Heart Beats

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Heart Beats Page 5

by Davidson King

  When we pulled up to Ledger’s place, a delivery truck was leaving, and a huge box was by his front door.

  “Order new equipment?” I asked as he shut the car off, not entering the garage.

  “Nope.” I followed as he got out and walked over to the box.

  “Your last name is Campos, huh, I didn’t know that,” I commented as I read the label on the package.

  He chuckled. “I didn’t know yours was Reeves until the con, which is shitty of me since I was at your interview.”

  “Little details. So, is it heavy?”

  Ledger lifted it without a problem. “It’s light.” He tossed me his keys. “Can you open the door, though? It’s bulky. Red key.”

  I opened the door and moved out of the way. After I shut and locked it, I went ahead of him to the elevator.

  “I’m curious what it is,” Ledger wondered aloud as we took the elevator up to his third floor.

  “Maybe a gift from family?” I didn’t know about his family life, but when he scoffed, I knew it wasn’t a good one. “Or maybe Atlas or someone at work sent something?”

  “They’d just give it to me at work.” He was scrutinizing the box like it was something awful.

  When the elevator opened, he carried it to the living area. The familiar roar I heard when I first came here didn’t scare me this time.

  “It’s okay, Lion, it’s just me.” Ledger dropped the box and went to the kitchen to get a knife just as Lion flew over from one of the beams and landed on the box, immediately pecking at it.

  “Hey, stop.” Ledger came over and moved the bird. He sliced the box open, and inside was a huge teddy bear holding a small box.

  “Oh…um.” I didn’t know what to say; this was awkward, and I wondered if it was personal.

  “What the fuck?” Ledger sounded bewildered as he took the small box and opened it. Nestled in black velvet was what appeared to be a USB drive.

  “That’s weird.” I examined the gift. “Who sent this?”

  Ledger put the box down and searched the rest of the packaging. There was a tiny card, but all it said was, “You’re so fucking special.”

  “Okay, so that’s…” I didn’t know what it was.

  Ledger dropped the card and quickly walked out of the living area. I was going to follow but honestly, I didn’t know what to do. This was weird. He came back with his laptop. He grabbed the box and took out the USB drive.

  “Be careful,” I urged. “What if it’s some virus?”

  He looked at me through narrowed eyes. “I’ll chance it.”

  I wasn’t about to argue with the man, who was clearly upset, so I sat on the couch. A minute later Radiohead’s “Creep” began to play from his laptop. And the gift went from weird to downright freaky.

  Chapter Eight


  “Could it be some sick joke from Max or something?” Shane asked when the song ended. I hadn’t intended to listen to it all, but I’d wanted to see if there was more on it. There wasn’t.

  “Not Max’s thing. He’d glue dildos to my car or something. This is…fucked up.”

  Shane came over and looked at the card. “I can’t tell if it’s an endearment or if they’re angry.”

  “I don’t give a shit; I want to know how they got my address.” I pulled the USB drive out of my laptop and slammed the lid closed.

  “It’s not hard to find your address, Ledger. Even if you’re not listed, anyone could find it.” Shane wasn’t being creepy; he was being factual. I never saw myself as a big deal, so security wasn’t something I really had, but I should probably reconsider that.

  “It’s likely some groupie from the club,” he said as he tossed the card down.

  “And the flowers?” I had to wonder.

  “Trinity, totally.” He smiled, but there was a twinge of disgust in his voice.

  “I told you that wasn’t her thing.” I stood, liking how close Shane was to me.

  “We’ll tell Ciro. I’m sure he’ll keep an extra special eye on you at work.” He wasn’t moving away, and when I placed my hands on his hips, I loved the low moan he let out.

  “Maybe I can call the delivery company too, you know, see if there’s a return address.” I pressed closer to him, slowly leading him to the couch.

  “Mmhmm, yeah.”

  The feel of Shane’s fingers as they gripped my shirt was like a pulse, a jumpstart to my heart.

  “I’m going to kiss you.” I leaned closer, smiling when his eyes widened.


