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Relentless Page 5

by Jade West

  “I’m going to redo your bandage later,” he told me. “I was lucky to reach you. An inch deeper and we’d have been in totally different ground.”

  I loved how he cared, but my mind was somewhere else in its thoughts, along with my body needing more.

  It was me who grabbed him, using all of my weight to pin him against the counter. His mug went clattering out of his hand and smashed on the floor at the same time as my mouth smashed against his.

  I wasn’t in charge of the kiss all that long before he grabbed me tight and hoisted me up against him. My legs wrapped around his waist and he carried me through to Jemma’s bedroom, my mouth hot and hungry on his through every step.

  I was ready when he dropped me down onto the bed, propping myself up on my elbows as he shrugged his jacket from his shoulders and tugged his golf sweater up and over his head.

  There he was. My beautiful monster.

  His abs were sculpted from the divine, and the V of his hips was magical as his pants and boxers were kicked off. His cock was… hard.

  Very, very hard.

  He moved his hand up and down the length as he stared down at me.

  “I’ve reached just about the limit of how long I can go without burying myself all the fucking way inside you,” he said, but his mouth wasn’t about that. His mouth was about peppering kisses around my pain.

  “That’s good, then. Because I’ve reached just about the limit of how long I can go without you burying yourself all the way inside me,” I replied.

  “You’re the prettiest little thing in creation, you know that?” he asked me, and I felt myself glowing, even through the hurt.

  My heart was racing as he dropped himself onto the mattress and climbed on top of me, stalking me slowly, like a tiger on the hunt. A very careful tiger. Skilled and caring, even through his dark needs.

  I had needs too. Urgent ones. Ones that made me feel alive when my death had threatened so hard.

  We were both ready for it, bodies responding on perfect instinct as our flesh worked together to find our rhythm. It was primal and raw, no kissing or teasing. Nothing but the grind of his cock against my clit until I cried out, and then the pound of him slamming his way right inside me.

  Fuck, it was what I wanted.

  I took hold of his ass and coaxed him for more, more, more. He gave me more. He gave me such hard thrusts that they hurt as well as made me squirm for more. I liked both, pain and pleasure intertwined. I wanted to feel owned, taken, controlled. I wanted to feel like my body was crying out for more and less, both at once.

  It cried out for both. Loudly.

  Lucian Morelli fucked me like a demon, grunting like a beast with every slam of his hips.

  My thighs were spread wide, taking everything, back arched as far as it would go to buck for more, bandage holding.

  As always, the master of surprises made me cry out in shock as he pulled out of me far enough to flip me over onto my front,yet again being careful enough to knock me aback with his skill.

  His chest pressed to my back, a slab of iron and strength. His breath was a hiss in my ear as I felt his cock pressing hard against the crack of my ass.

  “Take it,” he growled at me. “Take it like the very good girl you’re learning to be.”

  I knew what he was talking about. I braced myself, teeth clenched as he gave it to me.

  I took it, like the very good girl he was teaching me to be.

  I took Lucian Morelli’s huge swollen dick in my ass in one single thrust with a guttural groan from the back of my throat but not even a single expletive. I didn’t need to. My body was already adjusting to hurt on all different levels.

  It was fast, rough, brutal.

  Lucian’s hand pushed its way between my hips and the mattress enough to circle my clit. Fast, rough, brutal to match.

  I don’t know who came first. It was blurred. Jagged and wild beyond all reason.

  One thing I do know was that it was bliss in the midst of our crazy whirlwind of hell.

  He collapsed onto the bed and pulled me towards him. I snuggled up to his side and pressing my cheek to his chest felt like the most natural thing in the world.



  I was on my own from here on in. No Morelli backdrop to give me control of any situation I turned my attention to, just me, on the run with the woman I loved.

  I’d never have believed I’d be in this position in a million years.

