Into The Lair 0f Los Rey Lobo: Wildes 0f The West (Half Breed Haven Book 9)

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Into The Lair 0f Los Rey Lobo: Wildes 0f The West (Half Breed Haven Book 9) Page 4

by A. M. Van Dorn

  "Every time?" he looked up at her with a furrowed brow, and she shook her head, the dark tresses flickering about when she realized what she had said. "I mean discovering them…she corrected, hoping he would let the slip she had made drop, and he did as he propped himself up on his elbows. He almost seemed a bit shy when he made his request and when he did she knew why. Another thing he had yet to experience.

  "Please, Miss Wilde might you allow me to release inside of you? My former love, she never let me and worse still on those rare occasions we indulged ourselves we were always in a pitch-black room. To this day I could not tell you what she looked like naked!"

  Words could not express the supreme pleasure Lijuan felt. It was as good as an orgasm…no better. The satisfaction of knowing that she had dominated and controlled this man filled her with joy and now here he was begging her to initiate him in something new. Her cycle had just passed, and there would be no risk, so she would indulge this man and gladly allow it.

  "Do it!" she commanded as his face blossomed in a mixture of lust and glee. She leaned forward, her ample breasts dangling in his face. Her hands came over his wrists. There was a tingling sensation, and she leaned back into her usual position. Morgan suddenly found that his hands were free, and he looked to see that she had changed positions giving him an eyeful.

  Lijuan was now on her back, her hands cupped under her knees allowing him a perfect view of her well-endowed hourglass figure. Her thighs were opened in invitation saying she was ready to go.

  "Well? Come in," she said in a sultry voice. "Cum inside of me if that's what you want. I'll let you, Mister Morgan."

  With manic desperation, he leaped at Lijuan laying his body on top of hers. She giggled as she enveloped him wrapping her arms around his back and her short but powerful legs entwined around his waist. For a few moments Morgan struggled to push his manhood into her tightness and then with a thrust with all his might he entered her as she squealed in delight.

  "Go ahead," she whispered, "Pound away. Give it all to me now! We haven't much time!" That was all the encouragement he needed. With determination, he began wildly increasing his pounding against her. He lacked any grace of form, simply thrusting his hips as hard as he could. It wouldn't take him long, that much she knew. Sure, enough his frenzied thrusts reached their zenith.

  "I'm going it comes! “Morgan Shouted. Lijuan tightened her grip on him as if he had any indication of escaping. The pair screamed with pleasure as perspiration swept over their bodies, and then heavy bangs sounded at the door, and Catalina's voice rang out shouting, "LIJUAN! Cassie says we gotta be on our way now!!"

  A startled Morgan suddenly withdrew from her at his moment of climax and Lijuan felt warms streaks lightly splash the length of her short body that gave away to something akin to gentle raindrops. Catalina, it seemed had just spoiled his desire to achieve something new. She sighed as she reached up and felt the warm sticky dampness in her hair. Lijuan bolted upright almost knocking Morgan over, who still had a look of shock on his face, off the side of the bed.

  “Jesus fucking Christ Catalina!!”


  The Wildes, having spotted the tell-tale landmark of a haystack-shaped mountain, had turned their horses to enter the valley beyond when they were surprised to see a rapidly moving covered wagon followed by a loaded buckboard emerging from the De La Santa Barbara in their direction.

  "Oh, this is wonderful. If these people prove to be locals surely, they can point us in the right direction for our needs," Honor bubbled cheerfully.

  Cassandra nodded her head, “I agree.”

  Halting their horses, the sisters waited for the small convoy to approach. The smiles on Cassandra and Honor Elizabeth’s faces were not returned. The look of the man and woman’s faces on the bench seat of the Conestoga more closely resembled the stone-faced look Lijuan was giving them as they drew near.

  Honor was now frowning herself, “Oh, dear … not the cheeriest looking people if I were to wager an opinion.”

  Lijuan’s dry voice cut through the air, “If you didn’t that would be a first.”

