Barking Boy

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Barking Boy Page 10

by Kerry Kaya

  “I can get you what you need, but it won’t come cheap.” Freddie gulped at his scotch.

  Noting that the man’s glass was empty, Tommy indicated for Mad Dog to get them a second round of drinks, before answering. “Money is no issue.”

  Freddie raised his eyebrows. It wasn’t his place to ask what the guns were for, but he took a wild guess that they would be used in some form of a robbery. Why else would the lad want four firearms? Freddie’s expression was hard, as he stared at the boy in front of him. He didn’t like this kid. There was something about him that grated on his nerves. The boy was too cocksure of himself. That was half of the problem.

  Tommy glanced nervously toward Freddie’s henchmen. He had a feeling he’d said the wrong thing, but what that was, he had no idea.

  “I didn’t even tell you how much it’d cost, boy.”

  Tommy swallowed deeply before speaking. He couldn’t show his fear. “And like I said, money is no issue.”

  Freddie thought this over, business was business after all. “Okay, six grand will get you four guns.”

  Swallowing his lager quickly before he choked on it, Tommy’s eyes were wide. “Six grand?” he repeated, his voice taking on an incredulous tone.

  Freddie nodded his head. It took every ounce of his will power to keep the sly grin from his face. If the lad wanted to act the billy big bollocks in front of him, then he would have to pay more than double the price.

  “That’s a bit steep, isn’t it?”

  “That’s the price. So, take it or leave it.”

  Returning with their filled drinks, Mad Dog placed the tray down on the table. “Come on Freddie, we both know that’s well over the odds. We’re looking at what, three hundred quid for each gun? So, how the fuck are you coming up with six grand?”

  “What, do you think I do this out of the kindness of my heart?” Freddie spread out his arms. “The rest of the cash will be my cut.”

  “And that’s well over four grand for your cut.” Tommy quickly did the math.

  “Like I said, take it or leave it, boy.” There was a smirk across Freddie’s face. He knew they would take his deal. They had no other choice. Being new to the game, not many people would do business with Tommy, at least not until he’d gained their trust anyway.

  Mad Dog leaned in to Tommy’s ear so he could speak privately. Finally, Tommy nodded his head before speaking. “Four grand and you’ve got a deal.”


  “Five grand then. And that’s my final offer. Otherwise, we’ll go elsewhere.”

  Freddie began to laugh. “And who the fuck is going to deal with you, boy? You’re a no one, lad.”

  Unsure of what he should do now, Tommy reluctantly nodded his head. He had no other choice, but to take the deal, as much as he resented doing so. “Okay, deal.” He shoved his hand toward Freddie, and had to bite back a retort when the older man rebuffed him.

  “Danny here will deal with you from now on.” Freddie nodded his head toward the younger man sat beside him.

  Nodding his own head, Tommy remained quiet. He didn’t trust himself to speak. Freddie Smith had angered him, and he wouldn’t forget being had over by the older man in a hurry.

  “What a fucking cunt.”

  Mad Dog sighed. They were sat in his car, about to make their way back toward Barking. Young Tommy could say that again. He’d never really liked Freddie Smith himself, but the man was good at what he did, and he knew without a shadow of a doubt, their business would not be repeated. It was Freddie’s only saving grace, as far as he was concerned.

  “Six fucking grand.” Tommy was still angry. “We could have bought a whole fucking armoury for that.”

  “It’s done now lad, and besides, Freddie was right, you being new to the game was bound to go against you. They don’t trust easily, this lot, and rightly so.”

  “And who is this Danny I have to deal with now?”

  “Young Danny’s okay lad, as long as you stay on his good side, that is.”

  Tommy took heed of Mad Dog’s warning, and cocked his head to one side as he thought through the situation. “So, that’s the guns taken care of.”

  “Just leaves the car to be bought, and then we can start planning everything out to the last detail, lad.”

  Still reeling from the fact he’d had to stump up six thousand pounds, Tommy nodded his head. “Once we have everything in place, we’ll do our own dry run to double check that things are as they should be. I was thinking we should do it over the May bank holiday weekend. It’ll be the perfect opportunity, and with a bit of luck, they won’t even notice anything’s amiss until the Tuesday.”

