The Black Knight Box Set

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The Black Knight Box Set Page 36

by Christian J Gilliland

  “They are hiding," Ander pointed out, “Or simply cowering in fear, awaiting the inevitable. It would seem that a demon is coming."

  “Good," Crinnan replied. He was eager to find someone to kill and readily accepted the chance to slaughter one of them, “Let him come.”

  “Be wary," Ander cautioned, “The demons that come here regularly are formidable fighters. They may not be brought down as easily as you anticipate."

  “They are formidable butchers," Crinnan corrected Ander, “I am a masterful fighter. They only look intimidating; they have no real skill." He looked around the area, hoping to see the demon that was nearby. Having killed three already he felt confident in his abilities; it was like killing Marauders in the Canruusi Wastes. As long as he didn’t come across another yeti or similar large monster, he felt like he was going to be fine. He drummed his fingers over his sword handle as he waited.

  “Who were you before you oh so, unfortunately, found yourself here?" Ander asked as the two walked, “Back in life."

  “I told you already," Crinnan bluntly answered, uninterested in the conversation.

  “You mentioned Black Knight, yes," Ander conceded, “However I am inquiring as to you; your hobbies, relationships. Did you have any children or a wife?”

  “No," Crinnan answered as he peered off into the distance.

  “Indeed," Ander murmured as he sensed Crinnan’s lack of enthusiasm about their conversation, “So no hobbies, surely you did something to pass the time?”

  “I do not know," Crinnan replied, “I slept a lot."

  “Sleep… that was one thing I rarely did in life," Ander reflected as he tried to keep the conversation going, “‘Tis true, after all, what they say about scientific innovation," Ander looked to Crinnan for a response but received none. He rolled his eyes impatiently and continued, “Progress is built on the dreams of the sleepless."

  “Up there," Crinnan nearly shouted as he pointed in the distance, “I see one."

  “Lovely chatting with you then. I do believe that it is in my best interest to remain here," Ander planted his feet, “For I haven’t the faintest of desires to interact with another demon."

  “Good," Crinnan ran ahead, “Keep watch, let me know if any more come."

  “Of course!" Ander shouted back as Crinnan ran away.

  Crinnan eagerly approached where the demon was flying, his sword was held firmly in his hand and he was ready to strike. The demon appeared to stand only a few inches taller than Crinnan and wasn’t as horribly disfigured as some of the other demons Crinnan had encountered thus far; he appeared very much humanoid in shape, except for his wings. Crinnan intended to get the armor from this one. They were some ridiculously ornate shining black armor that would only get in the way in the real world. Crinnan also saw that the demon carried a heavy looking blade that was nearly six feet long, it was something so massive that it looked like a Gaian would even have trouble wielding it with much efficiency. Crinnan felt like the demon was an idiot for selecting such unconventional equipment.

  Crinnan slowed his run just as the demon swooped down and crashed the blade of his sword through a prisoner who was laying on the ground. The sword bisected the poor being, causing him to scream in terror and pain. Crinnan watched the demon lift the sword back up. The prisoner’s entrails stuck to the sides of the blade, and the demon silently turned around to face Crinnan.

  “Who are you?" the winged one demanded, his voice muffled from behind his black horned mask, “Where did you come from?” He paused as if he were reading something and let out an inquisitive groan, “You are… interesting. Are you a player or a prisoner?”

  “What does it matter?" Crinnan asked as he aimed the point of his sword at the winged demon, “You’ll be dead in a few moments anyway."

  “A level five Warrior in simple clothing is challenging me?" the bemused demon snorted with a hollow voice, “You think you can leave a scratch with that little toy of a sword?

  Crinnan examined the demon and searched for a weak point. He saw a spot of cloth at the demon’s elbows and a bare spot under his chin where his gorget and helmet did not quite meet. Crinnan hoped the physics of the Hells matched those of the real world and spun his sword in his hand. He was ready.

  “Just shut up." Crinnan closed the gap between himself and his enemy quickly. The demon barely had time to react as Crinnan swung his sword. He cut through the unarmored portion of the demon’s right elbow, rendering the limb useless. The demon jerked back, looked down at his dangling arm and screamed.