  I only prayed that Wesley Dale would be brave enough and far enough outside of our social circle to hold true to our deal. Without fake IDs and plane tickets, we would be royally fucked. I didn’t have my cell anymore to contact him, either. We’d just have to turn up at the meeting point tomorrow and hope he’d make it.

  Elaine let out a moan as I left her side after stroking her back for an age as she lay against me. She was wrapped up in her friend’s dressing gown when she followed me through to the living room.

  It was an awestriking relief to see her bandage had held firm. Chest accepting the wound and making its roads to fix it.

  Still, I’d never forget it.

  I’d never forget how dangerously close I’d come to losing her, and watching them hurt her beyond recovery.

  I was also perfectly aware of the fact that we were only at the beginning of our travels and struggles. They’d be coming for us again, and at some point they’d find us.

  At some point I’d have to win the fights all over again.

  “Does your friend have a laptop or a tablet here?” I asked her, and she nodded.

  “Yeah, I think so.”

  She disappeared back into the bedroom with barely more than a wince and a hand on her ribs this time, then reappeared with a tablet and charger. I plugged it in, glad that it connected straight up with her internet.

  My finances hadn’t been seized by my father, not yet, so I used the opportunity to transfer my current balance through three different bank accounts, obscuring it from view to anyone looking. I made sure to safeguard my personal investments and cash reserves, protecting my personal wealth as well as I possibly could, even though I was soon to be removed from the Morelli business empire.

  I smashed the tablet to pieces after I’d used it, just like I’d done with my cell.

  Elaine stared at the cases in front of us as I opened one of them up to check the contents. Plenty of cash, just a shame we wouldn’t be able to use the bulk of it.

  “We won’t be able to take that cash with us on the plane, will we?” she asked, reading my mind. “Not without people asking some serious questions.”

  “No,” I said. “We won’t. Not the guns, either. Once we enter the airport, we’re as vulnerable as it gets.”

  She nodded, and then she managed to smile a pretty little smile.

  “In that case, can I leave some of the cash here with a note for Jemma? I can’t even imagine how happy that would make her.”

  I loved her generosity, despite the absolute insanity of what was going on around us.

  “Yes,” I told her. “You can leave some of the cash here with a note for Jemma. Be my guest. Maybe she’ll use it to save a bunch of whales and plant some more trees in a rainforest.”

  “That’s not so much of a joke as you think it is,” she said. “She’ll likely use the whole load of it to save a bunch of whales and plant some more trees in a rainforest. She wouldn’t accept any money from me usually, but if it’s here with a note, I think she’ll take it. I mean, she can’t not, right? I’ll say I’m paying her for the clothes I’ve stolen and the tablet you just smashed up. She’ll at least likely buy some more jeans before she devotes her money to saving the planet.”

  I adored the happiness in her eyes and her sweet little giggle.

  “Speaking of more jeans,” she added. “I’d better get picking some clothes.”

  She was still looking through her friend’s wardrobe once I’d finished scanning through my suitcases and headed on through to join her. She was
holding up clothes hangers and pressing the clothes against herself in front of the mirror in the corner. The outfits were nothing I’d expect Elaine Constantine to ever be dressed up in. Cheap twenty-buck dresses, like some eco warrior would be twirling around a campfire in. Cheap jeans and underwear which would never be seen anywhere in our world. Still, they all looked just fine against the goddess.

  It was also a good thing she’d be wearing them. She would stand far less chance of being recognized in the airport with that shit on.

  “I’ll tie my hair up in one of her bands,” my sweetheart told me and fastened one in her curls to demonstrate.

  Yes, she looked anything like Elaine Constantine with her hair bound up messily like that.

  “If we make it through to the UK, things will get a little bit easier, but it’ll still be tight,” I said to her. “It’ll still be one hell of a mission to survive this chaos, but we’ll stand a much better chance at least.”

  She nodded. Smiled.

  “Pray to God we do. I would love to be staring out from the London Eye with you and looking at the city lights.”

