The Billionaire's Challenge

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The Billionaire's Challenge Page 7

by Elizabeth Lennox

  He squeezed her hands slightly. “I’m going to get a cup of coffee. Take your time and I’ll be across the street when you’re finished.”

  With that, he left, leaving here in the store to fend for herself.

  Well, he could go to hell! She wasn’t playing his games! Not this time! Years ago, she’d been stupid and gullible! She was smarter and savvier now. She could…

  “I know what you’re thinking,” the salesperson said, interrupting Selena’s mental tirade.

  She turned to face the woman, thinking she looked kind enough. “I doubt it.”

  Grace laughed. “I bet I do. I’ve been there myself. Which is one of the reasons I opened this shop.”

  That got her attention. “What do you mean?”

  Grace moved over to one of the walls and lifted up a beautiful lace and satin bra. It wasn’t indecent and the cups looked to be covered with a soft material. Nothing was see-through, but the lace would lay against her skin, softening the edges. Even the color, a delicate soft, off-white, wasn’t what she expected. “Why not try this on and let me know what you think?” She smiled when Selena opened her mouth. “You don’t have to buy anything. Nothing at all. I can even give you a bag filled with tissue paper to walk out of here with if you don’t find anything that you like. That way, your man won’t know.” Her grin widened. “It will be our secret.”

  Selena’s tension lessened slightly, but she felt a thrill that the woman thought that she and Reid…! Another time, she told herself. Lifting her chin, she forced her lips to smile politely as she said, “I don’t need to trick him. If I don’t find anything I like, then I won’t buy anything.”

  Was that admiration in Grace’s eyes? “Good for you!” she laughed. “I love an assertive woman.” She turned to pick up a matching pair of panties and bra set. “But just to prove him wrong, why not try this on? It would be better to have evidence that he’s wrong. A man like that might consider it a challenge and,” she peered through the doorway and Selena turned as well. They saw Reid coming out of the coffee shop, two cups in his hands and a newspaper tucked under his arm. “Well, it’s always better to be well armed, don’t you think?”

  Selena nodded in agreement. “You make a good point,” she replied. With a sigh, she took the items. “Fine. I’ll try these on. But he’s not buying me anything and I really don’t think this is going to prove him right.”

  Grace’s smile never faltered. “I’ll show you to a dressing room. If these aren’t torture devices, if they feel comfortable and make you feel pretty, then I have some other items that you might like as well. I’ll bring them to you.”

  Selena walked into the beautifully appointed dressing room and eyed the pieces. They really were lovely. Holding them up to her figure, she couldn’t help but wonder what they might look like on her.

  Was Reid crazy? Or could these pieces actually do something to help her self-esteem? She ate well, exercised, and tried to live with confidence and kindness. Instead of rebelling against the idea of pretty lingerie, why not explore the possibilities? If small pieces of lace could increase her confidence, why wouldn’t she try them?

  In the end, her curiosity was too powerful to ignore. She pulled off her tee-shirt and shorts, stripped off her ugly cotton bra and panties and pulled on the lace pieces.

  Selena was shocked…literally stunned by how comfortable the bra was. And the panty…well, it didn’t quite cover her entire bottom, but…wow! It made her butt look amazing! As she moved around, the panty didn’t ride up as she might have expected. It was incredibly comfortable! And yes, it really did make her feel more confident.

  “Here are some other pieces,” Grace called, handing several more beautiful sets over the top of the door.

  Selena took them with shaking fingers, not sure if she should concede so quickly. Then she realized what she was thinking and felt foolish. Why ignore something that worked simply out of stubbornness?

  In the end, she chose seven sets that really did make her feel good. When she walked up to pay for all of them, Grace had some other items. “How about just one pair of thigh high stockings?” she suggested. “If you like these,” she tucked them into the bag, “then come back and I’m going to get you into a garter belt and stockings. You’ll love the feel of them under your clothes!”

  Selena stared at the woman, more stunned than she’d ever been in her life. Well, except for that one horrible night. But that night…it was so far in the past and she wasn’t that that person anymore. She was…different.

  Stepping out into the late afternoon sunshine, she felt Reid’s gaze settle on her. And even from across the street, she could feel the heat in that look. He knew.

  Her fingers tightened on the bag and she took a deep breath before walking across the street. They said nothing to each other and she silently headed back to where he’d parked his car.

  “Are you okay?” he asked as he held the passenger door open for her.

  Selena glanced up at him, not sure how to answer. “Yes. I think so.”

  Chapter 6

  Selena slipped the beautiful, black lace bra up her arms, securing the clasp, then adjusting the straps. Looking at herself in the mirror, she felt…different. Yesterday, after purchasing the lingerie, she’d felt her whole mindset change. But seeing herself now, she wasn’t sure…her body felt different.

  Her phone rang and she glanced at the clock. She was going to be late if she didn’t hurry up. Grabbing the black sheath dress, she slid it on over the lingerie so that she couldn’t change her mind. She had to do this. Not for Reid, but for herself.

  She answered her phone, a bit breathless even as she slipped on a pair of black heels. No jewelry today since she had no idea what to expect from her co-workers. Better to be safe than sorry, she thought as she stuffed a few more items into her purse.

