Empress of Wolves (Evalyce Worldshaper Book 3)

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Empress of Wolves (Evalyce Worldshaper Book 3) Page 6

by J. Aislynn d' Merricksson

  The evening wrapped up with a nice dinner of roast duck, giant belligrassi olives from Southern Argoth stuffed with sharp vykr cheese, potato dumplings and acorn bread with rowanberry jam. Kalla sighed and sat back, fully contented.

  “Emperor Sykes, may I ask an indulgence of you?” she asked. Sykes brow creased and he gave her a questioning nod.

  “I wish to travel to the Deep Forest. There is business that the Prince and I have there, at the Temple of Inari. I request permission for myself, Aleister, Vander, and Kasai to travel thus. Lord kyl'Malkador and Sir Lukas as well, if they so wish. Vander can serve as Manny's mentor for learning to work with Lukas.

  “The Forest is not safe at this time, Lady kyl'Solidor. Gasta… the Keeper seems to have lost his influence. Nothing binds the sabre wolves and other forest spirits,” Sykes responded. Vander flinched at the Emperor's words.

  “That will not be a problem, Your Grace. Once there, Lord Inari can give us what protection we need, though I doubt that the forest spirits will bother me,” she said.

  “This is true. Very well, permission granted.”

  “Thank you, Your Grace,” Kalla said. She turned to Manny and Lukas. “Will you join us? I promise you will find no better mentor than Vander here. The travel will do you a world of wonder, Manny. You need to get your feet wet!” The Healer exclaimed with a sly grin. Manny returned it with a sheepish one.

  “I would be honored to travel with you, Lady Kalla.”

  “Well, that's all settled then. I will have proper mounts and equipment readied for you. How soon would you like to depart?”

  “I see no reason why it can't wait until morning, Your Grace,” Kalla said.

  The rest of the evening the group spent in relaxing. They were lead back to the Emperor's private quarters, where more soft chairs had been arranged, along with a round table. Sykes challenged Kalla to a game of kessala, which they all eventually joined in, even Vander and Manny after they gained confidence. The kessala game finally wore down after a fair amount of gains and losses on everyone's part.

  Chigali boards were produced and the magi and magisters pulled their pieces out. Much to Kalla's surprise, both Lukas and Sykes knew how to play and in short order the Emperor had retrieved a finely crafted set of forest green pieces and another of autumn orange. It seemed that the strategy game had been a love shared by the Emperor and the former Praetor. Sykes ran a nostalgic hand over the orange pieces before turning them over to Lukas.

  “These should go with you, my friend,” he said sadly. Lukas gently took them from the Emperor.

  “I thank you, milord. Looks like I may find a good use for them. Give this young pup here a run for his money, I might,” Lukas drawled. Manny gave him an indignant look, earning laughter from the rest of the group. The young Healer gave up and joined in.

  Kalla faced off with Sykes first, leaving Aleister to face Vander and Manny to face his own magister. The others watched intently and Kalla sensed that Kasai had picked up the game quicker than even Aleister had. When the bouts were finished he asked to face Kalla. Sure enough, the hawk had learned enough to keep her on her toes, though he accepted his loss gracefully. Kalla turned her pieces over to Zacharias, so that the Cleric could learn. The arrangements shifted again, with Zacharias facing Lukas, Manny against Sykes and Aleister against Kasai.

  The first two battles were over quickly, leaving the two magisters still facing one another. Both were holding ground quite nicely, neither quick to give up territory or advantages. The pair played cautiously and Kalla had the feeling that there was more to it than simply enjoying the game. It was a bit of sibling rivalry, the brothers testing wits with one another. She watched, thoroughly amused, as each grew more frustrated.

  The game drug out, passing a half hour, then an hour, before it was finally decided in a draw. Though the brothers congratulated each other heartily, and accepted compliments for a well-fought game, she could still sense the hint of rivalry behind it.

  A discrete yawn brought Aleister's attention to her and soon enough Kalla and her group found themselves back in their quarters, with the Emperor's assurances that all would be ready for them to depart in the morning. Sykes turned his remaining set of chigali pieces over to Kasai, a gesture which touched the hawk far more deeply than he let on. The Healer assumed that there would be many more chigali bouts between the brothers before all was said and done.

