The Originator Wars: Explorations: A Lost Fleet Novel

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The Originator Wars: Explorations: A Lost Fleet Novel Page 32

by Raymond L. Weil

  Admiral Jackson nodded. “We’re facing more than double the number of ships we originally estimated the Eternals would commit. We must never underestimate them again.”

  “Where did these ships come from?” asked Councilor Barnes. “All indications are they’re still invading more galaxies. Commander Zafron reports in the galaxies he’s wrested from the Eternals there is still heavy fighting going on.”

  Admiral Jackson looked thoughtful. “They may have sent some of the ships from galaxies they felt they already had a firm control over, particularly those closest to us.”

  “Then we should attack!” rumbled Grayseth in his deep and booming voice. “We have 200,000 ships waiting to attack Eternal space. Now might be the time to do it.”

  Jackson took a deep breath. Grayseth was right. There might not be a better time to attack the Eternals than now. “Very well. If we’re all in agreement I’ll send the orders to begin the attack. It will be a coordinated attack against the ten Eternal controlled galaxies nearest us.”

  Every one voiced their agreement. If their attacks succeeded, they had the opportunity to free trillions of sentient beings from the Eternals. It was one of the reasons more ships hadn’t been committed to defending the Federation and the Altons.


  Admiral Race Tolsen was back at New Tellus. The WarHawk was currently docked in one of the repair bays at New Tellus Station having the holes in her hull repaired as well as the destroyed weapon turrets.

  “We couldn’t save them,” uttered Race, picturing in his mind the Eternals dropping nukes on Jewel. Men, women, and children were slaughtered in the attack. Nowhere on the planet would have been safe.

  “Nearly three hundred million people in total escaped through the Accelerator Ring,” pointed out Admiral Crown. “While the world may have died many of its people live on. You saved several hundred thousand civilians in the extra time you bought for the final ships to escape.”

  Race stood up and walked over to one of the walls in Admiral Crown’s office. It was covered with large paintings of scenes from nearly every world in the Federation. “They brought in a reinforcing fleet of twenty thousand ships. Once that happened any hope we had of holding the system vanished.”

  “Is there any possibility there are more of them out there that we don’t know about?”

  Race looked at Admiral Crown. That was exactly what Race had been worrying about. “There’s no way to know until they show up unless one of our scout units find them.”

  “I have over two hundred light cruisers searching all the surrounding systems. So far they’ve found nothing.”

  “Let’s hope it stays that way.”

  Admiral Crown stepped over by Race. He gestured to a picture of a sunset on Mars. “That’s one of my favorite pictures. I’m told that in a few more years Mars will have an atmosphere similar to Earth’s. Already people can live out on the surface in some regions.”

  Race turned back around. “We can’t let the Eternals destroy any more of our worlds. I’m going to pull the Originator fleet we have sitting outside the system in to join mine. Next time I face the Eternals I won’t be retreating.”

  “So we’re going to forget about setting a trap?”

  “We have no choice. The Eternals have too many ships. If we allow them to get too close to New Tellus, they can launch enough missiles to destroy all of our defenses. We have nothing that can stop two million missiles all coming at us at once and that’s only the first wave. There will be more after that. Our only chance is to reduce the size of the Eternal fleet so the defenses can handle the incoming missiles.”

  Admiral Crown slowly nodded his agreement. “I think you’re right. Our latest reports from our light cruisers indicate the Eternal fleets are still in the Jewel System. We believe they’re repairing their battle damage before they move on to their next target.”

  Race sat back down as did Admiral Crown. “They know we’re aware of their numbers now. They may decide to attack either New Tellus or the Solar System next while their forces are still intact. We took out nearly a thousand of their ships in the battle over Jewel. They won’t want to continue to sustain such losses or even heavier losses while taking out more of our systems.”

  “Sound reasoning,” said Admiral Crown. “But will the Eternals see it that way?”

