From: [email protected]
To: [email protected]
Sent: 6 March 2016 04:19
Subject: Re: Decomp?
Oh good God, he told you…
Yeah, I confess the pig story is true, but I bet Rick didn’t tell you about his own little contribution to the fair that year, huh? The janitor hated us both after that, right up until we graduated! But damn! I think he’d have had a heart attack on the spot if he’d been faced with a pipe bomb!
That beats the ‘gross out pig’ that had the girls throwing up, and the ‘everlasting deodorizer from hell’ that festered in the halls for months! At least you got a good job out of scaring your classmates!
My thesis is done. Presented it yesterday. Even got my best suit from the cleaners just for the privilege. Now I get six weeks to REALLY frazzle my nerves before I hear the results, but technically I’m a free agent unless the Prof wants me for some ‘voluntary’ teaching time, and seeing how I owe him I can’t really say no…
Still, the idea of being Dr. Daniel Scott PhD does sound pompously English, huh?
As for going out and having fun, or getting more sleep, I find a good book is generally better than all three, and the Bodleian Library is used to having me frequent the stacks at all hours of the day and night!
Which is partly why you find me still awake at nearly 4.30 in the morning.
Thanks for being concerned though. It’s rare for people to really take an interest like that.
Glad to hear you’re back from New York in one piece. I trust the conference (and Rick for that matter!) didn’t bore you too much.
Well, I know your workload is heavy so I’ll let you get on with your day, and thanks for staying in touch.
(JC? He signed his email as JC. Why do I find that kinda cute and oddly reassuring all at the same time?)
* * *
From: [email protected]
To: [email protected]
Sent: 5 March 2016 20:30
Subject: Congrats
It wasn't like I had it rigged to explode or anything! Not really. Just showed how one is put together, and the science behind it that makes it go boom. The sad thing is that a decade later I had to go back to my school and actually defuse a bomb. A student didn't like his grade and decided to blow up the teacher. Irony - same professor. He was very thankful I knew how to diffuse a pipe bomb after that. He was killed a few years back trying to stop a gang fight. Society has changed so much since I left school.
Sorry about that, a little moment reminiscing of a better time. Or at least it seemed more innocent all those years ago.
Congrats on getting the thesis done. Don't worry. You'll be Dr. Daniel Scott in no time. Reading is all good and fun. I won't mention my library at home. But you need to go out and celebrate.
Or at least do it at a decent hour of the day!
Remind me never to introduce you to our Medical Examiner, she collects strays. And if she even thinks for a moment someone needs mothering...
Let me know when you get your results.
I'll pop some champagne for you over here.
PS - If a lovely black woman with a southern accent shows up in England asking after you, I had absolutely nothing to do with it.
(I can't believe Nellie stood reading this over my shoulder. God, she puts mother hens to shame.)
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From: [email protected]
To: [email protected]
Sent: 22 April 2016 11:43
Subject: Change of email address
Just a quick note to let you know I’m free and clear of the University.
I’m now a doctor, though signing my name that way is still freaking me out here! And I have to wear robes and a mortarboard for the graduation ceremony in July!
Not a good image…
Open the drinks for me, okay?
But I’m no longer attached to the University on an official capacity so they pulled my email account and I’m reduced to the trusty ‘yahell’ as the kids here call it.
Hope life is treating you well and your workload isn’t too stressful right now.
(I'd told him I'd qualified and been disappointed not to get that metaphorical champagne he'd mentioned. The Prof and his wife had thrown me a small party instead and embarrassed the hell out of me. But it was good. So why did I email him again? What was I looking for?)
* * *
From: [email protected]
To: [email protected]
Sent: 22 April 2016 06:41
Subject: Re: Change of email address
Sorry it's been a while since I emailed you. We got a big break from a twenty-year old cold case and I've been working it non-stop for weeks. Even traveled back up to New York to talk with Kevin at the Missing Persons Squad.
In the end we succeeded admirably and arrested the perp for murder. I never felt so satisfied watching him be lead away. So bold and arrogant thinking he had gotten away with it all these years. Well he's going to jail now and the family finally has closure.
Congrats! See I told you there was nothing to worry about Dr. Scott.
So how does it feel?
