Echoes of the Heart

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Echoes of the Heart Page 7

by Casey, L. A.

  I loved eating pussy, or more importantly, Frankie’s pussy.

  It didn’t take long for me to realise that her thighs were shaking as I flattened my palms against them to keep them wide open. There was no warning for me that she was about to come, but I knew when she did. She sucked in a strangled breath and her body went rigid as she held it. I was about to stop and ask if she was okay when her clit suddenly throbbed under my tongue, the second time it pulsed, Frankie released the breath she was holding and screamed.

  It scared the shit out of me.

  I faltered for a moment and she cried, “No, no! Don’t stop.”

  I quickly sucked her clit back into my mouth and worshipped it as the pulses slowed down. The entire time, Frankie’s moaning was ripping into my restraint. It was so sexy, so full of need that I was battling with myself to keep from stripping and sinking right into her.

  “Risk,” she whimpered. “Now. Please. Fuck me now!”

  I nearly broke my neck as I jumped from the bed to my feet and rid myself of my trousers and boxers. I was as naked as the day I was born and back between Frankie’s thick, creamy white thighs in one tenth of a second, a time that would have made any Formula One driver proud. I crawled up her trembling body and brought my mouth to hers when she reached for me. I forgot that she would taste herself on my lips and tongue, but it wasn’t a problem as she plunged her own tongue into my mouth and moaned. It was such a fucking turn on knowing she liked her own taste because I fucking loved it.

  “Please,” she begged. “Fuck me. Make me come again, rock star.”


  “We don’t need them,” she panted. “I’m on the pill, been on it since I turned seventeen. Remember?”

  If I was excited before, knowing I was going to fuck Frankie raw was enough to make me cry. I reached down, fisted my cock, pumped my hand up and down twice, coating myself in pre-cum. I pressed the head against Frankie’s soaking wet folds and ran it up and down against her. She twitched, I grinned.

  “You like that, Cherry?” I moved my face back to hers. “You like when I play with this pussy?”

  Her eyes rolled back as she bobbed her head, too focused on what I was making her feel to pay attention to my words.

  I swallowed as I looked down. I bit my lip as I lined my cock up, but instead of watching myself sink into her hot, wet pussy, I looked at Frankie’s face instead. Our eyes were locked as I moved my hips forward and slowly slid inside of her. Her face was flushed, her chest was rising and falling rapidly, but my fear of hurting her went out of the window when her legs wrapped around my waist and she used them to pull my hips forward, forcing me to sink all the way into her.


  My eyes rolled back and my teeth sunk into my lower lip as euphoria consumed me. I had imagined every which way of having sex with Frankie and I knew it would feel incredible, but I never thought of just how incredible it would be. I felt like I couldn’t move. I was so aware of every sensation that if a breeze blew over my balls, I’d likely come. I opened my eyes and focused on Frankie. She was in the tight clutch of desire, looking at me like I’d just hung the moon for her.

  “Are you okay?” My voice sounded pained to my own ears. “Tell me the truth.”

  “I feel no pain,” she hummed, her hands sliding up my arms to my neck then to my hair. “This is how I knew it would be. This is perfect.”

  I agreed with her wholeheartedly.

  “Please don’t hate me if I come too soon.” I realised my body was shaking. All I wanted to do was thrust in and out of Frankie’s body. “I don’t think I can hold back, you feel . . . it’s too much.”

  Frankie’s grin was almost Cheshire Cat-like as she shifted her hips, drawing a groan from me.

  “Cherry, please.”

  “Cherry,” she mused. “You always called me that because of my hair colour, now you can add popping my cherry to the list of reasons why.”

  I leaned down and snagged her lower lip with my teeth; her eyes gleamed with a challenge and then, before I knew it, Frankie nudged me onto my side then she rolled on top of me. Somehow, I never slipped from her body.

  “Babe,” I hissed as she sunk down, taking the length of me. “Are you sure?”

  “Is there a rule that for our first time you need to be on top?”

  “What?” I shook my head. “No, but – fuck!”

  Frankie rose up and down on my cock and I almost lost it then and there. I shifted my hips, almost bracing myself against what she was going to do to me as I placed one hand on her tiny waist and the other on her breast. She licked her lips, grabbed my forearms and kept eye contact with me as she slowly began to ride me. Instantly, my toes curled as I tried to force my body to remain absolutely still.

  I understood in that moment why people became addicted to sex.

  The raw pleasure that filled my body took over everything. My mind, my senses, my will to do anything other than come was insane. I lowered my eyes from Frankie’s stunning, pleasure-filled face so I could watch my cock slide in and out of her pussy. I had gotten off to this visual of what that could look like over the past three years and, now that it was happening, I was happy to say that reality completely outdid everything my imagination conjured up, because fuck.

  “Yes,” I hissed. “Ride me, baby. Fuck me.”

  I bucked my hips up to meet hers as she slammed down on me and we both made sounds I couldn’t describe. That was the flip of the switch on slow sex and almost instantly the pace changed and Frankie was riding me, fucking me, like there was no tomorrow. I had no defence against her, she had me completely and utterly at her mercy and I loved every single second of it.

