Conversations with Vladimir Nabokov

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Conversations with Vladimir Nabokov Page 3

by Robert Golla (ed)

  “I Don’t Like Groups”

  George D. Elliott in Hudson Review characterized Nabokov as a “Raconteur with great intelligence” and the Harvard Crimson analyzed his style: “Nabokov’s relative detachment from the language permits him to perceive and to exploit means of expression that native English writers often overlook. He gets remarkable mileage out of a part of speech that is more or less neglected nowadays, namely, the adverb.”

  Two minority reports are worth quoting: Diana Trilling, reviewing Bend Sinister, an earlier novel, spoke of Nabokov’s “deafness to the music of the English language,” and Kingsley Amis, leading Angry Young Man, reviewing Pnin in The Spectator, found it a mystery that “this limp, tasteless salad of Joyce, Chaplin, and Mary McCarthy had delighted noises made over it by Edmund Wilson, Randall Jarrell, and Graham Greene.”

  “What do you think of the Angry Young Men?” I asked Nabokov.

  “What are they?”

  “What do you think of the Beat Generation?”

  This drew fire—an outburst in the passionate Russian manner.

  “I don’t like anything that becomes a movement or a school! I don’t like labels, clubs. I don’t like groups!

  “It just doesn’t mean anything to me if you say symbolists or classicists. It doesn’t mean anything, and that’s what I teach my classes. I teach them books, authors. Not groups or labels.

  “Exist—exist—existen—“Nabokov’s lips puckered humorously as he made an amusing pretense at being unable to pronounce “existentialism.”

  “I’m bored by the word itself! I read something Sartre wrote. I didn’t know what he was talking about.”

  How about Freud (of whom Nabokov has in the past been critical)?

  “Freudian voodoo!” Nabokov replied vehemently. “That’s my bête noire. I think he has been one of the most pernicious influences on literature, children, and schools. It’s a medieval mind dealing in medieval symbols. The initial witchdoctor and all the little witchdoctors. A rather complicated question on which I will write later. A craze that’s passing.”

  One more hero bit the dust—Albert Schweitzer.

  “I would also like to find out who invented Dr. Schweitzer. This is a question I would like to ask at large. I think it’s another exaggeration. It’s funny how people must have a name to bandy about.”

  And how does Nabokov feel about politics?

  “No interest whatsoever in politics or people with a capital ‘P.’ I make my own people, my own politics, and my own Gods—if any.” His lips puckered in the familiar whimsical way.

  Is Nabokov an iconoclast, a rebel, an intellectual anarchist? Says a friend: “I’d say he’s a skeptic who calls his own shots. And of course he has a wonderful deadpan humor—it’s hard to tell if he’s joking or not.”

  A complicated personality, Nabokov. The same may be said of Lolita. To get back to the meaning of the book, here is something that Nabokov himself said in the Cornell Daily Sun when Pnin was published: “The book has no message. I’m no messenger boy. A book has to stand on its own two feet or fly on its own two wings, or four.”

  Author of Lolita Airs Views on Censorship, Role of Artist

  Gladys Kessler / 1958

  From The Cornell Daily Sun, September 25, 1958. © The Cornell Daily Sun. Reprinted by permission.

  It isn’t often a Cornell professor becomes the center of a literary hurricane—or a tempest in a teapot depending on one’s view of Lolita, the stylistic masterpiece that has recently caused such a sensation.

  Vladimir V. Nabokov is the gentleman in the limelight and his very controversial book Lolita is creating the tempest. For those just back from the wilds of Vacationland, Lolita is a novel about a European intellectual who has a two-year love affair with a nymphet named Lolita, aged twelve.

  Banned in France, the book has turned into a cause célèbre in the United States. But none of this fuss and bother seems to have affected its author at all.

  He still lives quietly in a rented home with a seldom-used television set, and plans to continue his teaching and his writing. After all, Professor Nabokov vigorously exclaimed, “I couldn’t live without my teaching.”

