Heart Beats

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Heart Beats Page 14

by Davidson King

  “Yes, him. Please, baby, please tell me you remember his name.”

  “Charles. His name was Charles.”

  Ciro looked at Shane and me. “If he was at your panel and at your signing, it shouldn’t be too hard to find him. I’ll speak to the coordinators of the con and the hotel it was at. Hopefully there’s some footage. Let me see what I can find. If I can get anything, I’ll let you know and get you to ID him.”

  “Ziggy would be able to tell you if it was the guy in the parking garage too,” Shane said.

  “Yes.” I smiled. “Then we’d have the fucker, and this could finally end.”

  “Don’t get ahead of yourself, Ledger.” Ciro took out his phone and started texting. “Let me talk to Riordan. I’m sure we can find something. All the con guests also had to register. So I can see how many Charleses there are and try and match it with DMV records.”

  “Is that legal?” Shane asked.

  “Do you care?” Ciro answered with a smirk.

  “Right, yeah, okay. I heard and know nothing.” Shane plopped on the couch, and I joined him while Ciro did his thing.

  “Ziggy wants us to leave here. End this and come back for him when it’s over.”

  Shane turned to face me. “What do you think?”

  “I think I gotta do what he wants, because I’ve already done enough to him.”

  “You didn’t do this to him, Ledger.” Shane placed a warm hand on my cheek. “Stop. You can’t blame yourself for the actions of others. I don’t think for a second Ziggy wants that, and while Trinity had her faults, I don’t think she wanted that either.”

  Gently, I rested my forehead against his. “I know. It’s hard not to, though.”

  “Yeah. Well, I’ll just keep reminding you, then.”

  “Hey, you two,” Ciro interrupted. “I’m going to call Detective Glass and fill him in.”

  “Okay, and Ciro—tell him we’re going back to Haven Hart. If he needs to talk to us, that’s where we’ll be.”

  Ciro narrowed his eyes at us. “Fine, but you’re staying at your place. No work. You’ll be under guard until we find this guy. Promise me that, and I’ll agree.”

  Everyone should have a friend like Ciro. “Yes, Dad, okay, I promise.”

  “Motherfucking brat.” Ciro stormed out of the waiting room, and I joined Shane in laughter.

  Chapter Twenty-Nine


  As much as I complained about Haven Hart, I felt a pang of relief when I saw the Welcome to Haven Hart sign. The air was familiar—the sights I knew, even if I closed my eyes. The smells were like a home-sweet-home hug.

  “Never thought I’d be happy to be back here,” Ledger said, echoing my thoughts.

  “Yeah, same.”

  I could see Riordan’s men following behind us, and it felt oddly comforting to know we weren’t alone in this. I guess the murky and shyster dealings of this town came in handy sometimes.

  “Think your bodyguards will be okay with it if we stop at the diner and grab something to go? I doubt you have much at your place, since you’ve been gone for a few days.”

  “Yeah, sounds good.” Ledger turned into the diner’s parking lot. When the car stopped we waited, knowing one of the guys would come to the car.

  “What’s going on?” the guy asked when we opened the door.

  “I don’t have stuff at my house, so I need to get food. I’ll make a grocery order and have it delivered, but I need something to hold me over.” Ledger started walking toward the diner, not waiting for a response.

  This stalker was clearly unstable, but I found it hard to believe he’d attack us in a diner.

  One guy came in with us, and another stayed outside, watching the cars along with who came in and out. If anyone inside the restaurant found it weird, they didn’t say anything.

  Ledger and I sat on the stools by the counter and ordered food to go. The server said it’d be fifteen minutes, so we had coffee while we waited.

  “Is Lion going to be mad at you because you left him so long?”

  Ledger chuckled at me. “Yeah, I’ll likely have to give him some extra attention, a few more treats, that sort of thing. But the fact that I’m pretty much on house arrest until this is over will make him happy.”

  “At some point, I will need to go back to my apartment. I have plants to water, mail to get, but I’ll arrange that with Ciro.”

  Ledger didn’t say anything at first. He fixed his coffee and sipped it. “You know, you’re welcome to stay with me.”

