The Black Knight Box Set

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The Black Knight Box Set Page 48

by Christian J Gilliland

  “This is dumb,” Quint told himself, feeling stupid that he even thought of such a thing. He knew there was no treachery going on, nothing that mattered to him anyway. As he turned to walk back to the bar, however, he heard muffled speaking and his curiosity implored him to listen.

  He looked back at the tent and noticed two soldiers standing watch at the front. He recognized them as members of Lazarus’ personal guard and made certain he didn't get in their line of sight. He decided to walk around the back where he wouldn’t be seen. He figured he could hear through the tent walls just fine considering they were just fabric. He resolved that once he heard nothing of interest and satisfied his curiosity, he would head to the bar and then back to his team. As he leaned forward, he heard somebody speaking softly, somebody whose voice he did not recognize.

  “High Father Eckhart is out of the way… killed this morning… Sarasin and her guard will be executed.”

  “Executed?” Quint whispered, “Sarasin?” He then heard the muffled sound of Prince Lazarus' voice.

  “Today I will reveal… sins... she killed father Korros... pin Eckhart's death on her... You will be... new Bishop General...”

  “Oh shit,” Quint whispered. He had been right all along. Lazarus was going to kill Sarasin, “I have to tell Eryc...” He got up to run and hoped he had enough time.


  “…and I feel that only by staying together as one will we truly know victory in these trying times. We must forget our racial differences, accept that our Govian brothers and sisters come from all backgrounds. Whether Ly...Lycaani, Elf, Faire, Vampre, Gaian or Humaan it matters not for we are one people!" Sarasin spoke into the microphone, trying to keep her mind off of stuttering. The crowd cheered for her and she smiled and nodded her head at them. “Th... thank you.”

  She felt like she was doing well. While she did occasionally stutter, it was nothing like what had happened at the interview in North Barus. She tried not to think about it as she spoke; about how she completely locked up in front of the reporter who drilled her about her mysterious past. She tried to remain focused on her speech. She did not want it to happen again.

  She stood and reveled in the cheering crowd for a moment. She looked out on all their faces and tried to smile at each one. There were so many people gathered and, on the inside, she felt like she was standing before a mass of cockroaches. The looked at them with hidden feelings of contempt and wanted nothing more than to be done with the day.

  She held her hands out to silence the crowd and as they quieted down, she spoke again.

  "You are all very dear to me," she said warmly, "I thank you all for..." her voice suddenly stopped playing through the speakers and she looked around. Her microphone seemed to have stopped working. She tapped on it with her finger but heard nothing in response. As she looked over to the sound booth, she saw Klaus staring back at her, arms crossed and a snarl on his face. Something wasn't right.

  “My dear people I apologize for the inconvenience,” she heard Lazarus’ voice declare over the speakers, “But it seems something terrible has happened.” Two soldiers ran out onto the stage and seized Sarasin by the arms, pulling her back from the podium.

  “What is going on!” She shouted, knowing full well what was happening. She couldn't believe it; she had been betrayed by her own betrothed.

  “I command you to let go of me!” She struggled to get free but the soldier's grip grew tighter on her scarred arms. She growled through her teeth and listened as Lazarus’ voice returned.

  “It seems that there have been multiple reports of our beloved Lady Sarasin committing a small string of heinous crimes that require our immediate attention.” Lazarus walked out onto the stage and frowned at Sarasin.

  She looked back out into the crowd and studied their expressions. Most looked confused or shocked, and some looked angry. She bore her teeth and growled at Lazarus.

  “You fucking bastard!” she shouted, “How could you!”

  “As you may have heard on the news, Father Korros was found dead yesterday afternoon,” Lazarus continued, “Recent evidence found by the local Inquisitors has pinned none other than Bishop General Sarasin Fyr as the culprit. We... sadly have eyewitness accounts as well as multiple public sightings that have confirmed her being drunk and belligerent in public, speaking to herself and shouting curses at innocent people. This seemed to happen all day yesterday." Sarasin thought of the monks, the bartender and everyone she could have possibly come into contact with and felt her rage grow.