  "Knock it off you two." Cassandra snapped as Honor opened her mouth with a comeback. This was no time for their usual attempts to one-up each other. She knew for people to look that grim they had likely just ridden in from a world of trouble.

  Despite the mirthless demeanor of the travelers when Cassie flagged them to come to a halt, they complied, and the wagons rolled to a stop next to the Wilde siblings. She could tell just how distraught the travelers were as not even a flicker of surprise at their unique appearance appeared on their weary faces.

  “Help you?” the man’s voice was flat and emotionless. His question a mere formality if Cassandra ever heard one. Still, she hoped he could prove helpful.

  “Yes, we are on our way to the settlement we heard of in the valley. We’re hoping we can find someone to help us with a wagon wheel that has seen better days. Do you know of someone that might be able to help?”

  Hesitating for a moment the man nodded to her. “My friend Cody Holmes …first rate carpenter but …”

  His wife suddenly became animated, her voice shrill, "But you don't want to go there. You ladies best turn around and keep on the trail. A couple of hours you'll come to the town of Wayward. Someone can help you there."

  Lijuan waved her off, “We aren’t interested in adding hours to our journey. If this Cody can help us, then that’s where we’re going.”

  The man and the woman shared a concerned look with each other before he spoke again

  “You don’t understand … look … the name is Cornwallis.”

  “Oh, like the English general who thought he could beat the colonies! You can see how well that turned out.”

  “Honor Elizabeth … we don’t need a history lesson. We need to know what’s going on here. Now suppose you folks tell us?” Lijuan said, fixing the Cornwallis couple with an intense gaze.

  Cassie, too, was anxious to hear more. “Yes, Mr. Cornwallis, please continue. We don’t understand.”

  Pointing back towards the valley he muttered, "People aren't heading into this valley, they are leaving it in droves. We just barely got out ourselves."

  “That’s right!” Mrs. Cornwallis’s head was bobbing up and down in agreement, “We heard a distant rumble in the air. That was likely our homestead being blasted to pieces by dynamite.” Suddenly there were tears welling in her eyes. “A place where we done lived twenty years. Raised our young ones in the next wagon there. Now all gone.”

  Lijuan wasn’t sure she heard correctly. “Someone blew up your house with dynamite? Why?!”

  The frustration of Mister Cornwallis was palpable as his mouth turned downward, "It wasn't just Lou Ella's and my house. A lot of homes have wound up that way. Either blown up or torched. Not just homes, either. The general store and the schoolhouse. They were destroyed last week."

  Cassandra leaned forward in her saddle, now keenly interested in the goings on in this valley. “Destroyed by who?”

  Wiping her tears away, Lou Ella was now angry. "A no-account scoundrel named Los Rey Lobo! Story has it he and his family came across the border maybe ten years back to escape the federales. Showed up here a year ago, but only in the last month has he set his sights on this here valley."

  Honor’s eyes lit up, and she turned to her two sisters. “Los Rey Lobo! If I remember the Spanish that Cattie taught me … and indeed I do … that would be the Wolf King!”

  “What?” Lijuan asked crinkling up her nose, clearly not believing the name. “Are you sure?”

  Honor answered by jutting her chin in the air, miffed at Lijuan questioning her translation.

  Cornwallis pounded his fist on the buckboard’s bench seat. “That Mexican is a wolf all right. As dangerous as one too. A fair share of our friends got beaten pretty good by his men. A few that resisted being run out of the valley got their wish. They never left it. Buried six feet under. Good people they were!”

  Cassandra asked just what the so-called Wolf King was after, but the couple could only shrug.

  "Durned if I know. Our valley isn't much. A few pitiful cattle ranches mixed in with some sheep ranches like we owned. Not much beyond that. Hell, forgive my language; there isn't even an honest to God name for our town if that gives you any idea," Cornwallis growled.

  Cassandra considered this as her eyes momentarily caught sight of a hawk flying high above them. “And yet Rey Lobo is certainly going to some lengths to have this valley all to himself.”

  Putting her hand on her husband’s arm, Lou Ella gently urged him, “Let’s be on our way, Hiram. This is painful enough. We’ve got to put our lives here behind us.”

