The Cowboy and the Movie Star

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The Cowboy and the Movie Star Page 1

by Kate Roman

  The Cowboy and the Movie Star

  by Kate Roman

  Copyright 2014 Kate Roman

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  "We're doing what?" Jake Ryder stared at his employer in disbelief. "Kelly, tell me you didn't just say 'making a gay porno'."

  "Jake, understand me, we're not 'making a gay porno'." Kelly Williams, tall and heavyset, ran a hand over his square jaw. "I've hired the place to Mantastic Films for a week."

  Jake opened his mouth again and Kelly waved him to silence.

  "No, listen to me," Kelly said, pursing his lips. "I've got to make the place pay. Otherwise -- well, otherwise I'll have to sell up, go back to the city." He looked at the cowboy. "Neither of us wants that. I need you to give me a break here." His expression was almost pleading.

  Jake sighed and nodded.

  When old man Williams had died, everyone had thought for sure his city-slicker kid would sell the Lazy R and Jake would be out of a job. Instead, Kelly had moved to Montana lock, stock, and barrel, and was doing his best to turn the failing horse ranch around. Kelly was wet behind the ears, but so far, his outlandish ideas had made money: money that paid Jake and made it possible for him to stay on the land and with the horses. Jake had viewed Kelly's idea of turning the place into a dude ranch with suspicion at first, but Montana as a place practically sold itself, and Kelly had brought in a slow but steady stream of other city slickers, wanting to try their hand at being cowboys. Even so, renting out the whole place for a movie -- let alone a porno -- was a new development.

  "What is it you want me to do?" Jake asked resignedly.

  "''Do'? What I want you to do, Jake, is stay out of their way unless they come to you for help, okay? They're gonna have full run of the place. Just try and keep an open mind about the whole thing, and for God's sake don't mouth off to anyone."

  "Kelly -- "

  "I'm not saying anything, Jake. I'm just saying...."

  "Okay, okay, I get it." Jake held his hands up in surrender. His temper had landed him in hot water a couple of times before, and Jake gave his word that he'd be on his best behavior with the film people.

  He left Kelly in his office in the house and jogged down the porch steps, out into the sweet spring morning.

  The Lazy R was a thousand acres of prime Montana range nestled at the feet of the Rockies, and Jake loved every inch of the place. From the plain, familiar old ranch-house and the huge clapboard barn at its heart, to the sturdy log corrals and the sprawling pastures, it was the closest thing to a home Jake had ever known.

  Jake crossed the yard, heading for the barn. Hell, if lending the place out to make a gay porno let him stay on as foreman, he wouldn't say another word against it. As long as it didn't interfere with the normal running of the ranch and his work breaking in the new stallion, he was fine with it.

  That his own feelings leaned toward other men was a closely guarded secret. He wasn't about to let a bunch of pretty-boy sex stars -- calling them actors, he thought, was a stretch, since from the few examples he'd seen of the genre, there was no way you could fake what was going on -- bother him one way or another.

  Jake hefted a couple bales of hay into the back of his old pickup and slipped behind the wheel. There were two mares turned out in the high paddock, nursing a strained tendon and a stone bruise, respectively, and he wanted to get out and check on them before he attended to the mares in foal. Even working all the hours in the day there was still too much to do, and not enough hands to do it.

  And breaking in the new stallion, Kilgawain, was proving challenging. Jake shook his head, turning his key in the ignition. The horse had objected to Elroy's attempts to bridle him by planting a hoof square in the middle of the cowhand's chest. It was a wonder he wasn't dead, the blow he took. Jake put the truck in reverse and edged slowly away from his spot outside the barn.

  But before he got more than a few feet, a boxy, flashy Hummer sped around the corner of the building, nearly taking off Jake's tailgate. The driver laid on the horn as Jake swore creatively.

  As the Hummer pulled in next to his truck, Jake killed the engine and rolled down his window, aiming to give the driver a piece of his mind. Dust from the Hummer's rapid passage up the drive clogged his nose and mouth. Something told Jake the movie people had arrived.

  The driver's side door swung open and a solid, fleshy man with luxurious hair and too-perfect teeth jumped out of the vehicle, swaggering around the front grill to stand next to Jake's door. Jake looked down at him without enthusiasm.

