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The Chosen One Universe Volume Two: An MM Paranormal Fantasy Shifters Series

Page 30

by Macy Blake

  Ward lowered his head again, and Henry backed up enough to press a kiss on his muzzle. He looked into Ward’s eyes with a beaming smile. He would do anything to keep that smile on Henry’s face. Well, anything except let Henry tell him to giddy-up. Or call him a merman. He did have to draw a line somewhere. Then again, for the magic of one of Henry’s smiles, Ward had a feeling he would let a lot slide.

  “Enough play time. Time to work out,” Andvari said.

  Both Sawyer and Henry groaned, but they moved into the grass. Ward moved to the side and shifted back before quickly pulling on his shorts once more. Sawyer still hadn’t explained why he couldn’t handle anyone else seeing Ward in his natural form. Draco explained that it was a human hang up that they all dealt with, but it simply didn’t make sense. At any rate, he’d pulled the shorts on again before moving to stand with the others. Mikey had gone into the grass with Sawyer and Henry and they were showing him the forms Andvari had taught them. Mikey watched and tried to mimic their movements.

  “Andvari,” Saeward said softly.

  “You okay?”

  Ward nodded. “I hoped, perhaps, you would train with me as you do Draco and Eduard. My shifted form could prove beneficial.”

  “It very much will.”

  Asher and Draco shifted into their dragon forms and took off in the air. Ward couldn’t help but laugh as they tangled together, obviously taunting each other and play-fighting as only family could. Quillon joined Mikey and the others, leaving only him and Andvari standing side by side. “You’re really okay?” Andvari asked.

  “I am. More settled than I’ve been since I arrived.”

  Andvari sent him a smile before his attention was caught by something in the distance. Saeward followed his gaze and realized Andvari was studying the woods which surrounded them.

  “The ravens are restless today,” Ward said softly.

  “I know. It makes me want to lock Sawyer inside.”

  But of course, he wouldn’t. He caught a flutter of movement beside him and found Loch standing close. He shot Saeward a quick look before turning to Andvari.

  “Your mate requested that I share some information with you. I believe he was right in his request.”

  Andvari looked puzzled but nodded.

  “My prince is required to return to our realm daily in order to regain his strength. It isn’t…widely known.” Loch scowled a bit and turned away.

  “Many of the fae are not able to exist purely on energy found in our realm,” Ward added quietly. “It is difficult for them to maintain their power here.”

  Andvari nodded again, glancing once more at Ward, before turning his attention back to Loch. “Thank you for letting me know. I will keep your secret, for now, but I would advise the prince to let Sawyer know. He won’t be happy at having something so important kept from him.”

  “So your mate explained,” Loch said. “My prince is proud. He would not like for his mate to see his weakness.”

  “One day, he’ll realize that’s not how it works here,” Andvari said. “I hope that day comes soon.”

  “As do I,” Loch said.

  “Now, how about we show off some of our own talents? I feel like I’ve been shown up a bit too much today,” Andvari said. He drew one of his swords from its scabbard.

  Loch smirked and removed one of his own blades. “I’d hate to make your mates realize you aren’t the best swordsman here. Are you sure, vampire?”

  “Oh, I don’t think that’ll be the case. But you’re welcome to try.”

  They moved to an empty area of the yard, and Ward hurried over to Sawyer and Henry. He distracted them both and tugged them close. “Watch.”

  The dragons flying through the air were only the slightest distraction. They moved quickly, huge wings spanning through the sky as they moved, testing each other’s agility in the air. But at the first clank of steel on steel, all eyes were on the pair of swordsmen who were moving almost faster than the eye could see.

  Saeward couldn’t believe the amount of strength and skill Andvari possessed. It was known far and wide in their realm that vampires were masters of the blade. But in the fae realm, the blade was also the weapon of choice, as metal was one of their few weaknesses. If he’d been asked prior to this day, to predict the outcome of the battle taking place in front of him, Ward would have put his money on the fae defeating the vampire, hands down. And he would have been wrong.