  “Oh, well, yeah, thanks. I figured until this was over…maybe just for company?”

  I watched as he fiddled with his spoon next to his mug, unable to make eye contact. “No, I mean. I like having you there…all the time.”

  “Oh…” Oh! Was he asking me what I thought he was? “Thanks.”

  I drank my coffee, not sure what else I could say. I mean, if I asked him if he was asking me if I would move in and I was wrong…hello, so embarrassing. If I asked and that was what he was saying, then I’d have to answer him. Would I want to live with him? Wasn’t it too soon? Well, on one hand, we’d been through a shitload in the month or so we’d been doing what we were doing. And we’d known each other for a while. But still, there’s the other hand where we don’t know each other that well—and to be honest, our relationship was one built more on stress than anything else.

  “You look like you’re having an entire conversation with yourself,” Ledger said and when I glanced his way, I could see he was amused.

  “I often talk to myself.”

  He nodded. “Shane, listen. I really like you…a lot. I admit I was a dick for a long time, and I know it’s because there was always something about you that did something to me no one else ever did. I’d see you every day doing mundane things and think no one ever did them better than you. It was kinda jarring. It scared me.”

  “And it doesn’t scare you anymore?” I made sure my voice was low enough so only he could hear and not the entire diner.

  “It does, a little, but it’s also exciting.”

  I bit my lip to fight off the likely embarrassing laugh of happiness I wanted to release. If we were alone, I’d probably jump him and kiss him breathless. With all the shit going on around us, this bubble of joy could fuel me for a long time.

  “So, you’re asking me what I think you are?”

  Chuckling, he spun on his stool to face me. “What do you think I’m asking you?”

  “Nope. You gotta say it.” I mirrored him, our knees touching.

  “Okay, Shane.” He inched closer to me, so close I could feel electricity sizzle between us. “Will you move in with me?”

  Holy shit. He really asked me. “I’m going to say maybe.”

  He shot away from me as if I’d smacked him. “Seriously?”

  “Let me explain. Because I think you’re seeing this as rejection, and it’s not. I swear!”

  He rolled his eyes. “You made me say it knowing you’d say no.”

  “I said maybe!”

  “Whatever, Shane. Everyone knows when someone says maybe, it’s a no.”

  “Are you a child? No, that’s not what I meant. Now, let me explain, Mr. Pouty Pants.”

  He huffed but didn’t say anything back. I saw the server walking toward us with a bag. How was I going to explain this in a few seconds?

  “I do want to, Ledger.”

  He side-eyed me at the same time our food was delivered. “Here you go, boys.” When she handed us the receipt, I grabbed it.

  “Thanks,” I said to her and guided Ledger’s head in my direction, so his attention was on me. “I don’t want you to regret this choice. Because if I let go of my apartment and you decide in a month that it was a bad idea, I’m screwed.”

  “I’m not an asshole, Shane. If we don’t work out, I’d never force you to leave. If you haven’t noticed, my place is pretty big.”

  “I know, I have. How about this? I stay with you until this is over; if after it
’s over, you still want me to move in, if I haven’t annoyed you to the point you want to flee, then yes.”

  He regarded me, and his anger soon melted into acceptance. “Okay, that’s fair.”

  He was about to get up, but I stopped him. When he looked at me and smiled, I knew he was okay. “I really do want to, Ledger. I’ve never felt about someone the way I feel for you.”

  “And how do you feel, Shane?”

  “Like I’m flying.”

  The relief I felt when Ledger kissed me was equated to a boulder being lifted off my chest. I could see how he thought I was playing with him when I said maybe, but I wasn’t. I just hadn’t realized, until he’d said those words, exactly how much we were sort of jumping into things.

  As we got back into the car and drove to his place, I realized I wanted this to work…I wanted this to be my place too.

  Lion greeted us with a mighty roar as we stepped off the elevator. It was a good thing Ledger let Riordan’s guys know, because even with the knowledge of the loud bird, one guy still went for his gun.