  Race forced a smile. “You forget, Admiral. The Eternals are too logical at times, particularly with their nanite-enhanced minds. Attacking the primary targets is the most logical strategy for them now.”

  “Then we’d better get ready,” replied Admiral Crown. “I’ll talk to the governor and Senator Brown and inform them we can expect an Eternal attack at any time. I will also speak to General Wilcox. If the Eternals are coming here we’ll be ready for them.”

  Race stood up. “I better get back to the WarHawk and see how the repairs are coming. I don’t want my flagship to be in the repair dock when the Eternals show up.”

  Admiral Brown stood up and extended his hand. “Good luck, Admiral.”

  “Same to you,” replied Race, shaking the admiral’s hand.


  Twenty minutes later Race was in the massive repair dock where the WarHawk was undergoing repairs. Repairs were being done under the watchful supervision of Originator AIs and some of the department heads from the warship. It was necessary as the workers in the repair bay were not accustomed to dealing with Originator ships and technology. Other fleet ships occupied nearly all the repair bays on every shipyard at New Tellus.

  He watched as spider work robots under AI control welded new armor plating on the ship while others worked at replacing the weapon turrets that had been destroyed. The robots were scampering all over the WarHawk trying to get the repairs completed as soon as possible. The work would continue nonstop until the flagship was ready to leave the dock.

  “We’re working as hard as we can, Admiral,” said one of the Originator AIs, who had noticed Race watching the work. “Repairs should be completed in fourteen hours and seventeen minutes.”

  “That’s fast,” replied Race, looking over at the AI.

  “We’re going to need every available warship against the Eternals, particularly the WarHawk.”

  Race watched as one of the main cargo hatches swung open and a line of AIs working antigravity sleds started bringing munitions to the ship. A number of the sleds contained dark matter missiles. A supply had been placed on board all of the shipyards at New Tellus.

  “All munitions transfers will be completed in another two hours. We have supply shuttles taking munitions to the other ships of the fleet.”

  “All of you Originator AIs do a fantastic job,” replied Race impressed. “We couldn’t be fighting this war without you.”

  “It is our privilege to serve. Your race, the Altons, the Carethians, and the Originators treat us as equals. We feel we have as much to lose as anyone else in this war.”

  Race turned toward the AI. “Still, many AIs are being killed in the battles. Most of our ships are crewed by AIs.”

  “True, but you must remember we have our engrams recorded periodically so if we die we can be recreated in a new AI body. I have already done so several times during my long life.”

  With curiosity Race asked his next question. “How long have you been alive?”

  “Twelve thousand, two hundred and forty-seven years. There are other AIs whose lifespans go back much farther.”

  Race knew Kazak was one of those. He was several million years old though he had spent much of that time in stasis. “The lifespans of my own race have been increased considerably. First by contact with the Altons and now with the availability of Originator medical science. If none of that had occurred I would have retired many years ago.”

  “It’s a good thing you did not as we need your leadership against the Eternals.”

  Race turned back to watch the work on his ship. He could see it was progressing very fast. He just hoped the Eternals gave them time to finish the repair
work before they arrived at New Tellus. Race was fairly certain New Tellus or the Solar System would be the next target.


  Reaching the Command Center of the WarHawk Race saw most of the command crew was present. They were checking their consoles and keeping track of the repairs. On the damage control board, many of the red lights had already returned to green.

  “Rear Admiral Trace Collins has brought the Originator fleet from the Oort Cloud to New Tellus,” reported Commander Haskins. “I had him place his fleet into orbit at forty thousand kilometers so as not to create a traffic jam around the planet.”

  “Admiral,” said Lieutenant Tasha Burns. “We have just received a communication from the Communications and Transport Hub. “They’ve ordered more of the battlecruisers within the Dyson sphere in Shari space to be committed. We’re receiving ten thousand battlecruisers, Rear Admiral Tolsen is receiving ten thousand and Admiral Bachal is receiving sixteen thousand.”

