Scholomance 1

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Scholomance 1 Page 30

by Logan Jacobs

  As soon as we stepped into the entranceway corridor, all four professors, including Headmistress Theodora, were standing in a row in front of her magnificent portrait.

  “Welcome back,” Theodora said with a gentle smile. Then she looked at each of us, and her smile slightly faded. “I’m sorry about Sweeny, but I’m afraid the exam truly chooses who is or isn’t strong enough to become a Wicca at Scholomance. I respect that you are mourning for her, but I also suggest you get over it quickly. As Wiccas, you’ll grow more and more accustomed to death. Trust me.”

  All the professors were wearing plain black cloaks now, and their eyes were devoid of emotion. It seemed as if Theodora was the only one who seemed to be relieved to see us all in one piece. Luna, Vanessa, and Crimson just continued to stare at us with masks of stone-cold expressions.

  “Thank you, Headmistress,” Vesta said in a soft voice. “It is a pleasure to return to the academy and continue our studies on the next level.”

  “Of course.” The headmistress nodded.

  “I have a question, ma’am,” I spoke up.

  “Oh?” Theodora looked at me with a raised eyebrow.

  “What happened to the villagers we resurrected?” I asked. “They were gone when we teleported back.”

  “We are making good use of them, don’t worry.” Theodora smirked. “Now, I’m sure you would all appreciate a good, hot bath and a fresh set of clothing. We want you to look your absolute best for the celebratory banquet and the wand ceremony.”

  We nodded gravely in response, and the other professors moved aside to let us pass through the painting and back to our own quarters. As soon as we were in the classroom corridor, we all gathered in a small circle.

  “Well,” Vesta said with a frown, “see you all in an hour.”

  “Cheer up, Vesta.” Faye smiled. “We’re alive, and that’s all that counts. We’re graduating, for hell’s sake.”

  “I know,” Vesta sighed as she bit down on her lower lip. Then her silver eyes darted up to look at the rest of us, and she forced herself to smile. “You’re completely right.”

  “Of course, I am.” Faye smirked and flicked her red curls over her shoulder. “When have I ever been wrong?”

  The witches chuckled, and I bid each one a quick and quiet goodbye before we all headed our separate ways. My body was sore as hell as I walked up the spiral staircase and to my bedroom, but when I pushed my door open, I was welcomed with a warm fire crackling in the stone fireplace.

  I shut the door, warmed my broken and cracked hands by the flames, and then quickly undressed. When I looked at my reflection before entering the bathroom, I saw just how beaten up and exhausted I looked. My hair was covered in leaves and matted blood. My eyes were also bloodshot, and my lips were pale and chapped from wandering through an ice-cold maze and a black forest for hours in the darkness.

  I shook my head, and my sore legs wobbled over to the tub. It was filled up to the brim with hot bubbling water, and when I slid my body inside, I relished in the relaxing and small indulgence. My eyes slowly fluttered as I sank deeper into the water. Then I let my body submerge, and I just laid there at the bottom of the tub.

  That’s when a strange thing happened.

  As I was underwater, pictures flashed across my mind. There was a baby, covered in blood and wailing in the center of a pentagram that had been drawn on a black wooden floor. The baby thrashed and cried out while a group of hooded figures slowly walked toward the distressed infant. I tried to open my eyes, my mouth, but I couldn’t because it felt like I was drowning. I tried to lift my arms out of the tub, but my body was frozen.

  Finally, a pair of ice-blue eyes met mine, but before the figure could pull back their hood, my body shot upward and out of the water. I gasped for air and coughed my lungs out, and I immediately scrambled out of the tub and just stared down at the water.

  Of all the times to have a vision … why now? Who was that child? And who was the figure who had the same color of eyes as mine? Was it just a coincidence?

  “No,” I muttered. “Nothing here happens by chance.”

