Nightblood Academy: A Paranormal Bully Romance

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Nightblood Academy: A Paranormal Bully Romance Page 18

by Allison West

  "One day, it will be up to you to stop Eilith."

  "Eilith?" Willow repeated. She knew the name. Everyone at the academy knew of Eilith and her sorcery.

  "She's the cause of The Scourge, Willow." Her mother's face was grave; her skin grew pale. "She's destroyed everything for thousands of miles. I've protected our house, but I can't protect the world on my own, or the other world that she's after."

  "Other world?" Willow was confused.

  Her mother nodded. "Do you remember the stories about students coming from a parallel universe, trying to fit in at Nightblood Academy?"

  Willow frowned. "They're old wives' tales." Every child growing up had heard the tales.

  "What if they're not, Willow? What if I told you I knew a student or two who had come from another world?"

  "How can that be?" Willow asked. "We can't walk between universes."

  "Most people can't," her mother said, "but a few can. I can," she said. "We don't have time to see if you'll be capable of the same things naturally. Tomorrow morning, we'll set out for the sacred springs. You'll need a companion, someone who can bring you back to Orenda, should you ever cross over to the other world unexpectedly."

  "Unexpectedly?" Willow stared at her mother. Had she grown delirious? She was so confused by her mother's words.

  Her mother sighed. "There's a parallel universe out there, much like Orenda, but without magic or sorcery. If Eilith managed to cross over, she could easily defeat their world. There are people in Orenda who have survived, Willow. Small pockets of civilization across the country align themselves in academies, protecting each other and the land around them. Your father is visiting one of those places right now, trying to protect you and Jamie."

  "Why would Eilith hurt anyone?" Willow asked. It didn't make sense. She'd met Eilith three years ago. She was a role-model, not a destroyer of worlds. She had been a teacher at Nightblood Academy. Had that changed?

  "Good people sometimes do bad things."

  Willow had a lot of questions, but she guessed that was why her father had gone to the academy, to find more answers. "What's the book for?" Willow asked, climbing onto the seat beside her mother.

  "It's The Book of Incantations," she said. "A last resort to stopping Eilith. Magic comes with great responsibility, Willow. Using a spell to break another spell can result in dire consequences. Do you understand?"

  Willow wasn't sure she did, but she nodded anyhow. The book was beautiful, an antique blue with inscriptions on the cover in a language she didn't recognize. The edges of the book were gilded in gold. Willow reached out, touching the edge, feeling a slight burning sensation on the tip of her finger. She pulled her hand back.

  Willow hadn't thought about that day with her mother in years. She'd briefly mentioned the dangers of magic and being forced to hide the book where no one, not even a sorceress, could go. Willow had been too young to ask the right questions, and now it was too late. Her mother was gone forever.

  The tour bus climbed Mount Etna, its engine sputtering in protest. Lil may not have seen mountains in Missouri, but Mount Etna wasn't that tall. Lil watched out the wide window as the bus slowed to a stop on the main road.

  The driver cursed under his breath and opened the door. "Looks like we're taking a slight detour. Sorry for the inconvenience."

  "Sorry?" Lil asked, glaring at her sister and the young boy, Jamie, beside her. "This was a bad idea." Lil hadn't wanted to take a bus tour. If it had been up to her, she'd be stretched out on the beach, taking in some sun. If she returned home as pale as she was when she left, Bray, her best friend and next door neighbor would never let her live it down.

  "Come on," Marco said, standing up with the other tourists as they began exiting the bus. "It's going to get hot in here pretty fast." Marco pointed toward the door.

  Jamie and her sister stepped out into the aisle, before climbing out of the bus. Jamie groaned, squinting from the sun. "Seems hotter out here."

  Lil walked off the bus with the others. When she turned around, she saw the driver trying his cell phone. He walked a few feet down the path and then stopped. Side-stepping to the left, he approached the edge of the winding road. "I take it we're going to be here a while." Lil pointed at the driver as he seemed to be struggling with reception.

  Marco reached into his pants pocket and removed his cell phone. "Nothing. What about you?"