  Race was surprised. That would be most of the active ships at the Dyson sphere. He was amazed the Originator Council had decided to commit so many vessels. “How soon before they arrive?”

  “Four to six hours from now,” replied Burns. “A little longer for those assigned to Admiral Bachal.”

  Race sat down in his command chair. The new battlecruisers along with his ships should place his fleet on a more even par with the Eternals. “Contact Admiral Crown and General Wilcox; we need to plan a new strategy to deal with the coming attack.”


  A few minutes later Race had both of the New Tellus commanding officers on the comm. “We are receiving more battlecruisers from the Dyson sphere, enough for me to meet the Eternals away from New Tellus. Your job in the coming battle is to keep the planet safe. Admiral Crown, I want you to use your fleet to protect the shipyards. General Wilcox, you’re going to be responsible for keeping missiles away from New Tellus and there are bound to be some considering how many will be launched.”


  For the next hour the three discussed in detail how they were going to defend the system. When they were finally finished they felt they were as ready as they were going to be. When the discussion was over Race leaned back in his command chair. He knew Massie would be making some of the same decisions he was. He considered contacting her but her job was to defend the Solar System and he was not going to interfere. He trusted her to make the right decisions.


  Rear Admiral Massie Tolsen took a deep breath as the Accelerator

  Ring activated and more battlecruisers began pouring through the swirling blue vortex. This pleased her immensely as she had two inhabited worlds to protect.

  “We’re receiving ten thousand more battlecruisers,” reported Commander Macleod.

  “How many dreadnoughts?” On the viewscreen, Massie had only seen a few come through the Accelerator Ring so far.

  “Ten,” answered Macleod. “All the other crewed dreadnoughts have been committed. Rear Admiral Cross is in command of the fleet.”

  Massie nodded. Rear Admiral Cross was a talented admiral with considerable battle experience. That would give her a backup in the chain of command in case something happened to the Hera.

  Massie narrowed her eyes. She needed an admiral to help defend Mars and take command of some of the battlecruisers. Her only reasonable choice was Admiral Johnston who was in charge of the Mars defensive fleet as well as the defenses for the outer planets, asteroids and moons. Currently he had twelve hundred battleships and sixteen hundred strikecruisers under his command.

  “We’ll send four thousand battlecruisers to reinforce Admiral Johnston,” said Massie. “We need to find several military AIs who can work with the admiral and at least one needs to be in the Command Center to help coordinate everything.”

  “I would recommend two,” suggested Commander Macleod. “That’s a large fleet we’re asking a single military AI to direct. Two would work better.”

  Massie nodded. “Make it so. I want Admiral Johnston to become familiar with the ships under his command immediately. He will also have to adjust to having military AIs in his Command Center.”

  “May I suggest we take a commanding officer from one of our dreadnoughts and assign him as a liaison to Admiral Johnston? Our dreadnought commanders are all familiar with the military AIs and how they operate in battle.”

  “That’s an excellent idea,” said Massie. Having military AIs on Johnston’s flagship would expedite commands and assure the Originator ships coordinated with the Solar System vessels. “Do you have any suggestions?”

  “Commander Joan Garret of the Infinity. She’s had considerable command experience and is up for promotion to flag rank.”

  “Let’s do it. I’ll contact Commander Garret and inform her of her new duties.”

  Massie shifted her eyes to the main viewscreen focused on Earth. The blue-white planet was home to humanity. From it people had been taken to form the Original Human Federation of Worlds to oppose the AIs. After the AIs and the Hocklyns had destroyed the first Federation, the survivors had fled to Ceres and New Tellus. Now, once again the Federation was in danger. Massie was determined not to allow the Federation to fall.

  Massie’s eyes moved to study the twelve massive battlestations in orbit around Earth. Each was three thousand meters in diameter and heavily armed. In addition, four forty-kilometer battlestations were in orbit. Earth also had the strongest defense grid in the Federation with nearly twelve thousand particle beam satellites in high orbit. There were also three large shipyards and all were heavily armed and protected by particle beam satellites and Type Two Battlestations. There were also twenty-three Indomitable Class Battlestations defending the shipyards and Earth.

