Under the Star-Spangled Banner: A Tale of the Spanish-American War

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Under the Star-Spangled Banner: A Tale of the Spanish-American War Page 13

by F. S. Brereton



  "Who are you two over there? What are you doing out in the streets atthis time of night. Come nearer and let me see you," cried the officer,who had just marched in with a detachment of troops as Hal and Geraldentered the town and were moving away from the barricade. "Come, I say,or we will make it uncomfortable for you, my fine fellows."

  "By Jove! What are we to do?" asked Gerald, in a low and anxious voice."He orders us to come near so that he may inspect us."

  "The deuce he does! Then we must make the best of a bad matter and go,for it cannot be helped," Hal answered quickly. "If we attempt to boltnow they would simple riddle us with bullets. Let us brazen the matterout, and should our luck fail us, just keep your eye on me, old boy, andwhen you see me move make a bolt for the houses."

  "Right. Come along; he's in a hurry."

  Indeed, the Spaniard was accustomed to be obeyed on the instant, andnoticing at once that the two suspicious characters who had caught hiseye hesitated, and stood talking in low voices, he reiterated his orderin a loud and commanding tone.

  "Now, who are you?" he demanded fiercely, when they had approached."Turn your faces to the light that I may see you. Fellows of your sortlove the darkness, it seems to me, and slink along in the shadows."

  "We are two of the people of Santiago who work in the stores," Geraldreplied quietly. "We have been a short way out into the country to see afriend."

  "Indeed, and who may he be?" was the haughty answer. "I do not like thering of your words, my fine fellow. Ha! What is this? You are both toofair for men of our race. Here, sentry, bring along a lantern. There isno seeing with this smoky affair that hangs to the pole. Wait, though.My men, march these two birds beneath the lamp yonder. Then we shall beable to make sure of them."

  Hal listened to the conversation with his eye fixed upon the Spaniard'sface, and though he did not understand what passed between him andGerald, yet the tones of suspicion and the commanding, bullying voicetold him that all was not well.

  "What is the trouble?" he whispered in Gerald's ear as they stood facingthe officer.

  "We are to be marched beneath the lamp," replied his friend rapidly. "Hesuspects us, and is certain to discover that we are not Spaniards."

  "Then we'll settle the matter for him by making a bolt," Hal answeredquietly. "There is a house directly opposite, and the door is ajar. Now,are you ready, old boy? Then, rush for it."

  At that moment the Spaniard approached still closer, and, grasping Halby the arm, called upon his men to close up and surround the strangers.Our hero did not hesitate. Stepping back a pace, he drove his fist withall his force in the officer's face, and sent him sprawling to theground. Then he dashed forward, and, gripping the nearest soldier by thewaist, flung him against his comrades with a jar that scattered them,and threw them into confusion. Next moment he was rushing towards thehouse, and though the Spaniards raised their rifles, and pulled thetriggers recklessly, nothing happened, for they had not expectedtrouble when they marched down to the barricade, and had, therefore,neglected to place cartridges in the breeches. The omission probablysaved Hal's life, for, though taken by surprise, and staggered by theforce with which their comrade had been flung against them, the soldierswould have picked him off with the greatest ease had their weapons beenloaded, for the range was not more than twenty yards, and a movingfigure is an easy target at such a distance. However, fortune wasfavoring Hal, for he escaped injury, though for a moment it was verydoubtful whether it was possible. A few seconds later he had darted intothe house, and had flung the door to with a bang.

  "Quick! We must get out of this at once," he cried, catching Gerald bythe sleeve. "To the back door for your life!"

  Hastening through the rooms, they searched for an exit at the back, butfailed to find one. Then they turned their attention to the windows,and, forcing one of them open, leapt out without hesitation. There was anarrow yard behind the house, which was inclosed by a high wall, but thetwo lads made nothing of it. With a spring they grasped the top, andhoisted themselves up. Then they dropped to the ground on the fartherside, and took to their heels, stumbling blindly across gardens andbamboo fences, till at last they emerged once more upon the road.

  "This will do for us," gasped Hal. "Listen! Those fellows are at work onthe house, and isn't the officer angry! By George! I am not surprised,for I gave him a tremendous crack."

