All I Want For Christmas

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All I Want For Christmas Page 12

by Emily Forbes

  With no time to think about what to expect when they reached the back door, it took Lexi a moment to assimilate the sight before her. The glass panel in the back door was strewn across the carpet, but instead of a gaping hole in the door something was blocking it.

  Tom had stopped still and was playing the torch beam over the scene.

  Lexi's brain suddenly registered the scene before her. 'The pine tree. It must have been hit by lightning and split.'

  Protruding through the door was a branch from the huge Norfolk Island pine that stood beside the back entrance.

  'Thank God we were already inside.'

  Lexi didn't want to think about where they'd been standing just a few minutes before, right under the enormous tree. 'I won't be able to reset the alarm now. I can't secure the surgery.'

  'Let me think for a moment. Is there likely to be anything in the shed I can use to cover the hole?'

  'I have no idea.'

  'Are there any more torches?'

  'I think there's one in the kitchen.'

  'We'll start there.' Tom took Lexi's hand as if it was the most natural thing in the world. Her mouth was dry, her heart was racing. She knew it wasn't from fear. 'Careful where you tread.'

  The safety glass crunched under their feet and Lexi knew it wasn't going to do any damage through their shoes, but she kept a firm hold of Tom's hand regardless. Could Tom feel her pulse? Was he aware of the effect his touch had on her?

  Entering the kitchen, Tom shone the torch around.

  'Try the top of the fridge,' Lexi said. She held tight to his hand as he located the torch and flicked it on. 'Ok, what next?'

  1'I'll take a look in the shed, see if there's any old bits of timber I can use.'

  He released her hand and she felt cast adrift. He was leaving her in here alone?

  He was walking towards the front door when he seemed to sense her hesitancy. 'Will you be all right? I'll be back as quickly as I can.' He flipped the lock on the front door. 'Why don't you ring the security company and tell them it's under control? Don't stay on the phone long, though. It's too dangerous in an electrical storm.'

  Lexi swallowed, summoning her courage.

  He looked back for a moment, saying, 'I'll see you soon,' before he stepped through the doorway and the dark night engulfed him.

  She was grateful now for the noise of the storm. It helped drown out the thumping of her heart. But there were lots of other, unfamiliar noises. She tried to convince herself they'd been there while Tom had been with her, and she knew logically that was true, but she hadn't noticed them then. Now she was alone she was aware of every little creak and groan. She clutched the torch tighter in her hand and made her way to the reception area to search for the security company's phone number. Picking up the telephone, she held the handset to her ear. No dial tone. Damn.

  She dug her mobile phone out of her pocket and checked for a signal. It was probably safer to call on a mobile anyway, given the fact that they were in the middle of a thunderstorm. Glancing around the workspace, she couldn't see the number she was after.

  She retraced her footsteps back to the alarm console—she was certain the phone number was written on there. Yep, there it was.

  She dialed the number and relayed what had happened to the operator, assuring her they'd let them know when they left the premises. Glass crunched like ice underfoot as she shifted her weight. She'd have to try to clean that up. Tom would need to kneel down to fix the door and he couldn't kneel in broken glass.

  She placed a quick call to her mother, letting her know what had happened and that she was OK, before she fetched the dustpan and broom from the kitchen, along with a rubbish bin, and started to sweep up the mess. Propping the torch in the corner to give her light to work by, she tried to concentrate on the task to distract her from the sounds of the storm. The dustpan was full and she turned to empty it into the bin behind her. Another flash of lightning lit up the passage, silhouetting a figure in the reception area.

  Lexi hands flew to her face as she dropped the dustpan and screamed.

  'Lex, it's OK, it's me.'

  'My God, Tom, you nearly scared me to death.' Lexi tried to sweep up the glass she'd just thrown over the floor but her hands were shaking so badly she had to abandon the job. She set the pan down and stood up, out of the torchlight, to hold her upper arms to stop the shaking.

  He came straight to her, wrapping her in his embrace, rubbing her back. Lexi sighed, resting her head on his rain-soaked chest. She could have stayed there forever.