  The softness of his lips was a contradiction to the force he put behind the kiss. His fingers gripped my shirt and pulled me infinitely closer. I loved how he nibbled my bottom lip and dipped his tongue inside my mouth. His breaths tasted like new life, and all thoughts of the creepy gift fell away as we crashed onto my couch.

  His legs wrapped around my waist while my fingers threaded through his red strands. The noises Shane made were the best music I’d ever heard.

  “You feel amazing.” I spoke against his lips, unable to break away. He moaned in response. I felt his cock, hard as it pressed on mine, and I wanted to strip him and take it down my throat.

  I reached for the zipper of his jeans, his chants of “Yes, yes, yes,” all I needed to hear. When I reached in and felt his hard, thick cock hot in the palm of my hand, I couldn’t wait to taste it.

  “I want—” The sound of my cell phone cut me off. “Fuck. I’m ignoring it.”

  Shane chuckled but hummed when I began licking along his neck.

  “Take this off.” I reached for his shirt and my phone went off again.

  “Someone is trying to get a hold of you.” Shane laughed softly, but there was no hiding his frustration.

  “Don’t move,” I said as I reached into my pocket and pulled out my phone. It read Atlas. “This better be good.” The irritation was obvious in my tone. Needing to feel Shane, I rubbed my thumb over his swollen lips.

  “Sorry to interrupt.” Atlas didn’t sound at all sorry. “I have someone here at the club claiming to know you.”

  Suddenly the gift and the flowers and the unsettling feeling came rushing back. I sat up quickly, and Shane, obviously realizing something was up, sat up too.


  “I should say two someones. A Ziggy and a Trinity.”

  I shot Shane a look.

  “Ziggy and Trinity?” I repeated, and Shane rolled his eyes. Likely because of Trinity, not Ziggy.

  “Yeah. I let them in, and they’re hanging at the bar. I told them you didn’t come in for a few hours. I wasn’t about to tell them where you lived. If you wanted them to know, they would.”

  Thinking about what Shane said, I realized they could’ve looked me up but didn’t. “Thanks. Give me a little while, and I’ll be there.”

  “No rush.” Atlas disconnected the call, and I huffed.

  “We gotta rain-check this.” The look of disappointment on Shane’s faced mirrored how I felt.

  “Trinity is in Haven Hart, isn’t she?”

  I nodded. “Yeah, and Ziggy is too. They’re at the club, so I gotta get over there.”

  “Right, of course.” Shane stood and quickly righted himself.

  “Want me to drop you off at your place, or do you want to come to the club?”

  He seemed surprised by the offer. “I’ll come to the club. I’d just be a couple of hours early. I can get some stuff done before Max gets there. Give him a break.”

  “Okay. Let’s go.”

  When I opened the door to Joker’s Sin, raucous laughter filled the space. It only took me a second to realize it was Ziggy that had people in stitches. He was telling Atlas and Toby some story I was sure included me, with wild hand motions.

  I turned to Shane and while a small smile played on his lips, I knew he wasn’t thrilled with our interruption…Nor was I.

  “Stop telling lies,” I shouted, causing all the heads in the room to turn my way.

  “Lies? Oh no, my f
riend, I tell only the truth. It’s not my fault your life is one insanity after another.” Ziggy laughed and approached, engulfing me and then Shane in a hug. “Hey, there, Strawberry,” he said to Shane.

  “Hi, Ziggy, nice seeing you again.”

  “And so soon,” I added. I knew Ziggy wouldn’t find it offensive, but having not seen him and Trinity in a long time, seeing them only a week and a half after the con was odd. And with the flowers and song, I could admit I was feeling a little off-kilter.

  Ziggy’s booming laugh echoed through the club. “Nice seeing you too. But, yes, it’s strange. Trinity and I have this Star event thing in a few days only a few hours from here, and she suggested we stop in and see this amazing club you have chosen to grow roots for.”

  “I’ll let you all talk. I’m going to start prep and stuff, so Max doesn’t have as much to do when he arrives.” Shane didn’t wait for a response; he just hurried off, Toby hot on his tail.

  “Hey!” Trinity sidled up next to me, her arms wrapping around my midsection. “Twice in one month, how perfect is this?”

