Dark and Deadly

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Dark and Deadly Page 7

by Lynn Hagen

  He wasn't sure how Ryan had known what he was thinking.

  “That was so freaking hot,” Warren said. “I mean I’m nervous as hell about sleeping with two guys, but damn, you two are beautiful together.”

  Ash smiled against Ryan’s lips. “He thinks we’re hot.”

  “Let’s show him how hot he is,” Ryan said.

  They turned and looked down at Warren.

  “Uh, why are you two looking like you’re about to devour me?” Warren backed up on the bed.

  “Because we are. Ryan has already claimed you. Now it’s my turn to bind our souls together.”

  Warren’s brows went up. “What do you mean he claimed me?”

  Ash wasn’t sure what he was going to do with Ryan. The guy had screwed up his mating with Warren. He hadn’t even told Warren that he claimed him.

  Ryan spread his arms. “That’s not entirely true. I only fed from him in tiny little sips. Technically I haven’t claimed him yet. At least I don’t think I did.”

  “Are you serious?” Ash asked.

  “No, I’m just kidding around about the most important thing in my life,” Ryan shot back. “I didn’t fully drink from him, so I’m not sure if I did.”

  “But you sure as fuck knocked me up,” Warren complained.

  Ash was getting a goddamn headache. He grabbed Warren’s ankles and pulled his mate back to the middle of the bed. “Then we’re doing this right.”

  Warren yelped as Ash rolled him to his hands and knees. Ash got behind his mate, spread Warren’s cheeks, and drove his cock back inside his mate.

  Warren cried out as Ryan got onto the bed, positioning himself at Warren’s head. “Keep opening your mouth like that.”

  Groans filled the room as Ash fucked Warren’s ass and Ryan fucked Warren’s mouth. Holy fuck. It was the most erotic thing Ash had ever done. He wondered how it would feel to be filled from both ends.

  That thought shocked him. Ash had never wanted to be fucked before. The thought had never entered his mind before now. But as he watched Warren writhe between them, shoving his body backward to take Ash’s cock, thrusting forward to swallow Ryan’s shaft, the images of him being in the middle wouldn’t go away.

  He looked to where he and Warren were joined, watching as his cock moved in and out of Warren’s ass. Fuck, the pleasure was making his wolf go insane. His claws tried to slide free, but Ash fought to keep them retracted.

  What was this human doing to him? Shit. The feel of Warren’s muscles gripping Ash’s cock was mind-boggling. He couldn’t stop watching their connection.

  Until Ryan grabbed Ash and pulled him forward, once again kissing the breath right out of him. Ash slid a hand up Warren’s back, trying to make him feel like he was a part of this kiss, that he wasn’t forgotten as Ryan ate at Ash’s mouth, sucking Ash’s tongue in and teasing it.

  “I still remember how your dick tasted in my mouth,” Ryan whispered. “Want to suck you off so badly.”

  Ash growled as he recalled them in his SUV, him feeing Ryan, both of them getting each other off.


  Ryan pulled back and carded his fingers through Warren’s hair. “Fuck, baby, you got me ready to come.”

  Warren groaned around Ryan’s cock and then pulled the long, hard shaft from his mouth. “I want to taste you.”

  Ryan hissed as Warren swallowed him again. Ryan’s eyes rolled back, and he thrust forward, punching his hips in and out of Warren’s mouth before his muscles strained and his jaw clenched.

  The vampire shouted, strangling Warren’s hair. Ash feared he’d pull clumps out as he came.

  And what a fucking sight Ryan was as he climaxed. Ash gripped Warren’s hips, and as soon as Ryan pulled back, Ash blanketed Warren’s back and sank his canines into the soft skin of his shoulder. He felt their bond instantly snap into place.

  Warren cried out, thrusting backward fast and hard. Ash jerked and buried himself deep as his orgasm swept him under. He pulled his canines free and licked the wound closed, panting and gasping for breath.

  He kissed Warren down his spine then pulled back and eased out of Warren’s body. No sooner had he moved away than Ryan settled behind Warren, who was still shaking and shivering from his release.

  “How the fuck are you hard again?” Ash asked. He shouldn’t be surprised. Not only was Ryan nonhuman but Warren could make a guy stay hard.

