The Originator Wars: Explorations: A Lost Fleet Novel

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The Originator Wars: Explorations: A Lost Fleet Novel Page 37

by Raymond L. Weil

  “Nearly two billion, three hundred million Humans and four billion six hundred million Altons,” replied Councilor Roan. As a medical doctor, she had been monitoring the evacuation closely.

  “Nearly all the Altons who evacuated are from our more aggressive people,” added Councilor Tureen. “They will fight if needed. We also had a large number of our scientists evacuate as well.”

  “There are our ship crews,” said Admiral Jackson. “As soon as we get them settled in on the Dyson sphere we can launch a recruitment campaign for the fleet. Rear Admiral Marks is already planning on enlarging the Fleet Academy.”

  Councilor Trallis nodded. “It will be another seven months before all the new cities are ready to receive their people. However, we do have some cities already completed and we should begin moving some of the evacuees as soon as possible.”

  “What if some want to return home?” asked Jackson. He suspected there would be a few now that the immediate danger was over.

  “If they want to return home we’ll make the arrangements,” replied Trallis. “However, I’m hoping most elect to come to the Shrieel. We’ll be showing them videos of the new cities and what we have to offer for those who want to come.”

  Councilor Trallis looked over at Councilor Tureen. “What do the Altons need to stay safe on their worlds?”

  “We have the capability of building warships at a rapid rate. Already new shipyards are being planned as well as the construction of larger Indomitable Class Battlestations. I believe if a fleet of five thousand Originator battlecruisers and several hundred dreadnoughts were assigned to our capital world that would be sufficient as far as ships go. We would also like ten more battlestations and enough Accelerator Rings so we can get fleets to our ten most heavily populated systems quickly.”

  “That seems reasonable,” replied Councilor Trallis. “Unfortunately all of this should have been done a long time ago. We failed the Federation and the Altons by not being better prepared for an Eternal attack. That will not happen again.”

  Grayseth addressed Admiral Jackson. “What of the attacks on the ten Eternal galaxies? How are they progressing?”

  “Good,” replied Jackson. “Six galaxies are putting up little resistance. We believe many of the ships which attacked the Altons and the Federation came from those galaxies. The other four galaxies are putting up more resistance and reserve forces have already been sent to each of them.”

  “What about Commander Zafron?”

  “He reports considerable gains in Galaxy 7296 and expects to have it fully under his control within the next week.”


  The discussion continued for the next hour over the ships and resources to be sent to the Federation and the Alton worlds as well as moving the evacuees to the new cities as they were completed. Finally, the conversation turned to Fleet Admiral Strong and the new battlestation.

  “The new Accelerator Ring will be finished in two weeks and the battlestation in four weeks,” reported Councilor Dreel. He was a space construction specialist who had been overseeing both of the projects.

  “How long will it take the new battlestation to arrive at its destination?” asked Trallis.

  Trallis knew the importance of sealing the spatial rift before the Creevak came through again. Currently Fleet Admiral Strong had most of the fleet which had accompanied him to that remote satellite galaxy parked in front of the anomaly in case the Creevak came back.

  “Eight weeks’ travel time,” replied Dreel. “Due to its size it will travel slower than the fleet did.”

  Admiral Jackson frowned heavily and blinked his eyes. “So we’re looking at twelve weeks before the new battlestation arrives at the anomaly.”

  “At the minimum.”

  Jackson took in a deep breath. “I propose we send additional ships to Fleet Admiral Strong to help guard the anomaly until the new battlestation arrives.”

  “How many and what type?” asked Councilor Metric. “We’re starting to stretch our fleet resources pretty thin with all of these commitments.”

  “Only a thousand battlecruisers and one hundred dreadnoughts,” replied Jackson. “I’m pretty sure I can scrounge up that many.”

  Councilor Metric nodded her head. “I approve. I recommend we send them immediately. We don’t need the Creevak coming through the anomaly and starting another intergalactic war.”

  “This one would be between universes,” pointed out Admiral Jackson. “It’s a battle we can best fight by ensuring it never happens.”