  'I didn't mean to frighten you.' He stepped back, shining his torch on a pile of storage boxes at his feet. 'I found these in the shed. The cardboard's thick enough to block the wind but not enough to secure the building. I'll have to stay here until we can get the door fixed properly.'

  'We won't be able to do anything about it till the morning.' She moved closer to him, wanting to be back in his arms. The torchlight bounced off his legs, the denim dark and molded to his thighs. 'You're saturated.'

  'There's a fairly major storm going on out there.' He swung his torch to indicate the outside and his smile was revealed in the moving beam of light.

  She could feel the rain as the wind blew it through the ruined door. 'You need to get dry.'

  'I'll fix the door first. There'll only be more water coming through there until it's patched up.' Tom surveyed the damage. 'The branch has splintered right off the tree. I should be able to drag it away. Can you look for some tape to hold the cardboard in place?'

  The branch looked fairly sizeable, she'd never be able to move it alone. 'Won't you need help with the branch?'

  'I'll manage. No point both of us getting soaked. Have we got any old towels I can use to wrap around the branch? I don't really fancy getting splinters if I don't have to.'

  She rummaged through the linen cupboard in the passage, digging out several towels and a couple of blankets, handing the towels to Tom. 'Take these.'

  'Thanks,' he said as he disappeared into the night again.

  Lexi searched the kitchen cupboards next. She found packing tape and took it back to the door, along with a pair of scissors. Tom was just pulling the branch out of the door. He dragged it backwards a few feet before dumping it on the ground. Lexi quickly swept up more glass to clear the floor as much as possible.

  She called through the broken door, 'Should I knock the rest of the glass out?'

  'May as well leave it. The glaziers can do it tomorrow.' Tom stepped carefully through the gaping hole. 'Did you find any tape?'

  'Yep, here it is.'

  'If I hold the cardboard in place, can you cut some long strips to go diagonally across the door?'


  Tom crouched on the floor, holding one flattened box in position. Lexi leant across him, sticking one end of the tape into the bottom corner of the doorframe. He could feel the soft curls of her hair brushing his cheek as she reached past him. Apricots! Her breath was warm on his cold, damp skin and her breasts pressed against his upper arm. He closed his eyes, her scent and her touch almost too much to handle. He shivered.

  'Are you cold?'

  He opened his eyes when she spoke. He watched her straighten up, move away from him. She was stretching across to the opposite side of the door now, reaching up to tape diagonally. Her clothes were also damp now, wet from the rain coming in at a slant through the gaping hole, and her T-shirt clung to her breasts as she reached high.

  'A little.' A little white lie was OK in these circumstances, wasn't it?

  'Nearly done.' She cut the tape before starting again on the opposite side to cross the tape over itself in an X. She didn't need to lean across him quite so much this time and Tom missed the contact. 'You'll have to tape the top piece, I'm not tall enough. I'll hold the cardboard.'

  She picked up the second piece and Tom had a glimpse of tanned skin when her T-shirt rode up to reveal an inch of flesh above her jeans. She handed him the tape and scissors then held the cardboard in pla
ce. He stood behind her, reaching over her shoulder to fix the tape. It was a stretch and too late he realized he should have ducked under her arm.

  He had to press in close behind her to reach the top corner of the door. He could feel her round buttocks against his thighs and the sensation nearly made him groan aloud. Quickly he positioned the tape before stepping backwards. But he still had to unroll the tape diagonally downwards. He moved closer again. Holding the tape in his left hand, he reached under Lexi's armpit with his right, reaching across her body to pull the tape down. His arm brushed her breasts and he heard her sharp intake of breath.

  'Sorry. I'm nearly finished.'

  She turned her head towards him and he looked into her eyes. Her lips were parted as if she was about to speak. He waited but she was silent. He could see the rise and fall of her chest with each breath, and as he watched she licked her lips with a soft, pink tongue. It was too much. It had been building between them for days. Every kiss had been another step towards something more; every kiss he'd had had only left him wanting more. And more. And now here they were, alone. Here she was, standing before him, and he couldn't pretend kisses were enough anymore.