  They stood still for a moment, crouching close beneath a hedge, anddistinctly heard a crash as the door, which they had bolted behind them,was broken in. Then the voice of the Spaniard was heard shouting angryorders to his men.

  "He is telling them to search every corner," said Gerald, with a laugh."A pity he did not send them round to the back."

  "Perhaps," agreed Hal. "But I can tell you, old man, that it was luckyfor us. I don't know what these beggars would do if they captured us;but we must recollect that, though we may not have any part in thisquarrel between the two nations, yet we are enemies to them, and thosewho belong to the nationality of their opponents, and who attempt toenter Santiago without a pass, are nothing more nor less than spies inthe eyes of the garrison."

  "For whom death is the reward," interposed Gerald serenely. "Yes, oldchap, you need not tell me about it. I am well aware of the uglyposition into which we have fallen."

  "Then let us move on at once," said Hal. "As soon as they find that thehouse is deserted, and that the birds have flown, there will be atremendous outcry, and a hot search will be made. I propose that we makestraight away for the wharves alongside which the shipping is to befound."

  Accordingly, they took to their heels, and ran down the road. Then theyturned into another, and were hurrying along it, when they heard awhistle behind them. It was shrill and piercing, and was at once takenup and repeated on either side of them and in front. Then, to theirastonishment and dismay, a bright spot suddenly rose up and flashed fromthe edge of the harbor, and a broad electric beam swept rapidly andsilently on its way towards them.

  "The searchlight!" exclaimed Hal. "Down into the shade at once, or weshall be discovered. These fellows are proving far more wide awake thanI had imagined them to be. I should say that they have telephones fromall the outlying stations and barricades, which enable them tocommunicate with the people in charge of the light."

  And, indeed, this was the case. Balked in his endeavor to trace the twosuspicious characters who had disappeared into the house after violentlyassaulting him, the Spanish officer had at once rushed to the barricade,and had sent messages along the wires to other parts. Then, too, theoutlying pickets had been warned by the blowing of whistles, which wasevidently a previously arranged signal in case of trouble occurring.Before even the searchlight had burst into the night or commenced torevolve, Hal and Gerald were entirely surrounded by a cordon of vigilantmen, few of whom knew exactly what was happening, though all could guessthat someone was near at hand whom it was desirable to capture. And theelectric light would help them. Meanwhile, they would stay in some darkspot, and follow the rays, hoping to catch sight of the fugitives asthey darted from side to side in the endeavor to escape them. A darkfigure crouching beneath a tree or hedge would satisfy them, and on theinstant, up would fly the rifle to the shoulder, there would be just asecond's pause to correct the aim, and then--bang!--the hapless fellowwould spring into the air with hands outstretched, to fall next seconddoubled into an inert heap. Oh, yes! it was simple, and an extremelydiverting sport to those who had themselves no danger to fear.

  As for Hal and Gerald, their desperate position filled them withconsternation, for as they ran hither and thither in the vain endeavorto fly from the sweeping beams, the snap of twigs and the rustle ofleaves brushed on one side were followed by the sharp crack of riflesfired at random in that direction. Perhaps there was no great danger tothem in that; but still, the bullets flew unpleasantly near, and sentthem running again, hunting them like hares from point to point.Suddenly, as they crossed an open space, the
searchlight fell full uponthem, and instantly the surrounding darkness was lit up by the flash ofmany rifles. Ping! ping! ping! The shots rang out with startlingloudness, and the bullets hummed and pelted through the air overhead.

  "Halt there, and surrender!" a voice cried from the trees. "If you movea step farther away I will shoot you."

  "We are caught, and must make the best of it," said Hal to Gerald, witha groan. "Tell them that we give in, old fellow."

  Holding his hands above his head, Gerald did as he was asked. Then theystood still in a patch of brilliant light, which was made all the moreglaring by the contrast of thick darkness all around. A few minuteslater some Spanish soldiers advanced towards them, rifle in hand, and,forming a ring round the lads, marched them away, their path lit up allthe while by the electric light which followed every movement. Passingdown the street, they at length came to a large building, into which theprisoners were at once taken.

