Under the Star-Spangled Banner: A Tale of the Spanish-American War

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Under the Star-Spangled Banner: A Tale of the Spanish-American War Page 17

by F. S. Brereton



  "This young guest of ours is as smart and as full of pluck as they makethem."

  These were the lieutenant's words, and those who had the fortune to beacquainted with our hero could not deny their truth; for Hal looked aparticularly capable and sturdy young fellow two days after boarding the_New York_.

  "You look a regular sailor," said Gerald, with a laugh. "When I saw youwalking the deck with our friend of yesterday, I took you for one of theofficers."

  "And that is what I should like to be," Hal answered briskly. "Have yougiven a thought to our position, old man?"

  "No, I can't say that I have. Everything seems very jolly, though."

  "Yes, exactly; but we are guests aboard, doing nothing for our living."

  "That's the fortune of war. We could not help it," answered Gerald.

  "No, but I have made up my mind to do something to repay this kindness.The Spaniards began the quarrel, and three days ago I threw in my lotfor good and all with America. Now, I said that I wanted to get to thehacienda, for my idea is to see that all is right there, and then tojoin the invading Yankees. Of course, if there is likely to be troublenear Eldorado, I shall stay; but, otherwise, I shall do all that I canfor America. One who knows the country about Santiago should beuseful."

  "That I can quite understand," Gerald answered; "but how will you getashore?"

  "I do not know, but something may turn up shortly," Hal repliedhopefully.

  "Matanzas, for instance," said a voice at his elbow, with suchsuddenness that both lads sprang round, to find themselves face to facewith Samuel K. Billing. "Say, boys," the latter continued, rubbing hishands together with pleasure, "Matanzas has turned up. It's over there,on the port bow. I tell you it's nearing a stiff naval action. Thecommodore has decided to attack the place."

  Both lads turned their eyes to the shore, and, with the aid of glasses,saw a low-lying town on the fringe of a bay, the entrance to which wascrossed by rocky reefs, through which, however, a wide and very deepchannel was left. To right and left forts could be seen, while on aslope farther inland a host of men were busily erecting a sand-bagbattery. It was a fine morning, and the unruffled surface of the seashowed the wind had dropped.

  "Look, there's Morillo Battery pointing out right clear between theheadlands!" exclaimed the lieutenant, jerking his thumb in the directionof a stone-faced fort far on the inland slope. "That promontory on theright has a powerful erection known as Fort Maya, while on the leftthere is another of just about equal strength, called Rubal Caya. Allare armed with modern quick-firing guns, so we may expect a peppering.Say, boys, have you ever heard the sing of a shell?"

  "Never. What is it like?" Hal asked.

  "Poom! A burst of smoke from the distant gun, if black powder is used,and then a faint kind of whisper, getting bigger every second till it'sjust shrieking overhead. If she don't it's a dib, dib, dib in the water,a bit of a splash here and there as the shell ricochets, and then plumpshe goes to the bottom. Hallo! there's the signal flying to the_Puritan_ and _Cincinnati_. We're steaming in. So long, till next time."

  He hurried off, leaving Hal and Gerald in possession of a pair ofglasses. For the moment they were occupied in looking at the other shipsin company with the _New York_, and at the latter herself. No one tookthe least notice of them, and in consequence they walked the length ofthe decks. What a fine cruiser the _New York_ was! From amidships threemighty funnels poured forth volumes of smoke, while the steam sizzledand roared into the air. From her masts bristled many quick-firers,pointing from the tiers of batteries which are known as "fighting tops,"and which are slung at various elevations. And from the decks six longcannon of eight inches' caliber grinned through the ports, the breechessurrounded by eager gunners. Others stood at hand by the ammunitionlifts, prepared to supply more cartridges. On the bridge walked theadmiral and his officers, smart, cool, and collected, and with eyesfixed upon the distant shore.

  Poom! A flash and a billow of smoke burst from Point Maya, and out flewa shell, singing merrily, till it plunged into the sea some distancefrom the _New York_.

  "The ball opens," said Hal quietly. "Wait till we are closer in. Then itwill be warm work. I reckon we are about six thousand yards from theshore, and the Dons judged the distance badly."