  Having had quite a bit of experience with censorship, both Russian and French, Nabokov expressed some very definite ideas on the subject. “Any work of art is above censorship. But censorship, of course, depends on what you call a book. A book, a novel above all, is a work of art and must be above all restrictions.”

  Professor Nabokov is a man of very firm opinions in regard to the place of the artist in society and his obligations to it and his reader. “The artist has no obligations to the reader,” he emphasized. “If no communication exists between writer and reader, then it is either the fault of the reader or it is the work of a poor writer who has no claim to the title of an artist.

  “The artist survives and transcends time and place. Above all, I have been trying to root this idea of the artist as a product of his culture out of my classes. I am not influenced by my environment, nor by time nor society. And neither is the true writer.”

  Discussing his own bestseller (which he claims has no moral whatsoever), the scholarly and very charming gentleman said, “People may take symbolism from Lolita, but I put none in. If people take it out, so much the better for them,” he concluded.

  “But seriously,” he continued, “Lolita is to be enjoyed as a detached, intellectual exercise. No tears to be shed. You’re supposed to enjoy it with your spinal emotions, with a little shiver when you end it.”

  Mrs. Nabokov is fully as intriguing as her husband. A handsome, white-haired woman, she sits quietly by and listens to every word her husband utters. Previously, she had helped Professor Nabokov by grading some of his students’ papers. Now, however, she’s kept busy typing her husband’s manuscripts.

  The Nabokovs have a son, Dmitri, a recent Harvard graduate, who has helped his father in preparing some translations.

  An ardent foe of modern, group-oriented, “practical” education, Nabokov pleaded for a return to classical methods with the emphasis on the teaching of Latin and Greek, and a renewed interest in natural history—“not applied natural history for a purpose, but to know the world as it is, to know what makes corn, not cornflakes.”

  On the university level, he considers the library “the heart and centerpiece of any good institution.” To profit from this “our students need more solitude and concentration and, especially, more sleep. There are too many clubs, too many group activities. A university should be quieter; what many students could use is a nice padded cell.”

  Professor Nabokov loves to write in both Russian and English. Although he prefers Russian because it is his native tongue and he is most at home with it, Nabokov claims that English is “the richest language in the world. The spirit of the language is a harmonious one. It is wonderful for expressing abstractions and for coining the names of things. But, of course, my English is just an echo of my Russian,” he quipped.

  Vladimir Nabokov and Lionel Trilling Discuss Lolita

  Pierre Berton / 1958

  From the Canadian Broadcasting Corporation, November 26, 1958. © CBC Licensing. Reprinted by permission.

  Pierre Berton: Mr. Trilling, as a critic I think you’d be interested in a remark made about Lolita, which I suppose everyone knows by now. It’s the so-called “shocking” book about the obsessive love of a middle-aged man for a twelve year old girl, a remark made by a Canadian writer, Nicholas Montserrat, who didn’t like the book. He said that he found the subject so debased and horrible that it destroys the book as a work of art. He went on to say that he’d vote to ban it. I’d like to hear what Mr. Nabokov has to say for the defense of this.

  Vladimir Nabokov: I’m not particularly interested in those foolish attacks. Some of them are very amusing. But I would say that most of the haters of Lolita in the US are just common scolds and old philistines.

  PB: What do you mean by a philistine, Mr. Nabokov?

Users of covers and cozies, ready-made souls in plastic bags, negligible generalities.

  PB: Mr. Trilling, would you identify Mr. Montserrat with that definition of a philistine?

  Lionel Trilling: In this particular instance, yes, I think I would. I think that the book is shocking. I’m glad that it’s shocking. I see a lot of shocking books. I think we need to be shocked. But it’s absurd to call it debased; it’s anything but that. [The criticism is] ridiculous.

  PB: The critics, as Mr. Nabokov knows, have said a great many things about this book. I’d like to see if he agrees with them. I’ll quote some of them to you. One critic called it “a satire on sex, a mirror of human frailties.” Another said it was “a joke on our national cant about youth.” A third, that it was “a cutting exposé of chronic American adolescence and shabby materialism.” Is this so? Is this what you were intending?

