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Unbreakable Page 5

by Tl Reeve

  Addressing both sets of parents, Nico informed them they’d be leaving for the night while struggling to keep his tone calm and non-threatening. “I know an offer was made for us to stay, but I just don’t think at this junction it’s a good idea. Hayden and I are going to go check out our new home and discuss if we’re taking the job or not.” Nico glanced over his shoulder at the house. “We’ll give you our decision in the morning.”

  If Nico had learned anything with the Rafertys it’d been that he had to be direct and to the point when addressing them. He eased his mate toward the Enforcer, not giving her family members a chance to say anything or protest his decision.

  “Nico, I think we should stay,” Hayden protested as he helped her into the car.

  “No, we really shouldn’t.” He started the vehicle then backed out of his spot after getting in. “We’ll talk about it at our new home in five minutes. Without any influence from your family.”

  Hayden didn’t say anything in return. She tilted her head to the side and gazed out the window while he drove them to their new home. He hated when she did this. Hated the wall she put up between them and hated himself because he took control. He’d done it for so long when she’d been younger, it’d come naturally and now he knew he made a mistake.

  “Your aunts did an amazing job,” Nico murmured, pulling into the driveway.

  If the outside appeared as inviting as it did at night, under the harsh street lights, then the inside would be just as wonderful. The exterior had recently been painted—a pale blue—with stark black shutters on the windows. Two rocking chairs with bright, colorful pads tied to them sat to the right on the small front porch. The country red door welcomed anyone who’d decide to visit them.

  “Yeah,” Hayden answered, before exiting the vehicle.

  She was pensive again, and he fucking hated it. This was supposed to be the next stage of their life. Neither of them needed the past interfering with their future anymore.

  Even with the grey cloud now hanging over their head, Nico had been determined to make this experience memorable for both of them. He bounded out of the Enforcer and hurried to his mate’s side. He wrapped one arm around her shoulders and the other around her middle, tucking her tiny body into his. The thick length of his erection pressed against the cleft of her ass. Her breath hitched.

  “Welcome home, little wolf,” he said, nuzzling her ear.

  “You know, we left everything back at my parents and we might end up spending the night on the hard floor.”

  He nipped at her ear. “Don’t care. I’ll have my dick deep in your sweet little pussy all night long, making sure you feel nothing but pleasure.” Nico rolled his hips, trying to ease the building pressure in his cock.

  Hayden moaned. “You going for a record today, mate?”

  He chuckled. They had an active sex life, but never this active. Getting up early for class, having friends and family around, add in school work—mostly Hayden’s—often cut into their fucking. Being home would change that. Nico would make sure of it.

  From the way they’d been standing, it was easy to lift her into his arms. She weighed next to nothing, after all. Hayden shrieked in surprise, placing her arms around his neck for support. “Have you lost your damn mind?”

  He chuckled. “No, mate, I can assure you, I’m quite sane. Just want to carry my bride over the threshold.”

  Hayden giggled. “You realize we’ve been married a year, right?”

  “We’ve never had a home before.” He adjusted her in his arms so he could reach into his pocket to get the keys.

  “Maybe you should’ve had the keys out and ready. If you drop me, I won’t be in any shape to have sex later,” she warned.

  “Trust me, little wolf, I won’t drop you. And, it won’t be sex later. It’ll be straight up fucking.” Nico retrieved the key then strode up the steps to the front porch then unlocked the door.

  Hayden shivered. The sweet scent of her arousal filled his nose. “Followed by a couple of hours of me between your legs eating you out. I’ve been craving the taste of cotton candy on my tongue all day.”

  “Nico, please…” Hayden moaned, her face flushed with desire.

  “You know I love it when you beg, little wolf. Unfortunately, we’ve gotta check out our new home, talk about the job, then I’ll take care of your greedy little pussy.” He growled against her ear. Holding out on her would piss her off, but they needed to clear the air and come up with a game plan.

  Besides, a few more minutes allowing her ire to burn would only the make the sex that much better. Hayden surprised him at every turn, and the more she was allowed to unleash her animalistic tendencies, the hotter sex with her became. She hadn’t earned the honey badger nickname from Rapier without reason.