  “It sounds as if we have a lot to do,” commented Councilor Barnes. “I suggest we get to it.”

  “Agreed,” replied Councilor Trallis. “This meeting is adjourned. We’ll meet back in one week to check on the progress of all of these missions and projects.”


  As Grayseth left the Tower he couldn’t help but wonder how Jeremy was doing. He missed his clan brother and in some ways wished he had never become a councilor. His life now was so boring compared to commanding a starship and fleet. Of course, he had Marille and the cubs. They were enough to keep him occupied for now.


  First Leader Fehnral was in a foul mood. He had just received confirmed reports the fleets sent to destroy the Humans and the Altons had been eliminated. Second Leader Abross had also perished in the attacks.

  “The Originators committed far more ships to the defense of the Humans and the Altons than we believed they would,” reported Second Leader Torrel. “The few communications we received indicate the Originators committed nearly as many ships as we did plus some of their large battlestations.”

  Fehnral frowned. He couldn’t believe his plan had failed. “The Humans and the Altons will be prepared now. They will fortify their worlds to the point making an attack against them will be nearly impossible.”

  “What should we do about the galaxies the Originators are attacking?” asked Second Leader Nolant. “Reports from those galaxies indicate the Originators have committed over 200,000 warships to taking those galaxies away from us.”

  It was all Fehnral could do to control his rising anger. Even his nanites were failing to help control his emotions. “We don’t have the ships to send to those galaxies before the Originators take control.”

  “We still have control of four of those galaxies,” pointed out Second Leader Queexel. “I suggest we send what reinforcements we can to ensure we maintain control of those galaxies.”

  “Where do we get the ships?” demanded Fehnral. “We pulled most of the ships we used to attack the Humans and the Altons from those galaxies as well as others.”

  “We abandon the six galaxies where the Originators have an advantage,” suggested Queexel. “We then send those ships to reinforce our ships in the other four galaxies.”

  “What about galaxy 7296? That galaxy is also under heavy attack.”

  Fehnral shook his head. “I spoke to the fleet commander in charge of that galaxy and he is not going to be able to hold it. I’ve already ordered him to withdraw rather than lose all of his warships.”

  “So, what happens with the war against the Originators and the Humans and Altons?” asked Second Leader Nolant.

  “We are at an impasse,” replied Fehnral. “For now there will be no further attacks on Originator space nor the Human and Alton worlds. We will focus instead on expanding our Empire and replacing our ship losses.”

  The other Eternals agreed. For now, there was nothing they could do. The war would continue as it had before the failed attempt to attack the Humans and the Altons. It had been a mistake and a costly one.


  Six weeks later Jeremy was in the Command Center of the Avenger 200,000 kilometers from the location of the anomaly. Two of Kelsey’s exploration dreadnoughts were at forty thousand kilometers using their science instruments to monitor the rift. The ships’ energy shields had been modified so they could withstand the massive energy pulses emitted from the rift with regularity. So far there had been no fluctuations
in the readings. The pulses stayed the same and there had been no evidence of Creevak activity. Jeremy’s fleet was formed into a half globe formation facing the side of the rift that records from the Varnons indicated the Creevak had emerged. He had 120 of his dreadnoughts and 310 of his battlecruisers in the cone formation. Reinforcing the fleet were ten of the Indomitable Class Battlestations he had originally brought through the Accelerator Ring to defend the forty-kilometer battlestation. He had used the ring to position the smaller battlestations near the anomaly.

  “Still quiet,” commented Kevin, stifling a yawn.

  “Let’s be pleased with that,” replied Jeremy. “I for one don’t want to see a Creevak ship.”

  Aaliss stepped over closer to Jeremy. The AI had been communicating with the AIs on the two exploration dreadnoughts. “Still nothing new. The energy pulses have not varied in time or strength.”

  “What’s causing the pulses?”

  “It may be part of what created the anomaly to begin with,” suggested Ariel. “I believe the pulses are keeping the anomaly open.”

  Jeremy’s eyes widened. “You believe it’s open?”

