The Originator Wars: Explorations: A Lost Fleet Novel

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The Originator Wars: Explorations: A Lost Fleet Novel Page 4

by Raymond L. Weil

  “We are the Eternals. What are a few years to us? Inform me as soon as the stealth ships are launched. I also want weekly status updates on their discoveries.”

  First Leader Fehnral was determined to destroy the Humans. Once that was done then it would become practical to conquer all of the galaxies the Originators controlled. Once that was done he would place a quarantine zone around all the Shrieels, imprisoning the Originators inside. It was a good plan and one he was sure would succeed.


  Jeremy and Kelsey were over at Angela’s house watching the kids play together. Kelsey smiled to herself watching as Clair tried to organize games she wanted to play. Every time Clair suggested something Jason disagreed and wanted to do something different.

  “Jason’s just stubborn,” said Jeremy, watching the five children. Jason was standing in front of Clair with his hands on his hips shaking his head.

  “Like his father,” replied Kelsey, squeezing Jeremy’s hand. “Both of you are stubborn at times.”

  Jeremy released Kelsey’s hand and walked over to where Brace and Kevin were standing in front of a large smoking barbeque grill. Brace was grilling some large steaks as well as shish kabobs. Jeremy had to laugh as he saw on the edge of the grill two large hamburger patties.

  “Hamburgers taste great cooked out,” Kevin said defensively, noticing Jeremy’s stare.

  “You know Katie’s going to get on to you for eating more hamburgers.” Hamburgers were Kevin’s favorite food and he had as of yet failed to get tired of eating them.

  Kevin was about to respond when Grayseth and Marille came through the gate to the backyard. Both were carrying large trays of food as the Bears had massive appetites. Their four cubs were tagging along as well and as soon as they saw Clair and the other four children they bounded away, heading excitedly toward them. There were three male cubs and a slightly smaller female cub.

  “Don’t tear anything up,” warned Marille, keeping a watchful eye on her cubs. Even at this young age they were very strong.

  “They will soon be going out on the Hunt,” said Grayseth, baring his large incisors. “It is our tradition that when they reach six years of age they begin learning how to survive in the wilderness. I will take them on their first few hunts and then when they are ready, take them out and leave them on their own to test their survival skills.”

  Jeremy watched as one of the cubs and Jason were wrestling on the ground. The cub quickly pinned Jason and then let him up. Both were laughing. Jeremy noticed both Clarissa and Ariel were standing nearby watching closely.

  Brace took the two trays of meat Grayseth and Marille had brought and placed two huge slabs on the grill as well as some slightly smaller ones for the cubs. “It’s a good thing I had this grill made so large.”

  “All Carethians have healthy appetites,” said Grayseth. He then turned toward Jeremy. “When are the Avenger and New Horizon leaving?”

  Jeremy took in a deep breath. He hadn’t spoken to Kelsey and the others yet about what he was considering. “I’m thinking about taking the dreadnought fleet and the exploration fleet far out past Eternal space. I want to find a cluster of galaxies in a large enough group for us to begin making contact with. If we can find sufficiently advanced civilizations who will be willing to join us in the war against the Eternals, we may be able to create a blockage point for their expansion.”

  Kevin watched as Brace turned over the hamburgers, causing a loud sizzling sound. “How far are we talking about going?”

  “Six weeks via an Accelerator Ring,” replied Jeremy. “That’s how long it will take to get us to the region I want to go. We will also be taking along the materials to construct two Accelerator Rings at our destination.”

  “Six weeks,” replied Kevin, his face turning slightly pale. “How long would it take to get back without an Accelerator Ring?”

  Jeremy hesitated and then answered, “Over a year.”

  Brace put some spices on the steaks and then asked a question. “Will we be taking any of the forty-kilometer battlestations with us?”

  “I don’t know yet. We will also have some Originator cargo ships which will be carrying the rings and other essential supplies.”

  Grayseth put one of his large paws on Jeremy’s shoulder. “Clan brother, how long will you be gone?”

