The Chosen One Universe Volume Two: An MM Paranormal Fantasy Shifters Series

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The Chosen One Universe Volume Two: An MM Paranormal Fantasy Shifters Series Page 60

by Macy Blake


  It felt like a trap because it was one. They were being isolated from anyone who could assist them, and enough seeds were being planted to drive as many of their kind as possible into one location. Once again, Sol was more certain than ever that they were a piece on a chess board. The problem was, he couldn’t see all of the other pieces, so he wasn’t sure which move to make next. Was he playing into the aswangs hands?

  “Sol?” Jedrek asked.

  “I need Keziah.”

  Jedrek froze for a moment before letting out a breath. “Sol, that’s…”

  “I know. Get him and the others.”

  Jedrek nodded and went to the back of the bar. Another portal opened, and Vaughn emerged with Calli. She’d gone to wait for one of the senior Jerricks after bringing Ben through. Calli frowned at Sol, obviously sensing something going on, but she didn’t question. Vaughn came forward with his black medical bag in one hand, looking as serious as ever.

  “What’s the status?”

  “She’s awake and eating,” Sol answered. He reached for Vaughn’s shoulder and gripped it tightly. “We need to talk.”

  Calli’s frown deepened. “What happened?”

  “And why are there so many of our kind hovering here, Sol. What’s wrong?”

  “Aswangs,” Sol said.

  Vaughn blanched.

  “I’d like to send some of the ones gathered here with you, Vaughn. We need your help and your wards.”

  Vaughn looked around the gathered crowd and sighed. “There’s so many of them.”

  “I know. Will you help us?”

  Vaughn turned to him again. “Your pack has done more for me than I can ever hope to repay in my lifetime. Send as many as you need to me, and I’ll find a place for them. It’ll probably be in tents pitched in my yard, but they’ll be within the wards.”

  “Thank you, Alpha Jerrick,” Sol said. He squeezed the wolf’s shoulder one more time. “There’s one more thing.”

  Vaughn sucked in a breath, clearly bracing himself for more difficult news.

  “The shifter we brought you here to see. Ben reacted to her scent.”

  “Is he—”

  “He’s fine. She has cubs. I don’t know how much Calli told you. But I wanted you to be prepared. We’re going to have to speak to her about her situation, but Ben and I both felt it best to get her fed and hydrated first. I’d like for you to look her over. After she’s feeling better and we get her to a safer place, I’d like for you and Sam to talk to her.” It was Sol’s turn to suck in a breath, and he did so if only to bury the seed of dread building. “We’ve never found a mother before, Vaughn.”

  Vaughn’s eyes widened, the implications becoming clear to him as well. They’d searched for clues for so many years, and one of their biggest questions had been where the Jerrick cubs had come from in the first place. There’d been no reports of missing cubs anywhere. But there’d been a few reports, vague at best, of shifter women going missing over the years. They’d disappeared without a trace. A fox. A wolf. A bear. A few others, but scattered years apart with nothing connecting them outside of their disappearance. It hadn’t raised any red flags at the time— shifters often went off alone to die if wounded or sick— but afterward, when they’d started paying more attention, the disappearances had gone away as well. One more clue gone. One more loose end they couldn’t follow.

  “Okay. We’ll get them safe, and then we’ll see what she knows. This could be it, Sol. We might actually find the fuckers who hurt my kids.”

  “I know.”

  “I want to go check on Ben.”


  Vaughn hurried inside, but Calli remained standing with him. “What are you thinking?”

  He turned to her and let his eyes go red. Hers flared in return. “I’m thinking that anyone or anything that comes after our pack will have hell to pay.”

  She grinned. “Let’s make ‘em burn, Sol.”

  “We need to get anyone out of here who can’t help. I want the Jerricks, Leandra, and the cubs out first. Get them settled, and then start getting the others out of here.”

  “I’ll make it happen. What about Cody and Shelly?”

  “I’m sending them to the Jerricks as well.”

  “Oh, that’s not going to go over well.”

  “I know. But this isn’t up for debate. I need them safe.”

  “You’re doing the right thing.”