  She tensed in his arms. “Bastard.”

  Nico ignored the slur. “Might have to add a spanking to the to-do list, if you keep it up.” His dick jerked in his pants at the thought of her digging her fingernails into his hair.

  “Promises, promises,” Hayden whispered, her blue eyes dark with her arousal.

  “Fact,” he said, before allowing Hayden’s slight body to slide down his until she stood in front of him, facing the entryway of the house.

  “Oh, Nico,” Hayden cried after he flicked on the lights. “It’s perfect.”

  The house had an open floor plan. From the front door, he could see the living room, dining room, and a small family room off the kitchen. A hallway to the left led to the bedrooms. Like the outside, a fresh coat of paint, this time a light neutral grey, coated the walls.

  “Furnished too.” He gestured to the living room with its dark blue couches. The kitchen had a small table for two, and the dining room had an older set waiting to be used. “Want to bet they even got us a bed?” Nico grabbed her hand, ready to explore their new home.

  Chapter Three

  Not only did they have a king-size bed, but Hayden’s aunts had decked out the bathrooms and spare bedrooms. Bonus, they’d even filled the cupboards and fridge with food. There would be very little they’d have to purchase on their own.

  Nico had snagged a beer and a bottle of water for Hayden before making his way back to their bedroom. He kicked off his shoes then joined his mate on their new bed. “Your aunts went above and beyond.” He took a drink from the bottle in his hand while handing her the water. He sensed her rising need the minute he stepped into their room. It simmered under her skin, waiting for the right moment to turn into a full-fledged boil. His dick ached, pushing hard and insistence against the zipper of his jeans. Nico ignored it, continuing to stare at his mate.

  “It’s awesome,” Hayden replied, uncapping the water. “We’ll have to make sure to thank them.”

  Yeah, they would. Although a thank you just didn’t seem to cut it for all they’d done for them. Nico finished off his beer then placed the bottle on the closest of the two distressed nightstands beside the bed.

  “No falling asleep, Hayden.” Nico kept his distance from her on the bed. His need was just as out of control as hers. If he touched her, the conversation they had to have wouldn’t happen till tomorrow, and they didn’t have time for that.

  “I’m not. Just taking it all in. A lot happened today.”

  “Yeah, it did.” Hayden gazed up at him. He caught a glimpse of her vulnerability before she put it away. “Talk to me, little wolf. Tell me what you want to do.”

  “I don’t want to disappoint anyone,” she admitted with a sigh.

  Nico cringed inside. Hayden shouldn’t want to disappoint him, her mate.

  Fuck her family.

  “Never.” He hated the self-doubt he saw in her pretty blue eyes. Most times, Hayden did a pretty good job projecting the image she wanted others to see. Nico saw through all the bullshit, though. He saw her from the moment he met her, fancy façades be damned.

  Hayden’s worry of upsetting her family pissed him off. He understood a lot of his mate’s feelings of self-doubt had to do with
her upbringing. She’d told him Holly had been one of those helicopter parents, always afraid her niece would turn out to be like Holly’s bitch of a sister, Hazel Geithner. Hayden didn’t have a mean bone in her body. She’d willingly hurt herself before she hurt others. Mix in Hayden feelings of abandonment from her thinking her father wanted nothing to do with her from the get-go, and his mate walked on eggshells around them.

  “Why do you think Uncle Kalkin asked us in front of the entire family?” Hayden tilted her head. “Seems kind of out of character for him.”

  Nico shrugged. “Who the fuck knows what drives Kalkin reasoning.”

  “Maybe he’s mellowing with old age,” she said.

  Nico snorted. “Doubt it, little wolf. I think, if anything, he gets more devious with each passing year.”

  Hayden smiled. “Maybe.”

  “Are we really going to sit here, overthinking your uncle’s actions, or are we going to talk about the matter of hand?”

  Hayden sat up. “Well...I...”

  “Do you want to take the job?”