  “The woman’s right.” He said snapping the reins as he looked at the trio of sisters.

  “Take my advice and don’t go there. Nothing good will come of it.”

  The Wildes watched silently as the wagons pulled out. The solemn faces of the younger Cornwallises in the second wagon passed by them, and soon the pair of wagons were swallowed up in a dust cloud. Cassie turned her horse toward the valley and the others echoed her move.

  “What are you thinking Cassie?"

  "Lijuan I think that we need to get this Cody Holmes to fix our wagon wheel."

  Honor arched one of her eyebrows, “And following that?”

  Cassandra turned her head and looked from sister to sister as she spoke. "After that, it sounds to me like there is a certain tinhorn tyrant around here that needs to be put out of business. What do you think, girls?"

  Honor pursed her lips and looked towards the heart of the valley. “As I always like to say … once more into the breach.”

  Pulling her hammer from her belt, Lijuan’s eyes narrowed. “I’ll put it a hell of a lot simpler than that, Honor Elizabeth. We’ve got us a wolf that needs a good skinning!”


  In the shade of a large tree, Catalina was down on her haunches untying the rope she had secured around the newborn calf’s leg. Under her instructions, Washburn had gently helped ease it from the mother’s body at the pinnacle of the birthing process. Seeming to show no signs of the trauma it had just endured; the cow was back on her feet. A few moments later, the small calf putting its wobbly legs to work for the first time, rose and make small chuffing noises as it sought refuge by its mother.

  Washburn grinned at the young woman he had just shared the experience with and she returned it in spades. He ordered two privates away that had been assisting them in the birth, and then he turned to her and marveled at her. The four strange sisters that had appeared out of nowhere were all undoubtedly gorgeous, but this beauty had truly caught his eye. There had been no mistaking her for being of Mexican blood. The copper skin, the doe eyes. It was definitely a look he'd loved.

  He was old eastern stock, born and bred in Providence, Rhode Island, and had never seen the beauty of Spanish ladies until his duties had carried him west. All the blonds and redheads of the high society families his mother had always pushed him towards paled, literally and figuratively, next to those Latina ladies he found himself quite fond of.

  This Catalina Wilde, though, seemed to be in a class all her own. She projected an air of confidence that he could never recall seeing in a woman. Her sisters seemed to have it as well, though he found there was something a bit off-putting about the Oriental one called Lijuan. Who were these Wildes precisely? They had made small talk while the cow had been laboring to get the calf out, and she had said that she had a brother in the cavalry. The woman had run the name Captain David "Dutch" Wilde by him, but in the vast West, he had never crossed paths with the man.

  Curiosity burned bright within him on just how it was there could be four sisters of four different races in one family. Despite desperately wanting to know, he did still heed some of his strict mother's tenements, and that was not to pry, so he did not broach the subject.

  He watched as the woman pulled a handkerchief out of her pocket and began to mop the sweat off her forehead. A moment later he pulled the yellow scarf that was part of his uniform from his neck and did likewise. He hadn't realized how hot it had been even in the shade of the tree. The excitement of taking part in the birth had no doubt added to it. Suddenly the woman was laughing.

  "Sure enough looks to me like we both got a little cow juice on us!" she said as she held up her arms. The pair had rolled up their sleeves when they went to work delivering the young livestock, and it was true, their arms had been splashed by some of the cow's fluids when they were helping free the calf from the womb.

  “I feel me a need to get scrubbed up nice and clean down in that there creek,” She said as she rose.

  “That is a good idea. Let us be on our way.”

  The pair cut through the woods and soon were knelt by a slowly moving creek and began to clean their arms and their hands. Both shook the excess water off them. To his surprise, suddenly, she slowly sidled over to him and took his hand in hers.

  "This creek looks mighty refreshin'. Might want to go for a swim, but the truth is I'm feelin' a might hungry right now. What do you say we grab us some victuals and then maybe come back here for a swim? That way I can really get cleaned up. Of course, I might need someone to scrub my back. Can't very well do that myself now can I?"

