To Win a Highland Scot: A Time-Traveler’s Highland Love, Book 3

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To Win a Highland Scot: A Time-Traveler’s Highland Love, Book 3 Page 14

by Gill, Tamara

  The man's eyes flickered a chilling silver, and she stilled, knowing these were no men at her sides but the Fae. She swallowed her panic, bracing herself for their reasons for being there. "What do you want?"

  The other tsked tsked her question, tipping his head to the side as if he'd never seen a woman before, or at least a human one. "It is not what we want, but our queen. Your presence is required at court."

  "What court?" Maya took a calming breath, unable to breathe or think clearly.

  "The Seelie Court that she rules over." The other Fae slid his hand down her arm, taking her hand, squeezing it, warning her not to make a scene. It only heightened her fears, and she felt her eyes prickle with tears at being at their mercy. She neither liked nor trusted the Fae, and it would not start now, even if the men seated beside her were more beautiful than anyone she'd ever observed in her life, Boyd included.

  "I have done nothing to your queen, and her interest in me is unnecessary. Let go of my hands," she said, trying to pull free of their grasp.

  "I'm afraid your wishes are not heeded. Let us go, and we shall see what our queen commands."

  Maya screamed out for Jeane, and the last thing she saw was her friend's ashen face as the Scottish landscape she'd been admiring only a moment before melted away and a world she could not even imagine formed before her.

  The Seelie Court.

  Boyd sat at his desk, looking at the maps that showed where his army was stationed and where they would march when they took on O’Cain. Just north of here, Glendale stood, a clearing, a flat gully suitable for conflict. The port nearby would also serve in helping him bring in allied clans to help with the fight.

  If they stood any chance of beating the O’Cains, once and for all, the war needed to take place away from Druiminn. Preferably in a location that would benefit his clansmen more than the O’Cains.

  A commotion erupted out in the hall, and multiple footsteps sounded outside, heading toward his solar door. Boyd reached beside him, drawing his sword, and stood, waiting for whoever dared to storm his home.

  But when the door slammed open, and a crying Jeane ran into the room, a gray, ashen-faced Douglas by her side, he knew something had happened to Maya.

  "What?" he bellowed. "Where is Maya?"

  "She's gone, cousin. Two men from the Fae world have taken her. She was sitting under a tree, just watching, and then the next I remember, she screamed out my name and disappeared into thin air." Jeane clicked her finger, signaling just how quick Maya's disappearance had been.

  "Where were her guards?" he demanded from Douglas, who dipped his head before he answered. "They were not far. But no one would have been quick enough to stop the Fae. I saw with my own eyes it was instant. One moment she was there, and the next, she was not."

  Gone? Boyd clasped his chest, certain the pain ricocheting there would kill him, immortality or not.

  The queen would not dare take another from him, and if she had, the Gyre-Carling would pay for it with her life.

  Chapter 24

  Chapter Twenty Four

  Maya opened her eyes and blinked. She felt her mouth gape at the sight she beheld. The Fae Queen moved ahead of her, walking casually through the group of people, or Fae people, if Maya understood where the queen had taken her.

  This could not be happening. How was such a thing even possible? Maya clasped her hands before her, sweat prickling her palms as the Fae stared with interest, not all of the looks welcoming. One would have thought the Fae were sweet beings, kind to all, but from the disdain, the judgment on their perfect features, that was not the case.

  Maya needed to remember that she was an interloper here, an outlander in their court, and Boyd's life as well.

  The court seemed to be within a garden amongst a thriving forest. Flowers, vines, and moss littered everywhere she looked, the trees, the gurgling river that ran through the court like background music. It was one of the most beautiful scenes one could imagine, and yet, she knew they did not want her here.

  What was the queen doing? Why continue to harass her and Boyd, for that matter, in such a way? Was the queen jealous? Had she coveted Boyd for over a century, only to lose to another of her kind? Or, Maya thought, more realistically, she was just awful. A troublemaker who was never happy unless she was causing strife.