  This was something Jeremy was still not sure about. “Possibly as much as a year or longer. We will be able to remain in contact using the Accelerator Ring.”

  Kevin placed two hamburger buns on the grill. “That’s a long time to be away from the Dyson sphere.” Even on their other exploration journeys they had returned to the Dyson sphere every few months.

  “It needs to be done,” replied Jeremy. He hated being gone so long but he could see no other option. “Besides, Admiral Jackson and the council will keep everything running. There shouldn’t be any problems.”

  Katie came over to the grill, smelling the steaks and smiling. “Remember Brace, I want mine cooked medium and Kelsey wants hers medium well.”

  “I remember,” replied Brace. “And Angela wants hers well done while Grayseth and Marille want theirs medium rare.”

  Katie nodded and smiled. “You’re learning.” She glanced at the grill and frowned, spotting the two hamburger patties. She glared at Kevin. “You have got to be kidding!”

  Kevin turned pale but looked defiantly back at Katie. “Hamburgers taste better when they’re grilled and Brace is an excellent cook.”

  “Whatever,” replied Katie. She turned and went back where the other women were sitting talking and watching the kids play.

  Jeremy grinned. “Looks as if you’re in trouble again.”

  Kevin shrugged his shoulders. “I just like hamburgers. Katie eats everything.”

  “If we’re going to be gone for a year or more that means we need to take the kids on the New Horizon,” said Brace with a slight frown. “I don’t know how comfortable I’m going to feel about that. We’re going out into completely unknown space. Who knows what dangers we could be facing?”

  “Brace is right,” said Kevin, looking over to where the kids were now playing on the large play set in the backyard. Clair and Jason were having a contest on who could swing the highest. “Maybe we should take more warships with us.”

  Jeremy thought over what his two friends were saying. There was no way he wanted to put the kids in danger. “I’ll have Kelsey talk to Arian and see if they can locate a region of space which fits the parameters we’re seeking. That will give us a better idea on how long our trip will be. Once that’s been decided then we can determine what needs to come with us.”

  “The council will insist on sufficient protection for you and the others,” said Grayseth in his normal booming voice. “You make me regret being on the council as I would love to go on this Hunt with you.”

  Jeremy nodded. “I would love to have you along too but you need to remain here and train your cubs in the ways of the Hunt as well as be the leader for your people. There are many Carethians coming to the Dyson sphere to live and you must help to teach them the new ways here.”

  Grayseth stood silently and then nodded. “You are right, Clan Brother. Living here is far different than living back on Careth. My people have much to learn and we must be careful not to lose our heritage.”

  “You are a great warrior people,” replied Jeremy. “We have been through much together and I’m sure we’ll share many exciting adventures in the future.”

  “Food’s ready!” announced Brace as he began putting the meat onto several large trays. Three tables were set and held the rest of the food that would go along with the meat.


  Kelsey looked at Jason and frowned. Dirt seemed to have a way of finding him wherever he went. “We better take the kids in and wash them off.”

  Angela started laughing. Clair was standing in front of Jason with her hands on her hips while admonishing Jason for getting so dirty. Jason stood there with his head hung down.
/>   “There’s dirt all over you,” said Clair, pointing at the dirt on Jason’s clothes and face. Where did all of it come from?”

  “The slide,” replied Jeremy defensively. “I fell in the sand at the end of it.”

  “You didn’t hurt yourself?” asked Clair suddenly, showing concern. While she was always teasing Jason, she really liked him. Next to her, he was the smartest in the group though most of the time he didn’t show it.

  “No, it didn’t hurt.”

  “Then let’s go inside and clean up. I’m hungry.” Taking Jason by the hand, she led him inside followed by their smiling mothers.


  Katie was watching the twins eat their hot dogs glad for once the four-year-olds were watching their manners. It helped that Clarissa and Ariel were nearby helping to supervise. For the most part all five of the children, including the four cubs, listened to what Clarissa told them. Across from her Kevin was chowing down on one of the two hamburgers in his plate. He had loaded both up with cheese, tomatoes, pickles, onions, and lettuce.