  It took Kalla only a few seconds to fall asleep, safely wrapped in the Prince's arms. One by one, the others fell asleep. All but Vander, who lay awake, tossing and turning, restless with his task to come, yet grateful that he would not have to part company so soon from Kalla. Guilt wracked his thin frame, guilt and shame for his past and guilt for what must inevitably happen to his new magister. Vander would gladly pay the price needed to free Gasta, but he sorely wished that Kasai needn't pay it with him. However, what would be, would be. The War Mage finally shifted form and crawled near enough to press against Kalla's leg, where he soon joined the rest in slumber.


  Skycity Argoth, 10000 ft. above the Aeryth Ocean, Year of the Mythril Serpent, 2014 CE

  Kalla sighed and shifted in her vykr's saddle. A feeling of déjà vu swept over her as they approached the town of Millan. The lights from the Dancing Bear Inn twinkled merrily in the deepening purple of twilight. Kalla stopped before the inn and slid from the shaggy beast's back, as several stableboys swarmed out to take their vykr. The Healer smiled as Pip ran up to her.

  “Welcome back, Lady Kalla!” He frowned at her for a moment. “You look different, Lady Mage. You have puppy ears. Are you in disguise?”

  “Hello again, Pip.” Kalla grinned. “You might say that, little one,” She waved an open palm through the air as if plucking something from it, then fanned coins out from her closed fist. “You know the drill, young one. Take good care of our vykr and you get another when we leave.” She placed one in the hand of each of the clustered stableboys, watching their eyes widen. A chorus of dos mere greeted her and the boys trundled off with the animals.

  Wylsin hurried forward, his face lighting up with recognition. A look of puzzlement flitted across his face momentarily as he took in her new look, but he made no comment on it.

  “Welcome back, Lady Mage, Master Balflear. You will be staying the night with us again?” he asked.

  “Yes, Master Wylsin. We've a large group this time. Do you have five rooms available? And dinner in the dining hall would be a blessing,” Kalla replied.

  “Yes, Lady Mage. We have more than enough rooms this night.” Wylsin's voice trailed off as he caught sight of Vander behind her and the innkeep's face grew cold and distant, but not before he gave Kalla a brief questioning look.

  “I think you will find Lord kyl'Solidor a much changed man, Master Wylsin,” Kalla said, soft enough that only Wylsin and Aleister heard her. The innkeeper's face softened and he nodded.

  Kalla glanced over her shoulder at the Dashmari and found him still withdrawn and distracted, as he had been since their escapade healing Sykes. Vander caught her gaze and blinked slowly. His eyes widened as recognition of the place hit him. Sorrow flitted across his face, followed by shame, but the War Mage buried these things as he gently pushed past her to face Wylsin.

  “Master Wylsin, when last I was here, I did you and yours a terrible injustice. I would apologize for my behavior and make what amends I can,” Vander said. Wylsin gave the thin Mage a measuring look. A moment's more consideration and Wylsin offered the War Mage a cheerful smile, noting that his customers were attending the group without seeming to pay them any mind. Wylsin's reaction ensured that the others would take no offense to the mage's presence.

  “Apology accepted, my Lord. Actually, there is something you can help with, if it be in your power. Yours or the Lady Kalla's. We have two housed here who have been attacked by sabre wolves. The beasts have grown more brazen. I know not why Gasta no longer keeps them at bay, but they have wandered this far from the Deep Forest and n
ow attack travelers in broad daylight. Our physicker has done what she can, but the wounds have infected and they burn with a terrible fever. There is not a military facility or Technomancer Lab this far in. Another mage has seen them also, but she was no Healer. She has done what she can for them.”

  Vander hissed out a frustrated breath,

  “Yes, Master Wylsin, I can help them,” he said.

  “We can help them,” Kalla corrected gently, but the War Mage shook his head.

  “No, Dashkele, it is my responsibility.” He looked to Wylsin, “Please, show me where they are.”

  Kalla frowned at the determination in his voice. She wasn't sure why he felt the need to take it all upon himself, but if it would help him to make amends in his own mind she wasn't going to deny him that. He was more than capable of healing them both, of that she was very certain.