  The largest shipyard in the Solar System was the truly massive one in orbit around the Moon. Only the primary shipyard in the New Tellus System was bigger. The shipyard was heavily armed and defended by particle beam satellites, Type Two Battlestations, and two Indomitable Class Battlestations. It would act as the secondary command facility in case something happened to Fleet Admiral Nagumo.

  Massie pressed several icons on the computer screen on her command console. Instantly the view on the primary screen switched to show the entire Solar System. All mining colony inhabitants had been evacuated to Ceres. Very few of the workers and their families had chosen to go through the Accelerator Ring. There were two of them in the Solar System: One in orbit around the Earth and the second around Mars.”

  “What’s the current status of the evacuation?”

  “Seven hundred and twenty million people have gone through,” replied Commander Macleod. “Currently 120,000 people per hour are going through the two rings.”

  Massie drew in a deep breath. There were nearly nine billion people in the Solar System. Massie suspected at least eight billion would still be here when the Eternals attacked.

  “I want to see a holographic view of the system showing the planets, asteroids, moons, the Oort Cloud, and the location of all ships.”

  Instantly a large holographic tactical display appeared near Massie. It was full of thousands of green icons. “Remove all civilian shipping.” The view changed until it only showed the warships as green icons. Massie spent several minutes examining the disposition of the ships in her fleet as well as those Fleet Admiral Nagumo was responsible for. Large clusters of ships were gathered around Mars, Earth, and the Moon. There were small squadrons of vessels scattered throughout the system on patrol duty. Most were light cruisers, fighters, and bombers. The patrols went all the way out to the very edge of the Oort Cloud.

  Massie leaned back, satisfied they had done everything they could to get ready for the coming attack. The latest reports indicated the Eternals were still in the Epsilon Indi System conducting repairs. “When the Eternals arrive we will form up into a cylindrical formation with the dreadnoughts in the center. That will ensure our most powerful ships will survive the longest. We’ll take the formation into the heart of the Eternal form
ation and try to destroy as many of their ships as possible. Fleet Admiral Nagumo will hold his fleet back to support the Earth and the Moon. If we can destroy enough Eternal ships then Nagumo and the defenses should have a decent chance of destroying the rest of the Eternal fleet.”

  “Admiral,” called out Captain Jennifer Smith from Communications. “We’re receiving reports from several of the light cruisers. They’re detecting sensor anomalies in and around the Oort Cloud.”

  “Put it on the main tactical display.”

  On the display, four areas of interest began blinking an ominous red. “Send some of our battlecruisers out to investigate. Send ten battlecruisers to each anomaly site. Those may be stealth Eternal battlecruisers scanning the system as a prelude to an attack.” If they were this would not surprise Massie. If she were planning a major attack, she would want the latest data on the system defenses.

  Hurriedly Commander Macleod dispatched four squadrons of battlecruisers to the target areas.

  Massie watched as the battlecruisers made the transition into hyperspace and vanished from the viewscreens. It would only take them a few minutes to reach their targets.

  “Do you think the Eternals are getting ready to attack?” asked Jennifer.

  Massie shook her head. “No, their fleet is still at Jewel. I suspect they’re trying to get some decent scans of our defenses and fleet deployments.”

  “It is a sound strategy,” stated Matol, an Originator military AI in charge of Tactical. “It might also be an indication the attack will occur soon.”

  “You’re right.” Massie looked over at Jennifer. “Contact President Treadway and inform her we believe the Eternal attack is imminent and all evacuations need to be completed in the next twelve to twenty-four hours.” The Hera had a direct comm link to the president so she could be kept informed of the latest developments.

  Massie’s eyes returned to the tactical hologram which was still showing the deployment of the warships in the system. She was wondering what she could do to make the battle more even. No matter what she came up with they were still going to lose a lot of ships and people.


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