Remember the Knight

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Remember the Knight Page 20

by Thomas, Carrie Lynn

  “It’s so good to see you, Lucas.” She bubbles. God does everybody know Lucas in this town. “I heard you had a new girlfriend.”

  “Yeah,” Lucas says. “This is Sage.”

  “Hi Sage,” she says. “My name is Zoey. I’ve known Lucas forever. We grew up together. Him and his best friend Adam. We hung out all the time.” She sets menus down on the table, just as the door dings again. She glances back to Brianna with her boyfriend—what was his name again? JR? JT? I can’t remember. Lucas’ anxiety rolls off him in waves.

  “It will be okay,” I say under my breath. Zoey goes to greet them, skipping across the restaurant like she’s an eight-year-old.

  “We didn’t exactly hang out,” Lucas says.

  “I’m confused. Who? Brianna?”

  “No, Zoey. She had a huge crush on Adam. Probably still does.”

  “Yeah, Stella mentioned it.” I glance over at Zoey. Why does it bother me? That a girl I barely know has a crush on a guy I don’t know at all.

  Zoey returns to our table and we give her our orders. She glances at him sympathetically. “If it helps, I’ve always been Team Lucas,” she says.

  “Thanks,” he says.

  When she disappears again, I reach for his hand and squeeze it. “She misses you. I’m telling you. She really misses you. She’s staring at you right now— “

  The door opens and he walks in.

  He. Him. Adam.

  The dark hair, the blue eyes. My world starts spinning. My hearts pounds. My head screams. My hands shake. My stomach flutters.

  He’s looking down, and then his head lifts and his eyes lock with mine. They sparkle. Those blue, blue, eyes. His lips lift and there’s the dimple. Dancing in his cheek. It’s like he’s smiling, just for me. The diner. The people. The noise. They all disappear until it’s just me and him. This moment. My whole life has been leading to this moment. He is the boy from my dreams.

  But all too quickly, his eyes narrow and he frowns. He glances away nodding at a squealing Zoey who nearly knocks him over. She’s animated as she greets him, briefly turning to glance at his companion, a blonde-haired, slightly shorter version of Adam. They must be related somehow. I bite my lip, begging, pleading that he’ll look in my direction again, but he stays focused on whatever Zoey is telling him. She starts to lead them in our direction, when Adam grabs her shoulder and whispers something in her ear.

  She turns to him and shrugs. She whirls around, starting to lead them to a table near Brianna and her boyfriend, when Lucas leaps from our booth.

  “Adam,” he calls, waving his hand frantically. “Come. Have breakfast with us.”

  Adam does not look happy. He grimaces, glaring in our direction, but his companion squeezes his shoulder and whispers something in his ear. He reluctantly makes his way over to us.

  Lucas drops back to his seat. “Do you mind if they sit with us?”

  I shake my head. “Of course not.” I lower my eyes, hoping Lucas doesn’t see my flushed cheeks.

  “Great.” When they reach our booth, Adam slips in to sit next to Lucas, leaving the blond-haired guy to sit by me.

  “Hi,” he says. “I’m Zane.” He holds out his hand, a bright smile on his face.

  “Sage.” I gently take his hand. My hand tingles sending shivers up my arm, familiar to what I felt when I first met Lucas. Does that mean I somehow know him too?

  “And this is my little brother, Adam.” Zane points across the booth. Adam’s eyes avert mine. He glances around at everyone—from the guy sitting next to me to Lucas to Zoey to Brianna. But he will not look at me. “He may be deaf. It hasn’t been determined yet, ouch” Zane jumps, his arm brushing mine. He glares across the table at Adam, their eyes locked on each other.

  “No, he’s not deaf.” Lucas says, irritation edging his voice. “Stop the moodiness man. I haven’t seen you in months. I would really like to introduce my girlfriend to my one of my oldest friends.”

  Adam opens his mouth and then he closes it. He sighs and starts drumming his fingers on the table. He briefly glances in my direction and frowns. “Fine. Nice to see you and your girlfriend, Lucas. Is that what you want me to say?”

  “You’re being kind of rude,” Zane says.

