The Chosen One Universe Volume Two: An MM Paranormal Fantasy Shifters Series

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The Chosen One Universe Volume Two: An MM Paranormal Fantasy Shifters Series Page 6

by Macy Blake

  “Are you fucking kidding me? You haven’t figured it out yet?”

  Shaq looked down at Drew once more. Pieces began moving around in his head, slotting into place and forming a picture for the first time. “No,” he gasped.

  Sol chuckled and patted him on the leg. “You know, for a smart guy, you’re kind of dumb.”

  Shaq growled. If it wouldn’t disturb Drew, he’d kick Sol’s ass. He made a mental note to do just that later. Drew needed his rest, though. That was more important. His eyes widened once again. “Holy Goddess.”

  Sol smirked and squeezed his ankle. “Congratulations, Alpha.”

  “What… How… What…”

  “Are those questions? Because if they are, I’m not sure I’m the one who should be answering them. What did our goddess say?”

  Shaq’s eyes flared and his beast stirred. “She said to come back on the full moon to introduce her to Drew. And to keep him safe. And he was special.”

  “Yeah. You think? She’ll have to approve the mating, of course. Not that she wouldn’t. She just needs to give her blessing and make it official. Isn’t that the law, especially for a champion?”

  Shaq couldn’t quite seem to process. “Mates aren’t… they don’t… we haven’t… no one has…”

  “I know,” Sol said quietly.

  His friend longed for a mate as well, but both of them had accepted their reality decades ago. There were stories of hellhounds finding their mates, but they were all ancient tales of huge packs and boundless magic. They were legends, fairy tales, and myths. Not real. Not in his lifetime.

  “Sol,” Shaq whispered. He couldn’t quite believe it. “He’s my mate.”

  “Yeah, he is, my friend. I can’t believe you didn’t see it before. He smells good to you. He didn’t want the rest of us near him. You’re very protective of him. I mean, just the way you two look at each other was enough for me to see it.”

  “He’s my mate,” Shaq repeated. He couldn’t help the laugh that escaped, even though he cut it off quickly and checked to make sure he hadn’t disturbed… his mate. “We’re sure. Right? You’re sure. This is… unexpected.”

  He wasn’t usually the one who questioned. He had so many innate senses that came with both experience and the strength of his beast. He trusted his instincts, but this… this was every dream he’d ever imagined. Everything he’d ever wanted.

  Sol squeezed his ankle again. “What’re you doing there?” Sol gestured toward the laptop Shaq had propped on the arm of the couch.

  “Oh, shopping,” Shaq said. “I wanted to get some softer sheets for Drew. And new towels. Last time we had a cookout and Shelly was here, she said my towels left a lot to be desired but… I mean, who cares about towels? But I didn’t want him to think I couldn’t get towels so I got some. I ordered a bunch of food, too. I wanted to make sure I had things he’d like but I don’t know what he likes so I just got everything.”

  Sol chuckled again. “So you’re courting him? In the old ways.”

  Shaq blinked and looked at the half dozen tabs he had opened on the laptop. “I need to prove I can provide for him.” Another piece slotted into place. His breath caught. “I’m courting him.”

  “Yeah, bossman. You are. Like I said, congratulations. You’ve got about a week before you go to our goddess to prove you’re big and tough and a great provider. We’ll see if Drew accepts your claim then.”

  “What? I need more than a week, Sol. I’ve got to get him a different house. And that car of his… yeah, that’s not going to be safe enough. And we need new security around here. And at the bar. I’ll call Mason. I need to do some hunting. I don’t have nearly enough food. And this place. Sol, it isn’t enough. I have to—”

  “Alpha,” Sol said, cutting him off mid-rant. “It’s enough. Show him you can meet his needs. That’s what the legends all say. Show him you’re the best mate for him, that you can give him an amazing life with you by his side. Find out what that life looks life to him. You know this. Listen to your beast. He’ll guide you. Drew already trusts you to keep him safe. Look at him, Shaq. What human falls asleep on a hellhound? Their instincts are more finely tuned than we give them credit for. You only have to look at our human packmates to know it’s true.”