  “What are you!" He cried as he raised his left arm to stop Crinnan, “This makes no sense!”

  Crinnan swung his sword again and the demon’s wings flapped wildly as he leaped back and avoided the attack.

  “Fuck you and your weird ass wings!" Crinnan growled as he lunged forward again. The demon swiped at Crinnan with its only remaining hand, but Crinnan batted it away with his sword. He ducked and slammed his leg into the grounded demon’s ankles, further surprising him and knocking him backward.

  “Help!" the demon shouted as if he were calling out to someone nearby, “PVP in a PVE zone! I’m under attack!”

  “Quiet," Crinnan growled. He thrust the point of his blade through the opening under the demon’s mask. The demon’s body clenched and he choked a bit as Crinnan pulled the weapon away. He gasped and gargled for a moment as blood leaked from the sides of his mask.

  “Quite impressive swordplay," Ander observed as he approached and knelt next to Crinnan and the lifeless body, “‘Tis great fortune that you two appear nearly the same size as well."

  “Lucky me," Crinnan quipped as he quickly went to work pulling off the demon’s boots, “Give me a hand?"

  “Surely you do not mean by undressing him?" Ander seemed disgusted by the request.

  “Yeah, by undressing him,” Crinnan was not about to put up with any whining from Ander, “I saved your fucking life or whatever it is we have here, if you want to keep following me around, then do what I say. Is that too much to ask, or does that embarrass you too much?”

  “I suppose you present a fair point," Ander relented as he unbuckled the extravagant leg armor and set it aside, “What do you plan on doing with me when we reach the end?”

  Crinnan stopped his task momentarily and sighed, “What are you talking about? I don’t even know what I am doing with myself right now, let alone somebody else."

  “‘Tis a trait that demands great admiration," Ander sang as he unclasped and removed the demon’s belt. “The ability to speak from the heart. You certainly do not leave your intentions up to the imagination."

  Crinnan rolled his eyes as he sat down and pulled the demon’s black socks and boots on. He was relieved to see that neither of them disappeared when he touched them. As he laced them, Ander tossed the demon’s sleeveless gambeson in front of Crinnan.

  “I do not believe you will be wanting this," Ander commented as he held the blood-dripping mask between two fingers, “It seems to have become a mess of blood and brains."

  “I don’t need it," Crinnan shook his head as he gave the demon’s head a kick, “Masks are for losers."

  “Very well," Ander kicked the demon’s head and gasped in pain as he did. He groaned and shook his head with frustration.

  “If only I had the ability to fight as you do," he lamented, “Then perhaps I could be of more assistance on our quest."

  “If only." Crinnan sneered at his companion. He wished he would shut up.

  Crinnan signaled for Ander to help him with the cuirass. He held the breastplate steady as Ander lined up the backplate and tightened the straps on Crinnan’s sides. Crinnan slid the pauldrons and vambraces into place and after a moment of consideration, removed the pauldrons and tossed them to the side. They were much too big and ridiculous for him to ever imagine using in a combat situation.

  “I think that is all," he snorted at the stupidly giant sword on the ground, “I definitely will not have any use for that piece of ju

  “Look at you." Crinnan tensed as Sage’s voice suddenly rang in his head, “Why I should say you have transformed into a veritable demon killer, or rather you now look the part of one."

  “Hi," Crinnan grunted with frustration tinging his voice. He noted the look of confusion on Ander’s face, “Thanks for finally coming back. What has it been? Three days?”

  “Something like that… How goes the fight? I see you have made it to the Second Hell."

  “I have," Crinnan replied, “Me and... Ander,"

  “Ander?" Sage repeated, “You mean that prisoner entity that I am seeing next to you?”

  “Yes. Can you see him?”

  “I can only see his data," Sage replied, “I cannot actually see him,"

  “Who are you talking to?" Ander interjected, “I do believe that I am the only one here."

  Crinnan rolled his eyes and looked at Ander, “You would not understand. It is someone from back home."

  “Someone from Duraan?" Ander repeated with a hint of curiosity in his voice, “Who?”