  His words were cut short by a series of rapidly repeated reports fromthe guns of the _Puritan_. Her quick-firers were at work, and found therange almost immediately. Then followed two roaring explosions, so greatin volume that they smothered all the others, and deafened everyonewithin hearing.

  "By Jove! the turret guns!" exclaimed Gerald, putting his fingers to hisears.

  The _Puritan_ had, in fact, slewed her turret round, and discharged twoof her biggest shells, weighing a thousand pounds apiece. Instantly, upwent every glass on the ship, and all eyes gazed eagerly shorewards tosee what result would follow.

  "Hit! Hit! Right up against the battery! There, there, away to theright!" cried Hal. "I saw the dust and bits fly sixty feet into theair."

  In the direction in which he pointed, a dark brown column suddenlyspurted up into the air, and floated for some moments like a cloud infront of the battery. Then, as the onlookers from the ships kept theirgaze fixed upon the shore, the column suddenly subsided, and when theylooked again there were the batteries, surrounded by trees and greenfields, while there was no sign of damage produced by the shells.

  "Hallo! They are opening on us, and here come the shells!" shoutedGerald, a moment later.

  As he spoke, all the Spanish forts fired, and though none of themissiles actually hit the _New York_, they hurtled unpleasantly closeoverhead.

  "This is hot!" cried Gerald, wiping the perspiration from his forehead."Every time I hear that screech I want to bob badly, and my heart goesdown into my boots."

  "Yes, it's precious unpleasant," Hal agreed reassuringly; "but the Donsare making bad practice, so we can feel pretty secure. Still, thatshriek is horrid. It knocks the courage out of a fellow, for, longbefore one expects it, you can hear a gentle whistle in the distance,gradually increasing till you'd think that the shell was close besideyour ear. Then, while you are still crouching and wondering where it isgoing to land, you hear a dull poom! in the distance, a sharp reportsounds ahead or astern of the ship, and up goes a column of water. Youknow that you are safe then, but it takes some time to get rid of thefeeling of funk that settles upon you when the guns begin to open. Buttake a look through the glasses. Our shells seem to be plumping into thebatteries every time."

  The American ships were, indeed, making excellent practice, and withinfifteen minutes had silenced the batteries ashore, each mighty shellblowing showers of debris into the air. Then they steamed away, theirguns being too hot to be pleasant, and now emitting only thin wreaths ofsmoke. Rubal Caya, undaunted, threw one last missile, which missed, andto it the _Monitor_ replied with a twelve-inch shell, which seemed towreck the battery.

  The losses of the Spaniards must indeed have been heavy, though theywere never accurately known. In any case the earthworks wereconsiderably battered. But this bombardment opened the eyes of manypeople, for it proved that fortifications do not suffer very severelyunder heavy fire. The heaps of debris flying into the air make it appearas if havoc were being wrought, whereas the destruction brought about atsuch very long ranges is nothing compared with that produced in the olddays of muzzle-loaders, round shot, and a point-blank range.

  "Wall, young sirs, we've had one day at it, and a precious hot one it'sbeen," remarked Lieutenant Samuel K. Billing, "and I reckon we've wipedthe eyes of the Dons. There's information to hand that one of ourgunboats got mauled a few days ago. So, you see, it's only right that weshould have the best of it to-day, and get some luck to make up for theother. Say, Mr. Marchant, sir, how'd you and your chum care for a littleexcursion? Just a game that's goin' to be started along the coast."

  "I am sure we should like it very much," Hal answered. "What exactly isit?"

  "That's tellin', sir. You'd like to join, you say, and so you shall; butkeep it a dead secret. If the commodore knew that I had let the cat outof the bag, it would be a case of an explosion bigger than those overthere."

  Hal and Gerald wondered what particular excursion they were to take partin, but four days passed without anything happening. On the fourthnight, however, they were turned out of their bunks by their navalfriend again.

  "Say, boys," he said in a whisper, "the time's come along. Get on deckright away, and make for the after gangway. There's a kettle alongsidethat's smokin' like a kitchen. It's the _Hudson_, an armed revenuecutter. Come, shake the sleep out of your eyes, or I withdraw mypromise."

  They needed no second bidding, but, jumping hastily into their clothes,ran on deck. A rope ladder was hanging overboard, and they descended bythis means to the cutter, which was, in reality, a small gunboat.