  Mad Dog glanced across at Tommy and frowned. “They’ll raise the alarm before Tuesday, lad.”

  “Not if they’re fucking tied up and locked in a room they won’t.”

  Jimmy lay back on the bed with one hand behind his head, as he watched Gary closely. His younger brother was getting himself spruced up and ready for his date. “So, why are you keeping this bird of yours such a big secret?”

  Gary ignored his brother. It had been Bethany’s idea to keep their relationship quiet, and she’d made him promise that he wouldn’t tell his elder brothers about the two of them.


  “Why d’ya keep asking me the same question over and over?”

  “Because it’s not like you to be so secretive,” Jimmy answered. “And unless she looks like Quasimodo, I don’t get why you’re keeping schtum about her.”

  “What would you know about it? You’ve never even had a bird.” It was now Gary’s turn to question his brother, and he watched him through narrowed eyes. “So come on, why have you never had a girlfriend? You’re only a year younger than Tommy and he’s married with a kid, and another one on the way.”

  Jimmy’s cheeks blushed. It was true he’d never had a girlfriend, and had no inclination to have one either, for that matter. “Fuck off, Gary.”

  “No, come on. It was all right when you were questioning me. So, now it’s your turn. Why’ve you never had a bird? You’re not a poofta are you?”

  “I said fuck off, Gary.”

  “I’m right, ain’t I?” Shocked at this new revelation, Gary’s eyes were wide. “You’re a fucking poofta.”

  The unexpected punch, which connected with the younger man’s chin, hit him square on, causing him to collapse in a heap on the floor. “I told you to fuck off,” Jimmy said, standing over his younger brother, his heavy fists clenched ready to attack again. “So, do yourself a fucking favour, and keep that big mouth of yours shut, before I end up cracking you one again.”

  Dazed, Gary rubbed at his jaw. He stared at Jimmy’s retreating back, as his brother raced out of the bedroom they shared. He couldn’t get his head around this. Was Jimmy really a poofta? Scrambling to his feet, Gary tore after his brother. Just wait until Tommy heard about this, and it would serve Jimmy right for starting on him.

  Jimmy swiped at the tears in his eyes. He wanted to curse himself now. He should have kept quiet about Gary and his bird. Now, a whole can of worms had been opened up.

  The truth was, he was scared of what Tommy would say when he found out he fancied men not women. Not to mention what their mum and dad would say about it. He knew, without a shadow of a doubt, they would go ballistic. Him being gay was bound to bring a slur on the family name.

  Angrily, he kicked a stone from underneath his foot, as he began to walk the streets on the estate where they lived. If Gary told anyone about this, then his life would be over. He knew that for a fact.

  After his meeting with Freddie Smith, Tommy had asked Mad Dog to drop him off at the scrap yard. He savoured the peace and quiet whenever he was there, and the solitude gave him the perfect opportunity to think through the robbery. He wondered briefly if Davey had been planning to bring him in on the heist. It was a question he would never know the answer to.

  He looked up as Jimmy entered the office. “You okay, bruv?”

my nodded his head and leaned against the glass window pane. “Have you heard from our Gary?”

  “No, I’ve only just got here. I had a meeting with that Freddie Smith. Right cunt, he turned out to be, and all.”

  Jimmy nodded his head before clearing his throat. “Something’s not right with that bird of Gary’s.”

  “What d’ya mean?”

  “Why all of the secrecy? I’m telling you, bruv, something’s going on. I’ve just got this bad feeling about it.”

  Tommy frowned. He hadn’t given Gary and his girlfriend much thought, and if he was being totally honest, the robbery was the only thing on his mind. It was all consuming. “What are you thinking then?”

  “It’s just a bit odd, is all I’m saying. We need to find out who she is.”

  Jimmy could see his elder brother thinking his words through, and now that he’d planted the seed of suspicion in Tommy’s mind, he allowed himself to relax. Two could play at this game, and if Gary was going to tear his world apart, then he would do the same to him.