  "My people, pay no heed to my human. I shall not keep her here long, but I wanted you to see who it is that has captured the Laird Macleod's heart after all these years. Who our esteemed Sorcha has been replaced by."

  Maya caught the eye of one Fae, her long, curly blonde hair framing a face that was so angelic and perfect it made her sigh. Flowers and diamonds threaded about her long locks, giving her a regal appearance. She was tall and slender and utterly flawless. But where others looked at her with aversion and annoyance, this woman looked upon her with pity, her eyes warm where others were cold. She stepped forward, two large, scantily clad men guarding her sides.

  "What is the meaning of this, Titania? The court warned you not to interfere in Macleod's life and the journey he is on. How dare you break that oath and bring a human here."

  The queen chuckled, her eyes blazing silver. "I brought you here, did I not? Another human."

  "She is Fae and free of her human chain. Do not disrespect her," one of the men said to the queen, his voice low and hard.

  Realizations struck Maya, and she knew who the Fae woman willing to stand up against the queen was. Who she had to be without a flicker of doubt in Maya's mind.


  Boyd's first wife. His only love. The woman he remained immortal for if only to find her again one day. Or because he had not found another to join the place in his heart where he loved.

  Maya swallowed her disappointment, knowing she could never live up to such standards. She wasn't special, certainly not magical, and as for looking like Sorcha, Maya couldn't help but wonder what it was that Boyd found so interesting in her.

  Sorcha glanced at her, a small smile playing about her lips. "Do not doubt your allure, Maya lass. There is much to love."

  Could Sorcha read minds? The question materialized in her mind, Can you read my mind? Sorcha gave the smallest nod before turning back to the queen.

  Oh dear Lord, that could be embarrassing.

  "You must return Maya to her world. Already too much time has passed, and you threaten Macleod's future. You created the curse, but you are not to interfere in how or when it is broken."

  "I am the queen here, Sorcha. Be obedient and quiet before I have reason to punish you along with your husband."

  A mumbling went through the room, the Fae uncomfortable and alarmed at the two women crossing swords. The queen's threat against one of their own.

  Maya watched the queen and did not miss her quick reading of the Fae within hearing, noting their displeasure at her words and thinking better of being more divisive.

  The queen smiled. "Very well, I shall let her return to Macleod, but I thought you should meet the woman who looks to succeed you in Boyd's heart. Is she not a disappointment? Do you not think, Sorcha that your replacement would have been something grander than this?" The queen gestured toward Maya, and self-consciously Maya's gaze dipped to her woolen gown and plain leather boots. Somewhere in her journey from the real world to this faery realm, she had lost her plaid shawl. Maya wrapped her arms around herself, conscious of how cold she felt and how dowdy she looked compared to everyone else here.

  The Fae were the most judgemental and awful beings Maya had ever met in her life, and she decided if she never saw one again after returning home to her time, it would be too soon.

  She blinked and stumbled back when Sorcha appeared before her, her face one of curiosity, her silver eyes so like the queen’s, and yet somehow Sorcha’s were warm where the queen’s were cold.

  She spoke several words that Maya couldn't understand before tipping up her chin, peering at her. "I think you are most perfect, Maya lass."

  That Sorcha used the same ende
arment that Boyd did, sent warmth cascading through her. Did the woman already know of her? The queen brought her here to annoy her kind, but something told Maya that Sorcha had known of her for longer than anyone knew.

  "You will do well for Macleod, and know that I am happy that he has found you."

  For a moment, Maya could do little else but stare at the woman, beyond beautiful, and it stripped her of her voice. Boyd had loved this woman. Had loved her with his body, married her even. Her skin was so perfect, luminescent, her eyes large, her lips a soft, perfect pink.

  However was she to compete with such beauty?

  "Do you miss him?" she couldn't help but ask. A small part of her was fearful that Sorcha did and that one day, she would return him. Rebel against the Fae's rules and return to her one true love.

