Cowboys Don't Come Out: A Coming Out, Must-love-kids, Two Step Dancing, Hawaii for the Holidays MM Romance

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Cowboys Don't Come Out: A Coming Out, Must-love-kids, Two Step Dancing, Hawaii for the Holidays MM Romance Page 11

by Tara Lain

  “What if I just stayed until New Year’s? I mean, most haole tourists do that, right? I could spend more time with the kids, give them another lesson. I could see the Seven Sacred Pools—”

  “There are more than seven, and they’re not sacred.”

  “Whatever. You could show me Makawao and any other stuff you felt like doing—” He grinned. “—like, a lot.” He whispered, “Like every night.”

  Kai glanced down the hall—yes, the kids were taking a long time—grabbed his cock through his apron, and muttered, “Fuck.”


  “Come on, Aliki, let’s help Kai.”

  “Okay, Lani, let’s help.”

  Rand looked toward the kids’ voices and burst out laughing. Never had two more carefully rehearsed or loudly proclaimed lines been delivered. He whispered, “I think they were giving us time to make up.”

  “Did we?”

  “I sure as hell hope so.” He opened the cupboard and pulled out a can of black olives, then got out some celery and tomatoes from the fridge. Lani came up beside him and smiled conspiratorially. Wonder what the kids think is between me and Kai?

  “What can I do?”

  “How about you and Aliki sit down and tell Kai everything about your lessons today. Let’s see how much you learned.”

  Aliki plopped down, but Lani kept working, filling glasses with iced tea as she talked about learning to trot. They all sat at the table with some variation on chili, salad with blue cheese dressing—most likely to tempt small boys—and crusty garlic bread spread out before them. Aliki summed it up. “And I can barely sit down.”

  Laughing, they all dug in. Rand swallowed a big mouthful. “Wow, this is good.”

  Lani grinned. “We call it Chili Kai Carne.”

  “Thanks for inviting me, you guys.”

  She glanced at Rand sideways. “Did I hear you say something about staying longer?”

  He looked up at Kai, then back at his plate. “Could happen. I have to make some calls.”

  Aliki gave his knife handle a pound on the table. “Excellent.”

  Am I doing this? Apparently. He took another big bite and looked around the cozy room full of laughter and good smells. Funny how there didn’t seem to be much sign of their mother.

  Chapter Twelve

  Rand laid the phone on the bed and hit Speaker. “Can you hear me okay? I finally got the cell to work tonight.”

  “Yeah. A little scratchy, but fine.”

  “So how did the lessons go?”

  “Great. No problem, patron.” Manolo had to be grinning. He could hear it in his voice.

  “How’d you like to be patron for a few more days—or maybe I should say, are you willing to do it?”

  Short silence. “You stayin’?”

  “I’m thinking about it, but not if I’m really needed there. Be honest.”

  “Honestly? Nobody needs your ugly ass.” Manolo laughed.

  Rand snorted. “Aside from that, would our profits improve if I came home?”

  “We’re good, man. What’s going on? You must be having a much better time than you thought. Your mama decide to stay home?”

  “No, she’s giving me as much grief as predicted. Actually, she and my dad leave tomorrow. Some business thing. But I met some nice people here and want to hang with them for a little longer.”

  “No shit, man? You meet a girl?”

  “No. Some kids, actually, and a real Hawaiian cowboy who wants to show me some more of the whole paniolo thing here.”

  “Yeah, I heard about that Hawaiian cowboy thing. Sounds interesting. He probably comes from my people, you know?”

  “Yep, I imagine so, going on two hundred years ago.”

  “Blood counts, man!” He laughed.

  “Anyway, seriously, should I come back tomorrow?”

  “No. We’re good. Lots of business stacking up, but not until after New Year’s.”

  “Glad to hear it. You know to call when you need me. I’m moving out of this fancy hotel into a little guesthouse, so try my cell, since the hotel number won’t work anymore.”

  “Too rich for your blood?”

  “Yeah. It’s really great, but since I’m paying from here on, I need to economize.”

  “So, kids, huh? You’re a sucker for ’em.”

  “Yep. You’ll never believe what I’m doing.”

