Gladiator: A Rough Sci-Fi Romance

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Gladiator: A Rough Sci-Fi Romance Page 5

by Piper Stone

  I had to fight to keep from beating the shit out of him, the asshole goading me. The best thing I could do was get her out of here. I was in no position to help anyone else. Oh, but I would. One day, I would free every one of the prisoners, no matter what species.

  “I suggest you waste no time fucking and filling her,” he offered in passing. “The king might even provide additional supplies while you’re in the Wild, weapons that you’ll certainly need.”

  All in exchange for producing a baby. Goddamn it, there had to be more. Dakar had mentioned their planet was facing possible extinction, but there were too many aspects, varying stories that I didn’t buy. No Zatan could be trusted.

  “Get on with the examination,” I hissed, controlling every instinct to claw out his eyeballs.

  When the doctor eased around to front me, reaching for my genitals, I’d had enough. I wrapped my hand around his wrist, nearly snapping it in two. The two guards in the room immediately rushed forward, their electrified prods pointed in my direction. Dakar shook his head, warning me off.

  “Unless you want to find your doctor without an ability to perform his necessary work, I suggest you back down. Now!” My words were stated with ugly defiance.

  “Do what he says,” Dakar dared to say, taking a purposeful step back and lowering the prod.

  There was a quiet rebellion going on behind the scenes of the Zatans. That much I’d been able to figure out given my special training on Cryton. Not everyone was happy with the decision made by the king and his court. If only I could use that to my advantage.

  Doctor Tamborka nodded as he winced in pain, glaring at Dakar with obvious hatred in his eyes. I’d learned almost from day one that their pain tolerances were similar to ours, their bones even more fragile. Except for those built and trained as gladiators. They were souped-up on some kind of steroid-type drug, making their bodies almost impenetrable. But I knew all their weaknesses. I’d studied them during these long months, observing everything about them. I’d even been able to listen in on some of their conversations.

  The second guard backed away, lowering his weapon.

  “Clothes. Where are my clothes?” I asked, still keeping the doctor in my tight grip.

  “Burned as all attire is from incoming prisoners,” the doctor answered.

  “Then I will need suitable clothing and so will the girl.” I finally let him go, snarling afterward.

  “Already arranged as well as food and gear that the king has graciously allowed.” Hissing, the doctor glared into my eyes. “However, you need to let me go or I will have to notify the king of your insolence. I doubt he’ll be pleased.”

  I hesitated before releasing the asshole, tamping back my anger. “What else do I need to know about the Wild?” I shot my question to the two guards.

  The guards glanced back and forth between each other, looking more uncomfortable than I’d ever seen them. However, the guards understood the Wild well.

  “Tell him,” the doctor instructed.

  “The days are over ninety degrees, the nights under twenty. There are blizzards and torrential rains, mountains and pits that occur without notification. And there are beasts who live in packs and clans.” Dakar kept his voice even. “Very harsh conditions.”

  That much I knew.

  “And the maze?”

  The doctor stepped away from me, far enough from my reach to feel comfortable. “You will be given certain coordinates to help you navigate. And of course, you will be watched. You must copulate every two days at minimum. You will not attempt to get back into the kingdom. You may use any weapon that you find or create. There is food, but a limited supply and much is poisonous. If you survive the odds, then both you and your mate will be set free. Those are the rules. My offer still stands. If you impregnate her, then you will receive additional rations.”

  As if we would remain on the ugly planet long enough to have a baby. That is, if our species were even compatible.

  I knew the fucker was lying to my face. It was still a chance worth taking. I was certain the girl would loathe the fact we had to fuck every other day, although my attraction to her had allowed my cock to stay hard. She was... delicious in every manner. I shoved the lurid thoughts out of my mind. This was about fighting the system and winning, not fucking the pretty redhead.

  “Then let’s get this party started,” I said, snickering especially when seeing the confusion on their faces. Fuck them.

  The planet was an outpost, one that the Zatans had taken for their own in an effort to plan this charade while annihilating other civilizations. I’d heard other stories about protected weapons and facilities. If any of the tall tales were true, I would find them.

  And I would kill every single one of the bastards.

  * * *

  “You will have a difficult time, Cryton,” Dakar stated as he handed me a bag of supplies. “I managed to add a few items you may need. I do wish you good luck. I fear the worst.”

  “Tell me why,” I said in passing as I inspected what he’d provided.

  He studied me for a time before answering. “It is not for me to question the king. Just know that our people are in need. I believe you would do all you could to protect your own as well. What does Earth matter to you? Humans are vile creatures.”

  “Much like the Zatans have called us.” I wasn’t going to talk about honor or integrity. The bastard didn’t give a shit.

  Dakar darted a look at the kingdom then toward the girl. “Point taken. There is a compound many miles from here.”

  “A compound? So the rumors are true. I assume one of the human facilities from early settlers?”

  “Yes, and as you can imagine, things didn’t go well for them. However, the facility is substantial. You may seek shelter there as well as... information. You need only to go over the closest mountain range and into the valley,” he nodded to the right. “No one must can know I told you this, Cryton. Remember that things aren’t as they seem.”