  Ryan winked at him as a smirk surfaced. “Told you I’m the pro in the bedroom.”

  At least he didn’t have a problem with his damn ego. That seemed to be just fine.

  Ryan drove inside Warren and picked up a punishing pace, his fingers digging into Warren’s sides as sweat glistened on Ryan’s forehead. Ash moved closer and took Warren’s mouth in a tender, slow kiss, tasting Ryan on the man’s breath.

  Then Ash maneuvered himself under Warren, taking Warren’s cock into his mouth. He lapped at the cum that still clung to the head, suckling until Warren became hard again.

  The beauty of youth. At least that was the case for Warren. He wasn’t sure how Ryan had such stamina.

  “Oh my god,” Warren groaned. “You guys are killing me.”

  “You can handle it,” Ryan said. “Just hang on for the ride.”

  Ash smiled around Warren’s shaft then licked a path up to the head, taking him back down his throat and repeating the action.

  Warren keened as he wiggled, trying to fuck Ash’s mouth as Ryan fucked Warren’s ass. It wasn’t graceful, but it was fun.

  Ryan struck, sinking his fangs into Warren’s neck. Ash knew this because Ryan had bent over and Warren had shouted. Ryan and Ash still had to claim each other, but Ash could wait. Right now they were expending too much energy, and Ash was already whipped.

  Warren convulsed as his seed shot down Ash’s throat. Ash drank every last drop before pulling back. He stretched out and watched as Ryan extracted his fangs and licked the pinpricks closed.

  A few more thrusts and Ryan was coming, throwing his head back as he gritted his teeth.

  Ash could watch him for hours. The sheer beauty, the intimacy, the erotic moment that they would continue to share for a lifetime. Things might not be perfect between them right now, but if they kept sharing moments like this, Ash was sure they’d work the rest of their kinks out.

  Chapter Eight

  Warren had never been this sore in his life. On top of that, when he’d woken up, he’d run straight to the bathroom to get sick. God, he felt like he was dying. Who could survive all this sickness? All Warren wanted to do was lie on the cool floor and sleep.

  But Ash wouldn’t let him. He came into the bathroom and flushed the toilet, wiped Warren’s mouth, and lifted Warren into his strong arms as he carried him to the living room.

  If Warren didn’t feel so freaking queasy, he might have enjoyed the pampering.

  “Keep an eye on him while I make something to eat,” Ash said. He glared at Ryan. “You’re no longer allowed in the kitchen.”

  “Burn one breakfast and you won’t forgive me,” Ryan quipped as Ash walked away. He turned to Warren and winked. “I hate cooking. I’m glad Ash is taking over.”

  Ryan dropped onto the sofa and pulled Warren’s head onto his lap. “How’re you feeling?”

  “Strange,” Warren admitted. “Just a few days ago I was running from you, and now look at me.”

  Warren had adjusted easier than he thought he would. He felt a connection to Ryan, as well as Ash, and couldn’t imagine kicking Ryan to the curb again. His heart hurt just thinking about it.

  “Is that bacon I smell?” Warren lifted his head and sniffed. “Oh my god, he’s cooking breakfast late in the afternoon. I could kiss him.”

  Warren could eat breakfast food all day. It was his favorite meal.

  “How about you kiss me instead?” Ryan asked. “I’m hungry for your lips.”

  Warren grimaced. “I didn’t get a chance to brush my teeth. Ash pulled me out of the bathroom too fast.”

helped Warren off the couch and steered him toward the bathroom. He brushed his teeth, gargled with some mouthwash, and looked at himself in the mirror.

  God, he looked awful. His skin was too pale, and his eyes were bloodshot. Warren could use some more sleep, but he wanted to go back to the festival today before he had to start his shift later.

  “I want to go to the festival,” he said when he emerged from the bathroom. “I think I need some sunlight in my life.”

  “That’s up to Ash.” Ryan tried to grab Warren around his waist, but Warren backed up.

  “What do you mean that’s up to Ash? Since when do I have to check in with him when I want to do something? I’ve been living my life perfectly fine before you two came along. I don’t need permission to do a damn thing.”