I'm sorry we couldn't celebrate. One day I'll make it up to you.
Thanks for updating me on your email. I'm responding from my own personal account, so you'll have this address.
PS: Don't ask about the ID - let's just say my subordinates have the weirdest sense of humor.
(He sent me an email from his personal account! Does this mean he wants to keep talking? Why am I even doing this? I mean I feel like a teenager sending notes back and forth in class. Hmmm I wonder if he really is a biker-geek?)
* * *
From: [email protected]
To: [email protected]
Sent: 25 April 2016 13:01
Subject: Chaos going on
I’m really sorry it’s taken me a couple of days to answer your emails with any depth. I’ve been looking for a new place to live and trying to balance working part time for the Prof, with job interviews and family stuff.
Yada, yada, yada…
…all very boring.
Great news on solving such an old case.
I guess I’m not the only one who just keeps working until they get the answers, right? But to finally conclude something that’s been unsolved for so long must be incredibly satisfying. Congratulations James, to you and your team.
The ‘Dr.Scott’ thing is definitely a bit weird, but I’m getting used to it. Seems like I should start quoting some really bad Star Trek references or something. Still feels like the whole thing has added 20 years to my real age somewhere along the line!
I was sorry to hear about what happened to your teacher. There's nothing wrong with reminiscing, but you’re right about things changing. Nothing stays the same too long, but we can at least do the best with what we’ve got, while we’ve got the chance. Life gets taken away so fast. Blink sometimes and those we love are gone.
I WAS going to ask about the surfdudecop tag. You’ve got me puzzled about that. Care to elaborate?
As for the bikergeek thing. It’s a biker geek thing. Blame the '69 Shovelhead Harley and the leathers.
What is it with me collecting mother hens all my life? Do I look like I need taking care of or something? Seriously? No one’s shown up asking after me yet though, so I guess I’m safe! The Prof’s wife already treats me like a son. It’s flattering in a way but for the last few years she’s been insisting I don’t eat enough, and even though I love her apple pie and ice cream she keeps on baking food for me just in case I’m still a half-starved desperately broke student in a damp infested dorm with no kitchen!
But I do have somewhere to live now which is a relief, even if it’s over the Professor’s garage!
Again let me say very well done for solving the case.
Maybe it’s my turn
to nag YOU a little about getting some rest?
Talk to you soon I hope.
(He emailed me from his private account. Okay so maybe I didn’t scare him off with that last email I sent. And why the hell didn’t I mail him back sooner? Seeing his name in my inbox was a little exciting and I’m not sure I know why. Oh dear God, I’m regressing back to puberty!)
* * *
From: [email protected]
To: [email protected]
Date: 25 April 2016 09:11
Subject: Re: Chaos going on
Dr. Scott,
Haven't you gotten used to it yet? It took me months to respond to Lieutenant once I'd been promoted. You worked hard and deserve all the recognition you receive. Enjoy that.
My teacher lived a good life, did what he loved and died protecting his students. He was a hero and a man I respected. Though I have to admit it sounded like you lost someone close. Am I right? I hope I'm not prying but, well, I know what it feels like. My brother died a few years ago. He worked undercover and the operation went bad. He was the last of my family. My mother, she was murdered and she's very much the reason I'm here doing what I do.
I'm sorry I don't mean to bring up bad memories or old haunts. Working Cold Case, well, it's like all I have are ghosts some days.
As for the surfdudecop thing, it’s mainly to do with my hobbies outside work, or as my subordinates put it, my 'other personality'. But don't worry, I'm not a psychopath in my spare time, I swear.
So you have a Shovelhead Harley? I see now why you have mother hens. How many angels do you have riding with you?
I promise I'm resting, kind of, but you are quite right actually. I'll get caught up in a case and work until I get the answers I'm looking for. It's difficult and frustrating sometimes, working Cold Case, when you just don't have enough evidence or information, and it can be awful as hell knowing that someone out there is getting away with it while you're chasing old leads and turning over rocks again.
Speaking of resting, I need to get some later on. I've got Court tomorrow and the defense attorney is an ass. He likes to play showman for the Hollywood cameras.
Talk with you soon.