  VN: I don’t think so. First of all, I do not wish to touch hearts and I don’t want to affect minds very much. What I want to produce is really that little sob in the spine of the artist-reader. I leave the field of ideas to Dr. Schweitzer and to Dr. Zhivago. And when you say satire you imply a purpose, an object, an awakening, apart from and beyond the dream of the book. I have invented an America, my America, and it’s just as fantastic as any inventor’s America.

  LT: Yours is more attractive.

  VN: I think you have noticed, but some reviewers have not noticed how helpless and how lovely she is. It was fun to breed her in my own laboratory but I am not concerned with holding up public abuses to ridicule or that kind of thing.

  LT: There is an underlying tone of satire through the book.

  VN: If you give satire its original sense of macédoine, a fruit salad, satira, then perhaps my dish is good enough for that purpose.

  PB: But you say that your book isn’t meant to produce emotions in readers. I’d like to ask Mr. Trilling, as we move over here, if it didn’t produce some emotion in him? It did in me.

  LT: Oh, yes, it did indeed. I found it a deeply moving book. Mr. Nabokov may not have meant to move hearts but he moved mine. He may not have meant to affect minds but he did affect my mind.

  PB: More than just a touch of tingle at the end of your spine, as Mr. Nabokov said?

  LT: Oh, yes. You can’t trust a creative writer to say what he has done. He can say what he meant to do. And even then we don’t have to believe him. No, I was deeply moved by the book. I think it was one of the most moving books I’ve read in a long time.

  PB: Mr. Nabokov is also saying, as I gather, that he has no message at all in this book.

  VN: I don’t feel I have any special message and if you ask me, for instance, whether my own ideas are those of Humbert Humbert, I would say no. Of course, he’s a European and a man of letters as I am, but I’ve taken great care to separate myself from him. For instance, the good reader notices that Humbert Humbert confuses, just to take an instance, hummingbirds with hawk moths. Now, I would never do that, being an entomologist.

  PB: You’re an expert in butterflies.

  VN: I am to a certain extent. And I would never do that. Well, there are many other things, many other matters, which I leave to him.

  LT: I think nobody would suppose that the author and the hero were to be in any way identified.

  VN: Well, it has been supposed.

  PB: Humbert Humbert, besides several odd tastes, also hates American motels. He despises them. Have you this feeling?

  VN: No. I must say there are some absolutely delightful motels where I’ve been very happy; very happy with Humbert Humbert writing the book but which I could not use because the book is slanted in a different way.

  PB: He would see a motel as something rather grotesque.

  VN: Not necessarily. A motel can be anything.

  PB: Let’s get down to the really intriguing point, Mr. Nabokov. What gave you the idea for Lolita, the story of a middle-aged man and a twelve year old girl and their love affair? How did you start it?

  VN: In a little afterpiece which I have to my book, I talk about a certain ape who was taught to use charcoal, and the first thing the poor little animal did was to sketch the bars of its own cage.

  PB: Is this an analogy?

  VN: Yes. I read that story in a newspaper and if I try to rationalize the impact of that image I would say that my baboon, Humbert Humbert—and after all, Humbert Humbert is a baboon, a baboon of genius, perhaps, but a baboon—is doing exactly that. He is drawing and shading and erasing and redrawing the bars of his cage. The bars between him and what he terms “the human herd.”

  PB: And this cage, I take it, is this obsessive and rather frightening love for this girl?

  VN: It is, yes. It is his passion—the pattern of his passion.

  PB: But let’s get down to the more specific point. Why did you choose this rather odd, and something that’s never been done before, this curious and debased love?

  VN: I think because on the whole it afforded me all kinds of interesting possibilities. I’m not so much interested in the philosophy of the book as I am in weaving the thing in a certain way. In those intergradations and inter-weavings of certain themes and subthemes, for instance the semantic line of Mr. Quilty, whom Humbert will kill, and does kill, and whom Humbert mentions as early as page thirty-three. And he appears several times throughout the book.

