Roommates & Thieves: A Second Chance Romantic Comedy (Breaking The Rules Book 3)

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Roommates & Thieves: A Second Chance Romantic Comedy (Breaking The Rules Book 3) Page 4

by Jenna Reed

  “Are you okay?”

  “Yes, I’m great. I’m glad it was with you,” she says, taking my hand as the horror movie we’d started plays in the background. “My first time.” She looks sheepishly at the ground.

  I pretend to be surprised and bring a hand to her face drawing her to me, “You said you’d done it before.” I chuckle.

  “I’m sorry, I lied. Was I okay?”

  The vulnerability and sweetness of Nina slam the realization into me, I love her. This is it. She is it for me.

  The dream shifts and she stands over me outside the Halloween party, pointing in my face. I’m dressed as Woody from Toy Story and not Maverick. She’s laughing at me.

  “Thanks for getting rid of my virginity,” she cackles like a witch as Buzz Lightyear comes over to put his arm around her. “Now I can be with a real man.”

  “No, Nina,” I say, reaching out for her. My hands enclose on her boobs, and she says my name.

  “Travis, Travis, wake up. You’re having a nightmare. I can hear you groaning and yelling across the house. Wake up.”

  As I become aware that I’m not asleep anymore, I realize the boobs I’m holding onto are very real. I scoot back and end up hitting my head on the wall. Nina leans down next to me, a look of concern on her face.

  “You were having a nightmare. I’m sorry for waking you, but you were seriously loud.”

  “No, boobs,” I spit out, “sorry, Buzz Lightyear.”

  “The space ranger?” She tilts her head at me, staring at her face.

  “Yeah, sorry I was having a nightmare,” I say, sitting up. “I’m sorry about the…” I gesture to her chest, which is cupped by her nightgown. She covers herself self-consciously. “It’s okay. I just thought you called my name.”

  As she says it, her cheeks flush, and she looks mighty fucking adorable.

  “I may have,” I say, “I’m not sure what I was dreaming about.” I lie, refusing to tell her I was dreaming about how she rejected me. I’m a man, and I’m not about to spew my guts out to her just so she can trample all over them.

  “Okay, ah… night,” she mumbles and walks out of the room, closing the door gently behind her.

  “Night,” I say, lying back down. I know I called her name, several times even.

  Jesus. Running a hand through my hair, I stare up at the ceiling, clown monkey staring back at me, laughing at me. I thought I was over this–over her–but as it turns out, I was just over avoiding it.



  It’s been about a week since Travis moved in, and I’ve gotten really good at avoiding him. I hate to admit it, but the night he grabbed my boobs in his sleep, it was the most action I’d gotten in… well, a while. I’m one hundred percent sure he called my name when I went into his room, and though he said that he did, he wouldn’t tell me what he was dreaming about.

  Since then, I’ve been either hiding out in my room or staying out to eat somewhere. I’ll do anything to avoid any type of conversation. However, just because I’m avoiding him doesn’t mean I’ve stopped picturing him naked. I’ve had some very confusing dreams involving him and my purple couch lately, which is honestly really strange.

  Usually, I just wait for him to leave in the morning to go to his parents’ house before I exit my room. Which means I have to get ready for work really fast. I end up putting my makeup on in the parking lot at work and doing my hair in the office.

  To me, it’s worth it. I can’t look at him without thinking about his hands on me. Especially now that he groped my breasts. Somehow, I feel like avoidance is the best way to handle this because at least the rent is getting paid, and that’s the entire reason he’s here.

  Today I’m not going to work though. I’ve got to get the furniture thing handled. I throw on sweats and braid my hair in pigtails. I don’t have to look glamorous for this trip out.

  Maybe if I have time, I’ll go to the gym. We have a really nice one on the apartment’s property, but I’ve been so stressed I haven’t used it. I’ve also been eating super shitty and have probably gained at least ten pounds in bloat.

  I haven’t given Travis a chance to offer to help buying furniture because he’s not going to be staying with me for long. I’ll just take on a second job or sell what little I have left to make rent next month. No way, no how is he staying here another month.

