A Winter's Seduction (A Winter's Tale Series Book 5)

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A Winter's Seduction (A Winter's Tale Series Book 5) Page 6

by Kristi Tailor

  Charlotte sat on the left side of the small glass table. Casually leaning on her elbows, her chin rested on the backside of her folded hands. Silently, she watched as the other woman cross the tiny room and placed the paper plates on the table in front of her. “What do you want to know?” she asked when Menzie took the seat across from her.

  Menzie’s brown gaze met Charlotte’s from across the table. “What happened? With you and Nicholas, I mean? When I saw you two in the Hamptons over the holidays, you looked so happy. . . then Caleb and I got word from Nicholas that you two were married . . . and now you’re separated.”

  Frowning deeply, Charlotte leaned away from the table. Tilting her head to one side she gazed at Menzie thoughtfully. “You really don’t know what happened? Caleb didn’t tell you?”

  “No, he didn’t.”


  “Caleb and Nicholas have this . . . this odd relationship where it’s them against the world. Anything Nicholas tells Caleb in confidence, stays a secret, even from me. I’m sure the same goes for Nicholas as it relates to Caleb.”

  “I guess,” Charlotte mused. “Does it bother you that Caleb doesn’t tell you everything?”

  “It used to. But then after realizing that my being bothered, wasn’t going to change the outcome, I decided to leave it be. Besides, it’s not like he is keeping something from me to be secretive, it’s just that he values the trust Nicholas puts in him.”

  “So, you know nothing about what happened? Nothing at all?” Charlotte asked in disbelief.

  “I know that you two were engaged, married briefly, and now separated. That’s all. If I knew more I wouldn’t pretend to be perplexed.”

  “Why did Nicholas ask you to stay with me?” Charlotte asked. She wanted to trust Menzie but didn’t quite know if she could. After all, Menzie’s loyalty was to Caleb and Caleb’s loyalty was to Nicholas. “It would have made more sense for you to stay with your husband and brother- in- law. Nicholas’ loft is triple the size of my flat. Why couldn’t you stay with them?”

  Menzie smiled at her. “You think I’m here to spy on you?”

  “Are you?”

  Letting out a short breath, Menzie ran her thin fingers through her silky jet- black hair. “I believe that was Nick’s intention. That he wanted me to stay here to keep an eye on you. However, I have no desire to play detective.”

  Charlotte’s arched brows drew together. “You believe?” she asked, her tone mocking. “Did Nicholas ask you to watch me?”

  “No, he didn’t. At least, not in so many words. He asked me to do him the ‘favor’ of staying with you while Caleb and I are in town. He never gave me a reason as to why. When I asked why you two weren’t living together, Caleb interrupted the conversation and I left well enough alone.”


  “Do you believe me?”

  There was a deep scowl on Charlotte’s face, and a wary look in her eyes. After a long moment, she licked her bottom lip. Shrugging her shoulders, she forced a brief reassuring smile. “I don’t have any reason not to, right?”

  “Right,” Menzie uttered, distressed by the uncomfortable turn their conversation had taken. “Really, it’s none of my business. I apologize for over stepping−”

  Contemplating how much to divulge, Charlotte decided to stick to the simplest version of the story. “Nicholas slept with Blithe the night of her parents New Year’s Eve party. He hid if from me for months, but after getting caught up in one lie after another, he finally admitted the truth.”

  Menzie gasped at Charlotte’s confession. Openly gaping at her, she shook her head at her sister- in- law in utter disbelief. That is the last thing I expected you to say. Nicholas is infatuated with you, borderline obsessed. I cannot imagine him straying− and with that that, winch. It doesn’t make any sense.”

  Roughly combing her fingers through her tingled tendrils, Charlotte sighed. He saw my ex, Todd, kissing me and assumed we were getting back together. He thought I had betrayed him. Hence, his night with Blithe.”

  “Oh, wow. Okay,” Menzie blinked at Charlotte. “So, um, you cheated first, and he retaliated?” she asked, nonjudgmentally.