  Andvari was a master swordsman, and he was giving Loch a battle worthy of the captain’s prowess. Saeward had witnessed Loch training his fellow guards, how he’d never once been caught unawares by them, even when he pitted himself against three or four of his men at once. But Andvari kept pace with him, and from one breath to the next, Ward couldn’t be sure who was winning.

  Sawyer and Henry were entranced as well, both of them leaning into him and making little noises of either pleasure or fear, depending on the state of the fight. Whenever Andvari had the advantage, his little mates were both well-pleased. When the fae took the lead, both were concerned for his well-being.

  Even the dragons realized something particularly special was occurring. They landed at the far side of the yard and shifted back into their human forms to watch. Minutes passed, the clang of steel never wavering. Sweat beaded along Andvari’s brow. Loch’s arm trembled from the strength of his blows. Neither gave an inch. Finally, with one final, brutal swing, their swords bashed together. They stood face-to-face, with only the metal of their blades between them. Andvari broke into a grin, and Loch followed a second later.

  “You are an admirable opponent, Vampire.”

  “You as well, Captain.”

  Loch bowed his head slightly, and Andvari repeated the gesture before turning to face Henry and Sawyer. “What are you two doing? Are you done with your forms already?”

  Sawyer meeped and turned to wrap his arms around Ward. “Save me.”

  Henry joined him. “Don’t let the big old meanie hurt us.”

  Ward couldn’t help but laugh at their ridiculousness, and he also couldn’t help playing along. He wrapped his arms around them both and sent what he hoped was a scowl Andvari’s way. “You’ll never take them. They’re mine.”

  Andvari smirked and crossed his arms over his chest. “Is that a challenge?”

  Ward felt a burst of bravery course through him, and emboldened by their play, he nodded. He didn’t let a second pass before he’d scooped both Henry and Sawyer in his arms and made a run for the pool. They both tried to protest, but they knew they’d lost. He jumped into the deep end with them both laughing and squirming in his arms.

  Andvari’s booming laugh was the last sound he heard before the water swirled around him and he focused on making sure his mates didn’t drown.


  Sawyer loved nothing more than waking up knowing that all of his mates were safe and sound beside him. Especially now that he could feel Saeward’s big form behind him, relaxed and finally at peace with his decision to fully mate with them. He was still a little hesitant with the levels of intimacy they shared, but he’d begun touching all of them and welcoming their touch in return. Having him play along yesterday after Andvari and Loch’s sword fight… It was what Sawyer had most hoped for, and he couldn’t be happier.

  “You’re awake early,” Ward murmured into Sawyer’s ear.

  He wiggled around to face him and found Ward’s eyes sleep-heavy but clear from much of the strain they’d been holding.

  “Happens sometimes. I have a lot on my mind. I think I’m going to go play with Pearl for a bit. Mind letting me out?”

  “Not at all. I will get up as well. I am ready for my morning swim. Perhaps you will join me?”

  Sawyer grinned and leaned in for a quick kiss. Ward wrapped an arm around him, holding him close, and then teased at his lips. Sawyer parted them and Ward’s tongue slipped into his mouth, their morning kiss deepening into something much more heated. Ward pulled away when Sawyer needed to breathe, his eyes twinkli
ng with mischief.

  “You did that on purpose.”

  “I did. Come. Let us go begin our day.”

  Sawyer let Ward pull him up and he shot him a playful glare. “But what if I don’t want to now.”

  Ward smirked, not at all fooled by his expression. “Viv has promised me fruit salad this morning. I cannot miss it. You would not subject me to such cruelty, would you?”

  Sawyer laughed and pulled on a pair of swim trunks and a T-shirt. “I could never be so mean.”

