The Blood Covenant: Book One of The Medici Warrior Series

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The Blood Covenant: Book One of The Medici Warrior Series Page 4

by Emily Bex

  “Hey, Shan! Hope you haven't been waiting long.” She gives her a quick hug before sitting down.

  “Not at all. I just got here myself. Sit down, I already ordered white wine for you.”

  Kate takes her seat and sips at the wine as she picks up the menu. "Yum. Conundrum, you remembered my favorite. You look good. What were you up to today, and more importantly, why were you home when I called last night?"

  Shannon picks at the calamari appetizer. “Crap, I had so much work to catch up on. We have that new account, and I'm on a tight deadline for the first presentation. I know, right? Working on a Saturday night? This is what my life has come to? You look rested... Well, to be honest, you don't. Did you not sleep well?”

  “I... uh... I think I woke up a few times. You know, Shan, I'm really not sure. I kept dreaming stuff, but I can't really remember.”

  “Really? Can't remember? You're telling me you didn’t dream of, what did you call him, tall, dark and dangerous?”

  “Yeah... no… I mean, I think... I think he was in my dreams. It was just weird, you know? Like I felt him.”

  “Oh girl, you have got to get his number and get this man out of your system.”


  Shade teleports directly into downtown D.C., dressed casually in jeans and a sports coat. Stepping inside the restaurant he quietly takes a seat at the bar and immediately picks up on the scent of roses. He turns his head and sees her and is instantly mesmerized. She takes his breath away. Those crimson locks peeping out from beneath her hat. He lets his eyes glide down her long legs as she sits talking to her female friend and notices the Jimmy Choo’s.

  The bartender asks him what he would like, and he knows they carry Medici wine here, one of the few places on this side of D.C. that carries the wine for mortals and immortals both.

  “Medici Midnight, my man.”

  The bartender nods and goes for the wine. It takes him some time before he returns. It must be stored in the rear of the bar, telling Shade not many vampires frequent this establishment. He sits back and casually looks over at Kate every once in a while, but keeps his presence unknown to her for the moment. He listens to their conversation and smiles. Oh, she has my number all right, straight to my fucking heart and then some.

  As the bartender apologizes for the delay, Shade swirls the deep burgundy Midnight around in the glass then takes a long sip, keeping his eyes locked on her over the rim of his glass.


  “I don't know, Shan. I told you... Out of my league. Besides, even if I called Rissa for his number, I'm not sure I'd have the nerve to call him. Seriously, if you could have heard me last night, I couldn't finish a sentence I was so tongue tied. I'm sure he found it all very amusing, but I doubt he would waste five minutes on me.”

  “Listen to you! Stop putting yourself down, he came up to you, didn't he?”

  “True, he did come up to me, but I'm pretty sure it didn't take him long to realize his mistake. I wish I had your confidence around men, but sorry, I just don't, and around him especially.”


  Shade sits back and listens a while to their conversation and he is restless to talk to her, touch her. Imagine that, Shade Medici, impatient warrior. He signals with two fingers for the bartender to come closer. He will send them a bottle of his wine made for mortal consumption. At least that will give him a reason to approach her.

  “Do you see those two beautiful females sitting at the corner table? Please send them over a bottle of Medici Moonlight, white, 1982 is a good year, with my compliments, of course.”

  The bartender nods and hesitates, as Shade asks, “Is there a problem?”

  Shade almost laughs out loud when the bartender informs him the bottle of wine is priced at $250. Reaching into his pocket, he flips out three one hundred dollar bills and tosses them on the bar.

  “That should cover it. Now move.”

  The bartender’s eyes light up as he responds, ‘yes sir’ and rushes off to grab the bottle. Shade waits for about ten minutes and sees him return with a tray containing a corkscrew, two delicate wine glasses and the bottle of wine. He beckons over their waiter and waits as he sees him approach their table with the lovely gift he has sent them.


  Kate picks at what is left of the calamari. Shannon has done a great job of gobbling down the appetizer. “So what are you ordering? I think I'm having the eggplant parmesan.”