  "Sit down there, and do not stir a finger, or you will be shot," saidthe sergeant who was in charge of the party, indicating a rough benchwith a curt nod of his head. "I will go inside and ask his excellencythe colonel to interview you. By the time he is ready, those who warnedus from the barricade will have arrived to give their evidence; andthen, my friends, it will be a case of a rope, a friendly branch, andplenty of air to dance on."

  He glanced at his captives, favoring them with a malicious grin as heoutlined their probable end. Then he went to a door close at hand, and,having knocked upon it, entered, and closed it behind him.

  "I suppose he has gone to explain matters," said Hal coolly. "Keep upyour pecker, Gerald. The case looks precious bad, but we'll pullthrough, depend upon it."

  "Right. I hope we may. But things look ugly. That pleasant gentleman whohas just done talking to me is good enough to tell me that we shall soonbe hanged. If it comes to that, Hal, why, we must face it out, and dieas those at the hacienda would have us do."

  He looked into his companion's face and smiled bravely, for Gerald wasdetermined to show his friend that he, too, possessed a fund of pluckwhich would carry him through an unpleasant difficulty.

  "We will, old boy," Hal answered cheerily; "but let us hope that it willnot come to that. Hallo! Who's this?"

  At this moment an officer, who was dressed in the usual Spanish uniform,emerged from the inner room, and was walking hurriedly across to thedoor, being bent evidently upon the performance of some special duty,when his eye fell upon Hal and Gerald. Almost instantly a startled cryescaped him, and he sprang backwards in astonishment.

  "What! You!" he exclaimed, in tones of surprise, surveying them with anair of delight. "You two from the hacienda! Idiots! You have played intomy hands. Men, close round your prisoners, and take the best care ofthem, for I can vouch for it that they are Americans. They are spies,and have come here to find out our secrets."

  He strode towards them, and grasping Hal's hat, tore it from his head.Then he laughed sardonically in his face, and, with a triumphant glanceat the two prisoners, turned upon his heel, and re-entered the room fromwhich he had emerged a minute before.

  "What bad luck! What hard lines!" exclaimed Hal, with somethingapproaching a groan. "That fellow Jose d'Arousta again!"

  It was, indeed, an unfortunate meeting, and one fraught with thegreatest peril for Hal and his friend. They were prisoners, andpractically under a charge of spying upon the enemy; but for all that, aminute or more before, the aspect of affairs had not been altogetherhopeless. How changed it was now! The very man of all others in Santiagowhom it was most desirable that they should not meet had run up againstthem, had recognized them, and now, burning to avenge a privategrievance, had promptly denounced them as spies. No wonder that Halshuddered. Across his mind flitted the recollection of Mr. Brindle'stale of the _Virginius_, and of the fate meted out to her haplesscrew--captured at night, condemned, and promptly shot at dawn. That wasthe sequence of events; and what was to prevent a similar fate frombefalling them?

  "The letter! Of course, the letter which Mr. Brindle gave me," exclaimedHal, aloud, as if Gerald had been following the train of thoughts whichhad been running through his mind.

  "Why that letter?" asked the latter, looking at him in astonishment."What are you talking about, old fellow?"

  "I was wondering what we could do to prove our identity, and theinnocent intention we had in coming here. Jose d'Arousta, you may besure, will not let such a golden opportunity of revenge slip by withoutmaking the utmost use of it. He will proclaim us as spies, and if youwill only take the trouble to look at matters as they appear to others,you will admit that that is the most natural conclusion for any Spaniardto arrive at. War is declared, and, indeed, exists, between Spain andAmerica; and no doubt the whole of the island of Cuba, including thetowns, is under martial law. You are the son of a naturalized American,and I his overseer. We are discovered at night in Santiago, and whencalled upon to surrender, we fly from the soldiers. Naturally, we shallbe put down as spies who have come to see what defensive arrangementshave been made, so as to be able to communicate them to our friends. Butthe letter which your father gave me will exonerate us. It states inclear terms that we are endeavoring to leave for Tampa, and tells forwhat purpose. Do you see, old boy? We put a spoke in D'Arousta's wheelwhich I fancy will upset the whole apple-cart, so far as he isconcerned."

  "Splendid! I am relieved to hear it," cried Gerald. "I'll be honest, andtell you that I was beginning to feel in a blue funk; but now, ofcourse, it will be all right, and we have nothing to fear."