  "Sheer off there!" someone cried, showing a light, and at once thelittle vessel quivered as her screw revolved. Hal and his friend turned,to find the lieutenant of the _New York_ standing beside them.

  "Naval instruction," he said, as if to explain his presence there."That's what I am flying after; trying to get hold of the games thesekettles play."

  "Humbug!" exclaimed another officer, approaching at the moment. "Youknow as well as anyone that it is a lark, a bit of extra excitement thatyou're wantin'. But you're forgetting, Samuel. Introduce me."

  "Right away, Lieutenant Ben Carson."

  They shook hands, and Hal inquired of the newcomer their destination.

  "We're bound for Cardenas," was the answer. "It's a bit of a warm placeto walk into. Reefs and that sort outside. There are three Spanishboats, the same as this, in the harbor, and they are a nuisance. I'llallow that they've proved too much for us up to this, but we'll do forthem this time. Say, Mr. Marchant, have you ever been under fire?"

  "Once or twice," Hal answered, "and I cannot admit that it wasparticularly enjoyable."

  "That's so; I judge that there are few who revel in the experience," wasthe answer. "But you must get used to it, and will have another chance,for we're goin' into that harbor right now."

  That this was the intention of the _Hudson_ was soon made clear. Joinedby the gunboats _Wilmington_ and _Machias_, and by the torpedo boat_Winslow_, she lay off the harbor of Cardenas till morning dawned. Then,the men and officers having breakfasted, the little fleet steamed in,piloted through a side channel in the reefs by a Cuban who was wellacquainted with them.

  "It's queer sort of work, this," remarked Lieutenant Billing, as thelittle cutter rushed into the bay. "For instance, the main channel'smined, and you'd get blown sky-high if you sailed that way. Then thisplace is full of rocks, so the fellow who is commandin' has to keep hiseyes mighty wide open. But we're in the bay safe enough, and I guess thefun will commence right away."

  At this moment the _Machias_ parted company, and steamed to the east,towards Diana Key, where Spanish barracks had been erected. Very soonher guns were heard in action, though not till hours after was itlearned that she had put the Spanish garrison to flight, and had sentashore an armed boat's crew, who hoisted the Stars and Stripes overCuban soil for the first time in the war.

  "Now the band will play," cried the lieutenant excitedly, as the_Hudson_ steamed onward with her consorts. "Say, boys, we're after thosegunboats, and I expect the shells will be flyin' about our heads beforevery long. But we've got to find them first; they'll be about this waysomewhere, but exactly where is the particular question. Now, where canthey have hidden themselves?"

  "What are those over there, then?" said Hal suddenly, lifting a pair ofglasses to his eyes, and directing them across the bay to a long, narrowquay, constructed of stone, which projected far out into the water fromthe coast-line. "I can see something lying behind there. Perhaps it is agunboat, for that is a likely place behind which to hide."

  "Perhaps it is--there is no saying; but I can't make it look like agunboat," was the answer. "Whatever it is, I reckon the _Winslow_ willsoon rout it out. If it's one of those craft, her quick-firers will getto work precious soon, and I think that we shall have a rough time ofit; for she's behind the breakwater, while we are stuck out in the open.That won't beat us, though, and if she's there we're goin' to have her."

  By this time the three vessels were well in the bay, and while the_Wilmington_ lay to off the town, the _Hudson_ and _Winslow_ rushed intowards the wharves in search of the Spanish gunboats.

  These were a constant menace to the Americans, for while they lay underthe guns of the forts it was difficult to get at them. And what splendidopportunities of producing havoc amongst the ships of the enemy were inthe hands of their commanders! To bold, undaunted men, with plenty ofspirit about them, there was practically no limit to the damage theymight do. Themselves acquainted with the bay, and with every inch of theformidable reefs that formed a barrier round it, knowing well every turnand twist of the narrow and dangerous inlets and exits so much at theirfinger-tips that the darkest night was no bar to their traversing them,it was possible for them to keep Admiral Sampson's fleet in a state ofperpetual alarm. For who could guess when those long sleuthhounds of thesea would leave their kennels beside the wharves, and slip out into theopen? And who could hope to follow those long black hulls racing throughthe water? It was almost impossible to do so, and it is not to bewondered at that many a look-out man, when staring into the darkness,sent an alarm ringing through the American fleet when he had onlyimagined that he had sighted a Spanish gunboat. Then guns would begin togo off, and a perfect pandemonium would take the place of the silencethat had reigned before. On one occasion, too, owing to mistakes inshowing signals, the Americans almost fired on their own gunboats, whichwere patrolling the seas around them.