  “Fr-Frankie.” I panted. “I’m gonna come.”

  “Yes.” She slammed down. “Come inside me. Fill me up.”


  I moved both of my hands to her waist, squeezed tight and drilled my hips up into hers. She clenched around me and threw her head back. I was trying to look everywhere at once. Her face, her tits, her body, my cock slamming in her pussy. My senses were entirely overloaded with Frankie and when I locked eyes with her, I knew I was about to come. My lips parted as what felt like static electricity pinched my balls as they drew up tight. I groaned as the built-up pressure released and my cum shot out in spurts from my body to the inside of Frankie’s. The sensation of bliss was so strong, I thought I might have blacked out for a second.

  When I was spent, I was more satisfied and relaxed than I had ever been in my life. I closed my eyes and audibly thanked God for his method of reproduction. Frankie’s laughter made my softening dick twitch inside her body. She lay her still-trembling body on my chest and brushed her soft lips against mine. I felt like I weighed a thousand pounds as I lifted my arms and wrapped them around her.

  “Frankie,” I opened my eyes and looked at her. “I love you.”

  She nuzzled her nose to mine.

  “I love you too. Always have and I always will, rock star.”

  I kissed her before I let my head plonk back on the mattress. I was wiped. Or at least I thought I was, then Frankie sat back up and lifted her hands up to her head so she could finger comb her hair. I was still inside her body and as my eyes rolled over the porcelain white curves God gave her, I suddenly wasn’t as tired as I thought I was. My slowly hardening cock agreed with me. Frankie’s screeching laughter as I rolled her under me soon turned to moans and urgent demands as I loved her body with mine so thoroughly that I knew there was no way we would finish unpacking the rest of our things tonight.

  Not a chance.



  “Risk, could you look any more miserable, boy?”

  The sudden intrusion on my memory made my body tense. I turned my head in the direction of the voice that spoke and stared at May Acton, the first kid I had ever hung out with on the first day of reception at school. As I looked at him, I didn’t think he’d changed all that much. He still had the same shoulder-len
gth hair he’d always had, only it was blood red now instead of its natural dark brown. His face wasn’t fat anymore since he’d lost over five stone of weight throughout the years, but he still looked like May and our success and fame definitely hadn’t changed him. He was still the same idiot from Cumberland Road who thought farting was funny.

  I wondered if I was still the same Risk to him, because I sure as hell didn’t feel like I was. Instinctively, I lifted my hand to the coin on my necklace and thumbed it. Six months sober. The coin represented a lot to me, so did the others I had. I was hoping to switch it out for a new coin in a month’s time. It was something I was looking forward to because it was entirely for me and me alone. Making the decision to never take drugs or drink alcohol again had been the first time I saw light in a very dark tunnel. My use had started gradually over the years. A line of coke here and there, a weekend bender every so often, to snorting and drinking daily. It was insane how a vice could take hold of a person so quickly.

  I’ve never blamed her, but in the beginning of my career, taking drugs and drinking till I blacked out was the only way I could forget about Frankie and how much it hurt to be without her. The first time I fucked a woman after we broke up was about eight months after I left Southwold, and the only way I could force myself to do it was to be high. The method continued because using was the only time I didn’t see Frankie’s face every time I looked at another woman. I had become addicted to the high that alcohol and drugs gave me. The only time I never had to take anything was when I was on stage because the high of performing live was unlike any other. I tried to replicate that feeling when I had downtime because otherwise I felt like I was sinking into a black hole of darkness that was just waiting to consume me.

  An intervention seven months ago by my friends and management saved my life. I shot heroin for the first time because the coke and drink weren’t enough anymore and I almost accidentally killed myself. I overdosed, but I was one of the lucky few who lived to tell the tale. When I left hospital, I went straight into a ninety-day stint in rehab. I spoke with a therapist often and I wrote two dozen songs during my detox. I had clarity for the first time in years. I didn’t want to live the way I had been living anymore and it was a huge step because I wanted to live for me instead of someone else.

  “I’m not miserable.” I shifted. “I was just thinking about something.”


  “None of your business, cocknose. That’s what.”

  May snorted. “Do you think it’s weird being back here?”

  “It is weird being back here.”

  Hayes, who was seated behind me in the van, said, “Good weird?”

  “Just weird,” I shrugged. “I’ve never had a reason to come back here.”

  “My parents haven’t been back since they moved to France five years ago. Hayes’s parents moved to London not long after we moved to LA,” May pointed out. “They don’t need to be here for us to visit. This is where we grew up, this is where Blood Oath was born. We wrote and released our EP here. We wrote some of our first album here. This place is part of us.”

  He was right, of course, but he still didn’t get it.

  “I know all of that,” I began. “Being here is just weird—”

  “Because your ex who dumped your sorry ass is still here.”

  May and Hayes both cursed at the same time.

  “What?” Angel questioned, unbothered by their outbursts. “Someone needed to say it since both of you tools are dancing around the subject. He isn’t a piece of glass, stop treating him like he’s going to shatter. He’s sober by his own choice; mentioning an ex isn’t going to have him rushing for a needle.”