  "Ye-e-s, perhaps," Hal answered doubtfully. "But someone will have topay for that officer's broken nose. I hit him heavily, I can assure you,and fairly laid him out. Hush! The door is opening."

  At this moment Jose d'Arousta pushed his head into the outer room, andsignaled to the sergeant.

  "Bring in the prisoners," he said in triumphant tones, "and see that yousurround them, for these foreigners are capable of playing the maddesttricks, and might throw themselves upon his excellency if you were torelax your watchfulness."

  Shouldering their rifles, two of the soldiers grasped Hal and Gerald bythe arm; then the others took up their positions in front and behind,and, at an order from the sergeant, the party marched into the room. Itwas a large, bare compartment, dimly lighted by a single oil lampstanding upon a table in the center. The atmosphere was thick with thefumes of burning oil and stale tobacco smoke, and even a widely openedwindow failed to clear it and make it more pleasant for those who werethere.

  Seated behind the table was a middle-aged officer, with stern but notunkindly features. A clerk in military attire stood at the desk besidehim, and was taking down a letter at his dictation.

  "These are the prisoners, then--the very first we have taken, Iunderstand," said the officer, suddenly looking up and closelyscrutinizing Hal and Gerald. "Who are they? Why have they been taken?Where is the evidence?"

  "Captain Volaga is the chief witness against these spies," answered Josed'Arousta, stepping forward from the shadow, "and I am the next, yourexcellency. They are known to me as Americans. But it would be better,perhaps, if my brother-in-arms told his tale first."

  "Americans! Ah, they look it! Then we will employ their language. We whohave lived in these parts soon pick up English, and, if we use it, allwill be able to understand. Come, what are their names, and where dothey hail from?"

  The colonel turned to the lads, and asked them the question in toneswhich betrayed little accent.

  At this moment the door of the room opened, and the officer whom Hal hadstruck entered with his face bound up, and scarcely more than his eyesshowing.

  "Who is this?" demanded the colonel.

  "I am Captain Volaga, excellency," was the answer, in a voice whichtrembled with suppressed rage. "I have come to give my evidence againstthese men."

  "Then step forward, and tell me first of all whether you identify them."

  "Yes, excellency, they are the same," the officer replied, looking atthe two prisoners with
no friendly eyes, "and this young ruffian is theone who struck me and injured one of my men. I will tell you how ithappened, Senor. The dolt at the barricade passed them through withoutquestion; but I was sharper. Seeing them stealing beneath a lamp, andbeing suspicious of them, I called to the rogues, and ordered them tocome to me so that I might find out who they were. Then, withoutprovocation, this one"--and he pointed at Hal with the end of his sword,favoring him at the same time with an angry glare--"struck me violentlyin the face, and followed up the attack by hurling one of my men againsthis comrades. Both then ran from us into a house standing near at hand,and when we searched it they were gone."

  "Indeed! I trust that you are not greatly hurt, Senor Capitan," thecolonel answered. "But, surely, your men were armed? How, then, didthese prisoners escape? One is only a boy, and the other cannot betwenty yet. It is strange to hear that an officer and several of hisMajesty's soldiers were insufficient to capture them."

  It was, indeed, a peculiar tale, real though it was, and it scarcelyredounded to the credit of the officer. He had no answer to give to hischief's questions, but stood there, a look of bitter hatred upon hisface.

  "Well, now for your story, Senor Jose d'Arousta," said the colonel."What do you know of these lads?"

  "They come from the hacienda Eldorado, and are Americans, and thereforespies, your excellency. Search them, and I am sure that you will findthat they are armed."

  He turned to the men who were holding the prisoners, and gave them anorder. Instantly they ran their hands over them, and produced therevolvers which both lads carried.

  "You see," continue Jose, with a sneer, "they meant to look after theirown safety. Spying is a dangerous game to play!"

  "And now, what have you to say?" asked the colonel courteously, turningto Hal. "A very serious charge is made against you. First of all, youare Americans, it seems. Then you are discovered slinking into thetown, and when called upon to surrender and give an account ofyourselves, you attack an officer, and contrive to escape from him inspite of his escort of armed men. You are captured finally, and arefound to be carrying arms. An explanation is needed."