  The crowd was silent; they were exactly how Lazarus wanted them. Sarasin fumed at the silence and glared at Lazarus with a murderous expression.

  “Not only that, but I just received word that... that Supreme Father Eckhart was found dead in his room in Dauid’s tower this morning.” Lazarus was acting, putting on a show. He was pretending to be on the brink of tears. Sarasin dug her fingernails into her palms harder than she ever had before and tried to hold back her fury, she tried not to go berserk, “Lady Sarasin again was found to be the undeniable killer.”

  Sarasin could not believe her ears, “I did not kill Father Eckhart!” She shouted, “It is a lie!” As soon as she could speak, a projector screen lowered in the middle of the stage and a video of her execution of Father Korros played for the whole city to see. There were flashes of her staggering around in public, tossing a bottle against a wall and talking to herself. She fell silent and the crowd quickly grew angry.

  "Citizens of the empire we failed you,” Lazarus sounded remorseful, "Further investigation has revealed that Lady Sarasin dispatched a team to the Hells to assist...” He paused and feigned discomfort, continuing his act and drawing the crowd’s attention even deeper, “Her brother's escape. Yes. Lady Sarasin is sister to the Demon, and therefore a terrorist conspirator and a traitor to the Empire!”

  The crowd gasped and erupted in anger. Sarasin heard all manner of insults being spewed and a few people threw their drinks at her. She seethed, growing angrier by the minute. She tried to cling to rational thought. There was little chance of her fighting off the soldiers but she was quickly losing control of herself.

  Lazarus turned to Sarasin and wore an evil scowl, “Bishop General Sarasin I hereby strip you of your authority and place you under arrest for the murders of high ranking Govian officials and treachery against the Empire,” he announced, flashing a brief smile at her as he did so, “The courts will decide whether to send you to Westlaan or to have you executed. Do you have anything to say for yourself?”

  The crowd was in an uproar. “Kill her!” she heard somebody shout, “Let her rot!” another voice yelled. She shook her head and struggled again.

  Blood dripped from her palms and splattered on the ground beneath her, “How could you do this!” She snarled as tears and snot fell down her face, "I loved you!”

  Lazarus snickered and turned around to face the crowd.

  “Citizens!” He shouted, “It pains me greatly that I must take upon the role of Supreme Father under such somber of circumstances. In spite of it all, however, I promise that henceforth I will uphold the esteemed position with only the greatest of dignity and servanthood. I assure you there will be no more of this wretchedness in the hierarchy of our great Empire. Mark my words!”

  Lazarus turned around again and sucker punched Sarasin in her jaw. She reeled back into the soldiers behind her but quickly and furiously snapped her head up to look him in the eyes.

  “This is not over,” she screamed, "I'll fucking kill you!"

  “It looks as if it is all completely finished to me, my love.” Lazarus grinned and balled his fist once again.

  Sarasin's life flashed before her eyes. She saw her childhood with her loving family, felt her father's embrace and heard his kind words. Those words morphed into the words of Korros, the manipulation... the promises. She saw her baby ripped from her, watched his skull get smashed with a club before her. She remembered her feelings of abandonment as she was forced into the Govia
n Officer Corps, how she had risen in the ranks. She thought of all the innocent people she had killed or commanded to be killed. Finally, she thought of her engagement to Lazarus and of his ultimate betrayal. As his fist smashed into her jaw once again, a sudden and mighty burst of power blasted from her body, sending waves of energy in all directions.

  The soldiers holding her arms were torn apart from the blast, having been in direct contact with her. Their blood and entrails rained over the crowd and those on the stage. The energy blew Lazarus backward off the stage onto the ground. More soldiers shuffled for their weapons and raised to fire but she threw her palms at them, blowing holes through their armor.

  The power she felt was like nothing she had ever experienced. It was strange and terrifying; it felt nearly ten times stronger than the NaNe abilities she was used to. She wondered if it was even NaNe at all. Another soldier charged her, and she blasted him all the way across the fairgrounds.