  On my adventure out of the house, I decide to hit up the thrift store first for some discount furniture. It’s where I found the purple wonder the first time, may she rest in peace. I figure they’ll have a lot, and since it’s a short drive from the apartment, why not? Once the task is done, I can go home and do nothing.

  Upon arriving, I find that they have no deals for me. All the furniture is gone. The only stuff in here is art décor, some ugly rugs and old kitchen appliances. Maybe Vicki robbed them too? All I can do is frown. A broken chair is the only thing in the whole shop, and it is far overpriced. Plus, what am I going to do with one chair? And a broken one at that? As I walk around the place, I muse over grabbing some art to put on the walls, so my apartment doesn’t seem completely empty. Ultimately I decide to save what little money I do have for things I actually need. Like for rent when I kick Travis to the curb.

  My head starts to pound as I walk out of the consignment store. It’s a sign that I need some caffeine. Luckily, Frenzied Bean is just across the street and has amazing fraps, so I decide to go there for my much-needed fix. The coffee shop is one of about ten in the neighborhood, but instead of just having free Wi-Fi, they have laptops, a little library, and charging stations. Plus, they play the best music, and honestly, it’s just an overall chill place to hang out. Maybe I’ll just move in here, I’m sure no one will notice.

  Stepping just inside the door, I’m a little shocked. I didn’t expect to see anyone I knew because, well, I look horrible for one, but there he is, Sam. He’s my boss’s PA, and he’s in line waiting for coffee. The smell of the roast is the only thing that keeps me from bolting. Running a hand through my hair, I hope my braids haven’t come loose. I find some tinted Chapstick in my purse and put it on quickly.

  We’ve been flirting since he broke up with his girlfriend, Heather. She was an accountant in our firm and intimidating as all hell. Heather was one of those women who never had a hair out of place and wore a different outfit every day. She looked flawless and consistently made me look and feel like a troll. She moved to a different firm and left him like yesterday’s garbage. That sounds dirty, but he became available and was damaged goods, which just turns me on. I do realize that’s part of a laundry list of problems in the relationship department. I didn’t want to be a rebound chick though, so I’ve been casually flirting but not making an effort. I like to think it’s something I’m good at.

  “Hey, Nina,” Sam greets, giving me a huge smile. “Fancy meeting you here.”

  I smile back. He has that kind of boy next door thing going on with his shaggy brown hair, and blue eyes that sparkle in the sunlight. Today he wears a blue polo and a pair of black slacks with black shoes. He’s put together, going places and I’m just… well me.

  “Hey,” I reply cheerfully. “What are you doing?”

  What a stupid fucking question. I’m the biggest idiot.

  “Getting coffee for the boss. We miss you today.” He tilts his head, and a little hair falls across his forehead. Be still my heart.

  “Is it busy?” My job is half answering the phone, half filing, and doing paperwork. It’s only busy when the phone rings while I have someone in the office and need to print a million things. My phone hasn’t rung today, so I assumed Sam was rocking it. When things are busy, those are the days I like the best. It makes time go by so much faster.

  “Yeah, but I’m holding it down. Notice I haven’t called you today even though I’ve needed to several times. I’m an excellent multi-tasker.” He winks at me. “How’s the crazy roommate?”

  “Funny you should ask. She actually left and took all my furnitur
e.” I frown, hearing it out loud, it sounds insane. “That’s why I’m out today, doing the whole furniture hunt. I struck out and decided to drown my failure in coffee.”

  “Oh no, not your favorite couch! It sounded epic,” he says.

  “Man, I really talk about my couch too much,” I say. And dream of it, I think.

  The barista from behind the counter calls his name, and he goes to grab his order. He’s gotten a huge box of coffee for the office and a small latte for himself.

  “I hoped I’d get to see it one day.” He winks as he gets the cream and sugar. “You made it sound like a real legendary piece of furniture.”

  Shrugging, I say, “Yeah, too bad.”

  Then as if a rock fell from the sky and hit me upside the head, I realize what he said. He wanted to see it? He wanted to come to my apartment and see my couch. That means he wanted to see me after work. Should I invite him over? No, Nina. Don’t be stupider than you already are. Also, stupider is not a word.