  I really didn’t want to answer that, so instead I nodded toward Atlas. “I see you met the boss man. Atlas, have these two been lying to you for long?”

  Atlas chuckled. “Nah, I didn’t get any lying vibes from them.” His brow lifted, and I knew he’d heard enough to know they were likely telling him truths…much to my dismay.

  “So are you two sticking around for the show tonight?” I asked.

  “We were talking with Atlas here, and he recommended something that could be a lot of fun.” Trinity beamed brightly, and mischief sparkled in her eyes.

  “Oh?” I made eye contact with Atlas, and he shrugged…the bastard.

  “Yeah. Since you have three DJs here, what about we plan something fun for tomorrow night? We can’t stay past that since we have the other gig, but maybe after tonight we can all figure something out?” Trinity had a huge smile, and I was just about to tell her that wouldn’t be possible when Shane spoke up. I hadn’t heard him return.

  “That’ll be cool.”

  I wanted to tell him no, that I wanted to drag him back to my place tonight after work and finish what we started today. But one look in his gray eyes—I saw conflict there. I wanted to ask him why, what, anything, but I couldn’t. Not right now.

  “Great, it’s settled!” Trinity jumped up and down. “We’ll stick around tonight, and then maybe, if you’re cool with it, we can crash at your place?”

  “Or a hotel,” Ziggy added quickly. “We’re not intruding on his space and…” Ziggy turned to where Shane was doing a piss-poor job of appearing busy. “Whatever life he has here in Haven Hart.”

  “Oh,” Trinity said. “I’m sure it’s okay, right, Ledger?”

  I didn’t know what to say. Why was it so hard to tell them no? Any other time I’d be like, “Hell, yeah. Let’s hang and mix.” But that was before. Before Shane.


  “How ’bout this?” Ziggy stepped in, likely to make the choice for me. “See how you’re feeling after work. We can crash anywhere, don’t you—”

  “No,” I interrupted. “You’ll never get a good hotel at that hour. It’s fine. One night isn’t a big deal.”

  Shane didn’t make any indication it bothered him, but I had a feeling it did. He was more fickle than I thought. Maybe insecure. I wasn’t sure. But I was going to find out.

  Chapter Nine


  I kept myself busy stocking the bar, cutting limes, filling cherries—basically, anything to keep my mind occupied. Behind me on the stage, I could hear Trinity and Ziggy talking to Ledger about his lineup for the night, and every time Trinity laughed, it was like nails on a chalkboard. I tried to tell myself it was an irrational annoyance.

  “What exactly is it about her you don’t like?” Toby asked as he sat on a barstool directly across from me.

  “Am I that obvious?” Toby smiled and nodded. “I don’t think she’s genuine. And I think she just wants in Ledger’s pant—”

  “Pants you want in; I get it, go on.”

  I chuckled at Toby. “No, I mean yes, but…ever just meet someone, and right off the bat you know there’s something not right about them? Like everything they do has some motive to benefit themselves?”

  Toby laughed. “We live in Haven Hart. Yes, I’ve met a few of those kinds of people.”

  “Right. But I don’t know her game. I knew Vick’s, and I usually can tell someone’s, but not her. Is it his body she wants? Maybe the fact that he has a pretty good rep?”

  Toby reached across the bar and gripped my hand. “I think you seriously need to talk to Ledger, and tell him how you’re feeling about her.”

  “Ziggy said he wasn’t into her, and I know he isn’t but—”

  “People can get manipulated. I understand, Shane.”

  Just then Ciro walked up. “Hey, Toby, I’m opening up in fifteen minutes.” He jerked his head toward the stage. “They stayin’ up there?”

  “No, just tell Ledger; he’ll get them to leave the stage.”

  Ciro nodded. “Yeah, the idiot didn’t charge his earpiece again.”

  Toby rolled his eyes and hopped off the stool. “I have a spare. I’ll get it for him and put his on the charger.” When he left, I saw Ciro about to go but stopped him.

  “Ciro?” He turned. “Did Ledger talk to you about anything?”

  He lifted one brow. “Can you be more specific?”