  “Whatever,” Adam says.

  “Dude, what is your problem?” Lucas asks.

  “I just think you could do better. Much better. What the hell do you see in her? She doesn’t even compare to Brianna. She looks like—"

  “Stop it,” Lucas growls. His face is red, angry. “Stop it. You’re being an jerk.”

  “I’m over it is what I am.” Adam leaps from the booth. He slams across the restaurant knocking over a chair in his wake. Several customers crane their necks to see what caused the commotion and Zoey stops, her mouth open as he marches the door.

  Lucas stands up, glaring at Adam’s back. “I’ll be right back.” He follows Adam out the door. The door rattles twice as they both step out into the cold, disappearing around the corner. I steal a glance at Zane, who’s resting his elbow on the table and staring at me curiously.

  I swallow and look down at the table. I’m shaky, so shaky. And my lungs…I can’t seem to breathe. I thought maybe he would recognize me from the dreams. Or maybe he wouldn’t. Or maybe there’s convoluted unexplainable phenomenon. I thought so many things.

  But I never thought he would hate me.

  Chapter Thirty-Five


  Zoey smiles as she sets a plate of steaming food in front of me. She shifts her head to the door as she sets Lucas’ breakfast down across the booth where head been sitting. “What was all that about?”

  “My little bro pissing his pants as usual,” Zane says.

  Zoey glances back at him and frowns. “Adam’s normally not like that.”

  “Too much time with me.” Zane smiles up at her.

  Her frown grows deeper. “Well, tell him I want to talk to him when he comes back in. He is coming back in, right?”

  He smiles at Zoey and says, “Maybe. Who knows with him these days?”

  “Yeah, I know he’s been unhappy…” She wipes her hands on her apron as she glances around the diner. “Well, let me know if you need anything. I’ll be right back to get your order, Zane.” I stare after her as she disappears into the kitchen. Zane gets up and slides into the opposite side of the booth. I scooch to the edge and start to stand.

  “Where are you going?” Zane asks as he picks up a fork and digs into Lucas’ eggs.

  “I’m just going to check on…” I jerk my hand to the window and the parking lot. My face flushes as I realize it’s more than just Lucas I want to check on. I want to know why Adam hates me so much.

  “Sit down,” Zane says. “They’ll be fine. They’re old friends and they have some catching up to do. That’s all.” He takes another bite off Lucas’ plate.

  “That’s not your breakfast.” I sink back into the booth.

  “Well, it’s getting cold. Don’t want good food to go to waste.” He picks up a piece of bacon. “Hmm,” he says, as he takes a bite. “So, how did you and Lucas meet?”

  “College. And really. That’s his breakfast.” I crane my neck trying to get a glimpse out the window.

  “Well, I don’t see him coming back in here to eat it,” Zane chews loudly.

  “I’m sure he’ll be right back—” I’m still focused on the window when Zoey pops up in front of our table again.

  “Know what you want?” she asks Zane. I turn back to the table.

  “I’m getting kind of full.” He pats his stomach. “Maybe just a coffee.”

  “Do you think Adam will want anything?” She taps her pencil against her order pad and looks at the door. I take a sip of water.

  “Xanax, maybe?” Zane winks at me and takes a sip of water.

  “What was that?” Zoey asks with her eyes peeled on the door.

  “Don’t worry about it.” Zane taps her shoulder. “I’m sure Adam will be happy to let you know when he wande
rs back in.”

  “Yeah, of course.” She watches the door as if it’ll open and he’ll come breezing through. She glances back at Zane briefly. “I’ll come back.”

  Chapter Thirty-Six


  Lucas grabs me by the arm just as I pull the handle on the truck. “What the hell?” he says. “What is your problem. Sage is a sweetheart. You don’t know even know her. I know you got issues, but really.”

  I climb into the truck slamming the door. Lucas knocks on the window, mouthing my name. I sigh and roll down the window.

  “You’re in my truck.”

  “I realize that.” I grab the steering wheel. “Look, I’m sorry I hurt your little girlfriend’s feelings back there, but I’m not just in the mood right now. Okay? I had a long night last night and I wasn’t in the mood to sit and chat.”