  Warren spun on his heel and headed toward his bedroom to get dressed, thankful Ryan hadn’t followed him. Now Warren was irritated, and he didn’t want to be in a foul mood. It was a gorgeous day outside, and he wanted to enjoy it, preferably not be pissed off at his mates.

  He grabbed some underwear then returned to the bathroom and showered, loving how the hot water beat at his sore muscles. All Warren could do was sigh as the tension in his body disappeared. He felt like a new man by the time he got out and toweled off.

  After putting on his clean underwear, Warren opened the bathroom door, the steam following him out. In the hallway were Ryan and Ash. Two mountains with their arms crossed.

  “Don’t start with me,” Warren warned. “I’m going to the festival and then to work. Neither of you lugheads is going to stop me.”

  “No, we’re not.” Ash nodded. “We’re going with you. Just as soon as you eat.”

  Warren’s stomach picked that moment to grumble. When was the last time he’d eaten? He couldn’t remember, but the smell of bacon and eggs wafted toward him, and Warren’s mouth watered. “Let me put some clothes on first.”

  He dressed, his mates leaving him alone. What were they going to do now that they were together? Would Ryan and Ash move in with him? That was the only possibility since Warren owned his house and there was plenty of room for all three of them without feeling crowded.

  And a baby? Warren still thought that was farfetched, but he was with a vampire and a guy who could change into a wolf. How much more bizarre was it for him to be pregnant?

  He had a sinking feeling that it was true, and that freaked Warren out. He took a few calming breaths, telling himself not to get worked up. Damn it. He was going to enjoy his day, no matter what.

  * * * *

  Ryan felt exposed out in the open. He didn’t like it at all. The only good part was the fact that Macaw was a demon, which meant he more than likely was lying low since his corporal form faded in the sunlight. He was probably waiting for nighttime before he attacked again.

  That gave Ryan time to try and relax, to do his best to make sure Warren had a good time. Besides, when was the last time Ryan had let his guard down and laughed? When was the last time he enjoyed his day?

  “You’re not going to get it,” Ryan teased as Warren aimed the fake gun toward the row of ducks. “You’ve already missed twice.”

  “Thanks for the encouragement,” Warren said. “I’m gonna get it. Just watch me.”

  Ash stood on the other side of Warren, shoving a corndog into his mouth. Since they’d arrived at the festival, all Ash had done was eat. He’d already consumed a bag of cotton candy, a large pretzel, a big box of popcorn, and two bratwursts. Where the fuck did he put all that food?

  Ryan slid his hand down Warren’s back. “Just breathe in and squeeze the trigger. And aim for the ducks. Don’t forget to aim for the ducks.”

  Warren glared at him. “Back off. You’re wrecking my concentration.”

  Ryan swatted Warren’s ass, and then Ash swatted it. Warren wiggled and slapped at them before bending back over to shoot. He missed all three times.

  “Let me show you how a pro does it.” Ash handed Ryan his corndog. “I’m not giving it to you to eat. Hold it for me.”

  As soon as Ash bent over, Ryan downed the corndog, licking his lips and wanting another one. He glanced around to see if he could spot the hotdog stand when he noticed a guy watching them a little too closely.

  “We’ve got eyes on us,” Ryan said so low that no one but Ash heard him.

  Ash gave a slight nod to say he’d heard Ryan and then shot the gun, hitting all three ducks in a row.

  “Show-off,” Warren grumbled. “I could’ve done that if you two hadn’t been molesting me.”

  Ash accepted the small stuffed frog and handed it over to Warren. “I know you could’ve done it.” He slung his arm around Warren’s neck as they turned to walk away.

  Ryan had his eyes on the guy who kept watching them. He was far enough back that he thought he was hidden, but Ryan’s eyesight was too damn good to miss him.

  His attention was pulled away when Warren leaned up and kissed him. His mate chuckled. “Your breath smells like hotdogs.”

  Ash growled. “I told you not to eat it.”

  “I’ll get you another one. Stop bellyaching.” Ryan looked to where the guy had been, but he was gone. Even so, he still felt eyes on him.

  “Do you know who he is?” Ash whispered while Warren looked around, oblivious to their conversation.

  “Never seen him before.” Ryan looked around, scanning the crowd, but the stranger hadn’t shown himself again. “I’m gonna find him and see why he’s so interested in us. Keep Warren occupied.”