  “About the flowers he got or anyone weird around him?”

  Ciro’s solid expression turned to a scowl. “No, why, is he getting harassed?”

  “I don’t know, but I know he was going to mention it to you.”

  Ciro huffed. “I’ll make sure to talk to him before we close.” He didn’t wait for a reply and walked outside.

  Fortunately, I was busy all night, and when Max told me to work on the other side of the bar, I was grateful. Trinity was schmoozing it up with Max and telling stories about Ledger I wasn’t so sure he’d want known. Ziggy was dancing, and often times I heard someone walk up to the bar, saying how delicious the silver-haired hottie was. No question it was Ziggy.

  “Malibu bay breeze, my sweet.” I smiled at the sound of Sparkles’s voice. There he sat on a stool, chin in hand, pink hair as bright as ever, and makeup applied perfectly. He was Max’s boyfriend and as spicy as they came.

  “I’m surprised you didn’t ask Max,” I grabbed the mixer and started on his drink.

  “He was busy, and I was people-watching long enough to know you wanted as far away from that side of the bar as possible.” He shrugged. “Call me curious, but I wanted to know what got your briefs in a twist.”

  “How do you know I wear briefs?” I shook the ingredients and poured them into a glass.

  “Please, I could tell you what’s under anyone’s clothes.” He winked, and I handed him his bay breeze, umbrella with fruit and all.

  “Interesting. I’ll have to see this superpower in action.”

  “You just did, sugar.” He sipped his drink and scanned the crowd. “So tell me, is it the purple-headed skank?”

  “How do you know she’s a skank?” I chuckled.

  “I don’t. I’m trying to be a supportive friend and hate on whoever you’re hating on.”

  As if summoned by the devil himself, Trinity appeared and started coming closer to where I was. I sighed and Sparkles rolled his eyes.

  “Claws out, Shane, let’s shred this—”

  “No, Sparkles, please.” I laughed, truly happy he was here when she approached.

  “Gimme a shot of tequila, and…” she tapped her chin homing in on Sparkles’s drink. “One of those.”

  I didn’t respond, just got to work making her drink. I didn’t know why she was bothering me, but I was sure it had something to do with Ledger.

  “What color purple was your hair when you dyed it?” Sparkles asked her as I started mixing Trinity’s drink.

  “I jus
t had it dyed. It’s called breathy lavender.” She ran her fingers through her strands as I handed her the tequila and bay breeze.

  “Oh…um it’s lovely.” Sparkles turned away from her, and I wanted so much to high-five him.

  “Don’t like purple? Just neon pink?” She took the shot and sipped her drink.

  “Oh, no, no, I love purple,” Sparkles said. “I have this purple sweater. Got it about five years ago. It was so vibrant, but I ran it through the wash one time too many, and now it’s a dull purple. Comfortable, but I wouldn’t dare wear it out in public.”

  Trinity’s eyes widened, and I could tell she was about to say something to Sparkles, but he hopped off the stool. “Oh, gotta run, my love is summoning me.” He was gone so quickly, she never got to speak.

  I went to go help someone else, but Trinity reached across the bar and gripped my wrist.

  “You want to let go,” I growled.

  “I don’t know why you seem to hate me so much.”

  “I don’t hate you, Trinity.”

  She scoffed but let go. “Bullshit.” Her eyes lifted to where I was sure Ledger was. I knew that expression; he was gorgeous when he was in the zone…Hell, he was gorgeous all the time. “You don’t think I’m good enough for him?”

  “No, I don’t,” I answered her.

  She shot me a cocky grin. “I guess I’ll have fun proving you wrong, then.”

  I wasn’t a violent person, and I had never hit a girl, but I was seriously contemplating changing that. She rushed off to the other side of the bar, leaving me seething and unable to respond to her barb.

  Knowing that Trinity and Ziggy would be going to Ledger’s after work, I didn’t plan on sticking around after cleaning up. Max said I could go a little early since I’d come in and done so much prep today. I didn’t really want to go to my place and think about all the ways Trinity was going to try and land Ledger, but I also couldn’t stand to watch her touching him every chance she got as he made sure his equipment was all set.


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