  Excitement vibrated from his mate. Even though Hayden had the tendency to overthink things, deep down she wanted to take the job. He saw the thrill of the chase flash in her eyes the minute Kalkin told them they’d be posing as a wealthy couple looking for the most exotic pet money could buy. He also saw the way her jaw clenched at the idea of children being auctioned off like cattle. All she had to do was reach for it and it was hers for the taking.

  Would she, was the question he’d been wondering since Kalkin told them about it. “It’s a yes or no, Hayden.”

  “It’s not that easy,” she said, glancing up at the ceiling.

  “Yeah, it is.”

  “Will you…will you ask to be on the mission, even if I say no?” Hayden drew her bottom lip between her teeth, while her right foot shook back in forth, rocking the bed ever so slightly.

  “Yes,” he answered without any hesitation. “It’s my job, mate.”

  Neither of them said anything for a long time.

  When he’d had enough of the silence, he informed her, “At some point, little wolf, you’re going to have to figure out if you are my mate or their daughter.”

  “That’s unfair!” Hayden’s voice wobbled with emotion.

  “Is it?” Nico shifted on the bed, looming over her.

  “Yes, it is.” Anger flared within her. It mixed with the heady scent of her desire, and it did things to him. Dark things. Nico wasn’t sure Hayden would be ready for, or willing to, admit to the debauchery woven into their relationship. The yearning to dominate her blazed inside of him. To fuck her into submission. To hear her beg then finally give over to him. Only then would his wolf truly be content.

  “Then please explain to me why you’re so worried about what your parents will think if you do this with me. Why do you even give a shit? Really the only thing you should be concerned about is my opinion on the matter. Not Jace’s. Not Blake’s and sure as hell not Holly’s.” Nico growled, unleashing the anger he felt bubbling up, deep inside of him.

  “They’re my parents,” she stressed.

  Nico snorted. “I’m aware. Don’t forget I’m your fucking mate.” The wolf inside of him paced, equally pissed off that its mate wasn’t right beside them on this matter.

  “I know,” she answered.

  No, she really didn’t. She was about to, though. In the most basic and elemental ways. Fuck what he’d said earlier about talking first, then fucking. The beast inside of him snarled, demanding they show his mate exactly who and what they were.

  “Fuck it.” He clawed her shorts from her hips before tearing off her delicate lace panties covering her pretty pussy then nuzzled her sex.

  “Nico!” she cried, digging her fingernails into his shirt.

  He couldn’t wait to feel those nails digging into his back while he fucked her. They’d leave half-moon marks that would last for hours after he’d finished fucking her. The thick, heady scent of cotton candy and feminine spice filled his nostrils. His dick throbbed in anticipation.

  He was done talking. Nico needed to show Hayden exactly who and what he was. They’d talk after. Right now, the only thing he wanted to hear from his mate was her begging him to let her come.

  Nico tugged off his shirt, then shucked his jeans. Hadn’t Blake said something about hiding stuff for them? He went to the closet first, sure the man would put whatever present he bought them away from prying eyes. When he came up empty, Nico crossed the room to the nightstand. A slow grin tugged at his lips. It had to be there. He pulled opened the drawer and found a bottle of lube and two boxes. One contained an anal vibrator and the other, a set of soft restraints. Fuck yes. He tore into both packages. His dick throbbed. His heart pounded.

  “What’s that?” Hayden eased up onto her elbows.

  “Our entertainment for the evening.” He held up the small, curved vibrator. “This will rock your world. But, first.” He placed the toy back into the box for a moment, so he could grab the restraints. “These need to go on.”

  “Nico, I—”

  “Shh...” Nico had a plan. Since the restraints weren’t cuffs, but small adjustable loops, he passed half the length through the slat in the headboard. “Do you trust me?”

  “Yes, of course. Always,” she answered.

  “Then trust me to give you what you need right now.” He held his hand out to her. “You know I won’t push you to do anything you don’t want to. However, tonight you need to remember your place in this dynamic and who we are.”

  Hayden tucked her bottom lip between her teeth. Her eyes were wide. Wildness and hesitation swirled in her cobalt blue gaze. The scent of her desire darkened the minute she placed her hands in his. “Okay.”