  Ash nodded.

  Ryan slipped away, walking between the stands, moving past the rides, and passing the outhouses. It was if the stranger had vanished into thin air. The sensory overload was easy for him to handle. Vampires were damn good at seeing things at a faster rate than humans.

  But the guy was gone.

  He saw Ash and Warren looking at wind chimes. Ryan had spotted one on Warren’s porch, and it hadn’t been there before. This was where he must’ve gotten it.

  “Ash wanted to look,” Warren said guiltily. “I swear. It was his idea, not mine.”

  Ash chuckled. “Calm down, shorty. I don’t mind adding to your collection.”

  “It’s one chime,” Ryan pointed out. “I wouldn’t consider that a collection.”

  “Then all three of us pick out the one we want,” Ash said, making the young girl behind the table beam. Ryan picked one with bright colors and a red teardrop on the string. It was the biggest chime the girl had.

  “We can put these on the back porch.” Warren seemed bubbly about the idea, which made Ryan smile. He liked seeing Warren happy. It was better than his mate yelling at him and telling him to get out.

  He placed his hand at the small of Ryan’s back as the girl boxed their chimes. Ash leaned over and kissed Ryan’s neck. “These are perfect.”

  Ryan started to say they were just wind chimes, but the look in Ash’s dark eyes stopped him. “They are.”

  Ryan knew he’d said the right thing when Ash kissed him softly. His gut twisted into knots, and Ryan groaned as he felt himself blush.

  Ash chuckled. “Don’t hide it. I like that I affect you this way.”

  “You’re a cute couple,” the girl said.

  “We’re a cute couple.” Warren pointed between the three of them. “Don’t you dare leave me out of this. Not when I have to put up with all their crap.”

  The girl giggled. “It’s rare you see three people together. You guys are good-looking. Thanks for making my day and buying my stuff.”

  “The pleasure was all ours,” Ash said. He gave her a charming smile before they walked away. God, Ryan felt light on his feet, and that had never happened before. Not with his way of life. Everyone always had an angle, was always looking to get over on someone.

  It was nice to know Ash and Warren didn’t want anything from him. Except his cock. He chuckled.

  “What?” Warren asked. “I want to laugh too.”

  Ryan leaned in so the people around them co
uldn’t hear what he was about to say. “I was just thinking how fucking good you looked with my dick in your mouth and Ash’s dick in your ass.”

  Warren’s face turned a bright shade of pink as he whipped his head around. “Why is that funny?”

  “I wasn’t laughing because it was funny.” Ryan kissed Warren’s cheek. “I was amused at how much I enjoyed our time together.”

  “Oh.” Warren smiled. “Me, too. I-I liked what we did.”

  “Good to know.” Ryan slung an arm over Warren’s shoulders as Ash placed a hand at the small of Ryan’s back. Of course they got curious looks, but Ryan didn’t care.

  For the first time in forever, he was happy.

  * * * *

  Warren was in the backyard admiring the wind chimes dangling from the ceiling of the porch. They were evenly spaced and looked spectacular. He still couldn’t believe that Ash had bought him one of the ones that had cost forty bucks.

  Ryan’s had cost sixty. It was the one in the middle, bright, beautiful, and made Warren smile every time he looked at it. Ash’s chime had more masculine colors, deep greens, dark blues, and a few crimson reds. There was a wolf hanging from the string, which was befitting.

  Warren’s was made up of pretty colors and had a rose on the string. A rose, a wolf, and a teardrop. Somehow that seemed poetic to Warren. He closed his eyes and listened to the breeze. All the tubes were made of crystal, which made them tinkle in harmony.

  “Mind telling me what the fuck is going on?”

  Warren’s eyes flew open at the sound of his uncle’s voice. He shot up in his chair and looked around. Ryan and Ash were inside, out of sight. “What do you mean?”

  Morgan marched up the steps, and even at this distance, Warren smelled booze on his breath.

  “I saw you today with those two guys. Honesty, Warren. Two men? Could you make yourself out to be any more of a whore? It’s bad enough I have to deal with the fact that you’re gay, but you’ve got to get greedy?”

  His words were like a slap to the face. Warren had never heard such vicious things come out of his uncle’s mouth. It was like a stranger was standing there insulting him.


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