  “I need you to do one more thing for me, Calli.”

  Sol gave her the request, ignoring the leering and eye rolls he received in reply. She left once more, and Sol went inside the bar. Cody and Ben were deep in conversation, both of them devouring the plates of food Walt had made for them, while Vaughn leaned against the wall by the kitchen window and spoke quietly to Walt. Shelly and Leandra were chatting, too, each of them with a ketchup-covered toddler on their lap.

  Cody looked up at him, still smiling at something Ben had said. Sol could see the tiredness on his face. Cody said something else to Ben before he walked over to Sol and wrapped his arms around Sol’s waist. Sol closed his arms around Cody and let out a tense breath he hadn’t even realized he’d been holding.

  “Back room?” Sol asked. “I want to talk to you about something.”

  Cody arched a brow at him. “Oh really? I know what you want me to do in the back room.”

  Sol grinned and stole a quick kiss. “Another time. Trust me, it’s going to happen.”

  “I’m not going to like this talk, am I?”

  “Probably not.”

  Cody sighed and grabbed his hand. “Let’s get it over with then.”

  Sol followed Cody into the back and shut the door behind them. He picked Cody up, ignoring his startled yelp, and placed him on a stack of boxes. Cody glared at him and thumped his shoulders in annoyance before Sol moved closer and positioned himself between Cody’s spread thighs.

  “Oh, so it’s that kind of talk, huh?”

  “Sadly, no.”

  Cody huffed again. “I know you’re about to tick me off. I know you know you’re about to do it, too. So how about you spit it out and let’s fight it out and then we’ll fuck and make up. Deal?”

  Sol pressed forward and slipped his hands beneath Cody’s shirt. His skin was so warm and smooth. He ran his hands up further, spread them over Cody’s ribs and back. Cody let out a sigh and leaned his head back, baring his neck. It was too much temptation to resist. He leaned in and nipped at the perfect expanse of pale skin, sucking it between his lips gently before moving upward, chasing Cody’s sweet scent.


  He didn’t want to stop, but he had to. They hadn’t had enough time. Cody didn’t know anything about their world. He wasn’t prepared for what Sol needed from him, but he had to ask anyway. They had no choice.

  Sol pressed their foreheads together and kissed Cody once more. Cody’s arms wrapped around his neck, holding him tight. They breathed for another stolen moment.

  “Talk to me.”

  Sol ran his hand down Cody’s back once more. “I need you to do something for me.”

  “Depends on what it is,” Cody said.

  “Things are about to get bad here, Cody. When the aswangs come, I need for you to be somewhere else.”

  Cody’s entire body tensed. “Don’t ask me to leave you.”

  “I’m not asking, Cody.”

  “You can’t tell—”

  “Cody. Stop. This isn’t up for debate. What I need most of all is for you to be safe. Do you understand that?”

  Cody huffed in annoyance once more, but he didn’t pull away. “I don’t know jack shit about this world, Sol. Only the pieces I’ve put together, and it’s not much. I’d be a liability to you.”

  “Only in an attack,” Sol said gently.

  “Shelly?” Cody asked.

  “Will be going with you to the Jerricks’ place.”

  “Okay. I’m not happy about this, but I get it. Fuck, you better beat the hell o
ut of them and come back to me whole and unharmed or I’m going to be extremely pissed. You hear me? We just got this and if they ruin it for me, I’ll never forgive you.”

  Sol pulled him closer and held Cody tight. He wrapped his arms completely around him and Cody hugged him in return. “There’s more,” Sol rumbled.

  “Ugh. You saved the worst for last, didn’t you?”


  “Come on, Sol. Spit it out already.”

  Sol straightened and cupped his hand on Cody’s cheek. He looked into his beautiful stormy eyes and let his own bleed red.

  Cody gasped. “So beautiful, Sol.”

  “You’re the beautiful one.”

  “Stop trying to be sweet and tell me.”

  “None of the hellhounds will be with you at the Jerricks’.”

  Cody frowned but didn’t say anything more. He waited.

  “I’m sending through all of the others who will not be able to help defend us. They’ll all be there with you.”