  PB: But you must have read a newspaper, been aware of this strange sexual symbolism or this oddity in a minority of humans which has shocked so many people about Lolita?

  VN: I have read a considerable number of case histories. I would say I became quite an expert in those matters. I have not combined them for the purpose of writing the book, but they have influenced me in one way or another, just giving me certain information.

  PB: Mr. Trilling has a very intriguing theory about Lolita. He thinks it’s a return to the old kind of romantic shocking love, but I’ll let him explain it. I’d like to hear what you have to say about it.

  LT: Well, Mr. Burton, it isn’t quite to be dignified by calling it a theory. But my reading of the book led me to feel that, in spite of the judgments that a good many people have made on it as a book about sex and sexual obsession—although it is indeed a very erotic book, a very sexual book, if you wish—it is not a book so much about an aberration as about an actual love. And a love that makes all the terrible demands that almost any love makes, certainly that any sexual love makes, but that is very full of tenderness and very full of compassion, as well as passion. It occurred to me to say that this particular love that Mr. Nabokov had chosen as the love object of his hero, a young girl—someone who is usually preserved from the sexual attentions of men—a very young girl of twelve because he wanted to reconstitute the scandalous nature that once used to characterize the famous love affairs, the love affairs of great stars.

  PB: Do you think love should be scandalous and is no longer scandalous? Is that what you’re trying to say?

  LT: I don’t think love should be scandalous. I’m a very respectable man. I think that all the great love stories have been scandalous. They, for example, have been adulterous. They have been stories not of love between married people but between people who ought not be in love.

  PB: Let me interrupt you here and let Mr. Nabokov have his say here.

  VN: It seems to me that all worthwhile novels, after all, are concerned with passioned love. Apart from Humbert’s and a nymphet’s, [passioned love] has always existed in novels as well as in life. If you take a novel, take Tolstoy’s Anna Karenina with Kitty and Levin, [who] have a relationship which in ordinary life in Europe and America may be termed passionate love, coamorous love, within the terms of normal marriage; so we have that, too.

  LT: Yes, we do, but it’s not called “Kitty” and it’s not called “Levin,” it’s called Anna Karenina.

  VN: I’m not sure of that. I think Kitty and Levin are just as alive as Anna is and the rather dummy-like Vronsky.

  LT: Yes, but it seems to me that all great love af
fairs are tragic. They all end in death, as yours does.

  VN: I would put it this way, that if sex is the sermon made of art, love is the lady of that tower.

  PB: What Mr. Trilling is saying, I think, is your book is about love and not about sex.

  VN: I agree with him perfectly in that.

  PB: But a great many people who are shocked by this book think it is a book about sex, right?

  LT: Oh, yes. And because it is destructive and because the love is destructive or cruel or many other things, it is no less love. In fact, that is why it is love. Love is these things very often.

  VN: That is because they think in clichés. For them, sex is something so well-defined, there’s a kind of gap between it and love. They don’t know what love is, perhaps. And perhaps they don’t know what sex is either.

  PB: Has sex become a literary cliché so that people can’t recognize anything else?

  LT: I’ll say yes.

  VN: I have to agree with you.

  PB: Let me ask you one fast question before we close, Mr. Nabokov: You’ve put a word in the language, “nymphet.” Is this going to be your monument? Do you feel you’ve accomplished something?

  VN: It is a very small monument, it is a delicate monument, and it is pleasant to have it somewhere in the garden, in the shade.

  PB: It is a word that is cropping up. You must see this word staring out at you.

  VN: I see it constantly. It is a pleasant feeling.

  LT: There’ll be nymphet clothes very soon.

  PB: Thank you very much Mr. Trilling, Mr. Nabokov. Talking about Lolita.

  What Hath Lolita Wrought?

  Edward E. Van Dyne / 1958

  From The Elmira Telegram, December 14, 1958. Courtesy of Star-Gazette, Elmira, N.Y.

  Since his controversial novel Lolita flashed to the top of the bestseller lists, Vladimir Nabokov, Russian-born professor of literature at Cornell University, has been one of America’s most discussed writers.


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