  The idea gave me a strange little tickle in my gut. A sappy sense of utter affection I thought I’d never feel. Part of me felt like a loved-up little wimp of a teenager, besotted with his first girlfriend or some shit like that. Although technically Elaine Constantine was my first girlfriend, I supposed. I hadn’t ever been interested in a relationship with anyone else. I hadn’t ever even considered loving anyone else the way she’d managed to snare my soul. I’d just used women and hurt women and fucked them senseless as I wanted to.

  I drank water while Elaine sipped at coffee as the night carried on. The tension was palpable as we counted down the hours, even when we slipped into her friend’s bed and attempted some vague notion of sleep.

  It sure as fuck didn’t come easy. I stared at the ceiling while she tossed and turned beside me, every sense on high alert. Only Trenton Alto knew I had keys to this place. I wondered if he’d conveniently forgotten about it, for now at least. Luckily, nobody came for us. The sun came up in the morning and the streets sounded out with car horns and voices, and we were still alive and breathing.

  Elaine managed to climb on top to straddle me before we got out of bed. Her eyes were pools of tired beauty as she stared down at me, running her hands over my chest.

  “I never thought I’d be sitting on top of Lucian Morelli in Jemma’s apartment at six a.m. in the morning.”

  “Me neither,” I said.

  She cast a glance over at the doorway. “Shall we turn on the TV, see what’s happening out there?”

  I shook my head. “Most definitely not. Any news won’t be good news.”

  “Good,” she said, lifting up on her knees and reaching for my hard cock. “My turn to fuck you.”

  I couldn’t help but smile as she rode me tenderly… slowly… carefully... couldn’t help but fuck her back as she rode me. Couldn’t help squeezing her tits hard when she came.

  “Fuck that’s nice,” she said, my cock still spurting inside her.

  “So nice,” I said, stroking her pretty face.

  “You look so out of place in here,” Elaine commented when I stepped back out, and there was a pretty little smirk on her face, even through the chaos and fear. “I mean you looked pretty out of place at the house, but this is a whole other league.”

  “You’re virtually reading my mind now,” I said, and that smirk stayed bright on her.

  “Maybe we really are star-crossed lovers after all. Our minds and hearts in perfect alignment.”

  I was coming close to actually believing her.



  I was so nervous as we gathered our things ready to go. No, nervous doesn’t cut it. I was terrified.

  I had a battered old suitcase of Jemma’s with her clothes inside and was dressed in a way I’d never been dressed before. I’d chosen as casual as I could, hoping it disguised me as well as humanly possible. I had a tight little t-shirt on with be the world’s best friend on it in scrawly script under a big loose green sweater, and faded jeans that fitted me just fine. Her sneakers were okay on my feet, besides being a little bit big. It would do okay. I hoped so anyway.

  I appeared nothing like my usual self with my hair scraped up into one of her hair bands, and that was a good thing.

  Lucian nodded his approval. “You make that look damn fine.”

  “Thanks,” I said, then took a solid look at him. He was in by far the most casual combination he was able to muster from the clothes I’d packed for him. He was wearing some loose joggers with a sports sweater on over the top. Unfortunately, his head still looked very, very much like Lucian Morelli, the sculpted god.

  I just hoped they’d let him on that plane without realizing.

  “Just a few hours left,” he told me, but I already knew that. I was counting down every minute.

  He gestured to the cash cases on the living room floor.

  “Take what you want for your friend, just make sure we have plenty left for our airport deal.”

  As soon as I opened the case, I realized that his idea of leaving some money for Jemma and my idea of leaving some money for Jemma were very, very different things. A couple of little bundles would easily be enough to make her faint in shock.

  The letter I wrote for her brought a tear to my eye.

  Be you, forever, because you are amazing. Just a shame I won’t be able to share that forever with you. You’ve been such an important friend to me. I’ll miss you for all time.

  Love, Elaine.