(Leathers! Oh, God… I don't even know what he looks like but I can just see him in tight black leather, riding that Harley. Though the more I think about it, the more it sounds like he lost someone. Wonder if it was someone close to him? A lover? He still sounds pained by it. Or maybe I'm reading way too much into this. I hope he writes back. Its good to just talk with someone again outside work.)
* * *
From: [email protected]
To: [email protected]
Sent: 25 April 2016 17:20
Subject: No bad memories, just good ones.
It’s good to hear from you again JC. Thanks for keeping in touch. I’m sure I’ll get used to being Dr. Scott eventually, but to friends I’m always Daniel.
Or Dan. But only if you buy me dinner first!
You’re right by the way, about the bike. I have an angel on the handlebars with me. I took her to the racetrack at Silverstone last summer just to really open her up and get the cobwebs out of her and see what she can do for her age. And from what I’m sure must be a horrified look on your face right now, I’ll refrain from telling you the kind of speeds I was reaching. She's an old lady, but she can still move.
Trust me though, it was a once in a lifetime kinda thing, and my grin was a mile wide for days after. The whole lab was convinced I’d spent the weekend getting laid!
So I'm guessing surfing is something to do with your alternate personality?
I do recall Charles saying something about making sure to never get on your bad side.
I was sorry to hear about the tragedies that have come your way. I’m sure there’s nothing I can say that you haven’t already heard a millions times before in varying degrees of sincerity, but I want you to know I understand how it feels to lose a loved one. That’s what drove me into science, and though Andrew didn’t exactly meet a violent or sudden death, I still feel like he’s prodding me now and then to do better, strive harder, be a bit more of a geek if that’s what it takes to get results. I try not to dwell so much on his death, as on what can be achieved from that point in my life, and where it leads me for the future.
If you ever just want to talk, without office politics or the expectations of your colleagues, I make a good listener, but I’m sure that what you do in your mother’s memory still makes her proud of her son.
No killing that defense attorney tomorrow, okay? Hollywood would have a real fest if you did that!
I hope to hear soon that you’ve cracked another Cold Case and someone else can find a little peace and closure, but at the risk of sounding like your very own mother hen over there…
Get some rest!
As ever,
(Did I just send that? Did I just tell him all that? Wow! Patronizing much? What is wrong with me? And better yet, why am I checking my mail every hour just to see if he’s answered me back? He’s going to read between the lines about Andrew. He’s going to realize I’m just a geek and that’ll be it. And why does it bother me that he could be getting all the wrong impressions about me? Okay, I need to calm down. I need a good book, a long walk, a 12 hour shift in the University helping grade papers…)
* * *
(I'm not sure if the image of him flying at high speeds through European streets thrills me or scares the shit out of me. Wonder what he looks like...? Leather + bike + shit eating grin = fantasies that are not healthy while I'm at work!)
From: [email protected]
To: [email protected]
Sent: 28 April 2016 19:22
Subject: Greetings from LA
I promise I didn't kill the Defense Attorney. Okay, so I glared and growled and scared the shit out of him yes, but I didn't lay a finger on him. I promise.
I can understand the thrill of a fast bike on an open road. I've taken my Mustang out a few times on the long scenic routes around California. Had to talk some Highway Patrol guys out of a few tickets over the years.
So what exactly has Mr. Kent been telling you about me then? I do not have a fiery temper. (Yeah I swear I just heard crickets start chirping around the office here!) Okay, so I do have a fiery passion for what I do, and though I'm not quick to anger, it’s never good to piss me off. Ask the idiot Internal Affairs guy who doesn't get it. He's an annoying little shit who lives to make my life hell. *sigh* Sorry about that. I had a run in with him today about some supposed procedural screw up he said one of my guys did, in what he says was a sloppy procedural assessment. I know it wasn't that bad. I just have no idea why he hates me or my team so much.
If you don't mind me asking, was Andrew was more than just a friend? It's just that I can almost feel it in the way you write about him. And if you're worrying about closed closet views, don't. We all have our closets.
I'm a firm believer that what we live through makes us stronger. Though I've had tragedy in my life, I have had good moments that surpass the dark times, and I can honestly say getting to know you is one of those good moments.
Conversations in Real Time Page 2