  "Don't have it with me," Lil said. She wasn't going to explain to Marco how her parents weren't going to pay for her to use her phone internationally—texting or talking. Besides, it wasn't an emergency. Sure, they were broken down, but they weren't dying. Hopefully, the driver could reach a tow truck or, at the very least, the tour company. Eventually, someone would come and help them. There had to be other tour buses that took the same route or tourists who rented cars to drive up to see Mount Etna.

  "I'm hot," Lil's sister said as she wiped her forehead. "I'm going to sit over there." Jamey pointed at the vegetation growing on the mountainside. They hadn't seen a hint of lava—fresh or hundreds of years old—yet.

  Lil watched Jamey sit down. Feeling the heat bake her forehead, Lil quietly followed and did the same thing in the shade, plopping onto the grass.

  "So, you're from the states," Marco said, finding a spot in the shade beside Lil.

  The heat was already getting to her. She was too tired to argue with him. "Missouri," she said, doubting he ever heard of her town. He probably didn't know where Missouri was on a map.

  "Sounds interesting."

  She guessed he was trying to make polite conversation or escape from boredom. "It's not," Lil said. "There's a lot of farmland outside of Salem."

  "Yes, but I bet you don't break down in the middle of nowhere."

  "I'm not so sure about that," Lil said. She felt the ground rumble, and her fingers gripped patches of grass. "What was that?" she asked.

  Marco's face grew grim. "Mount Etna," he said and turned back, glancing toward its peak. Rocks loosened from the jolt, and a few small ones rolled down the mountainside onto the road.

  "Is everyone okay?" the tour guide asked. He squinted in the sun, counting heads trying to keep track of the group.

  "Lil," her sister's voice cut in, "I need to use the bathroom."

  Lil pinched her lips together. There wasn't anywhere but the woods for Jamey to go. "Think you can rough it outside?" Her other choice was to wait.

  Jamey nodded. "Will you make sure no one leaves me?"

  "Of course. We're not going anywhere for a while."

  Jamey stood and walked farther into the forest.

  Jamey's eyes surveyed the land and quickly glanced back toward the tour bus. Steam rose from the engine. She didn't know anything about cars, something she prided herself on, but she could easily assume they'd be stuck for a few hours.

  If it wasn't for the humidity, the weather wasn't so bad in Catania or wherever they had ended up in Italy. Jamey didn't mind the sun. In fact, it would have been a perfect beach day. Too bad Aunt Rosa had booked them on a tour bus. She had good intentions, but Jamey wasn't impressed with the vacation thus far.

  Sneaking behind a tree, she unbuttoned her jean shorts and froze. A whirring sound startled her. It wasn't coming from the mountain. The laughter and voices filled the air, but it didn't come from the roadside. Whoever it was, maybe they could help the group? She wanted to go home, well, at least back to Aunt Rosa's house.

  Jamey shot around, coming face-to-face with Willow and a few others she'd met briefly two months ago. Jamey stared at the familiar brunette. "Lil?" she asked, shaking her head when she realized it wasn't her sister. She'd seen Lil just a few minutes ago. She wasn't carrying a sword on her back and dressed in black. It was Willow. "How did you get here?"

  "Willow," the brunette corrected her. "We came by way of Morgan's wand."

  Jamey grimaced, buttoning the top of her shorts. She still needed to pee, but she'd have to wait. Lil would be looking for her if she didn't come back soon.

bsp; Jamey glanced at the others who accompanied Willow. She recognized the two boys and one of the girls. The other was a mystery to her. "Does that mean you're a fae?" Jamey asked the young beautiful girl. She remembered her sister had told her never to stare at a fae, but it was difficult not to look upon her beauty.

  Chapter 13

  The Fae

  "I'm Orla," the young fae quickly introduced herself. She didn't have time for pleasantries. "We need your sister's help," Orla said. "Can you take us to her?"

  Jamey blinked rapidly and rubbed her eyelids. "Yeah, she's just down the hill, but we're not alone."

  "What do you mean, not alone?" Orla asked and paused, looking at the others for guidance. She seemed unfamiliar with this world.

  "We were taking a tour of Mount Etna, and our bus broke down."

  Willow reached for Jamey's shoulder, resting a hand on her, holding her back for a moment. "Wait," she said. "Don't let anyone else know we're here."

  "What about Jamie?" she asked. "Your brother?"