  He groaned aloud, bending his head to kiss her firmly on the mouth. Repairs forgotten, he dropped the scissors and left the tape dangling from the doorframe as he tasted her.

  Lexi's fingers were weaving into his hair as his tongue explored her mouth. He cupped his left hand behind her head, holding her mouth to his as his right hand sought her breast. He could feel the peak of her nipple pushing against the wet cotton of her T-shirt and as he grazed it with his fingers he heard her soft moan. The sound was like a bolt of electricity straight to his groin.

  'Tom, stop.' She was pushing him away. It took all his self-control to do as she asked. Were kisses alone enough for her, then?

  He looked down at her. She was panting, her eyes shining, her cheeks were flushed. It was the same look he knew was clear on his face. Desire. So, she wasn't pushing him away.

  'Not here.' She took another breath. 'We need to get out of these wet clothes.'

  He knew the mischief in her smile was mirrored by his grin. He ducked down, kneeling to fix the final piece of tape, still dangling from the roll, to the doorframe. When he stood, he held his hand out to her. 'Lead the way.'

  She turned, pulling him by his hand towards her consulting room, dropping his hand to pick up the pile of towels and blankets that lay in a heap on the passage floor before continuing, checking over her shoulder to make sure he was still following.

  She threw the pile of linen onto her examination couch then, with her hands unfettered once more, she lifted the hem of his T-shirt, pulling it up to expose his flat, toned stomach. She bent to kiss him, her soft lips brushing the skin to the left of his belly button. Tom gasped, ripping his T-shirt off completely before reaching for hers. He slid his hands under her shirt, running his palms up her sides, fingers spanning her back, thumbs slipping under her bra.

  Lexi lifted her head, her eyes were burning bright with desire.

  Tom's hands moved behind her, unclasping her bra in one swift movement and tugging her bra and T-shirt off together. He cupped one heavy, round breast in his hand, lowering his head to lick the erect nipple, his tongue rolling it around in his mouth. Lexi arched her back, offering herself to him, pulling his head down, holding him close.

  'Oh, God, Tom, don't stop.'

  He could feel her fingernails now, scraping down the length of his spine. The softness of her breasts contrasted sharply with the hardness of her nails and the disparity was just enough to prevent him from losing control altogether. Her hand reached his waist and he felt her run one finger around the waistband of his jeans, over his hip, around to the button fly. Her other hand left his hair. Two hands now at his waist. He felt one button snap undone. A second. A third.

  'You'll have to help me. They're soaking wet.'

  Tom pushed his jeans down with impatient hands, the wet denim clinging to his thighs. Lexi's hands were cupping his buttocks now, pushing his boxer shorts off his hips. He stood on the back of his shoe, not bothering to untie the laces, pulling one foot out, then the other. He felt Lexi slide his boxer shorts down, freeing him into her hand. Groaning softly, he stepped out of his jeans before picking her up and carrying her to the examination table. He laid her gently on the cotton sheet, knocking the pile of towels to the floor with one sweep of his arm. He kissed her hungrily, she was so soft and sweet. He moved his lips from hers to kiss her neck, her throat, moving down along her décolletage to her naked breasts.

  He licked each nipple before blowing gently over the damp surface, watching with delight as each bud peaked and hardened in response. Dropping kisses down the length of her stomach, her softly rounded womanly stomach, his fingers found the zip and button of her jeans and undid them swiftly. Lexi raised her hips and he removed her jeans and underwear easily, his thumbs skimming the inner surface of her thighs. He was still standing next to the table, leaning over her.

  Lexi reached out, wrapping one hand around him. Tom could feel the moisture welling out, lubricating him under her touch. His breath caught in his throat. He moved his hand to her thigh and her legs opened for him as his fingers found her soft, moist center.

  His thumb rolled over the sensitive core of her womanhood and she moaned and arched herself towards him, pulling him onto the table, covering herself with his length. Skin on skin, they were no longer cold and damp but burning with unrestrained longing.