  “Are you ready?” Reid asked through the phone.

  Selena paused and looked around. “Ready for what?” she asked.

  “Brant, my brother, is back from a business trip. I’m going to introduce you around to the team and a few others today, so I’m driving you to work. I’m waiting outside for you.”

  Selena hurried out of the bedroom and peered through the glass doors. Sure enough, he was standing there, looking amazing in dark slacks and jacket with an open neck white shirt. He looked like every woman’s dream man; sophisticated, casual, and confident.

  Every woman’s dream man.

  He turned and stopped her through the windows. “I’ll be out in a moment,” she told him and ended the call. Grabbing her lunch out of the fridge, which she’d made last night – while thinking about him– and her bag. With everything already packed, she straightened her shoulders, took a deep breath and nodded to herself. “This is it,” she whispered.

  And she walked out into the early morning sunshine. The heat was already starting to build, but she still needed a sweater. Probably for just another hour, maybe less. But she was still impressed with the difference in atmospheres here.

  “I love these cool mornings,” she said as she slipped into the passenger seat.

  Reid watched her closely, wondering what she had on underneath the dress. She looked spectacularly hot this morning. The sleek lines of her dress skimmed along her curves and those heels…! Damn, he liked a woman in high heels. He knew that was sexist, but there was just nothing better to make a woman’s legs look good.

  Well, maybe when this particular pair of legs were wrapped around his waist, they might look better. He’d have to determine that once he knew the difference and judge accordingly.


  He blinked, realizing that he was staring down at her legs. “Right,” he replied and slammed the door closed. Damn, this was going to be harder than he thought.

  Walking around to the driver’s side, he hurried his steps, realizing that he’d be able to see her legs as he drove to the office.

  Okay, so it might be safer to watch the road rather than her legs. But he wasn
’t completely sure he could do it.

  When they arrived safely at the office, he escorted Selena into the building, showing her around. When he reached the executive floor, he greeted several people, but kept moving along the hallway. “This is my office,” he indicated a set of double doors at one end of the hallway. “Let me introduce you to my brother. He’s at the other end. Feel free to interrupt us for anything. We have an open door policy.”

  She admired that and knew that it trickled down to every level of the company. Reid and Brant Jones ran a tight company, but their policies were well known. She’d read several Jones brothers interviews, trying to discover the secret of their success. So far, no one had truly figured it out. Now that she was here, Selena suspected that the success of Rembrandt Cosmetics was due to the forceful personalities of Reid and Brant Jones. At least one of the brothers certainly had a powerful confidence about him.

  “Brant!” he called as he stepped into his brother’s office.

  A handsome man, spectacularly similar to Reid, swung around in a large, leather chair, phone to his ear. But as soon as he saw Reid, he told the person on the other end of the phone call that he’d have to call them back.

  “I take it this is the brilliant mind behind our new marketing strategy?” Brant asked, stepping out from behind a massive desk that had to have been custom built for this office. It was a fabulous steel and glass piece of art that she couldn’t help but admire.

  “I’m Selena Bailey,” she replied, extending her hand. “It’s a pleasure to meet you, Mr. Jones.” For some reason, this man, who looked so similar to his brother in both height and coloring, didn’t intimidate her like Reid did. There was something forceful about both brothers, but Brant Jones was…different. Yes, the hard features were there. The aura of authority and command were definitely alive and flourishing. But he was different.

  “Brant,” he corrected. “It’s great to finally meet you. It’s a shame it took Reid this long to get you out here to start the ball rolling.”

  Selena blinked. It had been less than a week since she’d left her old job and apartment. How long did this man think it would take a person to move across the country?

  Shaking off her confusion, she smiled politely. “Well, I’m here now. I was doing a few things last week, but this is the week that we truly start moving on the project.”

  “Excellent! Your ideas are the best I’ve seen in a long time. And you have great timing. We were talking with advertising agencies that were competing to come up with the next best thing. It’s good to know that we have brilliant in-house talent!”

  Selena’s smile widened and she felt a heat spread through her. That might be because Reid put his hand to the small of her back. But she was going to attribute the sensation to being eager to tackle a new project. And that project wasn’t going to be the dynamic brother who was touching her! Nope!

  “I heard you found a place to live, right? No problems there?”

  “I’m all settled for the moment,” she replied.

  “She’s living in my guest house for now,” Reid announced.

  Selena’s head swiveled around so she could glare up at Reid. But she suppressed the angry retort. Turning back to Brant, she added, “Only until I can find a house to rent.”

  Brant’s eyes narrowed, but then he smiled, a look passing between brothers. “Yes. I’ve heard that there’s a housing shortage in Denver recently. Lots of people moving to the area.”

  Selena shifted, feeling uncomfortable suddenly. “I’m sure it’s because of the weather. It’s gorgeous here!”

  He laughed softly. “You don’t mind the desert heat?”

  She chuckled, shaking her head. “You haven’t been in Washington, D.C. during July or August recently, have you?”

  The man cringed. “No. Not recently. I doubt many people would willingly travel there during the summer months if they could avoid it.”