  Gary was quieter than usual when he met up with Bethany that afternoon. He still couldn’t believe what he’d discovered about Jimmy. The very thought of his elder brother being a queer made him shudder. Dirty cunt, he thought to himself.

  “Hey what’s up? You’re quiet.”

  Gary shrugged his shoulders. How could he even tell Bethany about this? He was far too embarrassed.

  “You can tell me anything, you know that.” Bethany squeezed Gary’s hand in hers.

  “It’s me brother.”

  Bethany’s heart leapt. Did he mean Tommy? “What about, Tommy?”

  Turning his face toward her, Gary narrowed his eyes. “Not Tommy, I mean Jimmy.”


  “I found out something, and I don’t know if I should tell anyone, or keep it quiet.”

  Uninterested in Jimmy, Bethany shrugged her shoulders. “Do whatever you think is best.”

  “That’s the problem. I don’t know what to do, and our Tommy will go mental when he finds out.”

  Her ears picking up once again at the mention of Tommy’s name, Bethany smiled gently. “Do you want to tell me about it, and I’ll let you know what I think you should do?”

  Gary bit down on his lip. “It’s Jimmy … he’s …”

  “What?” She squeezed his hand gently in hers. “Come on, you can tell me, Jimmy’s what?”

  “I think he’s a queer.”

  Bethany almost laughed out loud. Was that it? She’d thought it was going to be something really bad, the way Gary was carrying on. “So, why would your Tommy go mad over that?”

  “I dunno. It’s not right is it? It’s not normal.”

  Bethany shrugged her shoulders. She had a few mates who were gay. It made no odds to her. Still, if it was going to cause problems between the two brothers, then young Gary should go ahead and tell Tommy everything he knew. “I think you should tell him.”

  “Really?” Gary’s eyes were wide.

  “Yeah, definitely. It’s only right that he knows what his brother is.”

  Gary thought this over. If he told Tommy, it could very well end up causing a war between both of his elder brothers. He turned his nose up in annoyance, as he was reminded of the way Jimmy had lashed out at him just that morning, and he rubbed at his aching jaw. Bollocks to him. Jimmy deserved everything that he had coming. “Yeah, I think you’re right. Tommy needs to know.”

  Bethany gave a smile. She had this boy wrapped around her finger, and with a little bit of luck, and her guidance, he would tear the Carters apart.

  Walking toward the local parade of shops, Stacey kept her eyes peeled for Beth. She missed her mate, and hadn’t seen head nor tail of her, ever since she’d left the pub feeling unwell. She had a feeling it was Tommy’s rudeness that had made her leave. He must have made Beth feel uncomfortable. That was the only explanation. Why else had her friend not been in touch since then?

  As she absentmindedly added items to her shopping basket, Stacey bit down on her lip. She would go and see Beth, she decided. Tomorrow morning, she would drop Karen off at her mum’s, and then she would take the train to Soho. It wouldn’t take her long to find the club, she was certain of that.

  Happier now that she had a plan of action, Stacey smiled to herself. She’d best keep it quiet from her husband, though. She knew he wasn’t keen on her friend, even if he hadn’t said as much. And she certainly didn’t want Tommy to try and talk her out of going.

  Returning home that evening, Gary crept into his bedroom, took a pillow and a blanket from his bed, then made his way back down the stairs. No way was he spending the night in the same room as Jimmy.

  After quickly making up a bed for himself on the sofa, he lay down and closed his eyes. His brothers hadn’t returned home yet, and every little noise outside the house had him opening his eyes in anticipation. He couldn’t wait to tell Tommy everything about their brother, even Bethany thought it was the right thing to do.

  He drifted off to sleep, and woke with a start, as his brothers made their way through the front door.

  “What the fuck are you doing down here?”

  Gary could hear the confusion in Tommy’s voice. “I ain’t kipping in the same room as him.”

  Surprised, Tommy looked across to Jimmy. “What’s he going on about?”

  Jimmy shrugged his shoulders, but averted his eyes all the same. “Fuck knows, bruv. Come on, I’m starving. I’m gonna see if Mum left us any dinner.”