  As predicted, Lion wasn’t happy with being left for so long and wouldn’t get off Ledger’s shoulder for a moment. He told Ledger that he pooped on his things and pecked at his speakers. Ledger apologized like a husband coming in late at night without calling.

  Riordan’s guys were laughing as was I. It was a strange situation but endearing, and the most normal thing I’d seen in the last few days.

  Ledger called the hospital, and Ziggy said he was good and going into a regular room tomorrow. Ciro made sure he had protection there, and the men here at Ledger’s had said they were working in shifts. I assumed that meant walking the perimeter and other security sorts of things.

  That night, Ledger and I lay in bed, watching the rain patter away against the skylight. Lion was perched on the headboard, and all the chaos that was outside his place stayed there. I dreamed I had agreed to spend forever with Ledger.

  Chapter Thirty


  For two days, we waited for any word we could get from Ciro or Riordan. All they said was that they were gathering it all, that these things took time. I spent a lot of my hours mixing songs and recording a few hours’ worth of dance mixes to send to Atlas, who was asking for them. He got this guy, who I knew of, to step in for me until I could get back, but Atlas wanted some of my mixes. That kept me busy, but I was still feeling the cabin fever.

  “I made cupcakes!” Shane shouted from the kitchen. The aroma of vanilla, chocolate, and sweetness filled the place, and I loved knowing he was here.

  “I’ll be right there.” I shut my laptop, powered everything off, and made my way toward the kitchen. Lion whizzed over my head, squawking.

  “Want the goods, want the goods.”

  “I have a special cupcake just for you, Lion.” Shane placed a tiny cupcake on the counter, next to a bunch of big, colorful ones. “I got the recipe off Pinterest.” He shrugged, but the kindness he’d shown Lion just made me like him even more.

  “Friend, Shane, friend.” Lion started pecking at the cupcake, and we chuckled as he made a mess everywhere.

  “You’re my friend too, Lion.” Shane gently petted the top of Lion’s head and looked up at me. “Want a cupcake?”

  “Absolutely…oh, and a glass of cold milk?” I hopped up on the stool and watched as Shane got us both glasses of milk. He was wearing one of my shirts and a pair of my sweat pants. We hadn’t been able to get him to his place, but Ciro was coming by later, and hopefully they could arrange for him to go and get stuff.

  “How’s the recording going?” Shane asked as we ate the delicious cupcakes.

  “Good, I’ve got two nights’ worth of songs. I’ll give it to Ciro later, and he can take it to the club.”

  “I know you’re missing it all. But, I have no doubt that Ciro will find what we need to catch this guy, and you’ll be back there soon enough.”

  My phone buzzed next to me, and I saw it was a text from Ciro. “Speak of the devil. He’s here. I’ll just go let him in.”

  When I got to the first floor and opened the door, I saw Ciro wasn’t alone. Detective Glass was standing right there with a smirk on his face. I clearly didn’t hide my surprise well.

  “Yeah, Glass here wouldn’t let me do this my way and get the photos from the con. Once I told him the info, he was all by the book. That’s why it took two days. He obtained a warrant.” Ciro shrugged and walked in.

  “Oh, well, thanks.”

  “You’re welcome. This way if you recognize him and it’s who Mr. Zabel says approached him and Ms. Mason in the parking garage, it’s all legal and he can be arrested properly.”

  We stepped into the elevator, and the sound of Ciro scoffing made me laugh. “Don’t mind Ciro. You’re by the book and so is he, but it’s his book, written and edited by him.”

  “I figured as much,” Glass said as the elevator opened and naturally, Lion roared. “What the fuck?”

  “That’s my bird, stand down, Detective.” Just then, Lion swooped over and landed on my shoulder.

  “Great alarm system, I guess.” Detective Glass couldn’t hide the redness in his cheeks or how scared he’d been a moment earlier. Lion was a great security system. I’d have to give him treats later.

  “The best. Now, let’s see these pictures.”

  Shane was still in the kitchen, the platter of cupcakes there as well, and I smelled coffee brewing.