  “Wipe the mustard off your cheek,” she said. “It’s bad enough you have to eat those things; the least you could do is not smear mustard all over yourself.”

  Kevin grinned. Thanks to the youth generation treatments they all took he still looked as if he was in his early thirties. They all did. “Sorry. They just seem to taste better when someone else cooks them.”

  Katie cut a slice off her steak and took a small bite. It was cooked just as she liked it. “Jeremy, I was talking to Faboll Lavar and he has some computer updates he wants to install in the New Horizon and the Avenger.” Faboll was an Originator and a specialist in computers and AI programming.

  “Have him run it past Aaliss and Clarissa then they can explain to me exactly what he wants to do.” Jeremy was enjoying the evening. It wasn’t often he could get away from the ships and the Tower and enjoy an evening with no worries.

  Katie nodded. Her light green eyes shifted over to Kelsey. She would need to talk to Kelsey about this as well. Even though Rear Admiral Barnes was the commander of the New Horizon, everyone knew Kelsey had a lot of say in how things were done on the ship.


  Later as it was nearing time to leave Jeremy and Kevin were standing on one side of the yard by themselves.

  “The kids are really growing,” commented Kevin as they were ushered into the house by their mothers in preparation for heading back home.

  “They’ll be joining the academy before we know it,” replied Jeremy.

  Kevin looked up and slowly shook his head. “It’s strange to look up into the night sky and not see moons or stars.” Night in the Dyson sphere was created by rotating panels closer to the sun that shielded parts of the Dyson sphere from the sunlight, creating darkness, and capturing energy.

  “I’ve gotten used to it.” Jeremy took a deep drink of the tea from the glass he was holding in his hand. Angela made really good tea. “It’s kind of peaceful knowing there’s no danger here inside the Dyson sphere.”

  “Let’s just hope it stays that way.” Kevin saw Katie come to the back door motioning for him to come inside. “I think it’s time to leave. Have to get home and put the kids to bed.”

  Jeremy nodded. “It’s not like it used to be before we had children, but I wouldn’t trade them for anything.”

  “I have to go on board the Avenger tomorrow,” said Kevin as he turned to go into the house. “We’re installing some new sensor arrays to increase the sensitivity of our scans. Are you going to be on board anytime soon?”

  “Probably not. I’ve got a series of meetings and planning sessions scheduled for the next few days.”

  “I guess we better enjoy our time here while we can,” said Kevin. “Do you really think we’ll be gone for a year or more?”

  Jeremy wished it wasn’t so but in order to actually go far enough out to be able to stop the Eternals he didn’t see they had any other choice. “At least.”

  Kelsey was waiting at the door holding Jason’s hand. Jeremy sighed and walked over to his wife. It was time to go home.


  An hour later Jeremy had just finished his shower and was waiting in bed for Kelsey. Jason of course wasn’t ready for bed and Kelsey was reading him a story. As Jeremy lay there, he thought long and hard about some of the subjects which had been discussed at the barbeque in Brace’s backyard. If they were going to be gone for over a year, they might indeed need a base to come back to. Going so far out into the unknown also represented a number of dangers. What if they ran across another race similar to the Eternals? They also needed a way to repair damaged ships if the need arose. Maybe it would be wise to take one of the forty-kilometer battlestations. With a deep sigh, he realized there was going to be a lot of planning necessary before they could launch this mission.

  He heard the shower come on and realized Kelsey would soon be in bed. There were some things he wanted to discuss with her and it could be done best in the privacy of their bedroom where Jason couldn’t hear.

  A few minutes later Kelsey came in to the room and Jeremy’s eyes widened. She had on one of her gowns that indicated she had other things on her mind besides talking. Oh well, he thought. We can talk in the morning.