  As his brothers walked through to the kitchen, Gary leapt up off of the sofa. “Are you gonna tell him, or shall I?”

  “Tell me what?” Stifling a yawn, Tommy sat down at the kitchen table and ripped away the tin foil covering a plate of food their mum had left out for them. He forked a boiled potato into his mouth, and chewed on it before making a start on the steak and kidney pie. “Well …?” Tommy looked up at Gary now.

  “I gave him a slap this morning.” Jimmy spoke fast, before Gary had the chance to even open his mouth.

  Turning toward Jimmy, Tommy’s eyes were wide. “What the fuck are you lamping him one for?”

  Jimmy shrugged his shoulders casually. “Because he’s a cocky little bastard.”

  Forking a piece of steak into his mouth, Tommy chewed on the meat before swallowing. “There you go. You got a slap for being a cocky bastard, which you are most of the time,” he said, pointing his fork toward Gary.

  Outraged, Gary walked farther into the room. “Yeah, and that’s not the half of it. You just wait until you hear all about him.”

  Leaping to his feet, Jimmy’s fists were clenched. “Shut your mouth. I’m fucking warning you.” He left the sentence heavy in the air. The anger in his voice was enough to tell Gary it was in his best interests to keep quiet.

  Tommy looked at each of his brothers in turn, then shook his head. He was too tired for all of this shit. Pushing the plate away from him, he stood up from the table. All he wanted to do, was climb into bed and cuddle up to his wife. “I’m done in. Do what you want to each other, just don’t go getting blood on Mum’s new carpet.” With that, he left the room.

  Jimmy’s eyes were hard, as they remained focused on Gary. He took a moment of satisfaction in seeing his younger brother turn his head away from him.

  “Just stay away from me, Jimmy.”

  “Nah, you stay away from me, you sneaky little bastard,” Jimmy spat, before barging past his brother, and making his own way up to bed.

  Chapter Thirteen

  Waking early, Stacey was eager to get on with the day she’d planned out. She walked through to the kitchen, and pushed her arms into her flannel dressing gown, as she walked barefoot across the cold linoleum floor, before shrugging the thick material across her shoulders and wrapping it around her body, ensuring her short nightie was covered.

  She flicked the switch on the kettle, and set about making a pot of tea. Tommy would be awake soon, and she popped two slices of bread into the toaster for hi
s breakfast.

  “Morning, babe.” Padding across the room, Tommy planted a kiss on Stacey’s cheek, before taking a seat at the kitchen table.

  “Did you want a couple of boiled eggs with your toast, or a bit of bacon?”

  Tommy shook his head. “Nah, I’ve got an early start. Toast will do.”

  “Why is your Gary sleeping on the sofa?” Jerking her head toward the lounge, Stacey glanced over at her husband, before continuing to butter the toast. “Have him and Jimmy had a row?”

  “Yeah, I think so, but they’d better sort it out and quick, before I end up banging both their heads together.”

  “Brothers, eh?” Stacey smiled sadly, as she was reminded of her own brother, Pete.

  “What have you got planned today, babe?” Still feeling guilty over his brother-in-law’s death, Tommy cleared his throat, quickly changing the subject.

  “I thought I might go and do some shopping, maybe treat myself to a new haircut.” Passing over the plate of toast toward Tommy, Stacey gave a small smile. She’d never been a very good liar, and she could feel her cheeks blushing at the blatant lie she’d just told.

  Tommy paused while munching on his toast. “Here, take this and treat yourself and Karen.” He handed over a wad of notes, and smiled as Stacey’s eyes widened.

  “Tommy, it’s far too much!” Stacey gasped. Without even counting the notes, she took a wild guess at what her husband had handed over, which was at least two hundred pounds in cash.

  Popping the last piece of toast into his mouth, Tommy chewed on it, then swallowed, before giving a wide grin. “I know, and there’s plenty more where that came from, so go out and treat yourself.”

  “But what about saving up for our own place? We can’t keep spending money like water, Tommy, otherwise we’ll never get out of this house.”


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