  Lucas shakes his head. “You’re such an ass, these days.” He clenches his jaw and turns around, stomping back to the diner. I rest my head on the steering wheel, feeling the anger evaporate into a dull pain. She’s here. Just a few feet away. She’s here and I’ve never wanted to be further away. I turn the keys, the engine springing to life. I need to get as far away from the diner as possible. Far away from Lucas’ girlfriend.

  She was holding his hand. I grit my teeth as I pull the truck out onto the road. She’s his girlfriend and she was holding his hand. Of course, she was holding his hand. She’s not my Sage anymore. This Sage—she’s never been my Sage. The pain twists in my heart like a thousand knives as I picture her face. She’s here, in Star Harbor.

  My phone vibrates in my pocket. It’s probably a text or voicemail from Lucas reminding me of what a jerk I am. He’s right. I am the biggest jerk, but he doesn’t know why. I don’t even know why. I should be happy for her, that she’s so happy. She’s living a life brighter than even her brightest day when she lived here. She has the mom and dad she always wished for. A little sister. Friends, a boyfriend—and not a bad one. Lucas is a nice guy and if I could pick anyone for her, there’s no one better.

  So, why does this hurt so much?

  Chapter Thirty-Seven


  “Don’t think you’re getting your coffee.” I whisper to Zane as I watch Zoey flit from table to table, always pausing to look outside the window. “She looks a little preoccupied.”

  He grins and taps his fingers on the table. “You’re not so bad, miss…what is your name again?”

  “Sage,” I tell him. “My name is Sage.”

  “Sage,” he nods. “Sage…where have I heard that name before?” He presses his finger to his chin as if he’s deep in thought.

  “I dunno. Where have you? And if you’re going for some stupid pickup line—don’t. Nearly four years of college and I’ve heard them all.”

  “I suppose a pretty girl like you would have.” He takes another forkful of Lucas’ food.

  I push the plate across the table to him. “You may as well eat it.”

  He smiles. “I like you. Too bad Lucas snatched you up already. Although you’re not really my type.”

  “And what type is that? Dumb enough to fall for all your charm?” I raise an eyebrow.

  “Redheads,” he says. “Love redheads. Preferably short ones. Got any of those at that college of yours?”

  “No, not that I know of.” I shake my head and he frowns.

  “Well, that’s too—”

  “Sorry.” Lucas slips back into the booth next to me. “I didn’t mean to just leave you like that. And I’m sorry about Adam. He’s not usually like that.”

  “Yes, he is,” Zane says, in between bites of hash browns.

  “Hey.” Lucas looks around the diner. “Where’s my breakfast?”

  “Over there.” I point to Zane.

  Zane looks up and shrugs. “I was hungry. But I’m sure Zoey will be back here in a jiffy. She’s been going crazy ever since Adam walked out the door.”

  Like she could hear us, Zoey descended on the table, her face dropping when she saw Lucas had returned alone. She glances back at the door. “He’s not coming,” Lucas says. “He left. In my truck, I’ll add. I don’t know what his problem is.”

  “Maybe he has an issue with your choice in girlfriends.” Zane chews on another slice of bacon and washes it down with some coffee.

  “My girlfriends? He barely knows Brianna and he’s never met Sage until this morning. I don’t think that’s his problem. He’s just…I don’t know anymore.”

  “And besides we’re not a couple anyway,” I blurt out. Okay, why had I done that. Lucas glances at me, his brow furrowing. “Eeek. I’m sorry.” I look at Zane. “Please don’t tell anybody. We’re just friends, but I thought I’d help Lucas get Brianna back by making her jealous. And…just please don’t tell anybody.”

  Zane pretends to zip his lips and takes another bite of the bacon. “Who would I tell?” he says, between bites. “I have no idea who this Brianna chick is.”

  “I’m sorry, Lucas.” I glance at him. “It just came out.”

  “That’s okay.” He stands up and drops some bills on the table. “Well, since you’re done and Zane’s taken care of my breakfast, why don’t I take you on a tour. There should be enough to cover the check there.”