  Wylsin gave him another measuring look, surreptitiously gesturing for one of the servants. He gave them soft instructions to take the mage to the sickrooms and to take Vander's pack to his room. Kasai started to follow him, but halted abruptly at the mage's unspoken request to remain with the others. More servants hurried up to the group to relieve them of their packs, as Wylsin herded them to a table.

  Soft music filled the dining area, keeping the voices to a low murmur. Kalla was surprised to find that the source of the soothing music was a Harper, his fingers lightly dancing across the strings of a round-bellied mandolin, an instrument from Ne Ramerides. She studied the man a moment. His skin was noticeably paler than average, even in the inn's low lighting. Amber-brown hair fell past the high collar of his tunic, matching the neatly trimmed beard on his face. Unless the Healer missed her guess, the Harper himself hailed from Ne Ramerides. As they were seated, he ended the purely orchestral piece and began another, adding a rich singing voice to the music. The song he sang was a mournful tale of a valiant hero, his battle with a fierce dragon, and his ultimate betrayal by his closest of friends.

  “Something to drink, my Lord and Lady Mage? Magisters? Fury wine, perhaps,” Wylsin asked with a wry grin. A chorus of affirmatives answered him and the innkeep bustled away to the kitchens. Within moments, flagons of fury wine had been set before the group, along with platters of roast goose, potato dumplings, apple and almond salad and warm brown bread fresh from the ovens, dripping butter.

  They ate quietly, content to listen to the Harper and to watch the crowd. Only Kasai was tense, the absence of his mage leaving him uneasy. After a time Vander returned, weary and once more withdrawn. His patients were doing fine now, resting peacefully. He had been able to eradicate the infection and close the wounds of both. Wylsin brought food and fury wine for him, which the Dashmari gratefully accepted.

  Now that Vander was back among them, Aleister and Lukas were able to lure Kasai away to a nearby table where a game of kessala was in progress. The three were readily accepted among the players. Kalla took opportunity of the quiet and withdrew her journal. She sighed at the sense of familiarity, yet this time was different. This time it was not just her and her newly acquired magister. This time it was her and a whole group of people that she couldn't ever have imagined traveling with.

  The Healer reflected on the changes of the past several months and found herself thankful for the people she had been drawn together with. Not just Aleister, as both her magister and her liya, but for Vander, with all the changes that had been wrought in him, for Kasai, though she regretted the why of it, for Manny, the young Malkadoran Healer, even for Sir Lukas, though he and his mage were the newest of her traveling companions. She was most thankful for the fact that they had managed to save the former Praetor. Manny had chosen well, she thought. He would find no better protection.

  Beside her, Manny followed her example, pulling out his own journal. While they wrote, Vander finished his meal. Pushing the plate aside, the War Mage rested his head on his arms. His eyes were closed, but the occasional swiveling of his ears betrayed the fact that he was not asleep, but in fact paying close attention to everything around him. He shifted and sat up as soft footsteps approached their table.

  “Greetings, Lady Kalla.”

  Kalla looked up as another Solidoran mage stopped by their table. The Lady had short black hair that curled around her face and the sea-green eyes of a Sevfahlan regarded them intently. The new mage leaned heavily on an ornate cane, crafted to look like twin serpents twined around one another. From the way she stood, the cane was no mere accessory, but a necessary instrument.

  Behind her were the Harper and a woman Kalla guessed was her magister. The magister had the bronzed skin and tawny colored hair of the Persiali, from a land far beyond Ishkar. The woman moved with the elegance of a hunting cat. Though she wore no armor, a curved sword was belted at her waist and a slender, spike-headed mace hung opposite it. Kalla's mind scrambled for the mage's name. With it came the realization that the cane was necessary, for a magickal accident had rendered the leg barely useful and not even the Healers could fix it.

  “Greetings, Lady Justina,” Kalla said. She gestured towards the empty chairs. “Please, join us. I must admit, I didn't realize that the 'other mage' Master Wylsin spoke of was still here.”