  The crowd was frantic. They screamed in terror and ran in all directions, desperate to get away from the crazed former Bishop General. As she held off the soldiers and stared out at them, she was overcome with more fury and blinded by rage. She released her power into the citizens she had vowed to protect, relentlessly blasting at the crowd over and over.

  Bodies and blood flew in all directions for everyone had become her enemy; nobody was safe from her meltdown. She pounded the crowd with wave after wave of energy, ripping through and slaughtering them. A voice inside her begged her to stop but she simply could not for she had completely lost control. Finally, Little Sarasin appeared in front of her and blasted her backward with her own ghost powers.

  Sarasin crashed into the stage behind her; she screamed furiously as she skidded across the wood and slammed against the cement wall behind her. She quickly pushed herself up and got to her feet to find herself standing before Bishop General Klaus.

  "Submit!" He shouted as he furiously fired a blast of NaNe lightning at her. It struck her in her chest and she screamed as her body locked up, encased in an electric prison.

  The sound of gunfire erupted could be heard coming from backstage. Sarasin realized her guard had been executed and felt her heart break. As her body was locked in place from the ongoing lighting attack, she looked up at Klaus and closed her eyes.


  Captain Eryc's heart sank as he witnessed the events unfolding on the stage. Gerard and the rest of Sarasin's guard stood next to him as they all watched the scene.

  “Double-crossed!” Eryc spat angrily, “She's been betrayed!”

  “She betrayed us!” another soldier argued, “She sinned against the whole Empire!”

  Eryc’s heart was torn in two. His love for his country raged war against the fatherly love he felt for Sarasin. He had been by her side for years, watched her grow in strength and comforted her in times where she had emotionally hit rock bottom. He had always been there for her, and the idea that he couldn't save her led the hardened, aged soldier to tears.

  “What do we do Eryc?” Gerard asked with his rifle shouldered, “Say the fucking word. Say it and I will stand by your side.”

  “Gerard…” Eryc was lost in his own world of emotion. He clenched his fists and turned toward his lifelong Gaian battle brother. He did not know what to do; it was as if his years of leadership and quick decision making had all gone away. He closed his eyes and Gerard smacked him across his face.

  “Get a hold of yourself, Eryc!” Gerard boomed, “We need to do something, we have to stand for something! We…”

  “Drop your weapons!” a voice suddenly interrupted them, “Drop them and get on your knees!”

  Eryc's eyes opened and he saw that Bishop General Klaus’ personal guard had arrived. They had their rifles trained on Sarasin's team. A few of Sarasin's guards immediately obeyed, but Eryc stepped forward.

  “Captain Harrol,” Eryc announced, “What is the meaning of this?”

  “It’s the end of the road Eryconius,” Harrol declared, “You know too much. Time for you and your men to die.”

  They had the upper hand, and Eryc knew it. There was no surviving that fight. He tossed his rifle down and fell to his knees.

  “Make it quick Harrol,” Eryc sighed, “My men do not need to suffer.”

  “Of course, Eryc,” Harrol nodded and shook his head, “I am sorry.”

  Eryc suddenly heard what sounded like a tin can hitting the ground. He watched a small metallic cylinder roll under the legs of Harrol and his men and then heard the sound of a rifle rapidly being discharged. Harrol’s men started to fall and Eryc caught a glimpse of Quint standing behind them.

  “Kill them!” Harrol screamed as he began opening fire on Eryc’s team. They quickly fell and as the barrel of Harrol's weapon focused on Eryc, the canister below him suddenly burst open and Harrol and his soldier's weapons refused to fire.

  “A SUP!” Harrol shouted as he tossed his disabled rifle to the ground, “Draw your swords!” as his hand crept to the handle of his weapon, Eryc drew a knife and burst forward, quickly shoving the blade into Harrol's eye. Quint charged from behind and thrust his sword through another soldier's back and Gerard opened fire on the last soldier and blasted him backward.

  “On me!” Eryc ordered as he retrieved his rifle. He had been just outside of the SUP’s radius and as Quint approached, Eryc drew his unlocked sidearm and handed it to the young soldier, for his rifle had been disabled.