  At least Dakar confirmed that the compound I’d heard of was still intact. Another riddle. Another portion of the game. While I appreciated the help Dakar had given me, I wasn’t foolish enough to place my trust in him. At least not entirely. He was leaving crumbs, prepared for me to gobble them up. Well, I wasn’t in the playing mood. “Interesting and I’m not doing any talking. I’ll look for this compound.” Might as well give him what he wanted. He would no doubt report my answers to the great king.

  “Good.” He clenched his fists, glancing down the length of me.

  I could tell he wanted to say more. “What is it?”

  He appeared uncomfortable, glancing over his shoulder before moving closer. “You need to take care of the woman.”

  “I plan on it, but why the warning?”

  “She is... what humans would call special, chosen.”

  “What the hell do you mean, chosen?” I barked, my rage resurfacing. “Dakar, tell me what the fuck you’re talking about. Why chosen?”

  “I wish you well, Lieutenant Aska. You will need the gods to be kind, but you are a great warrior. Fate has chosen well.” He backed away and it was obvious that he had no intention of explaining further.

  Fate? What the hell was he getting at? Goddamn it. The fucking mystery deepened, pissing me off even more. Who the hell was this human girl?

  Nothing could have surprised me more than for the alien to know my military rank. That meant they were somewhat discriminating about those they elected to take with them. While I had only seen two of the soldiers under my command, that didn’t mean they hadn’t been transported to another star system. I had no way of communicating with them or knowing if they were alive. Another mystery to be solved.


  I waited until he moved behind the safety of the gates before turning toward the girl. She’d been watching us, her brow furrowed. She was quite the formidable woman in her own right.

  I took a deep whiff of the humid air, able to detect several scents that already c
oncerned me. Still, the freedom felt good. Damn good. I yanked the strap of the duffle over my shoulder, amused that for all the aliens’ advances, they’d shoved crap into what appeared to be nothing more than cheap cloth bags. At least there was a change of clothes and I’d managed to secure a knife. The weapon was crude at best, but it would have to do for protection.

  For killing as necessary.

  And I was in the mood to exact revenge and not just against the Zatans.

  Humans should die.

  Chapter Four


  Anger continued to pool into every cell and muscle, my mind reeling from what I was facing. All of it with a feisty human who believed herself superior.

  “You know him,” she said quietly.

  “A guard. He has been helpful but that is all.”

  “Uh-huh. Whatever you say. Do you have any idea where we’re going on this shithole of a planet?” she asked as she glared toward the kingdom gates. She shielded her eyes from the late afternoon sun, twisting her mouth as she scanned the perimeter.

  The aliens had called the planet after themselves, but I knew the hunk of rock as Star 4308, as determined by the astrophysicist on our planet making the discovery. There were hundreds of planets in other solar systems that had also been detected by Earth’s scientists, although the information had also been deemed classified. From what I’d learned, the mass of volcanoes and tropical forests had been forged from a collision from an asteroid a full century before. I was no scientist, merely a weapons expert, but I knew my way around a certain level of astronomy. I’d learned more just before my bogus arrest. This place was damn important to Earth’s government as well as a scientific tank called NASA. Time to find out why.

  “First, we have to find a suitable location to spend the night. I suggest you follow me closely. We have miles to travel before we can rest.”

  Huffing, she blew hair out of her eyes and grabbed the small bag that had been provided. Nestled inside were a bunch of crap rations that would mean nothing after two days. The armband that had been slapped onto me indicated directions, a pinpoint of our destination. That is if I chose to believe the piece of hardware.

  A compound. Why did I have the distinct feeling that we were being led to this location for a purpose? My military instincts were on high alert.

  I took off in the direction of the dense forest, moving quickly. We had maybe two hours before the howling winds began, the night creatures on full alert to fresh blood in their kingdom.

  She trailed behind me, doing her best to keep up. To her credit, she kept her mouth shut for a solid thirty minutes. Then I could hear her huffs of anxiety. “Aren’t you going to tell me your name, your real name?”

  I sighed and glanced at the area around us. We were going higher in altitude, which could provide a cave for protection. Or wild animals to fight off. Either way, I’d be prepared. “You already heard.”

  “Thor, huh? Sexy guy. Bad movie after the fourth remake. At least in my opinion. Not certain how an alien from another planet would know the name anyway. How about the truth?”

  The girl had balls, I would give her that. “Fine, princess. Xander Aska of the planet Cryton.” I allowed a gaze at her. At least the barbaric pigs had given her suitable attire, albeit shorts would prove to be daunting as we headed further into the mountains. I’d selected the direction on purpose, avoiding the passages indicated by others. We would see if I’d been a fool. At least her hiking boots were decent enough. I watched as she wound her long hair around her hands, fashioning a bun on the back of her head. She was still damn sexy, forcing my cock to twitch.

  “Xander Aska. Sounds like a romance novel,” she quipped before scanning the area, wrinkling her nose. “Oh, right. I doubt aliens read.”

  “And your name?” I finally had to ask.