  A man that Maya was herself starting to adore, cherish more than she ever thought possible. What she felt for Boyd was new, strange, and yet, right. So right that she ached to get back to him.

  Sorcha smiled, a wistful look on her face. "I shall always miss Macleod, but we were not to be. I learned long ago our union could only be fleeting. A gift in time that I was bestowed and allowed to revel in for a moment. It has taken Boyd longer to understand this fact, but he is changing. A slow process with one so proud and honor-bound as Macleod is, but give him time, Maya lass. Be patient, and you will have your reward."

  The queen appeared beside them, her face hard. "Do not overstep your bounds, Sorcha. You do not hold court here."

  "And you would be wise to know that your hold on the Fae court is waning," Sorcha whispered, only loud enough for Maya and the queen to hear. "I came without trouble to your court. Followed your decree, but overstep your bounds with Macleod, and I shall ensure you lose your position as queen. I shall have you cast out and never to be allowed to return."

  Maya blinked, sensing Sorcha had more power here than perhaps even the queen understood. There was certainly more going on between the two Fae women than everyone knew. Their dislike was palpable, left a sour taste on everyone’s tongues when present to their sparring.

  "Are you threatening me?" the queen asked.

  Maya looked between the two women, not quite believing she was listening to them argue. There was a lot of bad blood between them. Everyone present could see that, but she couldn't say who would be the ultimate victor in this fight.

  She looked about the room, the court as interested in the conversation between the two faeries as Maya. Would these magical beings turn against their queen or remain faithful to her rule?

  Maya couldn't help but hope they would turn, that everyone would side with Sorcha and allow kindness to be part of their life once again. Living under the rule of the queen would not be pleasant, and Maya certainly wanted to leave. Never to see her again.

  "Send her back, Titania. Maya does not belong here, and you lose authority when you make us all abide by our rules, but flaunt them in turn to tease and create strife for a human not worth your attention."

  The queen seemed to think on the words before she stepped away, smiling again as if nothing was amiss. "Very well. Back with you, Maya." She flicked her hand, and Maya landed with a thump on wooden floorboards, one knee landing on an exposed nail and scraping her skin. She cursed, sitting on her bottom and rubbing her leg. "Damn bitch," she muttered.


  She glanced up, sighing in relief when Boyd loomed over her, larger than life, his face one of wonderment. Maya looked about, realizing she had been dumped in the room she shared with Boyd at Druiminn Castle.

  "Boyd," she whispered, standing. “Oh, thank heavens I’m back.”

  He wrenched her into his arms, holding her so tight she could hardly breathe. He mumbled sweet words against her neck, kissing and clasping her as if checking that she was really there. Maya allowed him his strange homecoming. She would enjoy any such lavish attention if it were coming from Boyd. "Och, lass. I thought I wouldna see you again."

  She chuckled, rubbing a soothing hand over his back. "Don't be silly. I was only gone a couple of hours."

  Boyd held her away, frowning at her. She took in his lovely face, features that had become precious to her, even more so after the queen took her, and she didn't think she'd see him again.

  "Maya lass, how long do you think you were gone?"

  For the first time, she noticed the stubble on his jaw was longer than normal, a spattering of gray through his dark beard. He'd had hardly any facial hair at all when she'd seen him this morning. His hair, too, was longer, more disheveled, but also a little less white. Was that possible? His hair had always been so luminescent that at times she thought it was liquid silver.

  "A few hours. I saw you this morning," she said, the pit of her stomach churning at the disbelief in his eyes.

  "Nay, lass." He shook his head, his eyes pained. "You've not been gone merely hours. You've been gone three months."

  She gasped.

  What the actual fuck.

  Chapter 25

  Chapter Twenty Five

  Boyd wrenched Maya against him for a second time. He breathed in deep her sweet scent. Welcoming the feel of her darling self against him after so long denied her presence. It soothed his tortured soul and angered him in turn. The queen would pay for her role in stealing his Maya away.