  I quickly grabbed a towel and wrapped it around my waist, and when I was back in my room, there was a fresh set of clothing folded on the chair. I lifted the outfit up to study it, and I noticed these clothes were the most formal pieces I’d ever seen. There was a midnight velvet shirt with a sharp, high collar and an emerald pendant on the breast pocket. The pants were also made of the same velvet, and they were a slim fit. The boots that came with them had been buffed and were gleaming under the candlelight.

  I dressed slowly, since I was still confused about the sudden vision, and I knew I’d have to find out the answers on my own. It would be a challenge, but I knew if I could defeat a life or death exam, then I could figure out the meaning of this impromptu vision.

  I sighed as I finished buttoning up my shirt, and I ran my fingers through my damp hair. Then I decided to take some time to sit by the fire and just think. I thought about the next semester, my relationship with the witches, and about my mysterious past.

  I was utterly lost in thought until a light knock on the door brought me back to reality.

  “Yes?” I called out.

  There was no response, so I strode over to the door, and when I swung it open, I saw Vanessa standing there. My jaw nearly unhinged when I saw how beautiful she looked. She was wearing a bright, crimson-colored gown, and her obsidian hair was curled to perfection as it tumbled over her creamy white shoulders. Her dress not only bared her shoulders, but it was cut so low that I could see a good amount of her pale, perfectly perky breasts. She was also wearing makeup for once. Her eyes were lined with black shadow, and her lips and cheeks were a rosy red.

  The witch looked stunning.

  “Are you ready?” Vanessa asked in a bored voice. “Everyone else is already settling in. I thought it was women who traditionally took longer to get dressed.”

  “Err, yeah, I’m ready.” I nodded as I closed the door behind me.

  “Good,” she said before she swung her skirts and led the way.

  I followed her down the stairs as we headed to the banquet hall, and the moment I stepped inside, my mouth fell to the floor.

  The banquet hall looked vastly different this evening. The ceiling was illuminated with glittering and shooting stars like it was a vivid night sky. Blackbirds flew across the room, and familiars padded here and there. The black chandeliers were lowered and lit up with hundreds of candles, the hall was warm, and the aroma was spicy like cinnamon.

  I caught servants wandering around with platters of goblets and food, and I did a double take. These were the undead villagers we had brought back from the plagued village. They now worked for us and obeyed our every whim. I thought it was odd to see gray, sallow-skinned corpses stumbling about in traditional servant attire, but I didn’t dwell on it for too long.

  The banquet hall wasn’t too crowded. Aside from the servants, there were the professors and the rest of my group.

  I glanced over one corner of the room, and I spotted Morgana and Vesta whispering to each other with goblets in their hands. They both were dressed in gorgeous gowns, and I checked them out as I neared them.

  “Hey, there,” I said when I reached the women. “You probably don’t want to hear it from me, but you all look stunning.”

  To my surprise, the witches glanced down and blushed.

  “We always look stunning.” Morgana smiled in a coy way. “So, you shouldn’t be so surprised, Cole.”

  I had to admit she was right, but tonight they truly outdid themselves. Morgana was wearing a long, dark gown with skin tight lace sleeves and a velvet choker around her slim, elegant white neck. Her dark, brownish-black hair was pulled up into a bun, with small ringlet curls that framed her delicate face.

  Vesta, who looked equally gorgeous, was wearing a silver, sleeveless dress that showcased her plump, purple breasts. Her long green hair tumbled down to her waist, and she was wearing long silver g
loves that went up past her elbows.

  “You clean up pretty well yourself.” Vesta nodded. “For a man, anyway.”

  “Thanks,” I answered as I grabbed a goblet from a platter held by an undead servant.

  The resurrected man stared at me with an open mouth and gray eyes, and his head tilted as he slowly moved on ahead, prepared to serve the rest of the party. Undead servants were playing music by the stained glass windows, and I walked around the room with a goblet in my hand and a smile on my face.

  Music continued to play, and that’s when I spotted Akira and Faye seated at a table in a corner. Akira was wearing a dark blue gown with a plunging neckline that went all the way down to her belly button, and Faye wore a long sleeved, skin tight black dress that contrasted beautifully with her red hair.