  The guy couldn't have been more than five foot five or six, even wearing a ridiculously expensive pair of brand-new high-heeled Ropers. Sprayed-on jeans and an embroidered sheepskin coat, open over a crisp new denim shirt, completed the picture.

  "Wow! You really gotta watch that corner, cowboy. I didn't even see you 'til you were nearly under me!" He stuck his hands in his pockets and gave Jake a lecherous grin. "Course, that happens a lot in our line of work, huh? You get me?"

  Jake stared. "Our line of work?"

  "Sure. Aren't you on this pic too? Montana Stud? I assume everyone else is here already, on account of me having to pick up Miss Thing here at the airport."

  "Did I hear you right? 'Montana... Stud'?"

  The newcomer stuck out a smooth and manicured hand. "The name's Tarfield. Byron Tarfield. But you probably know me better as Cock Masters." He winked.

  Jake stared, openmouthed. "Look, Mr. Masters, or Tarfield, or whatever the hell your name is, I don't know you as anything but a nuisance so far. I don't know how they drive in Pornland or wherever the hell you people come from, but out here we know better than to go tear-assing around blind corners."

  Byron's expression darkened. But before he could respond, the Hummer's passenger door opened, and Jake suddenly forgot all about driving and porn stars and everything that wasn't the lanky blond climbing warily out of the big SUV.

  The blond stood for a second next to the car, looking around and inhaling the wild, sweet air with obvious appreciation. The hint of a smile played around his thin, fine lips, and as if on cue, a gentle breeze sprang up, tousling his mop of sand-blond curls. He squinted into the bright sunlight and then fixed Jake with a look from the bluest, gentlest eyes Jake had ever seen. They reminded him of the sky just after dawn, and something just south of his stomach chose that moment to remind him that dawn was his favorite time of the day.

  "Byron, be fair. You were going way too fast and you know it. Driving's not your strong suit." The tall blond shut the car door behind him, approaching Jake's truck shyly. Jake's heart beat in his throat.

  Byron scoffed. "Like you'd know. Meet my co-star, Miss Matthew Dove."

  Jake scrubbed a hand over his unshaven jaw self-consciously. "So what do I know you better as?"

  Matthew smiled and Jake's jeans tightened accordingly. "It's just plain Matthew Dove. Um, Mister Matthew Dove."

  "So I gathered," Jake said, smiling back. "Sorry, where are my manners? I'm Jake. Jake Ryder."

  Matthew tilted his head to one side, but before he could speak, Byron fixed Jake with a puzzled frown. "Jake Ryder? Are you sure you're not in porn? Hell, sweetheart, even without the name you should think about it."

  Jake's smile disappeared and he turned his attention back to Byron. "Listen, jackass, that happens to be my real name, and a
damn good one at that. I don't need to hide behind any pseudonym."

  Byron glared. "That's a big word for a lowly cowboy to be using, isn't it?" Suddenly, his face cleared and he brayed with laughter. "Jake Ryder? A cowboy? Now you've gotta be putting us on."

  Jake glared back, then restarted his truck, letting the engine roar. Grinding it into gear, he reversed angrily past the pair and made a rough U-turn before heading out of the yard, raising a cloud of dust that completely obscured the Hummer and its passengers in the rearview mirror.

  Still, Jake cursed himself for looking.


  "Filming hasn't even started and you've already managed to piss off the star? Jake, you've gotta give me a break here!"

  Kelly raked a hand through his hair in exasperation. He and Jake were standing in the big ranch-house kitchen, having an after-dinner cup of coffee. Jake had thrown himself into his chores the whole day long, fighting all the while to keep Matthew's smile and sweet blue eyes out of his mind. When Kelly had summoned him from his small cottage back up to the house, he'd had a sinking feeling he'd put a foot wrong already.

  Jake set his cup down on the counter and leaned back against the sink, arms folded. "The man cast aspersions on my good character. What was I supposed to do?"

  "Cast aspersions on your -- what, by assuming you're in the same line of work that he is? The line of work that's gonna keep the bank off our backs for a good six months? Come on, Jake, think this through!"