  Willow paused, thinking it over. "He can come with us, but you can't tell anyone else where you're going. Okay?"

  Jamey nodded eagerly.

  "We'll wait here," Willow said. Beside her, Rawlie and Hudson were talking quietly. Arianna stood behind the boys, watching Orla with curiosity.

  "How'd you know Lil would be here?" Arianna asked.

  Orla ran her fingers over the wand, feeling the material sizzle beneath her touch. "I told it who to find, fae magic does the rest."

  "Fae magic?" Arianna repeated skeptically.

  "I still don't trust her," Hudson hissed under his breath to Rawlie.

  Orla had heightened hearing, one of the advantages of her species. "Don't worry." Orla feigned a smile. "I don't trust you, either."

  Hudson took a step closer to Orla. "Then, why did you ask for our help?"

  Orla sighed and glanced toward the hill, waiting for Jamey to return. "I don't have another choice. Lil possesses great power, and you are amazing warriors. My people will die without your help."

  "There's always another option," Hudson said.

  Jamey skipped down the side of the mountain, her pulse racing. "Guys!" She stopped just inches from Lil, almost landing in her lap.

  Lil looked up at her sister. "What's wrong?"

  "Willow." Jamey glanced at Marco as he wandered away from the driver. "She's here. They're here." Jamey tried to keep her voice down, even though excitement was screaming to come out of her. "I think they need your help." Why else would they visit her sister? Part of her wanted to keep her older sister away and safe, but her nagging curiosity won out.

  "Where's my sister?" Jamie asked, jumping up. His eyes glanced at the hill, squinting in the sunlight. Quickly, he darted up the mountainside in long, smooth steps.

  "Where's he off to?" Marco asked, seeing the commotion.

  "Willow?" Jamie called as he reached the foliage.

  Marco began climbing the terrain to meet up with Lil.

  "He's just trying to find a tree, to, you know." Lil stumbled with what to say.

  "He has to pee." Jamey laughed. She stood, tugging on her older sister's arm. "We're going to make sure there are no snakes up there. Don't let them leave without us, okay?"

  "You got it." Marco grinned.

  Lil and Jamey climbed up to the tree line.

  "We don't have time. We should have gone down and retrieved them ourselves." Orla shut her mouth when she saw Lil and the young girl with her.

  "I'm guessing we won't be home for dinner," Lil said in a whisper.

  "Sure." Orla grinned anxiously. "Just help me find my mother and stop Eilith. Then you'll be home in time for a delightful meal with your family." Orla felt the anger bubbling up inside of her. It must be nice to have a home to return to, knowing your family is safe and not at war with a demon sorceress.

  Lil sighed. "Why me?"

  "We don't have time." Orla twirled the wand in the shape of an infinity symbol and shut her eyes. They gathered, holding hands, preparing to transport into the city of Elfinland, or what was left of it.

  Orla hoped her mother was still alive. If she'd survived the attack on the castle, perhaps she had escaped into the tunnels and they'd run into her.

  Even Orla knew the chance of finding her mother alive was slim. She'd likely encounter Eilith first, and when she did, she had plans to kill her.

  "Lil?" Marco's voice echoed in the wind as he climbed the hill. "There aren't snakes up here. What are you really—" He dropped the bottle of water he'd been carrying.

  A power blue glow of electricity circled the group.

  Marco was speechless. It was the first-time Lil could recall the boy stumbling with a response.

  He stepped forward, never stopping, time only seeming to slow for Lil and the others in the circle. A flash of light, and the ground quaked beneath their feet, sending them deep beneath the earth.

  Lil's heart raced. Panting, she attempted to catch her breath. "Where are we?" She wasn't thrilled with being in Orenda once again, or Elfinland. However, catching sight of Hudson made her heart flutter. The dream, the feelings she'd had from the intense emotions had flooded her body all over again. Why had she had such an intimate dream about a boy she hardly knew? It made no sense at all. Sure, he was good looking and attractive, but still… it was almost like it had been a memory. It had felt so damned real!

  "Lil?" Marco's voice bounced off the walls in the small cave. "What's going on?"