  His instincts were definitely in overdrive, an age old drive to prove himself thrumming deep in his veins. But he knew to listen to his second, to Sol who’d stood beside him for so long, who knew him better than anyone on Earth. Only the goddess had known him longer. Only she knew the depths of his heart, the longing. But Sol, Sol understood it as well, because he felt it too.

  “Mate, Sol.”

  “I know. It is a true blessing, my friend. What did our goddess say?”

  Shaq gently ran his hand over Drew’s hair, ending at his exposed neck. He gently stroked the skin there, and Drew instinctively moved his head, revealing more of his most vulnerable spots to Shaq. “She said the magic in the human world is changing. And that Drew is a mystery to her, but to trust my instincts regarding him. That’s why she wanted me to bring him back on the full moon.”

  Sol’s expression turned to a puzzled frown. “Do you think she knew? Maybe she was just waiting for you to figure it out?”

  Shaq thought back on the time he’d spent with her and finally shook his head. “No. We’ve known for a long time our magic was muddled, Sol.”

  They did know. It had been a mystery to them for over a decade. Shaq considered it his biggest failure that he hadn’t been able to find the magic user responsible for hurting the cubs who were now part of his extended family. The kids had a pack of their own and were thriving, all grown up now and leading amazing lives. “Henry,” Sol concluded, reaching the same answers Shaq had.

  The young mage who had gifted him with the title of uncle was now set on a path of his own, a decade after he’d been kidnapped by someone Shaq had never been able to find. He ran his hand over his heart, soothing the ache he felt every time he remembered letting Henry down. “I need to check on him,” Shaq said quietly.

  “The guardians will keep him safe, Alpha. He’s asked you to trust him.”

  Sol’s gentle reminder didn’t help his protective instincts at all. He’d struggled to let Henry leave with the guardians in the first place, and within weeks, his life had been at risk. But his nephew was an adult now, and he’d fought long and hard to make his own path. “I’m still going to check on him. I’ll… call.”

  “Good,” Sol said with another of his annoying smirks. “Because you don’t want to show up over there unannounced these days. You never know what you might walk in on.”

  Shaq growled, but the rumbling pulled a little noise from Drew so he stopped. “You’re going to pay for this later.”

  Sol didn’t look worried at all.

  “And I want you to go check on Cody later. Make sure he’s taking care of himself.”

  Sol huffed and frowned. “I can get—”

  “No, you’ll go personally. I’d go myself but I honestly don’t think I can leave Drew unless the goddess herself needs me.”

  With a huge sigh, Sol pushed to his feet. “I’ll get it done. The others will be back soon. You want to plan to meet up later?”

  The thought of his pack together and celebrating with him had Shaq’s beast stirring once more. “Yes. All of them.”

  “I’ll bring Cody if he’s feeling up for it.” Sol opened his mouth and then closed it again. “Shaq?”


  “Do all the humans know? Shelly and Walt do. I heard them earlier. But what about Izzy? Cody?”

  Shaq shook his head. “I don’t know. I don’t think so, but then again, I had no idea that Walt and Shelly knew. Did I tell you they thought we were werewolves?”

  Sol looked horrified.

  “I know. We need to educate them. And why didn’t the goddess punish me? It’s all a mess.”

  “It is. We should ask Shelly if the others know.”

  “I will,” Shaq replied.
  “And… I think that once they’re pack, it’s okay, even if they’re human. Your mate is human, Shaq. So that makes him pack. And let’s face it, Walt and Shelly? Izzy and Cody? They’re our pack, too. Human pack members. Officially. I’ve never heard of it before.”

  Shaq couldn’t help but stare down at Drew again, the wonder of the revelations still not quite sinking in. “A mate, Sol.”

  Sol grinned and headed for the door. “Maybe the magic is finally healing itself.”

  His expression turned hopeful and Shaq nodded his agreement. “I think there couldn’t be a stronger sign that it is.”

  Sol nodded once more and left the house, locking the door securely behind him. All of Shaq’s packmates had open access to his house, and he hoped Drew didn’t mind them keeping it that way. Of course, he’d have to alter his rules if his mate didn’t approve, but Shaq wanted Drew to accept his family.

  Drew began to stir and blinked up at him a moment later. His brown eyes were clouded with sleep and he pushed up on one hand, looking a little embarrassed to have been using Shaq as his pillow.

  “Hey,” Shaq whispered quietly. “You feeling better?”