  Ariel nodded. “Yes, I believe if a ship were to attempt to enter the anomaly it would be transported to the Creevaks’ universe.”

  This concerned Jeremy. They had sent a couple of probes into the anomaly but they had failed to return. Jeremy assumed the energy pulses from the anomaly had destroyed them when they got too close. The chance they had actually transited to the Creevak universe was worrisome.

  “The new battlestation will be here in a few more weeks,” said Major Preston. “With its energy shield we should be able to place it much closer to the anomaly.”

  Jeremy nodded. There were some reinforcing ships that should be arriving in the next day or two. He was going to put all of them around the anomaly. It would be a huge relief when the new battlestation arrived.


  Kelsey was at the small home in the battlestation where they had been staying when off duty. Currently everyone was present in the habitat and enjoying their time off. Angela was fortunate as Brace was with her so she had her entire family. Kelsey hadn’t seen Jeremy in weeks since he was on the Avenger watching the anomaly. She wasn’t happy with their time apart but understood this was how it had to be. She would be glad when they could all return to the Dyson sphere.

  Her communications device went off and she walked over to answer it, all the while keeping a close watch on Jason. He was getting more mischievous everyday.

  “Hello, this is Lieutenant Commander Strong.”

  “Kelsey this is Rear Admiral Barnes. I thought I would let you know the Acceleration Ring activated a few minutes ago and the reinforcing fleet is arriving. As soon as they’re all present I’ll send them on to the anomaly where Fleet Admiral Strong is.”

  “Thanks for letting me know,” Kelsey replied.

  Kelsey felt immense relief at the arrival of the Originator fleet. It would triple the number of warships guarding the anomaly. It reduced some of the concern she had about Jeremy being gone so long. In a few more weeks the new battlestation would be here and maybe then they could all go home for a while. Along with the battlestation would be some emissaries from the Originators and Altons who would be working with the Galactic Union in setting up an Originator base and sending missions to the other galaxies in this cluster. So far, the Galactic Union seemed very receptive about contacting other galaxies and aiding the Originators against the Eternals.


  Several weeks passed and it was growing close to the time for the new battlestation to arrive. At the anomaly Jeremy was pacing in the Command Center, feeling nervous. An hour ago both exploration ships had reported a spike in the energy pulses coming from the anomaly. Jeremy ordered both ships to pull back to eighty thousand kilometers as a precaution.

  Jeremy stopped and looked over at Ariel. “Are the energy spikes continuing?”

  Ariel nodded. “They’re continuing and seem to be increasing.”

  “I believe there is a good chance the Creevak might be returning,” commented Aaliss. “It’s the only explanation for the spike in energy readings. The AIs on the two exploration ships are in agreement as well as the Originator scientists on board. I would recommend you prepare the fleet for combat.”

  Jeremy didn’t hesitate. “Ariel, take the fleet to Condition Two. We’ll go to Condition One as soon as the first Creevak vessel appears. Lieutenant Lantz, contact Rear Admiral Barnes and inform her the Creevak might be about to come through the anomaly. I could use the New Horizon.”

  The New Horizon was the only warship other than the Dominator which was equipped with the blue energy spheres. The blue energy spheres also had a much greater range than any other weapon the fleet was equipped with.

  “Jeremy!” shouted Kevin, his face turning white. “Look at the viewscreen!”

  On the screen, the anomaly seemed to darken and a nightmarish ship began to emerge from its center. It was crab shaped with six curving spires coming out from the sides of the hull and then curving until they pointed forward. It was dead black in color and utterly alien in design.

  “How big is that thing?” asked Lieutenant Striker, his eyes focused intently on the main viewscreen.

  “It’s 2,300 meters,” replied Kevin as his hands touched several icons on his computer screen. “It’s also about 1,400 meters wide and 600 meters thick and that does not include the spires.”

  “Power readings are nearly off the scale,” reported Aaliss. “I’m not sure what they’re using for a power source but it’s not nuclear or antimatter.”

  The Avenger lurched suddenly. “What was that?” asked Jeremy as he hurriedly sat down in his command chair.

