Angels and Elves- Act I

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Angels and Elves- Act I Page 7

by William Collins

  They all fell silent for several heartbeats.

  “I get it,” Evan said, moving closer to Taija and lowering his voice, just in case anyone other than his friends was nearby. “But we’re a…special case. The sorcery Veneseron teaches us is nothing like what you’ve used back on your home world. The Masters here are training us to use our magic for good, to destroy demons and to help people, to save lives.”

  Taija met his eyes, the very same stormy grey as his own, even down to the scarlet specks in the iris. After a long moment she merely said. “Sorry, you wouldn’t understand.”

  “Um,” Brooke spoke up. “I think Evan and I understand you totally, you know.”

  Vanderain had explained it all to Taija, how she was a demon-spawn, but also how she wasn’t the only one, she didn’t have to feel alone here.

  “No, you really don’t,” she replied. “You two might be afflicted with evil the same way I am. But you haven’t killed people with it.”

  Evan felt ice slide down his spin as Taija said the word evil. He’d often equated being half-demon with being half-evil himself, but he realised now that it was much more complex than that.

  “We have,” Brooke continued. “Me and Evan have both killed demons with our dark magic, we--”

  “Not humans though,” Taija interrupted, her eyes glinting with fury. “You haven’t murdered another human with magic, have you?”

  Brooke shook her head, wordless.

  He almost took a step back from Taija, as if she was dangerous, but Evan quickly stopped those thoughts dead. He wouldn’t let her think she was something to be afraid of.

  “Did you…” he started. “I mean, it must’ve been an accident, right. Demon magic has a mind of its own. It must’ve—”

  “Nope,” Taija interrupted again. “I wanted to kill the guy and in that moment my magic did as I commanded it too.”

  “Oh, c’mon.” Jed got up from his seat and walked over to Taija. “I know you told me in confidence, and not to tell anyone, but as you’ve let the unicorn out of the stable.” Jed turned to him. “She’s talking about a Dark-Venator she killed. I already told her she shouldn’t think of it as murdering a human. Rakarn are practically demonic anyway.”

  “It’s not the same,” Taija shook her head.

  “You’re right,” Evan said. “But I’m sure you only killed him because your life was in danger. Besides,” Evan slowly raised his hand and lightly touched his burn mark. “Your magic also saved my life, or at the very least from Kalkavan melting my face off. So, it’s not all bad.” He chuckled weakly.

  She frowned then, apparently mulling it over. “Maybe you’re right. But still, I think my magic does more harm than it does good.”

  “But that’s just the demon magic,” Evan whispered. “The regular sorcery that Venators possess isn’t like that. Sure, it can still hurt or kill, but that’s only if you actively will it to be like that, it’s not uncontrollable like our demon sorcery. The magic taught at Veneseron has good that far outweighs the bad.”

  “You should tell one of the Masters,” said Brooke. “Let them know why you’re reluctant to start using spells. As long as you’re drinking the Emerald Shade like me and Evan, there’s no risk of your dark sorcery coming back, anyway.”

  “Yeah, that’s what the Vanderain guy said.” Taija crossed her arms, looking unimpressed. “I want to believe him, I really do. But Jed let slip that the potion wasn’t enough to stop your demon sorcery from breaking free.” She looked back to Evan. “And you said I was stronger than you. I’m terrified the potion won’t be enough to contain my powers at all.”

  She had a point. Evan himself was paranoid about the Shade failing again.

  “Vanderain knows what he’s doing though,” he said. “I’m sure your dosage of Shade is enough to keep your demonic side contained. And he’s away right now. Vanderain’s going to get the Republic together and figure out a long-term solution to our problem.”

  “If you say so,” Taija grunted.

  “Barrel of laughs, isn’t she?” Jed shook his head. “You’re usually a bit more fun than this, Taj.”

  Evan would have to take Jed’s word for it. He hadn’t seen Taija crack a genuine smile himself.

  “Listen, if you want, you can do your first spells with us,” he offered. “Or just hang out with us, so we can get to know each other better. We are related after all.”


  Evan snapped his head around as he heard the familiar voice, his heart jumping into his throat.

  Sintian Stray moved out from behind a bookcase, sauntering towards them with his fine eyebrows arched.