  As she looks up, the waiter is approaching with a tray that he sets down on their table. “Excuse me, ladies, but the gentleman at the bar asked that this be delivered to your table.”

  He takes the corkscrew and removes the cork, pouring the wine into the glasses. Shannon picks up the bottle and looks at the label.

  "Nice! This is very expensive wine, Kate."

  Kate looks at the waiter. “Excuse me... Who sent this?”

  The waiter points in the direction of the bar. "The gentleman seated near the end of the bar, the one with the really dark hair.”

  Kate looks over her shoulder at the bar to see who sent the gift and gasp out loud. "Oh my God, Shannon! It's him!”

  “Who?” She is already sipping at the newly poured wine.

  “Him! Him! From last night. Tall, dark and dangerous.”

  Shannon cranes her neck to get a look at him as he leans against the bar. "Fuck me! Are you kidding?” She holds her glass up to him in acknowledgement of the wine.

  Kate blushes at her outburst, hoping he didn’t overhear. “Shhhhh! Stop that. Oh my God, what do I do now?”

  “Well, acknowledging the gift might be appropriate.”


  Shade can hear their conversation and he tries not to chuckle. Once again, she is one nervous little thing. As she turns to look at him, he nods and smiles, and she whips her head away instantly, so he can’t see her face. Priceless. He watches as her friend holds up her glass in acknowledgement and he nods, smiles, and returns the gesture that says, ‘you’re welcome.’ He leans against the bar, casually waiting. Come on, mi amore, turn around and give me a smile, you know you are happy to see me.

  He gives them a few more minutes to compose themselves before he decides to make his way over to their table and greet them.


  Shannon pokes at Kate’s arm. “Kate! Look at him. Do something.”

  Kate glances over her shoulder and catches his eye, he is staring at her. She smiles at him, but immediately feels her face turning a bright red and turns her head quickly away. Good Lord. He's on the other side of the room and already I can't talk.

  She turns back to Shannon. “I...see...I told you... ”

  Shannon grabs the menu and holds it up in front of her face. “Get a grip, girl! He's coming over.”

  Kate gives a startled reply. “He’s coming over?” No! Oh God! She feels her mouth go dry.


  He sets his wine glass down on the bar and makes his way to their table. He could find her in the darkest of night with her scent of roses. He walks up behind her and slides his hand across her shoulder before moving up beside her, taking her hand in his and kissing it gently, not letting go.

  “I hope you do not mind the intrusion. I only wished to enhance your meal and wish you a good evening.” He turns to her friend. “Buonasera.”

  “Buonasera indeed, and thank you for the wine. My name is Shannon. Would you like to join us? My friend here seems to have lost her ability to speak, but I'm sure if she could, she would welcome your company.”

  Kate kicks Shannon under the table. She can’t believe she is asking him to sit down.

  Shannon feels her sharp kick against her shins. “Ouch!” She starts laughing, “Really...she would love your company.”

  Shade smiles and his eyes go back to Kate. “I do not wish to intrude on your dining. I would never do such.”

  He lets go of her hand and flags down the waiter, sliding a large sum of money into his hand. “Would you please make sure the ladies have whatever they wish to
eat or drink with my compliments, and, of course, your finest service.”

  Leaning into her, he kisses her cheek softly and whispers in her ear. “No need to thank me, and I will decline the meal, for your beauty is enough feast for me to live on for eternity.” He stands back up and nods to her friend.

  “Enjoy your evening, ladies.”

  Leaving the restaurant, he walks down the street and into a dark alley and waits. She will eventually go home, but he will never leave her to be alone and vulnerable. He will watch over her until the sun rises, protect her and give her sweet and pleasant dreams.


  Kate sits perfectly still as he leans down to her, his lips a mere inch from her ear, his breath is hot against her skin, the smell of wine on his breath. Her heart is beating out of her chest as she realizes if she turned her head ever so slightly, his lips would touch hers. She feels the blush creep up her neck and face. His words ring in her ears, his voice, that accent. He lets go of her hand and stands, turns and walks away. And she said nothing... Again.

