path, looked into all the futures. This is our one chance.

  She spiraled further, dropping much faster now, and I fell silent, trying to piece it all together in my head. I had no idea how she’d managed to block Asher from me, since all I’d read about these sorts of bonds had them beyond most magical manipulation. Original magic was clearly the exception, but I wasn’t sure she’d done the right thing blocking him out. Asher was powerful in his own right now, and I knew he wouldn’t rest until he tracked me down.

  Will you allow me to explain this to Asher? It’s better for the world if he doesn’t lose his shit. I doubt he could get here in time to stop us, so you’ve got nothing to lose.

  I thought she was going to ignore me. There was no reply for so long.

  I will give you all a chance to say goodbye as soon as we reach our destination. It will be no more than a minute, because the moment we step into the path, we’ll be cut from the mortal world. And we must step onto the path right as the first beam of sunlight strikes the land.

  About half of what she said made sense to me. I mean, I understood the words, but I didn’t have the context to truly get it. No doubt I’d find out soon enough. It sounded like this path was close, and I was really starting to hate that word. Path. It reminded me of my tiny fairy friend. For a second, I wished Mab was here, but she’d told me she couldn’t be part of this journey, for whatever reason. So I’d just have to be content with her soul-sister, the other obscure, riddle-talking, original-magic-bearing, dragon.

  My stomach twirled as the dragon went into a death spin, plummeting us to the ground. I held on best I could, within the confines of her giant claws that covered most of my body, and then it was over. I could hear the gush of wind as her wings slowed, lowering us the last few feet to what I assumed was the ground.

  When I was released, I pulled my power around me, cushioning my fall, but it was only a couple of feet. I landed smoothly, straightening and testing out all my limbs. Everything was in working order.

  The golden dragon stood tall, towering what felt like miles above me. It was still dark, very dark and cold, wherever we were, but I could see her just fine. She emitted her own glow that was unlike anything I’d ever seen. The closest was probably Asher and his mother when they were powered up, but it still wasn’t quite the same.

  Original magic is beyond all other. There are not many of us that can draw from that well, not directly.

  She shifted to the side, just a single step, and I could see two prone bodies. Jessa!

  I rushed over and knelt beside two faces that were almost identical.

  Are they okay?

  They were breathing and their faces looked relaxed.

  The dragon nodded, her huge head slow as it moved up and down. Yes. They’re not as strong as you. They won’t wake until I allow them to.

  I blinked at her. And when will you allow them to?

  She almost looked shamed as she tilted her head. I mean, I wasn’t totally sure what shame looked like on a dragon face, so maybe I was more sensing the emotion.

  Jessa will be upset with me. She keened in my mind. The same way you are. It hurts me when she’s angry, as she is my twin soul.

  I didn’t know the full story of Jessa and her dragon, but I knew it had been something that broke Jessa’s heart. Whatever she’d gone through, it seemed her dragon felt the same way. Some of my annoyance at the scaly beast faded and I let out a sigh. The queen’s intentions were good … actions sloppy, but a good heart should always be rewarded.

  She was trying to save the world.

  I let my anger go.

  Standing, I took a step toward her, placing my hand gently onto her leg. Wake them. Jessa will understand, and I’m sure it’s not long until this sunrise that you require to take the path.

  Her huge eyes stared into mine, and I almost flinched away, because they were so all-seeing, powerful and scary in their intensity. Under that though, there was a well of kindness brimming in the depths.

  You have a soul built of strength and magic, Maddison James. I’m not surprised you were chosen for this task. You will be our greatest asset in this war.

  For some unknown, probably stupid reason, I was fighting tears. To have someone acknowledge that maybe I wasn’t a complete screw-up … shit. I shouldn’t need that reassurance, but I loved that she’d freely given it.

  Thank you.

  She nodded again, before taking a step back, her long neck snaking around toward the twins, briefly touching each of them. I couldn’t see exactly where her snout brushed, but within seconds they were both awake, on their feet, eyes wide and confused.

  “Josephina!” Jessa bit out, voice husky. “What did you do?”

  There was silence while the dragon communicated with them, both girls wearing expressions of confusion and exasperation. A moment of observation was all I needed to see that Mischa was better at containing her emotions. Jessa visibly vibrated with her anger.

  Whatever Josephina said it slowly calmed the twins. They turned away from her, both of them walking right up to me.

  “Freaky,” I murmured, staring between them. Minute differences only, otherwise it was like looking into a perfect reflection.

  Jessa’s lips quirked as she hurried forward for a hug. “Hey, girl!” she said, holding me tight. “I knew we were going to chat soon, but I definitely didn’t expect it would be under these circumstances.”

  I snorted, hugging her back. “Yeah, Josephina had a pretty good reason, so I’m okay with it, but I’m pretty sure Asher is destroying something on Earth as we speak.”

  Jessa’s jaw tightened, tension spilling into her blue eyes. “Braxton too.”

  “And Max,” Mischa said with a sigh.

  She forced a smile, holding her hand out to me. “Hi, you must be Maddison.”

  I shook her hand and returned her smile. “I am. It’s really nice to meet you, Mischa. I’ve heard a lot about your life, and … well, we have more than a little in common.”

  Her eyes were more green than blue, a lot like Axl’s current eye color, and her face was softer than Jessa’s, somehow, despite their identical looks.

  “I’d love to talk to you about your time in the human world,” she said softly, “and the transitioning phase going from human to supernatural.” She looked around at the dark landscape surrounding us. “Guess that might have to wait for another day, though. We’re apparently booked up with saving the world today.”

  My laugh was strangled. “Apparently.”

  It’s time.

  We all turned to Josephina, who was facing toward a very small speck of light in the distance.

  You have twenty seconds to say goodbye to your mates … then we must step into the light.

  Whatever had been blocking me from Asher vanished, and without pause I reached for his energy.

  Ash, love. I only have seconds. We’re safe. Going to take a path into the underworld. Don’t destroy the world. I love you.


  His roar was deafening, but I had no more time for words, so I sent all the loving emotions his way.

  Tell me where you ar—

  He was cut off, and I hunched forward in pain, my hands on my knees as I fought through the devastation. I was acutely aware of how it felt to lose Asher, to experience his “death,” and this blocking of our connection had a similar feel.

  Jessa and Mischa were pale beside me, their normally tanned skin blotchy.

  “Braxton is fucking furious,” Jessa whispered. “I mean … he’s probably going to be in a supernatural prison when we return.”

  I swallowed hard. “Good luck containing Asher in a jail. He’s basically a god now, and I’m scared of what he might do.”

  “They’re all together at least,” Mischa added, her voice thick with emotions. “And the kids are safe.”

  “They’re together?” I bit out.

  Shit, was that a good or a bad thing? I felt like that many powerful, pissed off males in one place … kind of a recipe for disaster.

  “They’re going to come after us,” Jessa warned Josephina.


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