  Oh god, how much had he overheard. Please, don’t let him have heard that we’re demon-spawn.

  “What, no answer?” Sintian continued. “I heard the new girl came from Sarume realm, and you hail from Earth realm Evan? So how in Rueda’s name could you be related?”

  “Shut up, Stray,” Jed snarled.

  Sintian’s bright white teeth glinted as he smiled, clearly revelling in getting under their skin.

  Before Evan could come up with a good excuse, it was Taija who replied, surprising him. “You heard wrong. I’ve never heard of a place called Sarume. You shouldn’t listen to gossip, mate.”

  Sintian bowed to Taija. “Please, call me Sintian. We haven’t formally met. But I’ve watched you from afar.”

  “Yeah, that’s not creepy at all,” said Jed.

  Sintian ignored him. “Quite a few people were wondering about the new recruit who went straight to the Infirmary when she arrived. Naturally, I asked about you, but my information may have been incorrect. If you say you aren’t from Sarume, who am I to call you a liar? Now that I see you up close,” Sintian looked Taija up and down in a way which made Evan clench his fists. “I guess you do bear a resemblance to Umbra, much more attractive though.”

  “Oi, you better not be coming on to her,” Jed snapped. “She’s not into weirdo’s. Well, I don’t think she is.”

  “Settle down, Jagger.” Sintian smirked. “Why so mad? Have you been coming on to Taija yourself? Tut, tut, your best friend’s sister? Are you okay with that Evan?”

  Despite the fact Sintian was getting under his skin, relief flooded through him. Evidently Sintian had only heard the last thing Evan had said to Taija, or else he’d be frantically asking Evan all about his demonic side. Ever since Kurrlan’s army had invaded the Fortress, Sintian had been suspicious of Evan. He wouldn’t just drop the subject now if he’d heard Evan talk about it. He’d have to be much more careful about mentioning it in public, even when he thought it was safe.

  “Why all the secrecy then?” Sintian asked next. “About the lovely Taija being your sister? Loads of Realmers are siblings.”

  “It isn’t a secret,” said Elijah. “Just none of your business.”

  “Is there any particular reason you’re hanging around where you’re not wanted?” Brooke scowled at Sintian.

  “There is, as a matter of fact,” Sintian replied smugly. ‘My brother has just returned to Veneseron after a year-long mission where he saved a highly advanced realm from breaking into full-scale nuclear war. I’ve told him about you, Evan, and he’d like to meet you.”

  “What are you, his secretary?” Jed asked.

  “No,” Sintian growled. “I just thought I’d give you fair warning. It is not wise to be as rude to my brother as you are to me. He--”

  “I thought I felt my ears burning,” a new voice spoke. They turned to see an older Venator arrive from the other end of the Archives. The dark-haired man was dressed in scarlet shirt and trousers, signifying his training rank of Arch-Realmer. He wore a fur-lined jacket over the top of his attire, made from the mane of a real lion.

  “I came here to find a book on necromancy, a mild interest of mine,” he continued, “when I heard your dulcet tones, Sintian.” The stranger looked around at them. “I’d like to apologize for my younger brother’s behaviour. He can be a little erratic.”

/>   The newcomer looked like an older, more refined version of Sintian. He was taller and his hair not as curly as Sintian’s, but much darker. Other than those differences, they could have been twins. They had the same cruel mouth, fine arched eyebrows, long, nearly serpentine limbs, and the exact same shade of olive skin. They even wore similar silver jewellery on their fingers and ears and their eyes were the same black bottomless pits.

  “But first, let me introduce myself,” he continued. “My name is Sypher Stray.” His voice was not as silky soft as his younger brother’s, it was deeper and more commanding, but the air of arrogance was just as pungent.

  Evan frowned, he certainly hadn’t expected Sypher to be so polite, or to apologize for Sintian’s behaviour, but he noticed Sypher’s gaze linger on him as he surveyed them all.

  “That’s nice,” said Brooke, gazing at both the Stray brothers coldly. “it will take more than an apology to make up for what Sintian’s done.”

  “Oh, I’m sure it’s not that bad,” Sypher said dismissively. “Sintian just gets carried away sometimes, that’s all.”