  “No!” Charlotte yelled denying the charge. “I did not cheat on him. I pushed Todd away, but Nicholas didn’t stick around long enough to see that happen. Instead of walking outside to confront me, he opted to go screw another woman not even one- hundred− feet away from where I stood. The thought literally makes me sick to my stomach. I cannot get the image of the two of them out of my mind, and just when I think I can get over it, that I can forgive him, her face invades my thoughts and I feel like I’m hearing the ugly truth for the first time all over again. It’s like a never- ending agony, and I hate it.”

  “I understand,” Menzie said emphatically.

  “No, you−”

  “Oh, I do,” she interrupted. “This isn’t Blithe’s first go- round with the Elliot brothers,” she grimaced, causing her delicate features to harden. “A few months after Caleb and I became a couple, his father made it his mission to break us up.”

  “I remember you telling me how terrible Spencer was when we went shopping in the Hamptons.”

  “What I didn’t tell you was that I had broken up with Caleb briefly because I didn’t want him to be ostracized from his family because of me. I didn’t want him to have to choose between me and them. So, being the self-less person that I am, I ended things with him. It was the worst couple of days of my life. Three days after breaking up with him, I called him and asked if we could talk and you would never guess who answered the phone . . .”

  “Not Blithe?”

  “Oh yes, Blithe. And she enjoyed filling me in on the fact that Caleb was in the shower. And while she didn’t outright tell me that they’d slept together, I already knew. I heard it in the arrogance of her voice.”

  “Did Caleb confess to sleeping with her?”

  “He did. The same day I broke up with him, he came back to New York. He admitted to partying with Nicholas and old friends . . . and sleeping with Blithe. The idea of him being with her destroyed me. When I met her at the Elliot’s home over the winter holiday, she was incredibly nasty to me. Granted, since she and Caleb were involved before I came into the picture, she wrongfully accuses me of breaking them up. I had nothing to do with Caleb breaking up with her. Anyway, I know she just loved the thought of sticking it to me by sleeping with him.”

  “What is it with them running to her when their feelings get hurt? I mean it’s weird, right? Her sleeping with brothers, it’s gross. And their parents just adore her . . . I wonder if Muffy has any idea that her darling Blithe enjoys screwing both of her sons,” Charlotte grimaced. “I can hear her now, ‘Oh dear. Blithe, certainly you know how terrible this would look on our families if word ever got out. Surely, you know that it would be best to choose one or the other, please dear girl. It is quite distasteful.’”

  Menzie laughed at Charlotte’s impression of their mother-in- law. “It must be exhausting for Muffy to be Muffy, every day.”

  “You think?”

  “You look exhausted just from pretending to be her for thirty seconds. I can hardly imagine how she feels after twenty- four hours,” Menzie laughed again. “Honestly though, I doubt she would care. Think about it . . . Caleb was engaged to Blithe and when he refused to marry her the whole lot of them forced her onto Nicholas. Muffy, Spencer . . . the Sullivan’s, all of them. But, that’s blue bloods for you. They judge others for having less but promote cross- sexual relationships amongst their children.”

  Frowning, Charlotte said, “Cross- sexual relationships? Are you sure that’s what it’s called?”

  Menzie laughed again. “I don’t know. Whatever it’s called, it’s gross.”

  “I concur.”

  “Any way, getting to the topic at hand. After finding out what happened between them, I had to make a choice. And I refused to lose what I had with Caleb because a few nights of meaningless sex.”

arlotte narrowed her deep browns, openly glaring at the other woman. “I know what you’re doing,” she said. “You and Caleb were broken up when they slept together. He didn’t cheat on you; our situations are very different.”

  Menzie held Charlotte’s gaze. “Are they?” she asked, suddenly serious. “Caleb knew how I felt about him. He knew that it wasn’t over between us, but in that moment, he wanted to do something, anything to mute the pain he felt from my breaking up with him.”