  “Don’t even have to guess. I’ll bet you’re teaching them to ride.”

  Rand laughed. “Mexican mind reader.”

  “Nah, just a Rand reader. Have some fun, man. You earned it. Take some pictures of those paniolos, okay?”

  “I’ll do it. Thanks, Manolo.”

  He hung up. One hurdle leaped. He walked out the door of his cottage toward his folks’ place. When he tapped on the open door, his mom had bags spread all over the floor and was packing. “Hi dear. Why does everything feel bigger when you try to pack for home?”

  His dad looked up from his omnipresent phone, which seemed to be working for him too. “Because you spent a thousand dollars at the dress shop?”

  His mother grinned and kept stuffing in clothes. “Are you all packed?”

  “Yeah, but I wanted to tell you that I’m actually not going back with you tomorrow.”


  Even his father looked up.

  “Uh, I decided to stay through New Year’s and go back after.”

  “But you packed.” She looked confused.

  “I’m moving into a guesthouse farther down the highway. It’s a lot cheaper. I don’t want to spend the company’s money too extravagantly—although I’ve really loved staying here.” He smiled.

  Her face moved in slow motion—from a frown, to a dawning realization, to a huge smile. “Does this have something to do with—” The last word came out on a squeal. “—Julie?”

  He smoothed his frown. “No, Mom, it seriously doesn’t. I just got interested in the whole Hawaiian cowboy thing, and I want time to explore it a little. Go to Makawao. They have a rodeo and line dancing, and you know how I love that stuff.”

  “Really?” She looked both confused and unhappy.

  His dad looked up. “You said you wanted him to come to Hawaii and have fun. He’s having fun. Be happy.”

  “Yes, I suppose you’re right, dear.” She folded another blouse. “Are you planning to spend more time with the children?” She glanced at him. “And their brother?”

  Answer the easy part. “Yes. I want to give them at least one more lesson.”

  “Coals to Newcastle.” She smiled, though a little tightly.

  “So I’ll see you in the morning.”

  She looked at his dad. “Maybe we should take the plane back to the airport rather than drive since Rand won’t be going back with us?”

  “If you want. I’ll walk up to the desk and see what the availability is.” He got up, pocketed the phone, and waited for Rand to cross out the door before following. Once outside, he turned to Rand. “She just wants you to be happy.”

  “She has trouble believing that I am.”

  His dad gave him a bear hug and a sideways glance. “She’d believe it more if you did.” He started walking toward the main hotel building and waved a hand. “Hope we see you soon, son.”

  Love that man. Rand watched his dad go for a minute, turned, and ran to his cottage. He swung his duffel bag over his shoulder, trotted out the back of the building to the parking area, and tossed it in his rental car. He’d check out tomorrow, but tonight he’d definitely try out the bed at the guesthouse.

  An hour later, he’d come down in the world. The cottage of the little guesthouse looked over the beach like his Hana Maui cottage, but there the similarity ended. It had a slightly creaky queen-sized bed, rougher sheets, and, since Kai was the one who’d told him about it, a hell of a lot of expectations. Rand officially checked in, hung a few clothes in the closet, and stashed about a gallon of lube in the bedside table. He ended up sitting against the headboard, shoes o
ff, listening to the sound of the surf. Now if Kai could find a way to get free for a while—he’d murmured something about an auntie taking care of Lani and Aliki.

  Hell, there hadn’t been any sign of an auntie or a mother in that house. The kids slept in the same room, so there was definitely an extra bedroom down the hall with the door closed. Could literally every possession and artifact of their mom be in that room—and nowhere else? Mysteriouser and mysteriouser. Why would they lie about something like a mom?

  Why should he care? He had five days of fun ahead of him—of the very best kind. He rested his head back and closed his eyes.

  Ummm. Died and gone to heaven.

  Jesus! His eyes flew open, and he stared down at the shiny black mane of a bobbing head. Rand’s hips bounced into a hot, wet throat and then—it swallowed! “Holy shit!”

  Kai popped his lips off Rand’s cock, looked up, and smiled with saliva shiny on his chin. “Had to make you stop snoring somehow.”

  “May all my wakings be just like that.”