  Drew nodded. “Was someone here? I thought I heard voices.”

  “Yeah, Sol just left.”

  Drew sighed and glanced around the room. “It wasn’t some weird dream, was it?”


  “You really are a hellhound.”

  “The alpha of the hellhounds, yes.” It was important Drew understand he was the alpha. He needed him to know.

  “You’re the boss.”

  “Yes,” Shaq replied. He tried not to puff up in pride, but he couldn’t help it. He moved a little on the couch, turning his body to face Drew’s. He was nice and big. Strong. He could keep Drew safe. No one would get through him to get to Drew. It wasn’t possible.

  Drew’s gaze darted down to Shaq’s broad chest then back up again. He blushed and shifted nervously on the couch. This time, though, his scent wasn’t infused with fear. He smelled of arousal. Shaq rearranged again, making sure his arms were on full display. Everyone always commented on his arms. He placed his elbow on the arm of the sofa and flexed. Drew’s breath caught and he licked his bottom lip. Shaq couldn’t believe how lucky he was.

  “Goddess, you’re beautiful,” Shaq said softly.

  “What? No, I’m not. I’m scrawny and I—”

  “You’re so beautiful. I haven’t been able to take my eyes off you from the moment you walked into the bar. Did you know that?”


  “Well, it’s true. And I’m sorry I scared you. I wanted to be sure to say that now that you’re feeling a bit better. I’m really sorry for the way you found out.”

  Drew watched him, his pretty brown eyes searching. “You wouldn’t have told me otherwise, though. Maybe… maybe I needed to find out?”

  “Maybe so,” Shaq replied. “Will you let me keep you safe, Drew?”

  Drew searched his face again, chewing on his bottom lip while he did. After a long minute of quiet, Drew nodded. “If you’re sure it’s not… I mean, are you sure?”

  “I’m sure.”

  That got Shaq a small smile.

  “Are you hungry? Thirsty? Cold?”

  Drew shrugged. “A little thirsty.”

  “You want some more tea?”

  Drew looked up at him once more. “I don’t know what I want, Shaq.”

  It wasn’t about the tea. It was so hard for Shaq to remember what it was like to step into this world. His entrance to it had happened so long ago that it was a distant memory. He remembered the fear, though. There were only two ways to become a hellhound. One, you were born. Since no one had found their mate— except him. Goddess, except him— in so long, all of the hellhounds Shaq knew, himself included, were created by the Goddess herself. Shaq had been human once, but he’d given his life to save that of a supernatural creature. It was a rare occurrence, but it happened. Every member of his pack had once been a human. Viceroy had been human only thirty or so years ago, but to Shaq’s knowledge, he was the last of the made hellhounds.

  Shaq stood and held out his hand to Drew. “Come on.”

  Drew took his hand and let Shaq tug him to his feet. “Where are we going?”

  “To the kitchen. I’m hungry.”

  He led Drew into the kitchen, and then picked him up and set him on the counter. Drew laughed and clutched his arms. “What are you doing?”

  “Making you laugh. Look, it worked.”

  Drew squeezed his arm and Shaq took the opportunity to step close. He had his hands on Drew’s waist and he traced his thumbs over his ribs. “You know what?”

  “Nope, never met him,” Drew said with a snicker.

  Shaq scowled. “That was bad.”

  “Yeah, it’s bad. I’ve got more.”

  “More?” Shaq asked.

  “Yeah. Ask me again.”

  Shaq would do anything to keep that smile on Drew’s face. The sparkle in his eyes. “You know what?” he asked again.

  “Chicken butt,” Drew replied with a cackle.

  “Goddess, save me,” Shaq said, which earned him another laugh.

  “I think I’m slap-happy at this point. Does that happen?”

  “Probably. But to answer my own question, you know what sounds good right now? A burger. What do you think?”

  Drew’s stomach rumbled, and he looked down at it. “Apparently that sounds good. But… it’s the middle of the night?”

  Shaq shrugged and slid his hands around to Drew’s back. “So what. It’s dinner time for us night owls. I say we get our bellies full, find something awful to watch on television, and then we go to bed. I thought I’d have the pack over later. I want you to meet the others, if that’s okay with you.”

  “That’s okay with me.”