  Meanwhile, the _Hudson_ and the _Winslow_ had been steaming closer tothe low stone quay which jutted into the water, and had separated so asto form a smaller mark for the enemy, when there was a roar of explodingartillery, and a hail of shells burst on and around the _Winslow_.

  "Hillo, these fellows are where you said!" shouted Lieutenant Billing;"and what's more, the _Winslow's_ got badly hit, I fancy. Hooroo! we'rebearing down to her assistance."

  Slewing the helm round, the commander of the _Hudson_ rushed towards thequay from which the guns were firing, using his own batteries meanwhile.Hal, with a pair of glasses raised, watched the conflict, and distinctlysaw the Spanish gunboats firing over the top of the quay, while theythemselves were more or less protected by the stonework.

  "The _Winslow_ is disabled," he shouted, seeing the gunboat suddenlyswerve from her course, while a hail of shells burst about her decks."She's got her steering gear smashed. See, she's drifting nearer to thequay."

  "Then we'll have her out of it," shouted the lieutenant. "Say, boys, getto one of those guns, and lend a hand."

  He rushed forward, Hal and Gerald running to the after gun. Meanwhile,the _Hudson_ bore down rapidly upon the disabled _Winslow_, and at oncefound that she, too, had become a mark for the enemy. But, nothingdaunted, her commander kept her straight ahead, in spite of the burstingshells, until quite close to his damaged consort.


  "Stand ready there to heave them a line," he shouted from the bridge."Now, I am going across her bows."

  He placed his mouth to the speaking-tube and called to his engineer tocut off steam, while, with a wave of his arm, he directed hisquartermaster to steer the gunboat close beside the _Winslow_. As he didso, a storm of shot and shell came spluttering around, churning thewater up as if huge hailstones were falling into it. It was a mostexciting moment, and to those who were watching from the deck of the_Wilmington_ it appeared that all aboard the two boats must be doomed,so close was the range at which the Spaniards were firing, and so heavythe bombardment to which both the Americans were subjected.

  More than once was the line thrown, but it failed to reach. Then, as the_Hudson_ struggled manfully to get nearer, she, too, became alm
ostunmanageable in the shallow water, rocking violently, and churning thesea into foam with the frantic revolutions of her propeller.

  Bang! Boom! Smash! The sounds seemed to swallow her up, while the patterof bullets beat a loud and unceasing tattoo on her deck and sides.Crash! A shell had struck the rail close beside the gun at which Haland Gerald were helping, and, exploding with a violent concussion,threw them to the deck. But they were uninjured, and at once sprang totheir feet again.

  At this moment a more fortunate throw of the line reached the stranded_Winslow_, and a cable was rapidly passed from the _Hudson_ to herconsort, and made fast. Then, putting up her helm, she steamed away atfull speed, towing the wrecked gunboat after her till both were out ofrange. And all the while the stern gun on the deck of the _Hudson_growled a reply in sharp and angry snaps, while the shells from the_Wilmington's_ big pieces roared and screeched overhead, in many casesto fall upon the stone quay, and injure it and the gunboats flying theSpanish flag.

  "Guess that that is a bad business," said Lieutenant Billing. "Thosefellows have just pitched into us and knocked us about sadly. Jove, sir,but we'll give it to them next time!"

  It was, indeed, a reverse for the American navy, but a very slight one,for which the distinguished gallantry of the _Hudson_ and _Winslow_ morethan compensated.

  "I never thought it possible for men to live through such a storm ofshell," said Hal. "At any other time I should have been in a blue funk,but there was so much to do that I had not time to think."

  "That's it," agreed Gerald. "When we ran to the gun, the crew, or partof it, had gone farther aft to heave the line, so that our help wasbadly wanted. Then, what with handing shell, and watching to see whatluck we had in hitting the Dons, I hadn't time for anything else. But itwas warm! I say, Hal, old boy, fetch me a glass of water. I feel ratherdone."

  To Hal's astonishment, Gerald suddenly sat down upon a twisted ropefender, and turned deathly pale.