  “Okay, well, it was nice seeing you, Nina,” he says and moves toward the door.

  Dammit, I let too much time go by. My brain automatically goes into panic mode, and I’m not sure what to do. Let him walk away? Say something?

  Tongue died and confused, I do what any sane cool chick would, I screech his name as he walks out the door.

  “Sam, wait!”

  Everyone looks at me, and of course, Sam turns with wide eyes to look back at me. Oh, boy. My throat tightens, and I swallow around the knot forming there. Way to put the spotlight on yourself, Nina.

  “Let’s hang out sometime. You know, outside of work. I could get a new couch.” I beam at him. Stupid! Stupid. God, that was a dumb thing to say. I’m two for two today with the dumb comments.

  Luckily, he grins and nods. “All right, we’ll do it.” He walks out of the shop, and I stare in awe as he does.

  Smiling like an idiot, I order coffee. While the barista prepares my drink, I have nothing better to do than to overshare with her, “he said, we’ll do it,” I say, then blush, “not do it, like do it, obviously, we’re not even dating.”

  Why can’t I keep my mouth shut?

  The barista gives me a pitied look as I walk away. I decide to go sit and use a complimentary laptop while I wait. I’ll occupy myself by looking for furniture on the market sites and social media. Maybe then I’ll stop talking and making a mockery out of myself. After finding some shady looking couches I probably wouldn’t want in my apartment, I switch to Facebook marketplace for people posting gently used furniture.

  After a couple hours and two coffees with a bagel later, I send a message to a chick with a plain plaid couch I can afford. I decide to hit up a couple more stores and then run some errands. I’ve already seen the only person that matters today, it doesn’t matter that I’m dressed like a homeless person.

  The next thrift store ends up being an even bigger miss. I sit in a recliner that must be meant for a giant. I actually sink into it, but it’s a hideous yellow, and even I have to draw the line somewhere. This thing is atrocious. Maybe I’ll put it in Travis’s room.

  I go by the grocery store to replace my ice cream, cookie dough, and wine supply. Looking at my cart, I feel guilty and throw in the things I need to make a salad with turkey for dinner.

  By the time I finish everything, it’s five o’clock, and I head to the house. When I get home, I’m surprised to find Travis there. His car sits next to my parking spot, and I don’t get out for a full minute, working my courage up. I come in to find him standing at the kitchen counter. He grins as I walk in, and rushes over to take the bags from me.

  He’s wearing an impossibly tight black Under Armor tank and gray basketball shorts. My mouth dries as my gaze roams over his perfectly sculpted abs. I have to force my eyes to move back north to look at his face, instead of his body.

  “Like what you see?” That cocky bastard.

  “I... I was just wondering what the heck you are doing here… all sweaty and stuff,” I huff.

  “My dad wanted to rethink the plans for the greenhouse after we already got it started,” he says, “so I had the afternoon off and went for a run.”

  “Oh,” is all I can say for some reason. It’s like I’m drawing a blank, or maybe all my brainpower is working toward not looking down at his abs again.

  “I bought pizza because you’ve been really cold to me,” he says, “and I thought some cheese and pepperoni might win you back over.”

  I blanch, “have I?”

  “Nina,” he looks at me all serious and brooding like, “you know you have.”

  “I’m sorry.” Kinda, but not really. “I’ve just been upset. My roommate was the worst, and I feel bad we’re in this situation with no furniture.”

  “I’m going to get some furniture for you. Just tell me what you like,” he says.

  “You don’t have to do that. I can get my own furniture.” What the hell is he trying to do? Buy himself off my shitlist? Pizza, however, does sound good. Damn, my diet just keeps getting pushed back.

  “I was planning on eating healthy tonight.” I pull out the lettuce and wave it at him.

  “Just have a slice or two.” His eyes glitter in the lighting, and I’m mesmerized by them. “I got it from Antonio’s.”

