by Ken Busato
Chapter 27
Our stay in Pembina has not been without incident. It was in late December, just after Christmas, that the final buildings, the ones for the governor and officers of our party, were built and ready for habitation. The buildings for colonists had been erected a month earlier, and both parties had no choice but to come together as one large group of Selkirk settlers.
This was the important event in my mind, since for about a month, once the group led by Owen Keveny arrived, both groups of settlers eyed each other with mutual distrust and suspicion. I initially heeded the warnings and advice of my mother, but I soon realized her fears were misplaced. I now consider Chloe to be a true friend, near and dear to my heart.
And yet, as men in positions of power will often do, we had a gathering to praise the magnificence of Lord Selkirk now that this fort named Daer was complete. I’m not sure if I can remember exactly how many of these ceremonies I have attended, but the memories of each blur into one another.
It dawned on me how silly it was to continue with these supposed grand occasions. After all, this was not the final resting spot for the family, just another place to hold and wait. As these depressing thoughts started to overwhelm me, a gentle smirk started to gather at the sides of my mouth, and I remember trying desperately hard not to let out the nervous laughter building inside me. Almost reading my thoughts, my uncle walked over to my side and started to whisper in my ear.
“Ah Molly, perhaps a little drink from this flask will settle you down.” He offered the whiskey to me, something he has never done before, knowing full well I would not take it. Seeing the smile we now both shared, I gently pushed his hands aside, hoping he would stop. Yet all that did was to make him bolder, moving from me to everyone else assembled.
“Oh Molly, of course, I should be offering something to the Master of Ceremony.” Willie’s whisper turned into a full roar meant to disrupt the seriousness of our gathering. “All hail our grand governor. A toast to this most glorious occasion!” Willie had everyone’s attention, and he was going to put it to good use. “I am honoured to be here at the raising of the flag. Much has been done since we arrived, and I cannot help but also thank those new settlers who have decided to join in on the adventure.”
“Enough now Fraser,” MacDonell threatened. As if sensing trouble, as has often been the case when uncle decides it’s time, MacDonell’s hand went down to his waist where his pistol could be clearly seen.
“I am almost finished my remarks, kind sir,” my uncle sarcastically replied. “However, there is only one thing that troubles me. I once knew an ass named Daer, so it strikes me as rather odd the name of this great fort we have taken much pain and effort to build reminds me of an ass?”
I couldn’t help myself. I started to laugh hysterically, and within moments almost all assembled, except for MacDonell and his fellow officers, were doing the same. I saw Papa and Mama holding on to each other as they smiled and laughed together. Doctor Edwards, at most times serious, even allowed himself a small grin of pleasure at my uncle’s quip. As the crowd started to settle, I noticed Chloe as she looked at my uncle with obvious affection in her eyes.
“Fraser,” MacDonell angrily started, “It will be not too soon when we will be parted never to see each other again. And for all those others who feel they need to know, Daer is named after Selkirk’s son, James Dunbar, the Sixth Earl of Selkirk. We honour our benefactor with this name. Although there may be many an ass who will live here for the winter, we have built a Hudson’s Bay Fort to compete with our rival interests from the Northwest. This is the point, and this is why we gather.”
“And a fine fort it is,” Willie bellowed in reply. “Like the sturdiness of the tamest ass, may Fort Daer do what is asked of her.” Draining what was left in his flask, Willie saluted Governor MacDonell with his middle finger raised and with the depth of a fart so loud it seemed to shake the ground where I stood.
“Oh you’ve gone and done it now,” Papa muttered underneath his breath.
Pointing at two Hudson Bay Officers, MacDonell made a motion to have Willie removed from the proceedings. Willie smartly started to walk backwards, waving to everyone as he did so. By the door, he turned and made a dash for outside. Sensing no more trouble from the crowd, MacDonell nodded to his two henchmen to stand down.