  "What's the matter? What has happened?" demanded Hal anxiously. "Areyou hit, or are you simply shaken by the excitement?"

  "I'm hit--in here." Gerald bit his lips to suppress a groan, and pointedto his side. Then, to his friend's consternation, he fainted dead away.

  "What is this? The youngster gone off! Been upset by the fighting andnoise?" asked Lieutenant Billing, hurrying up.

  "No, I fear he's wounded," Hal exclaimed. "Somewhere in the side, Ifancy."

  They ran to Gerald's help, and while Hal held his head on his arm, thelieutenant tore his coat open.

  "A bit of shell struck him," he said quietly. "No wonder he feels queer.Say, one of you men, drop below and bring up a basin of warm water andsome dressings. Another of you hop along to the steward and get somespirits."

  He seemed to know exactly what to do, and, as soon as the things werebrought, poured some brandy into a tumbler, and, adding a little water,emptied the contents in small quantities at a time down Gerald's throat.Then he ripped the shirt open, and exposed an ugly gash over the ribs.

  "Guess one or more are broken," he said. "I don't profess to be adoctor, but I should say that it's nothing out of the way. The loss ofblood has caused him to faint. Now, then, along with the basin."

  He took a piece of lint, and utilizing it as a sponge, bathed the wound.Then he applied dressings and a bandage. By this time Gerald was showingsigns of regaining consciousness; he was promptly carried to a bunk, Halremaining by his side.

  Meanwhile the _Hudson_ and her consorts were running out of the bay,through the narrow and dangerous channel. They left the town of Cardenasin disorder, fires having broken out in some of the buildings. Outsidethe barrier they hove to, and the wounded and killed, numbering six inall, were then transferred from the _Winslow_ to the _Hudson_.

  "We're off to Key West, in Florida," said the lieutenant, coming down tospeak to Hal. "How's the youngster?"

  "Better, I'm thankful to say," was the answer. "He is conscious, and canspeak, but I've ordered him to be silent."

  "That is the best way, I reckon. Keep him so till we can get him tohospital. That'll be by daybreak to-morrow."

  Running at full steam, the _Hudson_ made light of the journey toFlorida, and early on the following morning Gerald was slung into alaunch and conveyed ashore. Hal accompanied him, and having handed himover to the tender care of a nurse, sauntered into the town. Flags wereflying everywhere, and the streets were thronged with townspeople andshipping folk, all of them wearing miniature American flags in theirbuttonholes.

  "What has occurred to cause all the excitement?" Hal asked of a man whowas seated outside a restaurant.

  "And don't yer know?" was the astonished answer. "Reckon America hasknocked spots off the Dons. Why, it aer more'n a week old. Here, lookthur, and you'll allow as there's reason to get a small piece uppish."

  He tossed a paper across to Hal, and began to sip his coffee. Hal openedthe sheets of closely printed matter, and found a complete page given upto one subject. Across the top, in big, bold type, was printed,"Glorious Victory! Dewey annihilates the Spanish fleet at thePhilippines! The battle of Manila! Full details! Wonderful gallantrydisplayed by the enemy! Small American losses!"

  Instantly his attention was riveted, and he read the article frombeginning to end.

  That there should have been fighting at such a distance from America hefully expected, for Spain possessed the Philippine Islands, which lie inthe neighborhood of Hong-Kong, and indeed had held them for not lessthan three centuries, during which period she had made a rich harvestout of them. When war commenced, an American fleet under Admiral Deweyhad been lying in Mirs Bay, close to Hong-Kong; while Montojo, theSpanish commodore, was cruising close to the islands. Evidently they hadmet, and the newspaper had a description of the battle. Hal ran his eyerapidly down the columns of print.

  "A glorious victory has been won for our nation this day, the 1st ofMay," he read. "Admiral Dewey, who, with his fleet of four cruisers, twogunboats, a dispatch boat, and store ships, has been lying snugly inMirs Bay, awaiting events, sailed from his anchorage on Wednesday, April27th, and arrived off Manila Bay on the 30th.