  Shannon watches him kiss her cheek, lean in and speak softly in her ear and then sees him walk away. She reaches across the table and grabs Kate's hand.

  "Seriously! Get his number. Go after him. Do something!”

  Kate stares back at her with her mouth slightly open. “I can't, Shannon... I can't. He just... I can't even think when he gets close to me.”

  “Kate, men like that don’t come around often. You need a game plan. How many chances do you think you're going to get with him?”

  She shakes her head and downs the glass of wine before re-filling it. "I don't expect to have any chances with him. I mean, what a fluke he would be here tonight. And I blew it... Again. It’s like my brain shuts down. I can't speak. I can't think. I can barely breathe."


  Shade patiently waits and realizes she is not going to step outside to talk to him, she is different from all the others, and she will not chase him. He has had females play hard to get, but this one is not playing that game. She thinks him dangerous and intimidating. She is almost scared of him. He is going to have to win her over. Taking out his cell, he runs through the list of numbers Alec gave him in case he needed to contact him. He has more damn social contacts than a hooker when Congress is in session. Finding Rissa's number, he dials up and waits.


  Rissa is sitting at her desk, going through some papers and getting her schedule in order for Monday, when her cell rings and she looks at the number. Unknown. Who in hell is this?


  “Rissa, Shade Medici. Need you to do something for me.”

  Rissa is annoyed at the interruption. What in hell is he doing calling this number?

  “How did you get this number and what could you possibly want from me, Shade? Seriously, I have no time for this.”

  “Relax, woman! Alec gave me your number for business, in case I couldn’t find him. Look, you will make time for this. I want Kate Reese to be invited to all these damn events you are having. And I need a schedule of them. All of them, Rissa.”

  “Who in hell do you think you are? I... What in... Shade, have you lost your mind? I told you to let it go. She is nothing. She will never be anything. But if that is what you want, fine. I don’t have time to argue with you right now. It will be fun to watch you crush her soppy little heart anyway. I’ll send you the list and I will make sure the skinny ass redhead who is terrified of her own shadow is invited.”

  Hanging up, she just shakes her head. Obviously, he has had too much Midnight.


  Hearing what he wants to hear, he smiles. Deed is done. Don’t worry your head over, my bel rosso, Rissa, she will never be crushed again, and once I work my magic, she will be mine. But damn, I have to get her to talk to me first.


  Shannon hands Kate the menu. “Here, drink that down, and let's order. He left us more money to spend than we can possibly eat tonight. Don't know about you, but I'm ordering take-out for when we leave.”

  The waiter takes their order and leaves the table.

  “Kate, all kidding aside, I have never seen you come so unglued around a man before. And he is clearly interested. What are you going to do?”

  “I don't know, Shan, I really don't. I mean, you saw me. Did I even say anything? I don't think I said anything. Last night, at least I could stutter.”

  Shannon laughs at her. “This better be one patient man is all I can say. I don't know girl, I think you might have blown it with this one. So let's just finish this expensive wine, and eat all this food.”

  As they wrap up for the evening, the waiter brings Kate another bottle of the wine, to cover the balance of the money the gentleman left behind, and the very generous tip the girls left for him. Shannon gives her a hug as they stand up from the table.

  “Go home and drink your wine, Kate. It may be your last memory of tall, dark and dangerous.”


  The valet brings her red Miata around, she hugs Shannon one last time and climbs into the car, heading back home. She pounds her hand on the steering wheel. What is wrong with me? Why do I get so dumbstruck around him? The voice in her head answers, You mean besides the fact he is so handsome he takes your breath away? Or the fact that every time you see him, you get an ache deep in your belly, a primal ache that is your body screaming for him?

  Pulling into the underground garage, she heads back up to her condo. Shedding her clothes, she kicks off the shoes, and pulls on her robe. She heads for the kitchen and finds a corkscrew, opening the wine and filling a glass, carrying the bottle and the glass back to her bed. Setting the bottle on the nightstand, she piles all her pillows against the headboard before flopping down on the bed. She sips at the wine as she looks out the large window at the D.C. skyline.