  “It was a reverse gravity wave,” answered Aaliss. “We’re being pulled toward the anomaly.”

  “Lieutenant Striker, counter that pull with our engines. I don’t want us getting any closer to the anomaly. Pass the order on to our other ships and the battlestations. Order the exploration ships to pull back.”

  “Jeremy!” called out Kevin, pointing at the main viewscreen. “The exploration ships are in trouble.”

  On the viewscreen, the two exploration dreadnoughts were slowly being pulled toward the anomaly. Their engines were fighting the pull but only having minimal success.

  The Creevak vessel advanced on the two ships and as soon as it was in range began firing its red beam weapon. The weapon struck the triplex energy shield of one of the ships but failed to penetrate.

  Jeremy quickly contacted the commanders of the two exploration ships and ordered them to return fire.

  The two exploration dreadnoughts began firing their dark energy and antimatter beams at the Creevak vessel. Its energy screen lit up as if it were on fire but stayed up. Then both ships launched a wave of dark matter missiles. The shield held up for a full minute before collapsing. In a titanic explosion, the Creevak vessel exploded.

  The crew in the Command Center cheered but became quiet when they saw another Creevak vessel emerging from the anomaly. As soon as it cleared the anomaly it pulled over to one side and another vessel began to emerge. This continued until twenty-three of the vessels were formed up into a small fleet and then another vessel began to come through.

  “That one’s larger,” commented Ariel. “Much larger.”

  “The others may be battlecruisers; this one is a battleship or dreadnought,” suggested Aaliss. “Both exploration ships report they cannot pull away from the anomaly and their hyperspace drives are nonfunctional because of the gravity waves.”

  “That’s a monster,” said Kevin as he scanned the vessel. “It’s 3,300 meters in length, 2,000 meters in width and nearly 900 meters in depth.”

  The Creevak vessel continued to emerge and then took up a position behind the other ships.

  “Why are they coming through so slowly?” asked Lieutenant Lantz.

  “Unknown,” answered Aaliss.

  “Ariel, inform the explor
ation dreadnoughts not to wait on the Creevak to fire. They’re to fire as soon as the enemy are within range.”


  The Creevak fleet advanced and as soon as they were in weapons range the exploration dreadnoughts began firing. Energy beams and wave after wave of antimatter and dark matter missiles struck the advancing Creevak vessels. Two exploded in fiery fireballs and then the large Creevak vessel opened fire. A silver beam of energy struck one of the exploration dreadnought’s energy screen, going right through it as if it were made of butter. The beam played over the ship ripping open compartment after compartment. Secondary explosions began shaking the dreadnought and then in a massive explosion, the ship blew apart. The second exploration dreadnought fared no better as a few minutes later it too was destroyed.


  “What type of beam is that?” demanded Jeremy, his face pale with shock.

  “I don’t know,” replied Aaliss. “It’s powered by something we’re not familiar with.”

  Jeremy drew in a deep breath. “Contact the New Horizon. We’re going to need them as quickly as they can get here. The ship’s blue energy spheres may be the only weapon we have which can stop that Creevak battleship.”


  Kelsey ran into the Command Center of the New Horizon seeing Katie was already there. Rear Admiral Barnes was sitting in her command chair giving orders to the crew to get ready to get underway.

  “Where are Angela and Major Caulder?”

  “I ordered them to stay in the habitat in the battlestation,” answered Kelsey as she sat down. They have the kids and Clarissa is with them as well. What about the other kids and their families on the ship?”

  “Evacuated,” replied Kathryn. “We’re going into an extremely dangerous situation and I felt it prudent for the children and their parents not to take the risk. If you and Katie want to stay behind I’ll understand.”

  “No,” answered Kelsey. “Jeremy and Kevin are both at the anomaly. We’re going.”

  Kathryn nodded. “I thought so. Sible, plot a hyperspace jump to within 600,000 kilometers of the anomaly.” From the reports she had received from Jeremy that was as close as she wanted to get to it while in hyperspace.


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