  Lil glared at Orla. "Send him back!" She had no idea how he managed to follow unless it had been his hand on her shoulder as they teleported. No, Lil was adamant he hadn't touched her. Perhaps the energy of the wand was stronger near its home.

  "I can't, even if I want to." Orla shrugged.

  "I can." Rawlie reached for Willow's hand. It took the two of them to travel between worlds. Willow would get them over there, but Rawlie had to bring them home.

  "No." Marco shook his head and backed up, stumbling against loose rocks. His feet splashed in the stream. Marco glanced at his sopping wet shoes. "I'm not going without Lil and the two young ones."

  "You can't have my brother, Jamie." Willow stepped forward, looking Marco over, scrutinizing him. "You hang around with this guy? What do you see in him?"

  Marco didn't let up. "Where are we?"

  Lil sighed. It was a good question. She knew they were a long way from home. Curious, she'd wondered why they brought her back to Orenda, including Willow's younger brother.

  Jamie stood beside Willow, refusing to leave her side.

  "The better question," Lil said, "why are we here?"

  Orla headed north toward the center of Mount Etna.

  "Are we inside the volcano?" Marco asked. His eyes moved over the rock formations along the cave.

  Rawlie knocked into Marco as he and Willow followed Orla.

  Orla paused, seeing two streams, quietly meditating on the right path. "This way."

  "Which is where?" Lil hoped they'd provide her with some insight on why they needed her help. It didn't take much guess work to know Eilith was up to no good. What trouble had she found herself in this time?

  "We're miles beneath my home, or what's left of it. I knew that if there was anyone I could trust, it would be those who survived Eilith in Orenda," Orla said. "I'd heard stories from my mother about Willow being a great warrior and protector. I knew I needed all of you, for each of your abilities." Her eyes landed on Lil.

  "Is anyone going to tell me what's going on?" Marco stopped walking, but the group didn't pause. He groaned and hurried after them to catch up.

  Hudson slowed, falling in step beside Lil. "You certainly didn't trade up."

  He almost sounded jealous, but why? Why would Hudson care who she dated? Not that she was even the slightest bit interested in Marco. Lil shot him a look, confused. "What are you talking about?"

  Hudson glanced at her as they continued walking through the dark tunnels. "Your new boyfriend. He's definitely not a
step up from Bray."

  "Marco is not my boyfriend." Lil couldn't believe Hudson. Why would he think that?

  Hudson glanced over his shoulder and pointed at the Italian boy who had hitched a ride, much like a tick. "Does he know that? He seems to have a crush on you."

  "Quit it." Lil knocked his arm. "And Bray wasn't my boyfriend, either." She wanted to make it perfectly clear she was single, just in case he was wondering. Why? She couldn't explain the attraction she felt, the chemistry when Hudson was around her. It was like magnetism and she was drawn to him.

  "How is he? I hope he's not having too many nightmares of Eilith," Willow asked.

  "Is everyone going to make fun of the important people in my life?" Lil asked annoyed.

  Marco's eyes widened. "I'm important?"

  "Shut up." Lil wasn't in the mood. He'd tagged along without invitation. He'd be lucky to survive and return back home. There were few boys she ever had any interest in, and Marco was not anywhere near that list. Sure, he paid attention to her, but so did stalkers.

  Jamey cleared her throat. "Bray is taking scuba lessons in the Caymans. Lil is jealous."

  "He gets to have fun, and I'm visiting an aunt I barely know," Lil said. Of course, she felt envious! She'd give anything to be there right now.

  Hudson shrugged. "There are worse places you could be. Besides, you don't have to worry about that aunt of yours anymore."

  Lil sighed. "No, but she'll probably be worried about us." Her aunt would notice when they didn't return home, wouldn't she? Lil wondered if she'd call the local authorities or Lil's parents first. Her mother would likely know what was going on, but it was doubtful she'd tell Aunt Rosa the truth. Unless her aunt had been a student at the academy? Lil doubted that were the case.

  Hudson knocked playfully against her, brushing up against her skin. She felt a spark that she couldn't quite explain and glanced at him. It appeared as though he had felt it too.

  Had it been a manifestation that she imagined? The dream from last night was still fresh in her mind, his body towering naked above hers. Lil felt certain he could see the blush creep up on her cheeks.


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