  “Where are you, Shade Medici? Please don't give up on me.”


  Shade watches her come out of the restaurant as she says her goodbyes to her friend. He teleports high above the buildings, following her car, and makes sure she is not approached going into her condo. Teleporting inside her condo, he wraps himself in shadows, so she does not detect his presence. He watches her sipping wine and looking out into the night and wondering about him. If she only knew he was right here, has been, and will be. He is far from giving up on her, no such words in his immortal world.


  Kate finishes off the glass of wine and picks up the bottle. Shannon said this was expensive wine. She looks at the label... Medici Moonlight. Wait, what? Medici? Italy? This wine is from Italy? Is this? He owns a vineyard?

  She sighs as she pours the wine into her glass. And why, exactly, would a rich Italian vintner be interested in you, Kate Reese? He probably doesn't even live in the States. You'd be nothing but another notch on his bedpost.

  She grabs the remote and turns on the TV. True Blood... great, I'll watch Eric bang Sookie. That should take my mind off things.


  Kate wakes to the incessant beeping of her alarm. The TV is still on and she slept in her robe. Sitting up in bed, she rubs her eyes. Him, in her dreams, again. She looks at the bedside table and the wine bottle is half empty. Ugh, no wonder she feels so sluggish. She climbs out of bed, showers and dresses for work.

  Walking to the Pentagon City Metro station, she rides the subway into work. D.C. traffic is always insane, but D.C. traffic during rush hour is impossible, so unless it is pouring rain or snow, she will take the subway. That’s just one more thing that freaks her family out. She jumps on the orange line and rides into L'Enfant Plaza, then walks the few blocks to 7th Street and the Brunswick Agency. She and Shannon both took jobs here after working for Brunswick as unpaid interns while they were still students at Georgetown University. She grabs a coffee at Starbucks on the corner and heads to the office building, scurrying to her cubicle, late again.


  Shannon can hear Kate on the other side of the cubicle wall as she tries to slip
in un-noticed. She stands up and peeks over the top.

  "Late night? Anything I should know about?"


  Kate looks up to see her peering over the top of her cubicle wall and has to stifle a laugh.

  "You mean something other than the half-bottle of wine I drank after I got home? On top of what we drank while we were still at the restaurant?”

  Taking off her jacket, she removes her laptop from her bag and slips it into the docking station and powers up. As she waits, Shannon moves into her cubicle.

  “Sooo…I guess since you still don't have his number, phone sex is out.”

  “Shhhh! Shannon, we don't exactly have a lot of privacy here.”

  “You know I'm not going to let this go, Kate. That man is interested in you, and you are interested in him. Call your friend Rissa. Get his number.”

  “Yeah, okay. I will.”

  “No, I mean call her now. While I'm standing here, because otherwise, you will just talk yourself out of it. Call!”

  Kate fidgets with organizing papers on her desk. “It's too early, Shan. It's only 8:30!”

  “Well, it’s 8:45, actually, because you're late, as always. But your friend runs her own business. I'm sure she's up by now.” Shannon grabs Kate's cell from her purse and starts scrolling through her contacts.

  Kate makes a grab for the phone, but Shannon turns away. “Wait... Shan... give me my phone!”

  Shannon sees Rissa's contact info and hits dial and listens as the phone begins to ring, then hands it back to Kate. “Talk! Get a number, or I'll beat you with this phone."


  “Benneteau Beautiful, Larissa speaking.”

  "Rissa! Hi, it's Kate. I'm sorry to bother you so early, I just wanted to call and thank you for a great evening Saturday. That was such an elegant cocktail party. I really had a great time."

  Shannon is mouthing to her to 'get his number' and Kate slaps at her arm.

  “Kate? Oh Kate, yes. Sorry, I am just going through some client lists at the moment and my mind is elsewhere. I am glad you enjoyed it.”

  Rissa recalls the conversation with Shade last night and she decides she should be graceful, not something she is particularly inclined to do.


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