  “And you forgave him for his weakness.”

  “I loved him more than I hated him for his weakness.”


  “Made a mistake.”

  “Yes. He made a mistake and I am really trying to move past it. I really truly am. And these past few weeks have been great. It’s like we’re getting to know one another again, and that’s good. But it doesn’t change the fact that he hurt me.”

  “No, it doesn’t change the fact that he’s hurt you, but do you honestly feel like you two need to get to know one another again, I mean seriously? One mistake and that means you don’t know who he is as a person, as a man?”

  “I don’t expect for you to understand how badly his betrayal affected me because you don’t know all that I’ve been through. But− Nicholas knows very well what I’ve been through and he is the one person in this world that I never thought would deceive me in such a way. Yet, he did. It is not so easily forgivable when your best friend betrays your trust. But− even through all that I am willing to work things out with him. I want to get back to us . . . and I think we are getting there.”

  “Not quickly enough,” Menzie mused. “You two should be living together. Living separately isn’t helping either of you. The quickest way to mend your marriage is to live as married couples live, and that’s together.”

  “Did Nicholas ask you to speak to me on his behalf?” Charlotte bade, her tone accusing.

  “No, this is all me.”

  “I can’t just live with him again. We have to work on−”

  “You could if you wanted to,” Menzie shrugged. “Saying you have to work things out before living together again is just an excuse, but I think you already know that.”

  Charlotte’s arched brows drew into a frown. “It’s not that easy.”

  “It won’t be easy, but it also isn’t impossible to forgive the person you love. Unconditional love is necessary for any marriage to work, and Charlotte, Nick is your husband, not a boyfriend you can easily dismiss and catch up with when you feel like it. You made vows, vows before God for better or worse. This is your worse.”

  “Has Nicholas said something to you? Does he feel like I’m not trying? I mean . . . I thought . . . it felt like we were in a good place. Has he said something different?” she asked, clearly dejected.

  “No, Charlotte. Nick hasn’t said anything to me. I’m just offering a bit of friendly advice. You two have lived apart more than you’ve lived together since you’ve gotten married. That’s not healthy for any marriage, let alone one that harbors trust issues.”

  Blinking back tears that were threatening to spill from her almond brown eyes, Charlotte nodded her understanding to Menzie’s words. “Perhaps, you’re right.”

  “I am definitely right,” Menzie smiled brightly at Charlotte. Pursing her lips, she tilted her head to one side and staring at the other woman thoughtfully for several seconds, she said, “I have an idea.”

  “An idea?”

  “A plan, rather. Do you trust that I have your best interest in mind?”

  Charlotte’s eyes darkened with amusement; her gloomy demeanor gone. “Not really. We hardly know one another. We’ve only hung out a couple of times, and that’s hardly enough time to get to know someone,” she smirked, “Your words, not mine.”

  “Oh, you’re a real smart ass,” Menzie said, her laughter mirroring Charlotte’s. “Well believe it or not, I do have your best interest in mind, and you can trust me.”

  “Trust you with what?”

  “Getting you and Nicholas back on track. Putting you two back on the path of marital bliss, and quickly.”

  “Uh, huh. And how exactly do you plan on doing that?”

  “For starters I’m going to set up a date night. A simple date night where you get super cute . . . where you flirt continuously, giggle, smile . . . a fun night. One that doesn’t involve you two going at it like apes. FYI these walls,” she said, dramatically pointing in all directions of the dining room. “Are pretty thin.”

  Charlotte blushed at the thought of the other woman hearing her and Nicholas during their intimate encounters. “Sex is an important factor in a marriage.”

  “Yes, but it is not the only factor. Since I’ve been staying here you two have had plenty of sex, but not once have you gone out together, or spent quality time. I hear you two talking, but hardly ever hear either of you laughing. Your relationship is in dire need of lighthearted fun, not just sexual pleasure. You should enjoy one another’s company outside of the bedroom as well as inside, ya know? You two need to have fun again. You need laughter. Laughter heals and makes the heart happy.”