  Angel Reyes was not an original member of Blood Oath. Nine months after we moved to LA he joined the band after we had heard him play during a weekend gig in some bar. He was Mexican, he moved to the States when he was seven and bounced around from state to state before settling in LA with his mum and little sister when he was ten. Like the rest of us, he wasn’t tied down to one talent. He was solid on drums, viola, and keyboards. Drums, however, was where he performed his masterclasses.

  He was hardwired to say things no matter how blunt they were, which was the cause of more than a few arguments, but he was one hell of a drummer and he knew it. He was a good man too and just as much of a brother to me as May and Hayes; he was just too honest for his own good sometimes. When his topic of discussion hinted at Frankie, I wouldn’t entertain him.

  “Mind your business, Ringo.”

  “Please. I’m better than him.”

  “Whatever.” I rolled my eyes. “Keep your bitchy comments to yourself or I’ll break your sticks off in your arse.”

  Angel snorted, not threatened in the slightest.

  “Is it a problem though?” May questioned. “About possibly running into Frankie while we’re here? If you’re worried, maybe this is too soon. You got out a rehab three months ago, you’re sober six. You shouldn’t be in a triggering situation. Maybe we shouldn’t have come home.”

  I hated, fucking hated, how my addiction had messed with May’s head. He and Hayes never touched drugs. Angel liked to smoke weed. They drank alcohol, but it wasn’t a problem for them like it had been for me. They drank for fun, I drank to black out. My use was to mask the hurt I felt, then it almost became like something I needed in order to survive. I wasn’t sure when my use became an addiction . . . it happened too fast for me to grab it.

  “I told you what my therapist said.” I nudged May’s leg with my foot. “The space I’m in can take people recovering years to reach. I’m sober for me, I want to be healthy and have a clear mind. Frankie . . . she won’t trigger me.”

  “How d’you know though?” May pressed. “You started taking everything to cover up everything about her, what if seeing her wrecks everything?”

  “I can’t run from her, May. I’ll be running forever if that’s the case.”

  “I think it’ll be worse for her than him because she knows what she did to him,” Hayes commented. “He’s known her all of his life, dated her for a few years, then as soon as we get our big break, she dumps him when his life was already going through a massive change. I’ve always had a soft spot for her, but what she did to him was cruel. If anyone should be weirded out, it’s her, not Risk.”

  “That’s not fair, boy. She found out her mum was sick the week we got offered our record deal,” May fired back, coming to Frankie’s defence like he always did. “She did what she thought was best for both her and main man. She isn’t a cruel person and you fucking know it, Hayes.”

  I lifted my hands to my face and groaned.

  “Stop,” I said, dropping them to my lap. “Look, it’s been nine years. Nearly a whole decade since I’ve seen her or spoken to her. We’re long past being weird in the other’s company if we happen to cross paths. She has her life and I have mine. It’s cool. I can handle being back here.”

  No one said anything, which pissed me off a little. I wanted someone to agree with me, but no one did. I leaned my head back against the headrest and told myself that the conversation was stupid. It’d been years since Frankie and I were anything to each other. If I was being honest with myself, it messed my head up to think of her because of how much she meant to me at one point. Being back in Southwold did turn out to be somewhat of a trigger because as we drove into town, she was all I could think about.

  I even went down memory-fucking-lane while thinking of her.

  Jesus. I cracked my neck. That shit needs to stop.

  “I forgot Southwold was so small.” May suddenly asked as he looked out of the window of the van, “How can everything be the exact same? Nothing has changed.”

  “Because it’s Southwold,” I answered. “The only thing that changes is the faces.”

  May and Hayes were staring around the place we grew up with intrigued eyes. I didn’t have that same enthusiasm. Angel, who was on my right, was on his phone probably texting the woman who has been l
eading him around by the dick for the past month. I closed my eyes until the van came to a complete stop and May suddenly burst into laughter before he jumped out of the vehicle. Hayes followed him and so did Angel. I looked at the driver who had picked us up from the airport as he lifted the privacy screen.

  “Thanks, man.”

  He nodded then got out of the van and helped us unload our belongings from the back. I gave him a fifty-pound tip, which he didn’t bat an eyelid at as he took it, nodded once more then got back into his tinted-window van and drove off. I turned and stared at the two-storey house that the other three were looking at.

  “This,” Angel said. “This dump is where you grew up?”

  “I bought it when my parents were selling it so they could move to France.” May laughed. “Isn’t it beautiful?”

  “Fucking gorgeous, bro.”

  I snorted, Hayes laughed and May beamed like he didn’t have a care in the world.

  “It may not look like much, but mate, this little house has nothing but happy memories for me. This is where Blood Oath was born . . . y’know?”

  Angel reached over and gave May’s shoulder a squeeze.

  “I know, bro, I’m just yanking your chain.”

  “My chain does not need yanking from the likes of you,” May paused, smirking. “Your missus on the other hand . . . I’m joking!”

  May practically leapt away from Angel and the coward hid behind me, which made Hayes double over with laughter while I watched Angel with a knowing grin.

  “He always ruffles your feathers when he mentions your new girl. Why is that?”

  Angel’s black-as-night eyes moved to mine and they narrowed slightly.


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