  'I'd almost forgotten how beautiful you are, Lex.' His voice was thick with desire.

  She looked into his eyes, into his soul. 'Make love to me, Tom.'

  He was so close, could feel her body calling to him, directing him. The silent power she exerted was like the moon's pull on the tide.

  But he wasn't protected. He hesitated and she must have felt him pause.

  'In the top drawer of the instrument trolley.' Her voice was a whisper.

  He slid open the drawer next to the examination table. Sample packs of condoms. He offered a silent prayer to the reps and promised to be more gracious next time they wanted an appointment.

  He chose one, tearing open the packet with his teeth. Lexi removed the latex sheath from within and he propped himself on his elbows as she unrolled the condom, covering him, protecting them both.

  He bent his head, brushing her nipple with his mouth as she guided him into her, joining them. They moved together, Lexi's hips rising to meet his as they lost themselves in the sensations of love-making. He'd forgotten how perfectly they fitted together and the rhythm they'd shared returned in an instant. He fought to keep control, waiting until he felt her start to shudder beneath him before he allowed himself to become lost in release. Together they rode the wave of satisfaction, losing themselves in the bliss of being two souls joined as one.


  She felt Tom's hands on her, stroking the hair back from her face as she lay in the crook of his arm, enjoying the caress and wanting the closeness to continue unmarred by words.

  'Much as I don't want to move, my arm is in danger of breaking off if we don't change position.'

  Lexi forced her eyes open and looked straight into his, centimeters above her, her gaze travelling down to his mouth and back again. 'Morning.'

  'Good morning to you, too.' His voice was gravelly. They hadn't had much sleep and it was showing.

  'The storm's over?'

  'Yes. We should get up and look at the damage, ring the glazier.' His voice didn't hold much conviction.

  'We should.' She wasn't any more convincing.

  They stayed where they were, him supporting his weight on one elbow, looking down at her. He lowered his head and she licked her lips, waiting, wanting to be carried back into the bliss of last night.

  'Blast,' he muttered as a mobile phone rang and he eased himself off the bed to answer it. Grabbing one of the towels from the pile on the floor where he'd shoved them unceremoniously last night, he
wrapped it around his waist and secured it at the side, leaving a tantalizing glimpse of his thigh on show.

  She slipped off the couch and collected her clothes the moment Tom had his back partially turned. She felt self-conscious in the morning light and pulled her clothes on while he was occupied, doing up her jeans as he turned and held her phone out to her.

  'It's yours,' he said before he padded out of the room.

  ‘Problem?' Tom asked when he returned.

  'That was Max Stoppard, the chief of police.' She paused, distracted, as he bent to slip one foot into his jeans, tugging them up his leg, her eyes travelling over the length of his limbs. Mentally she shook herself and got her thoughts back on track, Given the phone call she'd just had, it was testament to the spell Tom had woven over her that she could be distracted at all. 'There was a yacht race overnight, between Kangaroo Island and here. Most of the yachts have limped into the marina but because of the storm there are lots of injuries. He wants me to head to the marina to start stitching people back together.'

  'When he says "most of the boats"?'

  'A couple haven't returned. The coast guard is searching for them now.' She squatted down on the floor to grab her shoes and slide them on, dragging her eyes away from Tom yet again as he unselfconsciously buttoned his jeans, the denim still damp, like the fabric of his shirt which clung to his chest. She wanted nothing more than to slide herself against him and peel his clothes off again, to run her hands over the contours of the body she'd become reacquainted with last night, but now wasn't the time. 'I have to go. Can you take care of—?'

  'The glazier and the tree removal? I'll ring Peggy now, but I'm coming with you.'

  'You don't mind.' He shook his head. 'Thank you.' She wanted to say something about last night but she felt unsure of what it had meant and where it would take them. It was one giant step closer to risking an enormous broken heart if she couldn't convince him to take a chance on more than just a short-term fling. She wouldn't be able to pretend that the emotional connection she felt with him didn't exist if he chose to leave again.


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