  “Want to go back to sleep?” He grinned.

  “Uh, let’s see. Sleep?” He held out one hand. “Get fucked in the ass by Kai Kealoha’s monster cock.” He popped the other hand up. “Gee, don’t know which to choose.”

  Kai laughed.

  “Did you have any problem getting out?”

  “No. Auntie’s looking in on them. It’s really safe around here, and Lani’s more responsible than I am.”

  Rand flipped his softening dick. “I don’t know about the safe part. Strange guys sneak in and suck your cock when you’re asleep.”

  “Oh, right. I forgot. Hana’s known for its drive-by fellatio. But aside from that—safe as a church.”

  “Worst part of all—then they stop!”

  Kai slid his shirt off. “Well, sadly, nature made sucking and fucking at the same time contrary to the laws of human anatomy, so take your pick, cowboy. I’m at your service.” His flip-flops had been left at the door, and he pulled off the shorts, revealing that king of cocks already at half-mast.

  “Fucking. Definitely fucking.” Rand pulled off his jeans so fast he fell over backward with the denim wrapped tight around his legs. Beached sea turtle.

  “Need a little help there?” Kai knee-walked to Rand, pushed him farther backward, pulled his ass cheeks apart, and insinuated a tongue between his buns.

  “Oh hell.” Wet heat surrounded his pucker, then squirmed inside, sending little shocks of bliss up his spine and through his balls. Whoa, he liked being fucked any way there was, and this added up to one fucking masterpiece. “Shit, where did you learn to do that?”

  Kai pulled his tongue out. “When I was about thirteen, a kid from the mainland did it to me in a barn. I never forgot it. More?”

  “Cock, please.”

  “Oh so polite. I’ll hold my pinky out while I fuck you into the mattress.”

  “See that you do.” He wrangled himself out of the jeans, scooted back, popped open the bedside drawer, and grabbed the lube bottle.

  Kai took it and held it up. “Uh, were you planning to fill the tank for dolphins? Setting up a slip-and-slide?”

  “I believe in being prepared.”

  “Let’s see if we can’t use the whole thing before you go home.”

  That sounded good—if you didn’t count the going home part.

  Kai slid on a condom and slicked it, while Rand shoved some lube into his hole. Then—the moment of anticipation. Oh yeah. Kai lined up his cock with Rand’s hole, gave him a lazy grin, and shoved.

  Rand breathed out, relaxed his ass even though he wanted to do the opposite, and made room for the intruder. It took two pushes before—Shit! “I forget how great that thing burns.”

  “Too much?”


  Kai chuckled and pressed Rand’s legs closer to his ears as he drove the monster cock home. “Man, I love doing this.”

  “That makes two of us.”

  “I want to fuck you on every surface on Maui.”

  “You’re off to a good start.”

  Kai looked deep in Rand’s eyes. “Your ass was made for me. Feel how it fits?” He pulled out and pushed back in.


  “Not too tight, not too loose. Perfect. Every nerve. Ohhhhh.” His breath escaped as he pushed back in slowly, then pulled out to the tip and back in again.

  Dragging across his prostate slow like that lit up every cell in Rand’s ass like a neon sign that said Fuck at Joe’s. Oh crap, how could he go back to living without this?

  Kai’s breathing sped up and so did his thrusts—harder and harder, faster and faster, teeth clenched, his black hair flying and eyes squeezed shut. A picture of pure fucking intensity. Rand surrendered to the fire, hammering his ass up as Kai pushed down, and their flesh slapped together so loud it must be waking the fishes. The squeaky bed took up the symphony and the headboard slammed against the wall. Slap, squeak, slam, slap, squeak, slam! Can’t control. “Oh God, oh, oh.” Kai’s abdomen slid across Rand’s throbbing cock with every pump until white light flamed behind Rand’s eyes and—“Oh shiiiit!” Can you live with your head exploded? Shots of fire raced through his balls, into his belly, closed his throat, and lit his brain.

  Somewhere far off, Kai screamed. “Holy fuck!”