  They walked downstairs together once Ward had gotten dressed and found Pearl waiting impatiently for them by the back door. They both greeted her as she demanded before walking outside. Ward tugged him close once more, searching his expression before leaning in and capturing his lips again. Goddess, he liked this version of his mate, more self-assured and willing to touch and taste and who knew what else but Sawyer sure as hell planned on finding out, and soon, exactly what Ward wanted, needed, and enjoyed. They parted, and he heard the splash of water behind him as Saeward jumped into the pool. He gave Pearl’s ear a scratch and tried not to get distracted by watching Ward’s muscled form as it rippled beneath the water. Pearl huffed in annoyance when she realized she didn’t have his full attention, so he tore his eyes away and cooed to her that she was his good girl. It was all it took to satisfy her, and she dropped her favorite ball at his feet. Sawyer dutifully picked it up and threw it for her. She ran for it, grabbed it in her teeth, got distracted by a couple vampire guards, went and sniffed them for a minute, then remembered to bring the ball back to him. He hadn’t missed the fact that the vampires had each slipped her some sort of treat from their pockets which had required her to drop the ball at their feet before scooping it up again once they’d each given her extra ear scratches.

  She dropped the ball again and looked up at him with her tongue hanging out.

  “You are the spoiled one around here, not me. You even have the guards whipped. What’s that about, young lady?”

  Pearl pushed her head into his hand, her tail wagging happily.

  “Oh, so you want my attention now, huh?”

  She continued to wiggle before nudging the ball again. “Oh, okay. I suppose I can throw it.”

  He scooped it up and threw it once more and Pearl bounded after it. She yipped happily once she caught up to it. And then everything changed, from one heartbeat to the next. One second she was fine, and then next she was on the ground, yelping and writhing.

  “Pearl!” Sawyer took off running and was on his knees beside her within seconds. He checked her over, looking for any sign of injury, but he didn’t see anything. Saeward was suddenly behind him, dripping water down his back.

  “What has happened?”

  “I don’t know. She’s in pain, but I don’t see anything wrong. Ward, help.”

  “Come. Let’s take her to the house.”

  His mates had all come running, as had the guards. He’d apparently yelled her name louder than he realized. Ward lifted Pearl in his arms and began walking toward the house when he suddenly faltered in his step. “Sawyer, run.”



  Ward had never used that tone with him, and Sawyer didn’t even hesitate. He ran. Ward held Pearl tightly against him, and he kept pace by Sawyer’s side. It wasn’t the worst, though. Not by far. Because the moment the back door opened and Henry stepped through it, he let out a scream of pain and collapsed.

  “Ward, what’s going on?” Andvari had managed to catch Henry, but none of them could see any threat.

  Draco roared and shifted, but there was no villain to fight. Sawyer slid to a stop by Henry and grabbed him in his arms. But Henry’s pain didn’t stop. He was reacting the same way he had the other times he’d had a vision, trembling and shaking, in obvious pain, but… it wasn’t going away. It always stopped when Sawyer touched him. That was the point. He was a null. His lack of magic kept Henry safe from the visions. He’d always been able to help. Always.

  “Eduard, someone. Help him. It’s not stopping. He’s seizing.”

  “Ward, what did you sense?” Andvari asked again.

  “The ravens. They stopped their calls.”

  Sawyer couldn’t hear anything except Henry’s cries of pain, and Pearl’s continued yelps.

  Sawyer felt something at his back, an unfamiliar presence, and turned to see Loch with his sword drawn. “My prince returns.”

  And return he did. Sawyer didn’t even know Kavalan could fly, but he’d suddenly formed wings— as had his guards— and they were at his side within seconds.

  “Banshee,” Loch said to Kavalan.

  “Guards,” Kavalan barked.

  “My prince. He will not survive.”

  Sawyer looked back and forth between them, trying to fill in the missing pieces, but he couldn’t manage to think. Pressure built inside his head, like he was in an airplane and his ears needed to pop. He whimpered and rubbed his ear against his shoulder, refusing to release his hold on Henry, even if it didn’t do any good.

  “Do it,” Kavalan said. “Guards. Shield.”

  Loch sheathed his weapon and knelt down beside him. A dim light formed around him, growing brighter and larger. It made him think of the bubble around Glinda the good witch in The Wizard of Oz, except this bubble was blue and the moment it settled in place around them, Henry stopped crying out, Pearl stopped whimpering, and his ear stopped aching.

  “What’s happening?” Sawyer asked.

  Loch was obviously straining to hold the shield, but the other fairies surrounded them and their wings formed a secondary barrier that seemed to make things a little easier for Loch.