  Nico smirked. He fit the restraints around her wrists and made sure they didn’t cut off the circulation. Hayden sucked in a breath the minute she realized she couldn’t move freely any longer. Her smell changed, tinged with a hint of fear, but he didn’t move. The momentary flash of anxious energy mixing with her desire had his wolf sitting up. She licked her lips, pulling once more against the restraints before settling. Her pulse slowed, and her heated stare caressed him. “Figuring it out, little wolf?”

  She nodded. “I think so.”

  Nico showed her where the small release tabs were on the cuffs. “If for any reason you get scared or freak out, you can pull the tabs and the loops will loosen. You are in control.”

  “Thank you.”

  She shouldn’t be thanking him yet.

  He then grabbed the anal vibrator, flicking it on as he held it up. It whirled to life in his hand, causing his fingers to tingle with the vibration. “You’re going to help me get this nice and lubed up.”

  She cocked a brow. “How?”

  “Like this.” Nico placed the egg-shaped end of the toy at the entrance of her already wet pussy. Her hips jerked up toward the sensations emanating from the toy. “So pretty. What does it feel like, mate?”

  Hayden hissed out a breath. “I don’t know. I mean, I guess it feels like my clit is being massaged by a billion tiny fingers going a million miles an hour.” She cried out, rolling her hips when he changed the setting on the toy. “Oh...oh wow, that’s...” She licked her lips.


  She bobbed her head in agreement. Her eyes fluttered shut. “Yes.”

  “Perfect.” He kept it placed to the hard bundle of nerves for a few seconds longer then removed it.

  “Hey!” She cried out, trying to chase his hand with her lower body. “Why did you stop?”

  “You’ll see. Keep your eyes on me.” Her cobalt gaze locked with his as he added a bit of lube to the object. Even though she was wet, and they’d played anally before, he wouldn’t do anything to hurt her.

  He spread her legs and positioned himself between her thighs. The potent aroma of cotton candy and sunshine surrounded him in a blanket of safety and need. He took advantage of their position to drink her perfume down. He hadn�
��t had the pleasure of placing his mouth on her yet, but he swore he could taste her. A low growl built in his chest. His beast was at its limit, and he couldn’t continue to deny them.

  After placing her left leg into the crook of his elbow, he took in the sight of Hayden’s pliant form. Her pink pussy glistened in the low light of their room. Her clit throbbed, and a drop of her cream trickled from her slick slit. Nico’s mouth watered. He rubbed the vibrator over her puckered entrance. Hayden arched to him. She gasped his name and shuddered.

  “Take it, mate. Take it all,” he murmured, teasing her rear before pressing the toy past the tight entrance.

  Her eyes went wide. A wild snarl curled her lip. The headboard creaked and for a second, Nico worried they’d have to get a heavy-duty reinforced headboard. The thought sent a bolt of laughter through him, at the thought of having to explain the incident to whoever brought their bed. When he had the item fully seated within her, he lowered himself so that his mouth was inches from her sweet little cunt.

  Nico inhaled and groaned. He’d never grow tired of her smell. It drove him insane—had in fact all night, with the exception being the incident at Kalkin’s. He swiped his tongue along her slit, seeking out her swollen nub. The little bead throbbed with each lash of his tongue. The vibrations from the toy also affected him. He could feel it in his groin through the bed and against his tongue.

  He hadn’t thought about the consequence to him for using it. Poor calculation on his part. Something he wouldn’t repeat. For tonight, he sank into the sensation. He palmed her breasts while continuing to feast on her pussy. He rubbed her nipples with the tip of his fingers, before pinching the hard points. Hayden cried out, pushing her pert tits into his hold. He plucked and pulled, mimicking the motion of his tongue as he stuffed it into her pussy, fucking her with it.

  Again, she rolled her hips, riding his face. Her sweet cream coated his lips, nose, and chin and he didn’t give a shit. He got off on shit like that. He loved wearing her scent on him. The idea of pack members knowing he belonged to her, and vice versa, turned him on. He moaned against her sex. He flexed his hips, pushing his raging erection into the bedding to ease the building tension in his balls. For some reason he glanced out the window.


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