  “Nobody you would know dammit," Crinnan snapped, “Mind your own business."

  “What is he saying?" Sage asked.

  “He is asking who you are," Crinnan replied as he looked at Ander from the corner of his eye.

  “Well I should say that sounds like a natural response," Sage replied in a ho-hum tone, “What was his name again?”

  “What is your name?" Crinnan looked over at Ander. “The long Ancient one?”

  “Frema’Ander din Lecaaste,"

  “It is Frema’Ander din Lecaaste," Crinnan relayed to his faceless benefactor, “He is from Ancient times. He said he worked on the Afterscape development team."

  “That is… way too convenient I should say," Sage reflected after a moment of silence, “Do you believe he can be trusted?”

  “I guess so," Crinnan replied.

  “If you are certain then Lucaas and I will work on cracking his encryption and granting him player access as well. An intelligent Ancient may be of use to you, though I do wish I had access to the Ancient NPin directory so I could pull up his file."

  “I think he is saying he is going to give you the ability to fight," Crinnan looked at Ander, “Congratulations."

  “Magnificent!" Ander shouted with glee, “What a fortuitous turn of events! Once I am able to restore my connection with the NaNe you will find that I am truly a valuable asset. Perhaps, and of course in my own humble opinion, the most valuable. We will certainly be able to blast our way out of here, leaving naught but a trail of destruction in our wake as we find our way back to freedom!”

  Crinnan stood silently and stared with bewilderment at the overly verbose entity for a good moment before he spoke again.

  “Good," he sighed as he turned away. Ander triggered his anxiety, not because he was a fearsome being but because Crinnan simply did not know how to properly communicate with him.

  “So what do I need to do now?" he asked Sage.

  “Get to level three," Sage answered, “Lucaas and I are not only working on empowering Ander to help you, but also locating a suitable spot in the seventh level to break you out. We have been monitoring the chat channels. The last demon you killed called for help before he died, it would appear that his friends are on their way to you now."

  “How many?”

  “Four. I see two magic users and two warriors. They will be there momentarily."

  “How soon will Ander be ready?" Crinnan asked.

  “Hopefully by the time they get there," Sage replied, “Curses… Kill demons and monsters, get to the third level of the Hells and we will nearly be halfway there. We have to go now. Hopefully, you will have descended by the time we speak again," at that, Sage’s channel closed and Crinnan was left with Ander.

  “We have four demons inbound," Crinnan informed him, “Sage is working on getting you combat ready so just hold tight."

  “His name is... Sage?" A look of contemplation spread over his mustached face. Crinnan did not know whether that was a good or a bad thing.

  “It is," Crinnan replied. “Do you... know him?”

  “Maybe," Ander reflected with a shrug of his shoulders, “I have met many people in my time, though very few Sages. Perhaps if I were to speak to him…" Ander shook his head and smiled, “No sense worrying about that now. Command me, what shall I do whilst I wait for my powers?”

  “Hide," Crinnan instructed, pointing to a red-tree covered hill behind them, “When you are certain that you are able to fight come out and help me."

  “Very well," Ander nodded. He reached out and gave Crinnan’s armored arm a light squeeze, “Best of luck my friend." at that he turned and ran toward the cluster of gnarled trees.

  After Ander had gone, Crinnan quickly surveyed the area and listened for the demons. At the moment he heard and saw nothing so all he could do was wait. He thrust the point of his sword into the ground so that it stood on its own and took a seat. With his forearms resting on his knees, he kept watch in all directions.

  As Crinnan sat and waited, he thought again of his mother and his friends, mostly Alec and Elia, and hoped they were all well. He thought of the life he had lived and how he looked forward to resuming living it. Most of all he pondered on the Hells, of what they were and of how Sage had explained them. He thought of how so many innocent people were being tortured there by the Empire that he hated so much and of how it was all just a game to them. He thought of the days that had passed, the walking he had done and of how much longer it would take him to get out. Finally, amid his thoughts, he saw the demons approaching.