  “Maybe I should have one like Pebbles. You know, from Pebbles and Bam-Bam?” When I didn’t react in any manner she rolled her eyes. “You don’t know Earth’s entertainment history. My name is Katarina Garens.” She held out her hand for a typical handshake.

  Garens. The name sounded familiar. I went through my mental processes, attempting to remember. I’d been given the opportunity prior to leaving our planet of learning as much about Earth’s history as possible. How could I forget? Thomas Garens was a scientist, the human responsible for finding a cure for cancer, as well as several other diseases, ridding Earth of the last great trauma. Unfortunately, from what I’d learned, another moment of what humans called bullshit. That had been years before. Although the surname was certainly not that unusual, coincidences I wouldn’t buy. I made mental note to grill her at a later time.

  I took her hand, surprised at the tingling sensations rocketing through me. We had a connection, a building electricity that I’d yet to experience with any other woman since... Hell, no. I closed my eyes briefly, shoving the memories aside. Not that I’d had time given my requirements to our people. I sucked in my breath, refusing to dredge up the past. That was before. “Katarina. The name suits you. We need to keep pressing on.”

  “What is expected of us? No one told me anything. I don’t understand any of this. Just another part of the ugly king’s game I assume.”

  I sighed, rubbing my eyes. “It’s a game all right. We are expected to fuck, to procreate along the way. If we reach a very special destination, then there is supposed to be a ship that will take you back to Earth. No harm. No foul.” I watched her processing the information.

  “You’re not going back to Earth? I thought you had it cushy there,” she retorted.

  “We will see, little human.”

  “So, let me get this straight, we’re supposed to fuck like bunnies and try and produce a child for a group of monsters so they can what, have another flavor later on in life to birth another sick set of spawn? And you don’t actually think those... creatures are going to let us go, do you? While you seemed rather barbaric in the beginning, I gather you have some level of intelligence as well as common sense. Please don’t prove me wrong.”

  The dominating part of me wanted nothing more than to drag her over my lap and spank her for her insolence. She was going to need to learn who was in charge. “Listen up, little human,” I said, confronting her. “We will have to fight in order to survive this planet. If we get lucky enough to do that, producing some child is the last thing on my mind.”

  “Is that even possible, I mean to conceive?”

  I heard the anxiety in her voice. “That I do not know. I don’t follow rules very well; however, the Zatans will be watching. We will not do anything to piss them off and I don’t care what I have to do to make certain that we don’t.”


  “Meaning, you will obey me at all times. You’re not going to fight my decisions in any manner nor will you go off on your own. If that means fucking like bunnies then we are going to. Period. This is dangerous terrain, more so than a pretty little girl like yourself could even imagine. I will protect you, but I’ll also punish you for any and every infraction. Got it?”

  “You’re out of your mind! You really bought into this game bullshit. Didn’t you?” She muttered under her breath when I didn’t immediately answer her. “Fine. I’m not going with you, asshole. I’ll take my chances right here. Someone on Earth has to care that tons of women are missing.”

  “You stay, you die. Plain and simple. Up to you but I have the only weapon. And no, there is no one coming to rescue you, sweetheart. You need to get that through your pretty little head. There isn’t a government on Earth that gives a shit about us.” I towered over her by several inches. Even with the dirt covering her face, the defiance that might get us both killed, I hungered for the woman.

  She blinked several times, no doubt the blunt news startling. Still rebellious. Still defying me.

  I lifted an eyebrow when she didn’t respond, turning and walking away. She was going to have to learn.

  “You are not going to treat me that way. I’ve been thro
ugh hell and back.”

  I was riled, more so than I should have been. I stormed back toward her, crowding her space even as she refused to move. “Do you want me to tell you about hell, little human?”

  Her lower lip quivered but her eyes held the same fire I’d seen before.

  “Hell is when you’re stuffed into a damn cell that’s meant to hold maybe two but instead there are ten or more. Hell is having to piss against the wall then smelling the wretched scent every single day. Hell is learning to find insects tasty, even without killing them first and that’s if you’re lucky given your fingers are bloody just trying to dig into the dirt. And hell is starting to forget that you actually have a family on another planet who gives a shit about you. When you’ve gone through something like that for even a single day, then you come talk to me. Otherwise, I don’t want to hear it.”

  “Wait a minute. Are you talking about on Earth?”

  Hissing, I glared at her. “Some of your people are not as they seem.”

  I was shaking as I turned, trudging over a series of rocks and boulders. The light continued to lower in the sky, further fueling the increasing rage. I wasn’t going to be killed on the first night out of incarceration. Damn it. The girl had gotten under my skin already. Even with my attempt at remembering why I loathed humans, she’d been able to ignite the fires burning deep within, my cock still aching.

  I heard her about a minute later, her footsteps driving a stake into my heart. She remained behind me, keeping her mouth shut.

  I tried to keep to the outskirts of the forest as we climbed, careful to watch the area around us. After making it to the top of a ridge, I heard the first sound of thunder. Not in the traditional sense of what I was used to on Cryton or even Earth, but a powerful booming sound shaking the terrain. That was followed by a flash of electricity shooting like fingers from a massive lightning stalk. Both were capable of doing significant damage.


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