  Shaq grinned. “So how do you like your burgers?”

  He stepped away, sliding his hands back around Drew’s waist and down his legs. He stopped at Drew’s knees, which were spread to allow him between them. “Okay, so I suppose since I know one of your secrets, I should tell you one of mine.”

  Shaq gently squeezed Drew’s knees. “I’d like that.”

  Drew grinned. “I love burgers. No one ever picks them for their favorite food, but they’re mine.”

  “Oh, that sounds like a challenge.”

  “You think you’re up for it, big guy? Can you impress me with your burger skills? It might go a long way to making me want to stay.”

  Shaq knew Drew had no idea what he’d just said, the gauntlet he’d just thrown down. “Challenge accepted.”

  He’d prove to Drew that he could give him anything he wanted, no matter what it was. Even if it was a burger.

  “Awesome,” Drew said. “Can I do anything to help?”

  “Oh no,” Shaq said. He stepped away and opened the freezer. “You can’t throw down that kind of a challenge and think I’m going to accept help. You’re going to be amazed at my mad skills.”

  Drew chuckled. “Mad skills? This I’ve got to see.”

  “Okay, you’re on. Now, the only caveat I have is that I can’t fire up the grill. Granted, burgers are better on the grill, but my neighbors get a little cranky when I grill at four in the morning.”

  “Makes sense. I think it’s a bigger challenge to impress me on the stove anyway. We’ll see how these supposed mad skills of yours really stack up.”

  Shaq gathered ingredients and pulled out the cast iron grill pan Shelly’d given him for Christmas last year. He loved the damn thing and had told her so a thousand times. “So, while I work my magic, tell me about your favorite movies or books or something. I want to get to know you better.”

  He wanted to know absolutely everything about Drew’s life, but he figured he had time for that. Those talks were best had curled up together in bed, sharing secrets and desires intimately. Drew began to talk, and Shaq listened to every word, absorbing every detail he could while he prepared thei
r dinner. He sliced mushrooms and onions, fried bacon, and then put their burgers on the griddle. By the time he plated up a burger for Drew and presented it to him with a hopeful smile, he felt like he’d broken through one of the walls surrounding Drew. He was one step closer.

  Drew took the plate out of his hand and his stomach growled hungrily. “Smells really good,” Drew said.

  “But how does it taste?”

  He put the plate down beside him on the counter and lifted the burger in both hands. Their eyes locked together as Drew took a huge bite. He groaned and the sound went straight to Shaq’s cock. Goddess, he needed to hear that sound again and again.

  Drew’s eyes fluttered shut and a look of sheer bliss crossed his face.

  Shaq grinned and made a second plate for himself. He took a bite of his own burger, thrilled that he’d done something special for his mate. Drew nodded at him, but didn’t speak because his mouth was stuffed full. It was okay, though. Shaq actually didn’t need the words. He could see how happy he’d made Drew. How he’d taken care of him. Provided.

  The instinct to hunt scratched at the back of his mind. He’d have to show Drew how well he could hunt and find him something amazing. He’d make it something he did with his pack. He wanted to include them in his good fortune. They’d all be as happy as Sol was for him, he was certain of it.

  Shaq stood quietly in the kitchen and watched as his mate devoured his burger. Shaq ate his as well, but more slowly, getting more fulfillment from watching Drew eat. When they finished, Drew rubbed his belly and groaned. Shaq stepped up to him again, reclaiming his spot between Drew’s thighs.


  “So good.”

  Shaq leaned down and pressed his forehead to Drew’s. “Yeah?”

  Drew breathed and his hands drifted up to Shaq’s arms. “Yeah.”

  Shaq moved closer and wrapped his hands around Drew’s waist. “Drew,” Shaq groaned.

  Drew tilted his head back and brushed his lips over Shaq’s. It was the briefest flutter of a touch, but it lit Shaq up from the inside. He tugged Drew closer and wrapped his arms around him.

  “Thank you for the burger,” Drew murmured.

  His sweet lips were so close, right there. Shaq nipped at them again, gently, before pulling back. Drew smiled softly and looked down. He still held Shaq’s arms in his hands and he began stroking his thumbs across them. He looked up again and his breath caught. Goddess, Shaq couldn’t get over how blessed he was.


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