  “Well, there are the free museums. And lots of other free things to do. So it’s not a bad tourist destination.”

  “If you can take the humidity,” he came back.

  She grinned. “I think the tourist agencies sucker people into believing it isn’t so bad. But when visitors get there, they realize that they should have come during April for the Cherry Blossom Festival.”

  “True. The cherry blossoms are amazing, but the crowds!”

  She nodded. “Granted. The tourists are pretty intense, but nothing can beat the gorgeous weather and the cherry blossoms really are spectacular.”

  “I was there about two years ago during…”

  “Yeah, well,” Reid grumbled, taking Selena’s arm. “As much as this little chit chat is helpful, I think it would be best if I showed Selena around to her office, introduce her to her team and help her get started.”

  Brant glanced at his brother, his eyes narrowing oddly, then threw back his head and laughed. “So that’s the way it is?”

  Selena looked over at Reid, whose face looked like a thundercloud. “Yeah. That’s the way it is. You got a problem with it?”

  Brant shook his head, his laughter dying down to a chuckle. “Nope. I’m glad that’s the way it is. Congrats.”

  Selena glanced between bothers, trying to interpret the conversation. “What’s going on?” she asked, wary and suspicious.

  “Nothing,” Reid said. So she turned to Brant, lifting her eyebrows slightly in question.

  He smiled and also shook his head. “Nothing at all. Welcome to the family,” he shook her hand again.

  Selena smiled, not sure what “family” she’d just joined, but she assumed he meant the corporate Rembrandt Cosmetics family. Anything else just was too crazy to contemplate.

  “Thank you,” she turned to Reid, wondering what was next on the agenda.

  “This way to your office,” he told her.

  Just as they were turning to head out of Brant’s office, a beautiful brunette with luscious curves and bouncing curls hustled in, flipping through papers as she went.

  “Here are the revised numbers you wanted on the new marketing strategy.” She walked in as if she owned the place, a dare to her stride and laughter on her full, wide lips. The woman screamed sexy while her eyes challenged all in the room. As soon as she looked up from the reports she dumped onto Brant’s desk, her eyes widened, as did her smile.

  “Finally!” she laughed, clapping her hands. The lovely Italian accent only made her more alluring and Selena felt pale and gangly in comparison. “You must be the new marketing genius!” she exclaimed and stepped forward, extending her hand. But the woman didn’t wait for Selena to shake her hand. Instead, she took Selena’s hand enthusiastically. “It’s great to see a new face on this floor. One would think with the beautiful sunshine and the glorious mountains in the distance, that the people here would be more laid back.” She turned and gave Brant a meaningful glance, then looked back at Selena. “Not the case,” she said, her accent thickening with whatever was going through her mind. “Come get me when you’re ready for lunch. I’ll take you to a place that will make you cry!”

  And then she was gone. Selena stood there for a long moment, wondering what had just happened. The woman was like a beautiful whirlwind!

  “You get used to her,” Brant growled, his voice indicating that he had not yet gotten used to the amazing woman.

  Selena laughed softly, shaking her head. “I hope not.”

  “This way,” Reid told her and, once again, he took her elbow, leading her out of his brother’s office. But not before she caught a look that sparked between him and his brother. Since Selena didn’t know the younger brother well enough yet, she couldn’t interpret the look, but she guessed that their silent communication had something to do with the woman who had just departed the office.

  Chapter 7

  During the next hour, Reid introduced her to several of the marketing staff, including her boss, the marketing director, and the team of ten people that would help her implement her idea. Her office was
located right next to the marketing directors and, after Reid left her, the work began.

  Over the next week, she worked long, hard hours. The team brainstormed ideas and slowly developed a plan. Marketing wasn’t just about coming up with an idea. It was an eye opening experience and all of her business and sales knowledge was tested as she worked with this group of people who had helped bring Rembrandt Cosmetics from a small start up to a massive, international brand.

  Selena woke up earlier each day, needing to get in her morning run so that she felt balanced, but then hurried through her morning routine in order to arrive at work as early as possible. There was so much to do, so many details to work out. It wasn’t just the basic concept that she and the team had to create. Marketing was so much more than that. Models needed to be chosen, slogans refined, art work developed, commercial scripts written, social media strategy developed, television commercials refined…there was so much more to the world than she’d realized.

  For her part, Selena was just the genesis of the idea. The marketing team would be the ones to develop and work up the ideas. While Selena brainstormed with the marketing team, she was in charge of developing the new training techniques.

  She worked harder than she’d ever worked in her life, spending hours with the marketing team, vendors who might support their efforts, and the accounting department to ensure that their ideas would be profitable.

  Selena took a great deal of pride in her work, wanting to be the best. She’d worked the makeup counter for Rembrandt Cosmetics during college and had always achieved the best sales with repeat customers who’d ask for her specifically. After college, she’d been promoted to training assistant and then trainer. After another couple of years, she’d been promoted to training the trainers for the district. This was the next step and she wasn’t going to fail!

  She got to work early each morning and stayed late, trying to research solutions to problems and find ways to make every idea better, more effective. By the end of the day, she was exhausted but always thrilled with her efforts.


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