  Justina gracefully slid into a seat across from Kalla, Harper and magister following her example. Kalla smiled slightly as Aleister's curiosity brushed against her mind. She assured him that all was well and he turned his thoughts back to the game. Justina nodded towards Vander and Manny.

  “Greetings, Lord Vander, Lord kyl'Malkador. May I introduce Harper and Cara, my magister.”

  “Harper…?” Kalla asked, her tone asking for the man's name as well as title.

  “Just Harper. The man refuses to give me any name to call him by. Just as he refuses to quit following me around.” Aggravation laced her words and Justina threw the man a dirty look. He merely grinned back at her and the woman named Cara laughed. Kalla frowned as she caught a glimpse of a thin, woven slaver's collar around the man's neck, mostly hidden by the high collar of his tunic. The Harper was obviously no slave, so why did he wear a collar, she wondered. Recalling rumors of Harpers disappearing, she put voice to her question. The man's face grew somber.

  “It is true. The slavers have grown bold. They attack even the Harpers, when they find us. Justina found me in a slaver's camp. She and Cara made short work of the slavers and freed the slaves. I owe her a life-debt, according to the customs of my people. I wear the collar to remind me of that debt. Until it is paid, I belong to Lady Justina and have no name save that which she gives me. Thus, I am destined to merely be Harper for she will give me no other,” the Harper said with another grin.

  Kalla had guessed correctly. The man hailed from Ne Ramerides. She had heard of the Rameridean custom of a life-debt and she could certainly respect the man's dedication. The Healer did find it disturbing to find the rumors confirmed. If the slavers would go so far as to attack Harpers, what else might they dare?

  “What brings you to Argoth, Lady Justina?” Kalla asked.

  “We were seeking new Kanlon candidates. The Technomancers have already departed back to the Academy. Between us we found seven in the region with the gift. Two will be going back with me,” Justina said.

  The Technomancers of Argoth belonged to the military and were among the few gifted of magick who were not tied to the Kanlon. All Argosian children who were found to be gifted were given a choice- to either serve the Empire as a Technomancer or to go to the Kanlon and become a magi. Kalla herself had been given the same choice.

  Justina turned an appraising eye to Vander. The older mage had been at the Kanlon when Kalla and Vander had departed and knew, too, the skills of each. She hadn't missed that it had been Vander and not Kalla that had disappeared with the innkeep's servant.

  “Lord Vander-,” she began, but the War Mage shook his head.

  “Just Vander, Lady Justina. Just Vander,” he said softly. As if anticipating what Justina were thinking he continued, “And yes, I did go to heal the wounde
d Master Wylsin is caring for.”

  Justina raised her eyebrows in a questioning look. “I wasn't aware you were a Healer, Vander.”

  “I was not, Lady. It is thanks to Kalla that I have that gift now.”

  Kalla leaned forward, explaining things to Justina. The Sevfahlan looked thoughtful.

  “How interesting. Do you think you could recreate such a bond? It would be immensely useful to transfer skills in such a way. And apparently combining such unusual gifts with one another lends a greater level of innovation in using them. I don't think there is a Healer at the Kanlon with a Defensor's full training.”

  Kalla thought for a moment. She shared Justina's reasoning, the link she and Vander shared and the talents gained were immeasurably valuable. The Healer pondered for a moment longer, letting her thoughts sharpen into focus. The more she considered it, the surer she was that she could recreate the bond.

  “I am fairly certain that I can. I don't think it would have to be maintained that long, either, not among fully trained magi. A day at most. I don't think, however, that it would be wise for a mage to learn the gifts of more than two others, ever. The strain would be too great,” Kalla said.

  “Well, why not try now. There are four of us here, if young kyl'Malkador wishes to try as well. By your reckoning, you and the War Mage can share gifts with one other person and you are the only ones to have shared such a bond. I am an Artificer by training, with Artistry as my secondary skill,” Justina said.

  “Very well,” Kalla replied. She looked to Manny and the young Healer gave her a slow nod.

  “I will try,” he said. Vander echoed his agreement.

  “There are four of us. I see no reason why all of us should not try,” Kalla said. After a few moment's discussion, it was decided that she would share with Manny and Vander would bond with Justina. Briefly, she shared her intentions with Aleister.


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