  "And I shall be glad to give it," said Hal quietly. "We come, as thisman beside me has stated, from the hacienda Eldorado; but we are notspies. The war is nothing to us, but our safety, and that of ourfriends, is another matter. Only yesterday, your excellency, we wereattacked by a band of cut-throats, who nearly relieved us of all wepossessed. Our mission now is to go to Tampa, and return with negroesfrom Mr. Brindle's other estate, who will help to defend the hacienda.We entered this town for one reason, and only one, namely, to get apassage on a steamer sailing to Tampa."

  "The hacienda attacked!" exclaimed the colonel doubtfully; while theface of Captain Volaga showed a smile of insolent incredulity.

  "Yes, senor," Hal answered calmly. "Attacked late in the afternoon, andunder the leadership of this man." He pointed to Jose d'Arousta, andlooked him sternly in the face.

  "Ha, ha, ha! He will accuse me of being an American spy next, SenorColonel!" cried Jose. "You can see that he is fabricating a tale. It isa splendid cock-and-bull story from end to end."

  "So it would appear," the colonel replied. "Accuse one of my officers ofbrigandage! It is monstrous--ridiculous! Young sir, you do your cause nogood by speaking in this wild manner. Confess at once that you and theboy are spying, for it may very well make your sentence lighter in theend."

  He looked at Hal sternly and yet kindly, for in his heart the colonelwas an easy-going fellow, and given to mercy if it were possible.

  "Come," he said again, in a persuasive voice; "I have sons of your agewho play pranks at times, though never one so dangerous and foolhardy asthis. Declare to me that you came to the town out of curiosity, and tosee what preparations we were making for the Americans."

  "Your excellency, we cannot do as you ask," Hal answered firmly. "What Ihave stated is absolutely true, and if only you will favor me by readingthe letter which I have in my pocket, you will be assured of it."

  "Give it to me. One of you take it from his coat," said the colonelshortly.

  The order was obeyed by Jose, and the letter handed to the colonel.Instantly he tore the envelope open, and scanned the contents.

  "Yes, it is as you stated," he said. "I am more inclined to believeyou."

  "Pshaw! And you will allow two dangerous spies to escape because theyare of the same age as your sons!" exclaimed Jose d'Arousta. "It ismadness! It is folly!"

  He had been standing close beside the table, following the interviewbetween Hal and the colonel with the greatest attention; and now, seeingthat it had turned in favor of the prisoners, he started forward, andinterposed in a way which soon brought him a reprimand.

  "Senor, you forget yourself, and in whose presence you stand!" thecolonel cried angrily, turning upon him. "Have a care, Senor Capitan,for I am your superior, and should you see fit to address me again insuch an unbecoming manner, I will place you under arrest. Perhaps itmight meet your deserts," he added significantly, "for there are talestold in Santiago of the doings of Jose d'Arousta and his irregulars. Ihave even heard it said that they are brigands. Have a care, I tell you,for I might even go so far as to look into this strange accusation asto an attack upon Eldorado."

  Jose had met his match. He turned pale at the colonel's words, andretired from the table looking downcast. But his assurance quicklyreturned.

  "Excellency," he exclaimed, "your pardon if I was too outspoken; but Iwish our country all that is well, and therefore I say again that thesetwo men are known to me. They are spies. Everything points to it, senor.If not, then why should they attempt to escape, particularly when one ofthem carries a letter, the contents of which will clear them? Dependupon it, that note was there for a set purpose, and to be used only as alast resource. Think of their revolvers, too. Pah! Were I in your placeI should give them till dawn, when they should face a corporal's picket,and meet the fate of all who take to the calling of a spy."

  He ended an impassioned speech with a glare of hatred at Hal, and thenstood closely scrutinizing the colonel's features, to see, if possible,what effect he had made, turning, however, every other moment to lookagain at Hal, with eyes which even now were beginning to light up withtriumph.

  As for our hero and his friend, they stood there amongst the soldiers,watching every movement and expression, and wondering vaguely what wouldbe the end of the interview.