  “Hello,” I said as I took a seat next to Akira.

  “Hey,” the dark-haired witch replied with a small, faint smile. “You actually look decent.”

  “Thanks,” I chuckled. “So do you.”

  Vesta and Morgana joined us at the table, and then a full feast of food appeared in front of us on silver platters. We enjoyed a meal of roasted quail, duck, boiled potatoes, greens, and freshly baked bread. We drank goblets of dark, black wine, and it tasted of blueberries and roasted nuts. We laughed and ate, and despite all the shit these women had given me, it felt amazing to be here all together and at peace.

  I supposed beating death brought people closer together, even if they still hated my guts.

  Though, as I watched Morgana smile coyly at me again, I had to wonder if it was truly hate they were feeling toward me. She’d be very dead if not for me. They all would.

  We continued to eat, and then when our plates were cleared, Headmistress Theodora stood up and glanced at our table. She smiled before she raised her glass and twirled her black skirts to face everyone.

  “Today, we are celebrating the victory of our five preschoolers.” She grinned and winked. “Vesta, Akira, Faye, Morgana, and Cole … congratulations. You have passed your preschool term and will be moving up to the next level.”

  Everyone clapped and cheered as we raised our glasses, and then Theodora chanted something I actually understood, even though it was in Latin.

  May the dark lord continue to guide your way through a series of new challenges.

  I smiled to myself. I was prepared for anything else that the fucking devil had to throw my way. I’d proven myself this far. So, why not go even further?

  After the banquet and toast, we were all called to the front of the massive hall. We all lined up, and I stood as straight and tall as possible. Vanessa, Luna, and Crimson watched from their own table as Theodora carried a large, velvet blue pillow to the stage. Five, long, intricately carved wooden wands rested on the pillow, and I could feel the excitement coursing through me as the headmistress neared us.

  Since I was the last one in the row, I knew I would have the very last wand. I watched as each witch took their wand and then marveled at it as if it were made of diamonds, but I couldn’t blame them for their excitement. We’d been waiting for this moment for a long time now.

  When Theodora finally approached me, she grinned and lifted the pillow.

  I bowed my head and studied the wand below me. It was painted ebony black, and scorpions and skeleton bones were carved into the wood with extreme detail and precision. When I picked the wooden stick up, I could feel a darkness surge through my entire body, and I smiled as I sensed its inner power. It was like holding onto a powerful drug.

  I knew that with this new weapon, I’d be even stronger than before, and I couldn’t wait to see what kind of havoc I could wreak once I learned how to properly use it.

  “Thank you,” I said.

  Theodora nodded before she whirled around and left the stage. Then every witch bowed in return, and I followed their lead.

  With the official ceremony out of the way, the rest of the evening consisted mostly of drinking black wine and eating desserts.

  It was time for some well-deserved celebration.

  “Okay,” I said to the four beautiful women sharing the table with me. “It’s time to go.”

  “What?” Morgana asked as they all looked at me with confused eyes.

  “To my bedroom,” I said as I stood. “Time for the real celebration. Follow me.”

  The four witches stood instantly, and I realized I had accidently given them an order. However, not a single one of them narrowed their eyes in anger at me, so I figured they wanted this as much as I did.

  I turned around and walked out of the feasting hall, and my four women followed closely behind me. Once we walked out into the hallway, though, Morgana grabbed me by the arm and swung me to face her.

  “This doesn’t mean we’re friends,” the brunette clarified in a firm voice, “but we all survived today, so … ”

  “Oh, of course.” I nodded, but I couldn’t quite wipe the smirk off my face. “This is all just about convenience. You definitely don’t want to fuck me because I saved our lives today and made sure you passed the exam.”

  The witches all blushed to the roots of their hair, but not a single one of them opened their mouths to argue.

  That wasn’t good enough, though. Not after all the shit these witches had put me through.

  But I’d address that once we made it to my room.