  “He put Emi’s life in danger,” Evan spoke up, remembering all too well that Sintian had admitted himself that he’d paid Firk and Fenik to push Emi out of the Strider on the class trip in the Wastelands. Sintian’s hope was that it would reveal Evan’s demon magic as he tried to save Emi. He got the horrible feeling Sintian had told his brother all about Evan’s secret.

  “Prove it,” Sintian replied. “You have no evidence. Firk and Fenik acted alone, and they paid for it.”

  Evan wished he could prove it, but he knew Sintian was right.

  “Elijah Gold, it has been too long since we last met,” Sypher said suddenly, his tone almost friendly. “Have you missed me?”

  It couldn’t be plainer by the expression on Elijah’s face that he had not missed Sypher at all, but he said nothing. Evan was taken aback by how terrified Elijah appeared to be.

  “Is this the one you were telling me about?” Sypher flicked his gaze back to Evan.

  “Yes,” said Sintian, a nervous hint in his voice for some reason Evan didn’t understand.

  “Hmmm.” Sypher considered Evan astutely for a few moments, before saying. “Well, pleased to meet you, Evan Umbra. Sintian has told me some interesting things about you.”

  “I’m not surprised,” Jed muttered. “The creep’s obsessed.”

  “Say that again,” Sintian snarled, his long fingers grazing the dagger at his hip.

  Evan noticed Taija shrink back at his side, but she looked more like a cornered animal ready to attack, than scared and helpless.

  He needed to stop the situation getting any worse. “Nice to meet you too,” he said quickly. “But my friends and I were just about to go to Ethanc’s, if you don’t mind.”

  Sypher seemed to find Evan’s request mildly amusing. “Oh, that’s quite alright Mr Umbra. But what I have to say will only take a minute. Perhaps you and I should speak in private?”

  “No way,” said Jed. “If you’re anything like your lunatic brother, who knows what you’ll do to Evan.”

  “Silence Sintian,” Sypher snapped just as Sintian opened his mouth. “I’d never lay a hand on Evan. Rueda, what kind of person do you think I am? I’ve never so much as tussled with a fellow Venator. Veneseron is a safe haven for us all, as we train to destroy the evils that lay out there. The instructors will tell you just how much of a model trainee I am if you can’t take my word for it.”

  Evan exchanged looks with his friends. Despite Sypher’s words, he still couldn’t believe him. But he also wanted Taija out of this situation. He was getting through to her before Sintian arrived, if she got into a fight now and used her magic to harm someone again, it could set her back.

  “Fine,” he said, “everyone, go on to Ethanc’s I’ll meet you there in a few minutes.”

  “What, Evan you can’t be serious?” said Brooke, alarmed.

  “Dude, they’re probably both nutters,” Jed added.

  Elijah just looked at him, his golden eyes wide with fear. Elijah’s look didn’t instil Evan with confidence, but he was determined not to show weakness in front of the Stray brothers.

  “Go on, I’ll be fine,” he insisted.

  As his friends left, Evan looked back to find that Sypher studying him, as if he was a curious animal.

  Sypher stood very still, but Sintian paced anxiously, his ringed fingers fidgeting.

  “You see Evan Umbra, I have been told that you possess a certain talent that me and my brother wish to utilize,” Sypher began smoothly.

  “He will deny it.” Sintian seethed from behind them.

  “What are you talking about?” Evan’s stomach plummeted. Sintian just wouldn’t drop it, and now his brother was interfering too.

  “Demon Magic. Sintian tells me he saw you use it. It would be very helpful in my…exploits if you told me how to use it. You understand, only a Dread Lord can control such powers, and you, evidently, are human. So, tell us how you did it.” Sypher’s last sentence made his top lip skin back ever so slightly, a ghost of a snarl.

  Evan could see the older brother was more intelligent and therefore far more dangerous than the younger.

  Despite his rising nausea, Evan forced himself to laugh in Sypher’s face. “Rueda, you’re still going on about that Sintian? What was it again, during the huge battle when Kurrlan’s army invaded the Fortress, throughout all the mayhem, you saw me use magic only demon lords can wield? Sorry Sypher, but your little brother is mistaken.”