  P.S. use the money to save the planet if you want to, but use it to save your wardrobe, too.

  Oh, and please at least allow yourself some little treats before you donate it all to charity.

  P.P.S. I’ve included another little pile for Tristan, too. If you could please pass it on to him, I’d be grateful.

  Lucian scanned my letter as I put it on the kitchen countertop along with the six bundles of cash.

  “Wow,” I said as he reached into a cash case and pulled out another two bundles, placing them next to the others.

  “I know these people mean a lot to you. I’m sure the money will mean a lot to them.”

  I would have never expected the monster Morelli to be so generous. Even now, after all the shockers I’d witnessed from him, this was one of the biggest.

  Clearly he could see that. He brushed it aside like it was nothing.

  “We can’t take the cash anyway, Elaine. It’s hardly me being Mr. Compassionate.”

  But it was.

  Lucian sure was turning out to be Mr. Compassionate to me.

  Slowly but surely the minutes ticked by. The afternoon matured until it was ripe for us to leave, and there we were, gathering our pitiful excuses for belongings ready to go.

  I cast one last look around the place before we stepped out into the hallway, then I locked up behind us.

  I kissed my fingers and pressed them to the door.

  “See you later, Jemma,” I whispered, and then I followed Lucian down the corridor.

  The street was pretty busy when we headed outside and began our walk. The taxi stand was a few blocks away and luckily we got there just fine without anyone shooting us too much of a glance—or actually shooting us.

  The cab driver was barely interested in us when we slipped into the back seat.

  “JFK Airport, please,” Lucian said and he gave us a nod.


  We didn’t speak in the cab, just stared out of the windows. My heart was thumping scared as NYC hustled and bustled outside. This was real. Definite. We really were on the run, and they really were coming after us from every direction.

  Lucian directed the driver to one of the furthest parking lots from the airport hub, and handed him his fare with a grunt of thanks.

  The driver didn’t even help us with our luggage, just popped the trunk for us to take them. He sped away without another word.

sp; “Wesley Dale should be here soon,” Lucian told me, then checked his watch. “Next few minutes.”

  “Is he the guy getting us out of here?”

  “Yes. He’s the guy who should be getting us out of here, provided he hasn’t turned into too much of a pussy to go through with the deal.”

  I couldn’t hold back the question. “And what if he is too much of a pussy to go through with the deal?”

  Lucian’s face was deadpan.

  “Then we’re fucked. Dead and buried.”

  I nodded. “Okay, I just hope he isn’t a pussy, then.”

  “So do I.”

  Luckily Wesley Dale wasn’t too much of a pussy to go through with the deal. A black car pulled up ahead of us and reversed into a parking space up close.

  “Here he is,” Lucian said, and closed the distance.

  I watched the guy get out of the driver’s side and he looked… agitated. His eyes were roving all around before he pulled a little black briefcase from the passenger seat and placed it down on the hood.

  “Is this everything?” I heard Lucian say to him. “IDs, passports, plane tickets?”

  “Yeah,” he said. “Everything, including a bonus extra. Some fake glasses that look nothing whatsoever like Terence Kingsley’s.”

  My heart froze. Oh my God. Everyone in the world must know about Terence Kingsley by now.

  Lucian opened the briefcase and flicked through the contents. He nodded.

  “Good. Looks fair.”

  The guy leaned against the car and folded his arms across his chest. “Yeah, fucking good and fucking harder than you said it would be. You know you’re the most wanted guy on the planet right now, by both your family and the world chasing down that damn journalist? I’m chancing fucking carnage just by being here.”

  “Yes,” Lucian said. “I’m well aware of that. Just as well, a business deal is a business deal, isn’t it?”

  That’s when the guy reached out and closed the briefcase in front of him. I could hear his voice loud and clear when he spoke next.

  “See that car over there?” He gestured to one a few bays down. “They are here with me. Any move towards me and they’re set to take action. They’ll shoot you and turn you in.”


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