  Zane nods as he leans over the plate shoveling more food into his mouth. God, that guy could eat. “Have fun you two kids.”

  “Will do,” Lucas says. The door opens and a couple breeze in, stopping to shake the snow off their boots. I glance back at Zane and press a finger to my lips as Lucas grabs my hand and leads me out the door.

  Chapter Thirty-Eight


  When I pull into the drive, my phone vibrates again. Zane screams through the phone. “Why’d you ditch me?”

  “Hello to you,” I say sarcastically. “And I didn’t ditch you. I just needed to get out of there.”

  “Apparently,” he answers. “And you thought you’d leave me with your ex and best-friend. I’m not a fan of all that drama.”

  “Yeah, right. I think you live for that stuff.” I turn off the truck. The curtains move in the upstairs window and I imagine my mom behind it, wondering if I’m going to come in or disappear on her again like I did last night. “I need to go inside—”

  “You need to come get me,” Zane says. “It’s safe. They left. But I’m still here and we’ve got to take care of daddy dearest so I can blow this town and you can stick around and watch your bestie hook up with your other bestie who don’t remember they were once besties.”

  “Shut up.” I press my hand to my head. “You’re giving me a headache.”

  “Come get me, and I’ll shut up. Besides I have a little tidbit of info you might want to know about your supposedly dating friends.”

  I really don’t want to know. Seeing them was bad enough—hearing them? I do not want to know. I can imagine the drool coming from Zane’s mouth salivating over his secret information. “Don’t tell me,” I whisper. “Please. I really don’t want to know anything.”

  “Oh no,” Zane says. “Trust me. You want to hear this. You’re going to love this.”

  “I doubt that.”

  “Well, get your butt over here and pick me up and I’ll tell you everything. Trust me, you want to know.” He enunciates the last few words.

  “Trust me, I don’t.” I reply. “And the only way I’m coming back to get you is if you promise you’ll keep your mouth shut about Sage and Lucas.”

  “Fine,” he groans. “Come get me and we’ll get going on tracking down Laris. I will keep my mouth shut. But you’ll be sorry for not wanting to know.”

  The call cuts off and I lay my head on the steering wheel. “Trust me, I don’t want to know.” I whisper.

  Chapter Thirty-Nine


  “And this is the end of town,” Lucas says with a laugh. Following the rather dramatic breakfast, we walked down the sidewalk, Lucas giving me a history of the town. Short history. “I don’t know what Adam’s problem was,�
�� he says, stopping in front of his car. “I am really sorry about that. He’s been a bit of a jerk lately—but not that much.”

  “It’s okay,” I reassure Lucas. “Really. There are worse guys at college. Believe me. Have you met some of those fraternity guys?”

  “Okay, you win,” Lucas smiles. “But they’re usually not too bad…with me anyway. A cute girl like you though.”

  “Why, Lucas.” I hold out my hand and he kisses it. “I never knew you felt that way.” I pause when I catch Brianna in front of the diner. Her eyes shoot daggers. Oooh, if looks could kill. “Don’t look now,” I whisper. “But it appears we have an audience.”

  “A good one?”

  “Well, for you, I hope.” I smile at him. He stands up and turns to look at her. She’s standing in front of the diner, no boyfriend in sight.

  “Why don’t you go talk to her?” I nudge him. “Now that she’s alone.

  He shakes his head. “I—I don’t want to le—”

  “Go.” I order him. “Now.”

  I don’t have to push him twice to walk across the road. I catch the hint of a smirk in Brianna’s eyes as she sees him walking to her. I turn around to the car. I may as well wait for them…

  I lean against the door pulling my coat tighter around me. I shiver in the cold air, starting to regret not asking Lucas for the keys. I’m contemplating going back into the restaurant, when a hand clutches my shoulder from behind. I swing around, my heart beating out of my chest to find the guy that was with Adam—what was his name? Zane, I remember. His name is Zane.

  “Hey.” He grins. “So much for this act to make Lucas jealous. It’s not very believable when he leaves his current girlfriend out in the cold to go talk to his ex-girlfriend.”


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