  “Hey, Ciro, and Detective Glass, what a surprise.” Shane’s inability to hide his emotions was yet another reason why I liked him. I wasn’t sure if he’d even tried to mask how he felt; either way, it was apparent he wasn’t a fan of the detective.

  “Mr. Reeves, always a pleasure.”

  “Mmhmm. Sure. Cupcake?” He held up the platter, and much to my amusement, Ciro darted over to him.

  “I’d love one. Is that coffee I smell too?” Ciro appeared positively happy. Shane was shocked too, given he was staring at the man with his mouth open.

  “Yeah, want some?”

  “Please.” Ciro dropped the file on the counter and sat on the stool. He chomped on the cupcake, moaning in pleasure.

  “The man loves his cupcakes,” Detective Glass said.

  “I love food, Detective.” Ciro’s mouth was full, but it didn’t seem like he cared.

  “Anyway…” Shane placed Ciro’s coffee in front of him. “Can we see these photos?”

  Ciro pushed them over to Shane, and I went to stand beside him. When we opened the file, the first picture was a little blurry.

  “Some weren’t the best. But there are a couple of good ones.” Detective Glass gestured to the coffeepot, and I waved at him to go.

  The fourth picture was very clear, and it was taken at the signing. I remembered him now. He was awkward, and I’d just thought he wasn’t good with social interaction. I supposed that could be the case, but he was also a lunatic.

  “Yep, that’s the guy.” Shane slapped the pictures on the table. “Weirdo extraordinaire.”

  “Figured as much. There were some others that fit his description on the videos, but this guy, yeah, to the T.” Ciro wiped his mouth after devouring three cupcakes in record-breaking speed.

  “What’s his full name?” I asked.

  “Registration has him as a Charles Parker. I’m running background—legally—through the proper channels.” Glass side-eyed Ciro.

  “That’ll take forever,” he mumbled into his coffee mug.

  “I don’t recognize the name. Can’t think of ever hearing from him before the con, and even then, he wasn’t remarkable enough to remember.”

  Glass nodded. “For all we know, that was his intention. I’ll know more when the background is done.”

  “Oh, Ciro, will you take me to my apartment to water my plants and get my mail? And I need clean clothes. My clothes.” He pinched the too-large shirt he was wearing.

  “No problem.”

  “And here.” I handed Ciro a couple of drives.
“Songs to give Atlas. He asked for them.”

  Ciro pocketed the drives and finished his coffee. We talked for a little while longer with the detective. He wasn’t able to find any fingerprints on the gifts other than mine, Ciro’s, and anyone else he expected he’d find. Obviously, Charles was careful.

  Shane said he’d return in an hour, give or take, and when they all left, I took the time to shower and think about setting up the living room for a movie night with Shane. The guy made me think cheesy thoughts, and I laughed at myself when I realized he’d only been gone ten minutes.

  When I got out of the shower, I saw a text from Shane saying he’d be there as soon as possible; he had to talk to his landlord about a small leak in his bathroom. I wished he’d leave that place and just agree to stay here. This huge place was better with Shane in it. It always smelled of cupcakes, and he hummed all the time. Lion loved him, and I noticed the bird was flying and stopping at every window, looking for him.

  “He’ll be back soon, Lion. He’s getting some clothes.”

  “Shane needs to stay.”

  I agreed with the bird. He needed to stay.

  Chapter Thirty-One


  “I’m sorry, Ciro, I know you have to get to work.” And he did. With everything being so chaotic with Ledger, Ciro was stretched thin. Toby had told me that a few fights had been breaking out at the club when Ciro wasn’t there, and Atlas was getting stressed out over it. There was no doubt Ciro needed to get over there, but he didn’t feel comfortable leaving me, even for a moment.

  “Not to worry. It’s not like you were expecting to walk into a flood. It’s fine, your landlord said he’d be here in ten minutes.” He was tense and he eyed his phone a few times, likely checking the time.

  I looked at my watch—it was almost four in the afternoon. Ciro always did sweeps of the place, and considering the issues with some of the patrons there, he really needed to do them. At this rate, by the time I was done here and he drove me to Ledger’s, he wouldn’t have time to eat or dress before work.


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