  Immediately, I drop my grocery bags. “Oh, well… I guess I could have a couple slices, it wouldn’t hurt,” I tell him, and grab the box from the counter. Opening it, I inhale deeply. “Salad is more like a lunch food anyway…”

  “Yes, it can definitely wait till tomorrow.” He winks at me, and small butterflies take flight in my stomach. Why does he have to be so charming? Bringing me my favorite pizza and shit.

  I grab a soda from the fridge and take a slice of pizza before sitting down on the floor in the living room. Travis does the same and sits down a few feet away from me. For a few minutes, we eat in silence. Well, actually, it’s not quite silent. Really, it’s a bunch of chewing sounds you wouldn’t usually notice if the TV or radio was on like in a normal apartment.

  “Tell me about your roommate,” he asks, catching me off guard.

  Why does he want to know about my roommate? I almost don’t want to tell him about her. I don’t want to share anything with him. But what else am I going to do? Not talk to him at all?

  “Well, for starters, she was always up all night, making these crazy YouTube videos. She had people in and out all the time, and one time, she had an orgy, and there were people painted with like colorful paint, rolling around on a sheet in the living room.” I shake my head at the horrid memory. I need to bleach my eyes to forget the images it took in that day.

  “You’re kidding me,” he snorts, “she makes YouTube videos?”

  I laugh, after everything I said, he chose to comment about the YouTube videos over the paint orgy? He stretches out on the floor, his basketball shorts tightening on his ass when he pulls his leg back. I look away and swallow. It’s been a while since I had any dick, but I’m not that desperate.

  “Do you want to see one?” I say, not sure if I’m taking things in a dangerous direction.

  “Yeah, just let me grab a quick shower.” I nod enthusiastically, too enthusiastically. Tone it down, Nina.

  I get up and grab another slice of pizza before putting my healthy purchases away and rush the ice cream and cookie dough into their hiding places. Not that I think he would eat them, but I can’t be too sure.

  When he comes back into the kitchen, he smells amazing, and I breathe him in. I already know the scent because I inhaled everything he put in the shower when he left for work. Like the weirdo I am, but on him, it smells a million times better. Refusing to let his amazing scent get to me, I pull up YouTube on my phone and show him the screen.

  “So, this one was my favorite. She did the pepper challenge, where you eat peppers, right? But, being Vicki, she either thought she wanted to change it or just did it wrong. I haven’t determined if she acted dumber than she was.”

  I start the v
ideo, and Vicki comes onto the screen to introduce the pepper challenge. She has a knife and cuts up two hot peppers, though she fails to say what they are. I watch Travis’s reaction to what she does next. She takes the peppers and lays them on her eyes.

  It takes about three seconds before the screaming starts. His eyes widen, and then he turns to me. “I don’t know if I should laugh or not. That really sounds like she’s being tortured.”

  “It’s ridiculous. I was here the day she filmed that. It scared me to death. After a while, she just laid down on the ground. It was completely traumatizing. She did a different hot pepper challenge the next week and rubbed it on her lips.”

  “No way, were her eyes red?”

  “They were blistered. Not just her eyes, her eyelids, her cheeks, and her forehead. She had to go to the doctor and explain what she did to them. I wasn’t even her, and I was embarrassed.”

  “Okay, get some drinks, we’re watching all of these,” he announces, grinning.

  “Really?” I get a bit excited that someone else wants to make fun of my roommate with me. It’s usually Grady and me, but he gets bored after the first couple goes. No one can really appreciate what it was like to live with her, mainly because they didn’t live with her.

  “Yes, really.”

  “Uh, why not. I’ll put it on my laptop,” I tell him, and run to grab two bottles of beer. I’m oddly excited about this. It’s going to be fun. I almost forget that I’m supposed to be avoiding him, almost.

  “Okay, so on this next one, she thought the cinnamon challenge was to snort it,” I tell him, already laughing at how ridiculous Vicki was.

  “Okay, she has to be messing these up on purpose.” His gaze widens as she yells once she snorts the first bit of cinnamon up her nose.

  “Maybe, but she was always doing them wrong. This particular case, she yelled at me for not telling her how to do it right. I yelled back that she should’ve looked the challenge up ahead of time. It was one of the biggest fights we ever had.”


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