  The first few days of her disappearance, he had thought the Fae Queen was merely taunting him. Making him pay for his growing feelings toward Maya and thwarting her curse, but as the weeks turned into a month, then two and three, all hope fled. Left him with the devastating realization that the queen had, in fact, stolen another he cared for and would not be returning her to him anytime soon.

  He had lost her, and he was powerless to change his fate.

  Boyd closed his eyes, holding her close and determined never to let her go again. By gods, he'd gone to a dark place with her absence. All he'd thought about these past weeks had been Maya, how he'd never see her gentle face or hear her tinkling laugh. That he would have to live another five hundred years before he could trace her down in her time and be with her again.

  Something he was willing to do and had accepted after a month of her absence.

  "Three months. No, you tease me. I've only been gone a few hours," she muffled against his shoulder, unable to pull back due to his hold.

  If only it had been hours, not months. Too much of their time, stolen from them both. Samhain was upon them. But that was not the worst of what had happened when she had been missing.

  "Maya lass," he said, pulling back only the slightest bit so he could look into the dark depths of her blue eyes and revel in their beauty. A beauty he'd thought lost. "You were gone three months. I swear to you, on the life of my people. We haven't seen you for twelve weeks."

  She stared up at him, and he could see she was counting time, working out what that meant for them.

  "When is Samhain?" she asked, the fear in her eyes crushing his soul.

  "A sennight."

  Her mouth opened and closed several times. "But we had months left. How could I have been gone only hours for me, but months for you? It makes no sense."

  "Nay, lass, it makes perfect sense. Where did the Fae Queen take you?"

  "The Seelie Court. She was confronted for bringing me there. Not all of the Fae seemed pleased with her actions or her interfering in your life."

  The thought that the mongrel queen was questioned soothed a little of Boyd's roaring temper. Had he managed to get his hands around that faery's throat, he would have squeezed until she was no longer trouble for anyone.

  "Time works differently for the Fae. Quicker than us mortals. A moment in time there can be hundreds of years for us. I will not let her take you again," he promised, laying his forehead against hers, her presence soothing his soul.

  "Boyd, we're running out of time. The tapestry will be here soon."

  He closed his eyes, pushing away the thought of such a thing. He didn't want to know what the tapestry being in the castle meant for
them both.

  "Nay, lass. Doona think of it." He picked her up, wrapping her legs about his waist. He strode a couple of steps and hoisted Maya up against the wall. His need for her, his obsession to know that she was flesh and blood, back in his arms for certain, not just some figment of his imagination, too much to ignore. Her nimble fingers tore at his trews, pushing them down just enough to release him. His cock sprang into her hand, and she gripped him, stroking him. His breath hitched, and he moaned when her fingers tightened around his flesh.

  He ripped her gown out of the way and took her, fast and hard, pinning her with his weight as he fucked her against the wall. So tight, so wet. His mind spun, celebrated that she was back with him, home, safe and sound.

  Her fingers dug into his shoulders as he drove into her. She rocked against him, taking as well as giving pleasure. It was too much and yet, not enough. Would never be enough.

  How would he ever let her go?

  Boyd increased his pace, taking her with a primal need that he'd never felt before. She whimpered in his arms, her head laying back against the wall, her gasps pushing him to give her more. To take as much as he could give her for as long as they lasted.

  If only this would last forever.

  Maya held on to Boyd as much as she could as he fucked her. Hard. This was not sweet seduction, a home welcoming at all, but a taking—a resounding statement of what was his.


  She gasped as he took her, his large cock filling her to completeness, too much and yet, never enough. The wall, cold and hard against her back, grazed her flesh as he laid claim to her body. But she didn't care. All she wanted was Boyd. With each stroke, each maddening thrust, a promise, a declaration was made.

  She was his and no one else's.

  Maya was perfectly happy about such an avowal. Boyd had come to mean so much to her. When she'd been in the Seelie Court, her only thought was getting back to him. Not to her own time, her friends, her work, but Boyd. Her sixteenth-century highlander.


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