  The space around the Communications and Transport Hub was very busy with all the space traffic coming and going. On the Four Dyson spheres, there were seventeen Vortex Control Centers on each which could create a hyperspace vortex connecting with any other Dyson sphere in Originator controlled space. In addition there were four of the large Accelerator Rings which could send a spacecraft anywhere in known space. All around the area of space where the Originators’ Communications and Transport Hub was located were hundreds of titanic structures. Many of them were massive ship construction yards and others giant manufacturing facilities which processed the raw material the Originators and their AIs needed to maintain the mega-structures. There were also research centers where the AIs and now the Originators worked advancing their science.


  Rear Admiral Hailey Mann was in the Command Center of her flagship the heavy dreadnought Victory preparing to enter one of the Accelerator Rings and head to the battlestation where Commander Zafron was based. She was also taking additional ships to replace those he had lost in combat.

  “Accelerator Ring number three will activate in twelve minutes,” reported Caria from the helm. Caria was an Originator AI.

  “Space traffic is really heavy today,” commented Commander Sutherland as he gazed at the massive viewscreen in front of the Command Center. On it he could see numerous warships and smaller shuttles moving throughout the Originator complex.

  Hailey gazed thoughtfully at the screen. It was so clear one felt as if you could reach out and touch space. The Communications and Transport Hub was the Originators’ most closely guarded secret. It was located in the space between galaxies and was heavily defended from attack. Every structure was heavily armed and in addition, there were forty of the massive forty-kilometer battlestations to add to its defense. Not only that but each of the Dyson spheres had its own defensive fleet.

  Even as Hailey was watching the giant viewscreen one of the Accelerator Rings activated and a squadron of battlecruisers led by ten dreadnoughts entered the swirling blue vortex. Ships were constantly leaving and arriving. Some needed repairs from battle damage and others were being sent to reinforce fleets engaged against the Eternals.

  “All ships report ready for ring entry,” reported Lieutenant Denise Sparks from Communications.

  “Look at Ring Two,” said Commander Sutherland.

  Hailey looked toward where Commander Sutherland indicated and saw one of the forty-kilometer battlestations nearing the ring. While the battlestations were not capable of hyperspace travel on their own they did possess a powerful gravity drive to allow them to move through space.

  The ring activated and a dark blue vortex formed. It seemed to shimmer and swirl as if beckoning the bat
tlestation to come forward. The battlestation accelerated on its gravity drive and entered the swirling vortex to vanish from the Communications and Transport Hub. The ring powered back down, waiting quietly until its next activation.

  “It’s nearing time,” reported Caria. “I’m sending the command for ring activation.” Caria touched several glowing icons on her computer screen. Almost instantly the large Accelerator Ring in front of the Victory began to glow. Moments later the swirling blue vortex was established.

  Hailey took in a deep breath. It always made her nervous when her flagship entered one of the Accelerator Rings. This time was no different. “Caria, take us in. The rest of the fleet will follow at regularly spaced intervals.” Hailey had two hundred dreadnoughts in her fleet as well as two thousand battlecruisers. It would take awhile for the entire fleet to enter the Accelerator Ring. Then it was a three-week trip to where Commander Zafron’s fleet and base were located.

  The Victory accelerated forward and entered the Accelerator Ring. Hailey felt a moment of dizziness and then the ship made the transition into hyperspace but at a much higher speed than what the ship’s own hyperspace drive could generate. On the tactical display, more ships began to appear around and behind the flagship. Hailey leaned back in her command chair, relaxing. For the next few weeks there would be little to do other than run battle drills. However, once they arrived at their destination they would be engaged once more in battles with the Eternals. They were fighting a war, which most experts agreed might never end. It was a worrisome thought that her future held nothing but battles with the Eternals. Hailey blinked her eyes. She was determined to do her part because if she did, just maybe someday this war might come to an end and prove the experts wrong.

  Chapter Four

  Several months passed and finally Jeremy was ready to depart the Communications and Transport Hub. It had taken longer than expected to locate a cluster of galaxies suitable for what they wanted. It had also taken time to finalize the design of the new battlestation. It was still months away from being completed but when it was it would be the most powerful battlestation the Originators had ever constructed.


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