  Jake raised one hand to toy with his bottom lip, pinching it between two fingers. He knew Kelly was right, but it didn't dispose him to regard Byron Tarfield any more favorably. They might need the money this movie would bring, but there was something about him Jake didn't like. And thinking about him anywhere near Matthew Dove.... Jake closed his eyes.

  "Earth to Jake? Are you even listening to a word I'm saying?"

  Jake held his hands up in surrender. "Yeah, yeah. Message received, loud and clear. I'll play ball, okay? Even with Byron."

  Kelly took a deep breath, letting it out in a sigh. "I don't know what it is with you. It's a damn good thing you're as good with horses as you're bad with people, that's all I can say."

  "I'm gonna try and take that as a compliment."

  Kelly snorted. "You do that." He crossed to the sink and poured out the rest of his coffee, rinsing his cup under the faucet and putting it on the dish rack.

  "Look," Jake said, "I screwed up. I get that. If you think it'd help, I'll go over to Mr. Tarfield-Masters' room and apologize right now, okay?"

  Kelly looked over at him with the trace of a smirk. "You'd really do that?"

  "I'd do anything for this ranch. You know that."

  "Glad to hear it. Real glad." Kelly slapped him on the back. "He's upstairs, in the yellow bedroom at the top of the stairs."

  "I thought they were all sleeping in town? At the Golden Hoof?"

  Kelly shrugged. "As far as I can tell, crew's in the bunkhouse -- "

  "Carl and Boots are gonna love that," Jake said darkly.

  Kelly ignored him and continued. "And all the rest of the actors are in town, but apparently Mr. Tarfield wanted to be closer to the action, to, uh, 'soak up the ambiance'."


  "Exactly. Now go get 'im, tiger, before it gets too late and you interrupt his beauty sleep."

  Jake set his teeth and headed for the stairs.

  Outside Byron's bedroom door, though, he had second thoughts about his promise to Kelly. Surely this could wait 'til tomorrow, no matter how pissed the guy was. Besides, Jake sure as hell didn't want Byron Tarfield thinking he was coming on to him.

  Before he could knock, the door opened, and Jake found himself staring not at Byron but at Matthew, looking rumpled and sleepy in gray sweatpants and a worn pink T-shirt. Standing in the doorway, lit by the soft yellow bedroom lamp, Matthew looked even more gorgeous than he had that morning, if a little worried. Then his brow cleared and he smiled. "Jake! Were you looking for me?"

  "All afternoon," Jake blurted out, and then wished he could sink through the floor. "I mean, do I have the right room? I'm looking for Byron T -- well, I'm not 'looking for him' looking for him exactly. In fact, am I interrupting? I should go. You know what? I'm gonna go."

  Jake couldn't have stopped babbling in front of those beautiful blue eyes, even if he'd been offered the deed to the ranch.

  Matthew smiled shyly. "You're not interrupting anything, Jake. If you're looking for Byron, he's staying at some hotel in town. The name'll come to me. Hang on...."

  "The Golden Hoof?"

  "Yeah, that's it. Said he couldn't stand all the noise and the smells from the horses."

  "Too much ambiance, huh?" Jake snorted. "Figures. That guy doesn't seem the real ranch type."

  Matthew nodded, smiling. "Not even close. Byron considers anything less than a four-star hotel to be backpacking."

  Jake suddenly remembered he was talking to one of Byron's co-stars. "Look, I'm sorry if the guy's a friend of yours, but -- "

  Matthew's smile widened. "The man's a toad."

  Picturing Byron's sloped forehead and squat figure, Jake cracked up. "That's a good word for him, Matthew. But what about you? You don't mind the ambiance?"

  "I love it out here. Reminds me of where I grew up." Matthew leaned against the doorframe. The action gave Jake a glimpse of bronzed, taut skin where Matthew's T-shirt didn't quite meet the waistband of his sweats. Jake chewed his lip and struggled to return his gaze to Matthew's face. He chewed his lip harder. Matthew was beautiful. His sand-colored curls stood out at angles, as if he'd just been sleeping, and a firm jaw and Roman nose only served to accentuate the soft, vulnerable quality of his amazing eyes. Jake only realized he'd been staring when Matthew fell silent, regarding him curiously.