  “Liar!” Sintian snapped, stepping toward Evan and shoving him hard.

  Evan’s magic flared up within him, a ball of green fire igniting in his fist.

  “Temper Sintian,” Sypher moved fluently between them, pulling Sintian back by his collar as he went. “No need to fight, Mr Umbra, we’re all friends here.”

  Evan returned Sypher’s cold gaze, purposefully keeping the fire in his hand.

  Sypher raised an eyebrow, apparently impressed. “I like you Evan, you aren’t one to let people push you around. I can appreciate that.”

  Evan wasn’t sure how to reply. Before he came to Veneseron he was exactly the type of person who got more than pushed around, but he was stronger now.

  “But answer me this,” Sypher continued calmly. “You say that you performed no such demon magic when Kurrlan’s forced invaded. But why did the monsters come at all. Sintian tells me Kurrlan’s minions attacked you not once or twice, but thrice. It seems not all of the Venators here have realised that a demon army put all of their lives in risk just to get hold of you. So why did this Lord Kurrlan want you so badly, Umbra?”

  “He…uh…the demon invasion had nothing to do with me,” he said, cursing himself for hesitating.

  Sypher smiled at him warmly. “It’s okay Evan, I understand. Keep your secrets if you wish. I care only about what Sintian saw that night. I’m very interested in all forms of sorcery, you see. The Instructors do an admirable job, but they don’t teach us everything. I-”

  “Where are you going with all of this,” Evan interrupted.

  “It’s simple,” said Sypher. “I’m interested in wielding the same kind of magic you performed the night of Kurrlan’s attack. Now, the Stray family fortune is rather quite large. I’d be more than willing to pay you for your trouble. Just a few little experiments, that’s all. I promise no harm shall befall you at my hands.”

  “For the last time, Sintian didn’t see anything that night, it’s all in his head,” Evan shouted. “Your brother must’ve imagined this demon magic he keeps on about. Just leave me alone!”

  “Stop glarqing lying,” Sintian cried, baring his teeth once again.

  Evan brought his hand up swiftly, still holding the green fire.

  Once again, Sypher pulled Sintian back, remaining perfectly calm.

  “I see.” The elder Stray turned back to him. “Well, then Evan. We shall continue this little chat another time, under cooler heads.”

sp; “No, there’s nothing more to talk about.” Evan stormed away, fighting the urge to lash out. He kept finding it harder to contain his anger recently.

  As he left the Archives, he chanced a look back and saw the brothers talking quietly, both sets of dark eyes focused on his retreating back.

  Evan let his magic go, extinguishing the flames, and took deep breaths as he walked down the corridor. He’d thought, hoped, Sintian had dropped the whole thing. But it seemed he wouldn’t give it up. Perhaps he should tell Vanderain about this too. It made him feel like a coward though, running to Vanderain with every little problem he had. On the other hand, he couldn’t let Sintian, and now his brother, put another one of his friends in danger again, in hopes Evan would use demon magic in front of them.

  He made his way slowly to Ethanc’s wondering if he should tell his friends exactly what had happened. He didn’t want Taija to know. She was finding it hard enough coming to terms with being a half demon, he couldn’t let her know other Venators might be about to figure out their secret too.

  Things were already weird enough between them. Evan had been raised as an only child, so he had no idea how to be a brother. For some reason, he thought of Taija as his little sister, but she could very well be older. They were more like twins than normal siblings.

  Not for the first time, Evan wondered if he had any other siblings out there too, or if he, Brooke and Taija were the only Demon-Spawn who’d survived.

  Chapter 5- Distraction Demonic

  Damen laughed as he flung himself back, narrowly dodging the orc’s fist.

  “Calm down, green skin. I didn’t know, honest.”

  Damen must’ve looked a right state. His dark blond hair and red dragonhide jacket were covered in silver pixie glitter. He made sure to keep smiling and to keep his sword hidden. The more they thought he was a hapless human idiot, the better.

  He took in his surroundings, inching away from the orc and making sure he had an exit route.

  The nightclub, Nymph Nights, was the largest in Mygorth city. Damen had first heard of the place months ago, but he’d known right away they’d steal from it eventually.


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