  "I fear very much that you are right, Senor Jose," said the colonel atlength. "The evidence is too strong, and shows without a shadow of doubtthat the prisoners entered Santiago for one purpose only. It is sad thatwe should commence the war with an execution; but it cannot be avoided.We must protect ourselves, for if we were to allow these two lads toleave unpunished, others would be encouraged. For spying, death is thepenalty. But I will not take the responsibility upon my own shouldersfor an act which in my heart I consider to be harsh and unjust. Menshould be treated as men; but to apply the same penalties toirresponsible, impetuous lads is cruel in the extreme. Captain Volaga,you will escort the prisoners to the cells in Morro Castle, and arrangefor their refreshment. See also that blankets are given them, for thenights are getting cold. Here is a note to the officer in command.Deliver it to him personally. I will now cable to Havana and ask forinstructions, but I fear that I can give no hope. Spies, whether men orboys, must meet the same fate."

  He rose from his seat, and, with a wave of the hand, signified that theinterview was over.

  The soldiers at once closed round Hal and Gerald, and, at the officer'sorder, marched out of the room. Then they halted outside, while Josed'Arousta and the injured captain conversed in low tones. Evidently somesatisfactory arrangement was come to, for they nodded and smiled in themost pleasant manner, and when parting treated each other to anelaborate salute. Then Jose approached the prisoners, and, halting infront of them, addressed them in low tones which could not be overheard.

  "Senores, who could have guessed that in such a short
space of time thetables would turn so completely!" he said, with a triumphant smile. "Butyesterday I was a prisoner in your hands, under a threat of death; andnow you are in a similar condition, with this one difference: I escapedto avenge the insult, while you will live only till to-morrow's sun isup. Think of it! Dream of it! When the dawn comes, and you are led outinto the cold, your end will await you. Consideration will be shown, Ipromise you, for some minutes shall be granted for quiet reflection. Andthen, Senor Marchant, if you will but raise your eyes, you will findthat the ever-faithful Jose attends you, and will be ready, should youdesire it, to carry your adieus to the fair Senora Dora. Believe me, wewill weep together for your loss."

  He smiled a cruel, vindictive smile, and looked hard at Hal to see whateffect the words had had, but only to be disappointed. Not a muscle ofthe young fellow's face moved as he returned the stare of the Spaniardwith one that was as proud and disdainful as it was possible to be. Thenhis features relaxed, and he smiled.

  "The man is a bold villain," he said, with a laugh, turning to Gerald."When we are surrounded and held by the soldiers, so that he need fearno punishment, he does his utmost to goad us into fury. Come along, oldboy; we have better things to do than to listen to such a fellow."

  Taking Gerald by the arm, he signified to the sergeant that he wasready, and the order being given to the soldiers, they marched out ofthe building, leaving Jose d'Arousta biting his lips with vexation.

  A large crowd was waiting outside, hoping to catch sight of the firstcaptives of the war. The news that they were spies, who had enteredSantiago in search of information, had been conveyed to them, so thatthe appearance of the two lads was greeted with a storm of shrill cries.

  "Kill them! Shoot them!" the mob shouted, rushing towards the party ofsoldiers who surrounded Hal and Gerald. But a line of troops drawn upoutside the house interposed, and thrust them back. Then, forming up oneither side, the Spaniards marched them off to the fortress which standsperched high up on one side of the long entrance to the harbor, andwhich goes by the name of the Morro Castle. Half an hour later the gateswere reached, and they marched in, leaving the crowd outside. Hal andGerald were led up a long flight of stone steps, through a darkcorridor, and afterwards up more stairs. Finally, they came to agallery, and were halted in front of an iron-studded door, at thekeyhole of which a soldier fumbled.

  A minute later they were thrust inside and the door was closed upon themwith a clang that sent an echo ringing through the old castle.

  "And so ends our little adventure," said Hal, seating himself upon abench. "We came to Santiago with only friendly thoughts in our hearts.We were captured and accused of spying. The population jeered at us, andshowed so much hatred that it took a whole regiment to put us in prison.And we are in reality two harmless young fellows. Well, it just settlesthe matter. Gerald, if we are here to-morrow we shall die. We mustescape, and as the Spaniards have declared themselves our enemies, wewill do our utmost to thwart them."


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