  "I'm sorry," Jake said. "I should let you get some rest, not keep you out in the hallway all night listening to me bad-mouth your co-stars."

  Matthew stood back from the doorway, gesturing to the room inside. "Why not come in and bad-mouth them where we can both be comfortable?"

  "Ah. Uh, yeah.... You know, that might not be such a good idea, what with me working here and all, and you being a -- a...."

  "An adult film actor," Matthew supplied helpfully.

  "Yeah, that." Jake took a deep breath. It was taking everything he had not to take Matthew up on the invitation. Jake had had his heart broken just once, but once was more than enough. And if he entered Matthew's room, Jake knew he'd lose his heart for sure. Maybe even more than that. "I don't think it's a good idea."

  Matthew looked disappointed. "Would you come in for a little while if I promise to behave?" he said softly. "It's kinda lonely."

  Jake saw the plea in Matthew's eyes and heard everything he wasn't saying. Taking a deep breath, he stepped across the threshold.


  It turned out that not only had Matthew grown up just over the Montana border in Idaho, but that the longer they sat talking on the worn yellow gingham couch in Matthew's bedroom, the further Jake felt himself fall. The longer he looked into Matthew's eyes, the more ridiculous it seemed that Matthew could be a porn star, or anything other than absolutely perfect. Blame it on the moon or pheromones or the fact that Jake hadn't gotten laid in more time than he cared to admit, but as they sat at opposite ends of the sofa, nursing the beers Jake had snuck down to the kitchen for, all Jake could think about was how much he enjoyed Matthew's company. Under other circumstances, Jake thought, they might have had a shot together. But with --

  "Penny for your thoughts?"

  Jake looked up to find Matthew eyeing him mischievously, lips toying gently with the mouth of the beer bottle. He forced himself to look away from Matthew's mouth and thoughts of what he really wanted it to toy with. Suddenly uncomfortable, Jake shrugged in answer to the question, taking another mouthful of beer.

  Matthew looked down. "You're wondering," he said slowly, "how a guy like me gets to be in the porn business."

  Jake choked on hi
s beer, and Matthew shot him a small smile. "Everyone wants to ask." He paused, and when Jake remained silent, spoke slowly. "The answer is that it's just a job."

  "Just a job? Matthew, you have sex with men for money. In front of other people! People watch you having sex! Doesn't that bother you?" Jake flushed. He hadn't meant to say any of that out loud. "I'm sorry, man. It's none of my business, really -- "

  "No, it's a fair statement," Matthew said softly. "And I don't really have an answer, or an excuse -- "

  "You don't have to defend yourself to me." Jake scrubbed a hand over his face, feeling suddenly awkward. "Look, I'm out of line. I have no idea why I said what I did and -- it's late. I should go." He rose from the couch, cheeks flaming.

  "It's hard to be in my line of work and meet someone you want to be with, because it's a struggle for guys to figure out how it would be different from what I do in front of the cameras." Matthew's voice was so soft Jake had to strain to hear him. "Work is -- well, it's work. It's different from...."

  Jake's eyes lingered on Matthew's features. The delicate cheekbones, the firm, prominent jaw. "It's different from what?"

  "You know what one of the basic rules of porn is?"

  Jake shrugged.

  "Keep the kissing out of it. No one ever watches a porno for the kissing." Jake hesitated, and Matthew continued in a rush. "Do you know how long it's been since someone's touched me because I asked them to? Or because they wanted to? Because they wanted me?"

  Jake caught his breath. The loneliness, the longing in Matthew's bright blue eyes were echoed in his own heart. Throwing caution to the wind, he leaned in close and pressed his lips against Matthew's, answering the request with fervor.

  "I want you, Matthew," he whispered.

  The connection between them was electric and simultaneously sweet. Matthew's kisses were tentative, almost shy, but Jake claimed his mouth firmly, pulling Matthew into his arms. And once Matthew was there, it was almost as if a dam had burst inside him. He bore Jake down against the nubbed cotton of the couch, clambering on top, all long limbs and eagerness. Jake held on tight, letting Matthew take what he needed.


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