  Cody nodded. “Makes sense. So… you want me to stay somewhere safe? Like, I don’t know, I could hang out with Ben and Ollie? I know Vaughn and Sam, so I could—”

  “No, Cody.”

  Sol ran his thumb over Cody’s cheek.

  “Then what?”

  “I need you to help them stay calm. You’ll be the highest ranking member of our pack there.”

  “What? No, I’m not. Sol, don’t be ridiculous.”

  Sol stroked his cheek softly, hoping his beautiful mate was up to the challenge. Hell, Solomon hadn’t even been able to explain mates to him yet. It was all too fast.

  “I’m our pack’s second. Only Meshaq and his mate outrank me.”

  “Yeah, I get that.” Cody’s eyes widened a moment later and he let out a startled gasp. “Dude, I’m like fourth in command of a hellhound pack?”

  Solomon couldn’t help it. He laughed. “Yes, love.”

  “Ugh. One, don’t call me love. Not yet. That comes after you actually tell me you love me, and that isn’t going to happen right now because no. Just no. That’ll happen in a much better moment than in the back of a bar when we’re all stressed out and getting ready to fight and, dammit all to hell, keep a bunch of creatures I don’t know anything about calm during a crisis.”

  “You can do it, Cody. I know you can. You’re so good with people. Think of what you do every night in the bar. You know people. You sense what they need. You think of it before they know they need it.”

  “Not the same thing, Sol.”

  “Not exactly, no. But close enough. Will you do this for me, Cody?”

  Cody searched his eyes once more.

  Sol let the flames flare on and imagined he could see them reflected in Cody’s eyes.

  “You have so much faith in me.”


  “I have no idea what I’m doing.”

  Sol stole another kiss. “Think of it as research for your bestiary.”

  “Ugh. I wasn’t serious about that.”

  “I’m still waiting on your answer.”

  Cody closed his eyes and leaned into Sol once more. His voice was so low Sol had to strain to hear it. “I’d do anything for you.”

  Sol tugged Cody close and hugged him. He didn’t deserve such trust, but Cody had given it to him anyway. After years of pushing each other’s buttons, of constant tension and ire, he didn’t know why Cody would trust him so much. But they’d changed. Together.

  “And I would do the same for you, Cody. Never doubt it. No matter what happens, know that I will fight to come back to you. I need you to keep me honest, to show me that I can be a good man, a better mate.”

  A quiet knock on the door interrupted.


  “I’m back,” Calli said.

  “Come in.”

  Calli opened the door and set down the bags she’d retrieved from the cabin. She handed the other item to Sol before closing the door again.

  “Will you do one more thing for me?” Sol asked.

  “Depends on what it is,” Cody said.

  Sol wrapped his leather jacket around Cody’s back. Cody slipped his arms into the sleeves before grabbing Sol’s shirt in his fists.

  “You’re being the hero of a romance novel now, Sol. I don’t like it. Leaving me your jacket. Going off to battle. I don’t like this.”

  “The scent will help the others.”

  “Sure it will, Sol.”

  Sol grinned and leaned in. “It will. But… I liked seeing you in it, and I want them all to know you’re mine. They can’t have you.”

  “Marking your territory. I get it. If you think you’re going to pee on me, I will punch you.”

  Sol laughed. “I wouldn’t dream of it.”

  Cody slid his hands up and held Sol’s face. “If this is what you need, I’ll do it. For you. But I’m scared, Sol. I’m really fucking overwhelmed and scared. I can laugh and tease and joke my way out of anything, but I don’t know how to do this. I don’t want to let you or the pack down.”

  “I wish I had more time,” Sol said quietly. “I want to tell you everything. Let you ask all those questions. But we don’t have it. Just believe in me and our pack.”

  “Then I’ll paste on my happy bartender face and get us through it.”

  “Let’s do this,” Sol said quietly.

  Cody pulled him down and kissed him. Sol couldn’t help but kiss him back, deepening it quickly. He tangled their tongues together, desperate for another taste of his mate before he sent him away. His beast was pissed, steam building inside him at his gall for sending their mate away from them. His instincts were at war. The only way to guarantee Cody’s safety was to be the one to protect him. Screw everyone else. Mate first. Keep mate safe. But it wasn’t the right thing, and both Sol and his beast knew it.