  For a full ten seconds, Washburn processed what she was saying to him. He started to feel his heart beating faster as he reached down and took her other hand.

  “Is that an invitation, Miss Cattie?”

  Catalina grinned, "Comin' from me it is. Now if I were my sister Lijuan, it would probably be a command."

  “Ma’am, I am used to taking orders in this man’s army.”

  “Well, I’m not orderin’ anythin’. You wanna join me, that’s up to you,” she told him and finished by giving him a squeeze of his hand.

  “You didn’t have to ask twice, Catalina,” he said as their gaze found each other, and a long moment of silence passed between them. He had to admit he had a tough time believing this was really happening. When she still said nothing else, he brought his lips to hers and pulled her tight. The crush of her good-sized breasts against his uniform made his heart pound even louder in his ears. This was real all right, he concluded.

  Catalina slowly broke off the kiss and released his hand. “I say we get that meal, and then we’ll have somethin’ really to look forward to after that.” The look on the officer’s face told her he whole heartily agreed.


  The fragrant Nevada air giving away to the smell of burning timber was the first sign for the Wildes that they were about to encounter the work of Los Rey Lobo.

  As they had made their way deeper into the basin, they had come upon a man who had once been the minister to the residents of the valley. He and his wife had their few belongings packed up in a compact little buggy as they fled the valley. They warned them away as well, but when they wouldn't be deterred, he had at least provided them with directions to Cody Holmes's farmstead at their request. With a simple statement of "God be with you," he and his wife had continued their way.

  Rounding a bend, the sisters found they had arrived at the farmstead. Looking past it through a shimmering hazy heat lay a wide-open expanse of the valley’s gently rolling hills. Far off to the left, they found the source of the smoke. Another farmhouse was fully involved in flames and was nearly burnt to the ground.

  Now they could hear sobbing, and Cassie and Honor exchanged troubled looks as they rode closer. A woman was on her knees crying, while a man knelt next to her with his arms around her. Two children stood sullenly off to the side under the shade tree watching the fire across the distance. The quartet was easily recognizable as of Mexican descent, and clearly, a family, based on their resemblances.

  Several stuffed burlap bags lay on the ground near them. Two blonds, a man, and woman who appeared in their late twenties, were standing with them, the man was holding a shotgun looking like he meant business with it.
r />   The clip-clopping of their horses drew the man’s attention, and he swung his Winchester rifle around in their direction and shouted a command for the three to stop.

  As Lijuan's horse halted under her command, she gave the man a hard look. "Anyone who points a gun at me better intend to follow through with it and hope they take me out, because what happens next if you miss … let's just say you don't want to know."

  Cassandra’s eyes sparked as she whipped her head in her sister’s direction. “Lijuan, be quiet! We are here to help after all! Slowly, she raised her hands and looked at Honor, who did so as well. This left the pair of sisters to stare at their third. With a roll of her eyes, Lijuan finally raised hers as well.

  “Friend, there’s no need to brandish a long gun. My name is Cassandra Wilde, and these are my sisters, Honor Elizabeth and Lijuan.”

  As expected, a puzzled look passed between the man and woman, but the gun didn’t waver.

  “State your business!” his voice was firm, but she didn’t detect any outward hostility in it. Perhaps they could get off on the right foot after all.

  Shrugging she admitted, “Truthfully, we came to get your help with some wagon spokes, but that was before we learned from more than one of the refugees we’ve encountered, they were being run out of this valley by this Los Rey Lobo character. We want to help, Mr. Holmes.”

  Holmes slowly lowered his gun. "Sorry, ma'am. We thought you might be running with Lobo's crowd."

  The blond woman stepped up beside her brother, “You all say you want to help us?”

  “We surely do. Though it seems we are too late for that farm over there,” Honor answered as she ruefully looked across the way. The mention of the farm seemed to prompt the kneeling Mexican man to rise. Cassandra’s eyes looked him over and she guessed he was in his late thirties or early forties. He had a kindly face, but even so, it was drawn.


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