  I took the lead again, and I quickly took them all upstairs to my bedroom. Candles had already been lit in my suite, and there were pitchers of water and four glasses sitting on the dresser next to my bed. I also noticed my bed had been pulled away from the wall a bit so it could be easily accessed from both sides.

  Cordelia really had thought of everything, and I wondered if the ghost-woman was excited about the show I was going to give her.

  The moment the door closed behind us, I turned to face the four women and felt a grin spread across my face. Both Morgana and Faye looked a bit nervous, but Vesta and Akira stared at me with hungry eyes.

  “Leave your dresses on, but take off your panties,” I commanded, and the four women let out surprised gasps as their hands moved down under their garments.

  Each of the beautiful women wiggled their hips from side to side as they pulled on their underwear, and then I let out a growl of excitement when their frilly little things fell to the floor around their feet.

  “Hand them to me,” I ordered as I held out my palm, and each of the women bent down, scooped up their respective panties, and placed it in my hand. Each of the garments were the same color as their dresses, and I took a deep whiff of each one before I placed it on my dresser next to the water.

  Each pair smelled like their delicious pussies, and I almost couldn’t wait to taste them.


  “Now, now, now,” I purred as I stepped toward the group and gently began to run my fingers over the spot on Morgana’s dress where her nipples were pushing angrily against the fabric. “Whatever shall I do to the four of you first?”

  “You could--” Vesta started to say, but I held my finger up, and her mouth closed.

  “The question was a bit rhetorical,” I chuckled. “The four of you will not speak unless I ask you a question.”

  It hadn’t actually been a command, but they nodded, and then Morgana let out a little gasp when I gently pinched one of her nipples. Her blue-eyes closed as she leaned a bit into my hand, but then she sighed when I pulled my fingers away and moved on to Faye.

  “My beautiful witches,” I continued as I ran my hand up her stomach. “The four of you are mine. All mine. Forever. And tonight I’m going to ensure that you never forget that I own each of you. Your bodies, your minds, and your souls.”

  Their eyes were opened wide as they stared at me, and Faye began to bite her bottom lip as I played with her nipples through her dress.

  Then she also let out a little half-whine when I stepped away from her.

  “Get on your knees,” I commanded the four of them, and they all instantly lowered them
selves onto the rug before me.

  Then their eyes fixed on the bulge in my pants.

  “I could command you to do this,” I purred. “Or … you could just--”

  Vesta moved first, and she quickly tugged my belt open before her long lavender fingers unbuckled my fly. By the time she had my dick out in her hands, Akira was next to her, and they both let out gasps of pleasure before their mouths got to work.

  Vesta took the tip in between her lips, and she moaned gratefully as she began to slide down my length. Akira sucked one of my balls into her mouth, and she groaned as she tasted my skin. Both of them stared up at me as they sucked, licked, and slid their fingers around my cock, and I let out a long sigh as the warm pleasure began to fill my body.

  Vesta and Akira’s pleasurable administrations had distracted me for a few moments, but once I got used to their mouths, I glanced over to Faye and Morgana. The two of them were still on their knees a few feet behind the other two witches, and their eyes met mine.

  I raised an eyebrow, but before I could ask the brunette and redhead why they hadn’t joined their fellow witches, they both crawled forward and took a spot on my left side next to Vesta.

  The lavender-skinned woman was moaning in between sliding my cock down her throat, and her silver eyes were closed in ecstasy. I imagined that if I didn’t say anything, she would suck me all night, and the feeling of her lips wrapped around my cock was amazing enough for me to want to let her.

  However, there were three other women who needed me.

  “Vesta, let Faye have a taste,” I whispered.

  “Hmmmm,” the green-haired witch moaned on my cock, and then she slid her mouth off me with a wet pop.

  Akira had her hand around the base of my cock while she licked on my balls, and she gently pushed on my shaft so that my tip pointed right at Faye’s mouth. The redhead’s green eyes stared at my glistening erection, but then she glanced up at my face as she slowly leaned forward, opened her full red lips, and then accepted my penis into her mouth.


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