  Nodding her head, Charlotte took in Menzie’s every word. “Are you a counselor?” she asked, awed by the woman’s wisdom.

  “No, I’m a potter.”

  Charlotte’s eyes widened at her sister-in-law’s confession. Covering her mouth, she fought to keep from laughing. “A date night?” Charlotte mused, swallowing her amusement. “You think that’s going to heal my marriage?”

  “I think it’s a good start. What you two need is a night of fun with no tension. And I know exactly how to make that happen. As payment for my staying here I am going to be your personal love guru.”

  Charlotte giggled at her. “Or, here’s a crazy idea . . . you could just pay half the rent, utilities and groceries.”

  Menzie’s expression lit up, her big brown eyes filled with glee. “That is an idea, but that’s not what you need. Trust me. I won’t steer you wrong.”

  Chapter Eight

  Charlotte stood in front of her dresser mirror silently observing her reflection. After searching for the perfect outfit for over an hour, she had decided on an above the knee white and orange floral print tie- back sundress. It was simple, sweet, and very befitting for the occasion. Menzie had planned a game night at Nicholas’ loft and had given Charlotte the strict orders of avoiding any and all sexual encounters with her husband. “Pure and innocent fun,” Charlotte said to her reflection. “Good job looking the part.” Taking off her silk hair bonnet, she carefully removed the multitude of bronze bobby pins from her thick head of hair, causing beautiful black pin curls to frame her oval face. Gently combing her fingers through her long locks, she smiled at the woman staring back at her. “You’re beautiful, Charli,” she said. Reaching into her make-up clutch she pulled out a tube of ultra-black mascara and liquid eyeliner. Winged eye? “No, that’s too sexy,” she figured. “Mascara and eyeliner will suffice.” You want to be coy . . . yet tempting, she mused.

  “Charlotte are you ready?” Menzie asked from outside her bedroom door. “The cab is here, and the driver said that he’s double parked.”

  “Almost. I just have to find a pair of earrings that go with my dress and put on perfume.”

  “No perfume!” Menzie yelled, bursting into the room. “Remember, nothing extra. Remember, simple and sweet.”

  “Simple and sweet,” Charlotte repeated, offering her sister-in-law an innocent smile. “Right,” she nodded her understanding, though there was something behind her eyes that revealed thoughts that didn’t quite mirror total innocence.

  “Right. Okay, so if you don’t need me for anything else, I’m going to head down . . . I don’t want the driver to pull off, or have someone take our cab.”

  “Go for it. I’ll be down in a sec.”

  Nodding at Charlotte, Menzie quickly turned on her heels and headed for the front door. Quietly, Charlotte listened as the front door closed, and then waiting several
seconds to make sure the coast was clear, she ran to her closet and quickly reached for her half-empty bottle of Ralph Lauren’s Romance. Without hesitation, Charlotte sprayed either side of her neck, her wrists and then lifting her dress sprayed her inner thighs. The fragrance was Nicholas’ favorite and his reaction to her wearing it was nothing short of magnificent. And while she did have a high esteem for Menzie and her relationship advice, the other woman would never be able to understand the effects of watching Nicholas’ silver gaze turn from a deep mercury to a stormy grey when he was turned on. The transformation of color hues was almost instantaneous and was beyond sexy. It was truly a sight to behold. The intensity behind his gaze when she moved in close, intentionally giving him a whiff of her perfume would be all the satisfaction she needed. And while sex with Nicholas was off the table for the evening, Menzie hadn’t said anything about teasing him. After all, what were game nights for, if one wasn’t willing to play?


  “Again!” Caleb yelled, handing Charlotte the deck of cards. “I was distracted.”

  “Distracted?” she laughed, “Is that what we’re calling it now?” Taking the stack of cards from her brother-in- law, she placed them in the middle of the coffee table that separated them. “I don’t want to play anymore.”


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