  “Go, now!” He shouted as he pointed toward the stage, “While we still have time!”


  Sarasin was growing weak, and she realized Klaus was going to kill her. Her feelings of rage were being replaced by panic. She tried to break free but every effort left her more fatigued and finally when she could take no more she gave up. Darkness began to cloud her vision. She watched the blurry Klaus relentlessly barrage her with his NaNe but suddenly, he stopped.

  "Get up my lady!" Eryc screamed seeming to appear out of nowhere. He fired a burst from his rifle and Klaus stumbled backward, holding his bleeding chest as Sarasin quickly pushed herself up off the ground. With what strength she could muster, she hurled a blast of energy toward the Bishop General. He quickly formed a NaNe shield that protected him from injury but the force behind Sarasin’s attack sent his body reeling into the fairgrounds. Eryc, Quint, and Gerard advanced and fired their weapons at Klaus and the other charging soldiers.

  "I'm sorry!" Quint shouted as he fought to protect his Lady, "I tried to tell you all sooner!"

  For a moment Sarasin Fyr, or Sayraa Jamiso... whoever she was... soberly stared out into the fairgrounds and observed the massacre that her rage had created. She looked back and forth between her guard, and the grounds before her, not believing what she was seeing.

  She stared in horror at the bodies, the blood, and carnage of the citizens who only moments before were cheering her name and bowing at her feet. She realized it was all over, everything she had built... she thought it should feel different but surprisingly she felt... relieved. Quint and Gerard quickly grabbed her arms as Eryc kept firing on the approaching soldiers.

  “Come on, my lady!” Gerard shouted as he pulled her away, “We have already taken care of the ones out back, this way!” Sarasin found the strength to move her legs and she joined the others as they hurried backstage and away from the slaughter.

  Chapter Nineteen

  Rubaan V

  13th of Ramlia – 346AG

  12:00 – Canrom City

  A glass of Dravink on ice sat in front of him as he stared off into the direction of the television screen. The same brayball game that Dauid had been complaining about missing was on the television at the front of the bar, but that was as much as he could gather. He had not focused on what was going on, he could not. All he could think about was what his aunt and the old augmented mechanic had told him about Eon.

  “Possessed,” Rubaan spat before swallowing a drink of the burning green liquid, “Fucking possessed.” He caught a breath of air and sla
mmed his empty glass on the wooden bar. The bartender raised his eyebrows and walked over.

  “Another?” the bartender looked Rubaan up and down, “Damn maybe not. You’re looking rough.”

  “Feeling rough,” Rubaan slurred, “I will take another though.” He wiped his face with his hands and shook his head.

  The bartender reached for the bottle behind him, “What’s eatin’ ya? Why are you drowning yourself here today?”

  Rubaan stared at the bartender for a moment and then shrugged his shoulders. “I just got possessed by a demon or something that was supposed to have been killed 100 years ago. Or at least I think so. The goddess, the brothers… nobody can help me today.”

  “Oh.” The bartender sighed as he passed Rubaan his drink. Another crazy one, “What makes you think that?”

  “What makes me think what?” Rubaan asked, feeling a bit dizzy.

  “Any of it,” The bartender replied, “Why do you think you were possessed by a demon?”

  “I watched it fucking happen,” Rubaan nearly shouted, “In a mirror no less! While I was damn naked. He froze my spine and I couldn't fucking move.”

  “Right,” the bartender said, “And why can’t the goddess or the Brothers help you?”

  “Because they sure as fuck didn’t last night,” Rubaan sputtered as fear and rage overtook him, “You sure are nosey.”

  The bartender laughed and turned to his dirty dishes, “That’s my job. To make the crazies like you even crazier so that you buy more drinks.”

  “Well keep up the good work!” Rubaan raised his glass and tossed a few aurum the bartender’s way, “I’m about to go make some bad choices.”

  Rubaan picked up his drink and hopped off the barstool. The bartender watched as Rubaan walked toward the entrance of the bar and stepped outside into the Brother's warm embrace. He looked over at his bouncer and motioned for him to follow the drunk.


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