  Cody broke away, gasping for breath. He searched Sol’s eyes once more.

  “Let’s go.”


  They sent the Jerricks first, with Leandra and her cubs, to give them a head start on preparing their home for the new arrivals. Then Sol gathered the pack together. They stood in the center of the bar. Sol looked them all over, and he had never looked more powerful or trustworthy as he did in that moment. They were all putting their faith in him, and Cody knew to the core of his being that his trust wasn’t misplaced. Teague and Achim stood to one side of Sol, their eyes burning as Sol explained his plan. Calli and Jedrek stood on the other side, each nodding and looking fierce. Walt and Shelly stood across from them. Shelly looked worried, but Walt seemed strangely calm.

  Cody stood with his hand in Sol’s as he gave them their instructions. They came forward, each getting a shoulder squeeze from Sol before going outside once more. Solomon and Cody were the last to leave, and Sol led him to a group of young men standing to the side. It took Cody a moment to recognize them. They’d been at the cabin. “Who are they?” Cody asked quietly.

  “Coven,” Sol answered.

  Cody had many questions, but Sol led him in the opposite direction. They spoke to each group quickly. Some of them needed to stay, to fight. Some of them needed to go. It was up to each of them to decide where they belonged. Sol didn’t force anyone to stay. He couldn’t. Most of the people gathered had come because they needed protection. Cody didn’t know how many of them would be able to stay and fight. Sol kept him close the entire time. Cody had a feeling the reasoning was two-fold. One, he wanted to show them all that Cody was part of their pack, but two, Cody had a sneaking suspicion that Sol needed him as well. And that made it easy to stand tall and hold his head high. To smile gently at the ones who were frightened. To nod encouragingly to those who decided to stand with the hellhounds.

  Portals began opening behind them, flaming circles allowing any who needed to leave quickly. They’d reached the end of the parking lot, circling around to the beginning beside the coven, and Cody looked behind him. Over two-thirds of the people were gone. It frightened him more than he cared to admit.
“It’s fine,” Sol said gently. “Don’t worry.”

  “Easy for you to say.”

  “No, not easy. But I know what we’re capable of. Besides, reinforcements have arrived.”


  Sol gestured toward the entrance to the parking lot where a sleek black sports car pulled to a stop with a low rumble of a powerful engine. It parked along the side and two men emerged, one of them grabbing a giant sword from behind the seat and strapping it to his back.

  Cody gulped.

  “You rang?” the sword guy quipped.

  Sol laughed and pulled him into one of those obnoxious bro hugs with back slapping and fist bumping.

  “Thanks for coming, Gideon.”

  Gideon. Huh. It fit. Svelte and blond, and was that a hint of fang?

  “Holy shit, he’s a vampire.”

  Sol glanced over at him with one of his looks.

  “What makes you think that?” Gideon asked.

  He even had the menacing yet sexy leer down pat.

  “Uh, cause you’re an Eric Northman wannabe? Oh shit, I mean, uh…”

  Gideon scowled at him, but Cody had to call it like he saw it. Dude looked exactly like the guy from the TV show.

  “Hey, can you do that super-fast moving thing like—”

  Gideon growled. It wasn’t as scary as when Sol did it, but it was effective nonetheless.

  “Um, right. So who’s your friend?”

  Said friend was currently laughing hysterically. Cody wasn’t sure whether it was at his expense or at Gideon, but it was pretty cool at any rate. He’d been driving the car. It was a great car. Cody didn’t know anything about cars. He drove a freaking beat up Honda. But it was a sweet ride.

  “Your car is awesome.”

  “Thank you,” the laughing guy said.

  “Uh, Sol?”

  “Yes?” Sol was still glaring at him.

  “Introduce me to the new people.”

  “I would if you’d quit flirting with them.”

  “That’s not flirting.”

  Sol growled.

  Totally scary. Except Cody wasn’t actually scared at all. “I can show you flirting, if you want?”


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