  Rand drained so much cum from his balls, it felt like he’d struck oil, and it still didn’t stop. Shot after shot after shot. He was still shuddering in release when Kai dropped forward onto his chest and Rand’s legs relaxed to the mattress. “I’ll never move again. If we’re going to do that on every surface in Maui, you’re going to have to carry me.”

  “Nah. I’d rather sightsee your ass from right here.”

  Rand tightened his arms around Kai. “Can you stay?”

  “No, have to get back to the kids. I don’t like to leave them alone all night.”

  Funny. Was being with their mother “alone”?

  “You guys have a safe flight. Thank you so much for bringing me. I’ve really had a great time.”

  His mom gave him another appraising glance—one of several she’d delivered this morning. “Obviously.”

  He tried hard not to blush. He’d raced out of the guesthouse early that morning, driven back to the Hana Maui, and walked out of his cottage like he’d spent the night there. Quickly he turned to his dad and extended his hand. “Safe travels.”

  “Enjoy the rest of your stay.”

  Footsteps behind them made everyone turn. Well, hell. Julie strode up the driveway. “Good morning. I wanted to come say good-bye.” She brought flower leis and placed the first one around his mom’s neck, then gave her a hug. “I hope you enjoy the long and winding road.”

  As Julie placed the lei on his dad, he got the stink eye from his mother. “We actually decided to take the plane back to Kahului.”

  Julie looked surprised. “Oh, that’s a shame. You’d love all the beautiful sights on the road. But I sure understand not wanting to take all that time.” She started to put a lei on Rand. He stepped back.

  “Uh, actually, I’m not going yet. I’m staying for a few more days.”

  “Oh, no kidding?” She looked puzzled and then smiled. “That’s great. Must mean you love our little part of the world.”

  “Yes, well, I want to investigate the whole paniolo tradition a bit more. Go up to Makawao. Maybe buy some books. I thought it would make interesting history for my guests at the ranch.”

  “That’s great.” She started to say something, then stopped. “Just let me know if I can help.”


  “Hey, you can have the lei anyway. Nothing says they’re only for hello and good-bye.” She stood on tiptoe, slid it over his neck, and kissed his cheek. He glanced over her head and came eye to eye with his mom.

  “Thank you.”

  The van driver cleared his throat. Which was better? Spending five more minutes with his folks, or being alone with Julie? “You better get going or you’ll miss your pla

  His mom delivered one more kiss to his cheek. “Have fun, dear.” They climbed into the van and—gone.

  Rand let out a long breath.

  “What made you decide to stay?”

  He shrugged. “The ranch won’t be busy until after New Year’s, and I keep hearing about places on Maui I haven’t seen. Mom only wanted to eat fish sandwiches.”

  She cocked her head. Julie wasn’t much of a “fake it till you make it” lady.

  He looked off down the Hana Road. “I really took a liking to the Kealoha kids. I want to give them another couple of riding lessons—since Kai doesn’t want to do it.”

  “The kids’ name is Kahele.”


  “Lani and Aliki Kahele. Different father from Kai.”

  “Oh, right. I always forget. What happened to him?”

  “I get the feeling he wasn’t ever very much in the picture. Nobody talks about him a lot.”

  “He had to be around enough to produce two kids a couple of years apart.”

  She shrugged. “I’m a haole newcomer. What do I know? But my guess is their mom isn’t much in the stability department, and she hooked up with some no-good guy, not once but twice.”

  “At least she got some really great kids out of it. What’s wrong with the mom?”

  “No idea.”

  He sighed. “Kai sure seems to take all the responsibility for them.”

  “Yeah. Funny. He seems like such a cowboy, but he looks after those kids like a mama lion. And, by the way, Kai doesn’t ‘not want’ to teach the kids to ride. He doesn’t think he can.”

  “Yeah, I got that idea too.”

  “Somebody’s told that guy too many times that he’s not worth much or good for much. That’s my observation, anyway.”

  “I kind of gathered it might be that no-good child producer you mentioned.”

  “That makes sense. Talk crap to the stepson. Man, the world is full of assholes.”

  Rand stared down the road. “Weird too. Jesus, have you seen Kai on a horse?”

  “Yes, I have.”

  “Poetry. Lani’s a natural born rider—probably just from having half his genes or something.” He smiled.


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