  In the distance were four people, each equipped differently. One looked to be an Elf; he wore thick heavy armor and carried a large sword that was very much like the previous demon’s. Another appeared more demon-like, he had black glowing wings and a barbed tail. He wore lighter armor with a regular sized sword in each hand. The other two, the mages as they were called, seemed to float about a foot off the ground and each of them wore hooded robes and their hands pulsed red. What Crinnan was drawn to the most, was that the demon in heavy armor held one end of a chain in his left hand and on the other end of that chain was what looked like a She-Elf. She was a prisoner, and she struggled to keep pace.

  Crinnan stood up and dusted his pants off. He watched the demons and noticed that they had seen him so he pulled the sword from the ground and took a step forward.

  “You are wearing Lemry’s armor," the horned demon hissed as Crinnan approached, “What does this mean?”

  “It means I killed him," Crinnan pointed his thumb behind him, “His body is back there if you want to look."

  “How could you kill him?" one of the mages seethed with a perplexed and angry tone, “You prisoners can do no such thing."

  “Clearly," Crinnan smirked at his own sarcasm and spun his sword in his hand, “I guess I am going to not-kill you guys now."

  The demons all looked at each other and then to Crinnan, “This should be interesting," the heavily armored Elf commented. He pulled a knife from his belt and shoved it through one of the links in the chain that held the she-Elf, pinning it to the ground. Crinnan watched the staggering female collapse; he imagined it had been her first moment of rest in a long time. He looked at her and saw her eyes piercing him.

  “You like her?” the horned demon taunted, smiling at the others, “I see you eyeing her. We’ve been taking turns with her for days. She’s a precious little thing, ain’t she boy?”

  “Fuck off," Crinnan was repulsed. He pointed his sword at the horned demon and took a step forward, “You are a damned monster."

  “It’s awesome," one of the mages said excitedly, looking around at the others, “She thinks she doesn’t enjoy it but we always convince her otherwise."

  Crinnan felt his blood begin to boil. The injustice, the pure and utter pain that was being dealt to the she-Elf put him in a rage. He did not know who she was or why she was in the Hells but he felt personally obligated to s
ave her.

  “Enough!" Crinnan stepped forward with his sword held tightly in his hand, “It is time for you all to die!" at that, he charged forward.

  One of the mages hurled a blast of fire at him, Crinnan quickly sidestepped and it crashed into the ground where he stood sending dirt in all directions. The other mage launched a barrage of smaller fireballs at him, Crinnan dodged all but one. The ball hit him in the shoulder sending a burning sensation all through his free arm. He grunted and slowed down for a split second but willed himself forward and quickly closed the gap between them.

  The first mage took the point of Crinnan’s sword through his face. Crinnan roared and tore the blade through the side of his head, planting it into the arm of the horned demon. As the mage fell to the ground, the demon roared in pain and dropped one of his swords, swinging the other at Crinnan. The sword bounced off of Crinnaan’s vambrace and Crinnan ducked and scooped up the demon’s dropped weapon, leaving his old one embedded in its arm.

  “Get him!" the heavily armored one ordered, “Cut his fucking head off!”

  Crinnan stepped back. The mage was on his right, the horned demon in the middle and the heavily armored one was to his left. The armored one swung its massive sword in a chopping motion. Crinnan leaped out of the way and drove his sword to the right into the chest of the mage. The mage fell backward, coughing up blood and Crinnan charged forward toward the horned demon.

  “Die!" the demon shouted as he swiped at Crinnan with his only remaining weapon. Crinnan spun out of the way, took hold of the sword embedded in the demon’s arm and ripped it free. The horned demon reeled back and roared in pain giving Crinnan the opening he needed for a swift cut through his neck, relieving him of his head. As the headless demon and the second mage fell to the ground, Crinnan spun his own sword in his hand and tossed the winged demon’s aside as he turned to face the final demon.

  “I’m going to not-kill the fuck out of you," Crinnan growled as he paced around the demon, “You fucking piece of Govian rapist shit."

  “How…" the flabbergasted demon gasped, looking back and forth from his dead friends to Crinnan, “How did you do that." The voices of his friends could be heard wailing with pain and confusion around him as they realized they were locked in the Hells. This only exacerbated his fear.


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