  Kavalan knelt beside him and gripped Sawyer’s cheeks in his hands. He looked at his eyes, searched for something, then actually looked at him. “Are you okay?”

  Sawyer nodded. “Henry?”

  Kavalan and Loch shared a look. “He’s being affected by a banshee’s scream. Air elementals are very sensitive to them.”


  “Her hearing is much more sensitive. She can hear the pitch of it as well.”

  “What are we going to do?”

  “We’ll hunt,” Andvari said.

  “No,” Loch said. “It will not do any good. No banshee would attack the prince of the fae or anyone under his protection. Something else is happening.”

  “Like what?” Kavalan asked. “I will destroy Atarah.”

  “We should call upon her to assist her sister,” Loch said. “My prince.”

  There was a question there, even if it wasn’t spoken as one. Sawyer turned to Kavalan and laid his hands over the prince’s where they still sat against his face. “Kavalan, please.”

  Before he could reply, there was a burst of sound, and the ravens suddenly began to scream. Hundreds of them flew into the air, a black cloud of wings.

  “Sawyer, what’s happening?” Mikey asked.

  Mikey rubbed his ear and winced.

  Asher and Quillon hovered near him, obviously scared for their human mate.

  He had to get his brother out of here.

  “Draco, can they get out? Kavalan? Loch? Someone, please, my brother needs to get out of here.”

  “Fly, dragon,” Loch said quickly to Asher. “Get your mates to safety.”

  “No,” Mikey protested. “I’m not leaving my brother. Are you crazy?”

  “Mikey, go. My guardians will keep me safe.”


  “No. GO. I can’t be worried about your safety. Can they get away safely? Someone answer me.”

  “It will hurt his ears for a while, but banshees do have a limited range,” Loch said. “Your guardians will soon begin to be affected. We need to leave.”

  Kavalan and Loch shared another look. “We go to the fae realm. Immediately. I will open the portal. Loch, can you hold?”

  “I will, my prince.”

  The rest of the guards lowered their wings and surrounded Kavalan. Loch’s face paled, and
Sawyer could see the strain as he fought to keep the barrier around them. Then Kavalan was back at his side. “Sawyer. With me.”

  Sawyer tried to lift Henry, but he wasn’t able. Andvari did it for him. Saeward still had Pearl clutched close, and he rose with her as well. “We need to move quickly.”

  Kavalan grabbed Sawyer’s hand, and they left the barrier. Sawyer flinched when his ears immediately began to ache, but then everything changed. He passed through something and suddenly, he wasn’t in Kansas anymore, Toto. Where everything had been greens and blues, the brightness of a summer morning, it was now pinks and purples. Everyone had passed through the portal with them, with Draco still in his dragon form.

  “Did Mikey…?”

  “Your brother’s mates got him past the ward and away,” Andvari said. “He will be fine. Nothing followed.”

  “You’re sure?”

  Andvari nodded, and Sawyer let out a sigh of relief.

  “How’s Henry?”

  Andvari glanced down at their mate, unconscious in his arms. A small stream of blood trickled out of one ear. Sawyer grabbed his hand but it was limp and cold in his grip. “What can we do?”

  “We must go to the sacred lake,” Kavalan said. “The waters will heal the young mage, as well as your… dog.”

  Pearl wasn’t whimpering anymore, but she hadn’t tried to get out of Saeward’s arms yet either. She was sniffing and looking around, trying to figure out where they were. Sawyer knew the feeling. A sudden noise sounded and all of the guards drew swords as they surrounded Sawyer and Kavalan.

  “My prince,” a small voice said. “Your mother said you had suddenly returned and brought… unannounced guests.”

  Sawyer peeked out from between the wall of shoulders boxing him in and saw a small creature that reminded him of the house elves in Harry Potter. Henry would know exactly what they were called. Sawyer glanced back at his unconscious mate once more.

  “Puteri, send for Queen Atarah and have her meet me at the clodagh. Then return to my mother and tell her I will be bringing the Chosen One to make her acquaintance. She should prepare the court.”


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