  "The Spanish admiral had barely entered, having cruised up to Subic Bayto examine its defenses. Following in his wake, Dewey boldly steamedinto Manila Bay, which, as our readers will doubtless know, is somethirty miles wide. It was a night of intense excitement. Not anunnecessary sound was made, the engines worked at their slowest, andevery light was masked. Breathless with longing to be up and doing, andyet held quiet and still by love for their country, the crews, groupedround their guns, waited for something to occur.

  "Like a column of ghosts the mighty battleships, cruisers, and gunboatsforged ahead, a line of a mile and a half in length, at least. Led bythe _Olympia_, the flagship, they entered the deep channel and steamedsteadily past Corregidor Island. Not a sound broke the stillness; not alight was to be seen. One, two, three fine ships stole by, and yet therewas no alarm. Were the Spaniards dozing? Hark! What was that?

  "Another and yet another of Dewey's ships passed the forts. The sixth,the _Boston_, was abreast, when suddenly the darkness was cleft in twainby a mighty flash, while a loud report echoed from the island.

  "'Ah, that aer more like it!' exclaimed the lads. 'That'll relieve thesuspense. Swish! Aint that a shell?'"

  "It was indeed a big shell, but it whizzed harmlessly overhead, to beanswered next moment by the guns of the _Raleigh_, _Concord_, and_Boston_. Unscathed, with not so much as a rope shot away, the fleetpushed into the bay, and, turning northeast, steamed at a pace only justsufficient to maintain steerage way. Hour succeeded hour, and, insteadof lessening, the excitement became even more intense. The men wereordered to sleep beside their guns, but who of them could be expected toobey? It was a physical impossibility. They lay on the hard decks,perspiring in the heat, and maintaining for the most part a grimsilence.

  "At last, when a weary age seemed to have passed, the east suddenlyflushed rosy red in the light of another dawn, the last that many a poorSpaniar
d was to see. As the daylight grew, the distant coast-line, rockyheadlands, and gorgeous patches of fresh green rose up out of the mist.Then, away in front, the town of Manila came into view, and a gasp ofastonished delight burst from the American crews, for there was theenemy's fleet, part drawn up across the entrance of Cavite Bay, andunder easy steam, while the remainder were moored farther in.

  "Still, not a sound broke the silence, save the gentle, half-mournfulthrob, throb of the engines. Grimly, steadily, and with earnest purpose,the fleet, led by Admiral Dewey, bore down upon the enemy--the spangledbanner that we love floating slowly in the tropical breeze.

  "Clinkety-clink! the engine dials rang out eight knots ahead, and awaysteamed our vessels straight for the Spaniards. Boom! boom! Splash! Thewater of the harbor boiled in foam, and rose in an enormous pinnacledead ahead of the _Olympia_, and then subsided as the ship rode proudlyon, for the Dons had exploded their only mines unsuccessfully. Still nota sound, save that monotonous throb, throb. At last a gun report washeard, then another, and within a minute the Spanish ships were allengaging our fleet, their shells hurtling and buzzing everywhere. Andfrom the Americans as yet not so much as a shout. But there is a limitto human patience. A burly giant, stripped to the waist, climbed on tothe mounting of the big gun in the stern of the admiral's ship, and,waving his cap, shouted, 'Boys, remember the _Maine_!' It acted likemagic. The shout was taken up from end to end of the fleet, and seemedto spur the admiral on to action, for a minute later the big turret gunsthundered, and were very quickly followed by a perfect hurricane ofshell. Shifting his course, the commodore turned, and, followed by hisconsorts, moved down the whole length of the Spanish line. Then hesteamed back again, using his other guns.

  "Five times did he traverse the line, drawing nearer every time. Twohours had passed like so many minutes, and by that time every Spanishship was ablaze, and sinking or deserted by her crew. Then the fleetdrew away, and, it is reported, steamed to Cavite, where the arsenalsand shipping were destroyed.

  "The Spaniards are said to have fought with heroic courage, and to havemanned old and obsolete ships armed with useless guns. This would appearto be correct, for our losses amount to eight wounded, while one mandied of heat-stroke. The Spaniards are said to have suffered veryseverely.

  "Further particulars are expected every moment, but what has alreadyreached us across the wires is sufficient to show that Dewey has crushedthe naval power of Spain in the Philippines.

  "Let us hope that the war is already at an end in that quarter of theglobe."

  "Phew! what a victory!" said Hal, lifting his eyes from the paper.


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