The Black Knight Box Set

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The Black Knight Box Set Page 72

by Christian J Gilliland

  "I don't know daddy," Sarasin closed her eyes tight and rested her head on the pillow behind her, "I was normal, and then I was giving birth. Something unexplainable is going on."

  "Is it... evil?" Commander Crinnan asked with an anxious tone. Sarasin replied with a shake of her head.

  "No daddy," she looked down at Eliss and sighed. "This is something good."

  “You can tell him," Little Sarasin suddenly appeared next to her, though only Sarasin was capable of seeing her, "Tell him the truth, that God returned our son to you. That he is real, that..."

  "Enough!" Sarasin snapped. Little Sarasin went quiet and Rubaan, and Commander Crinnan looked at each other with confused expressions. Sarasin shook her head and faked a smile in front of her father and brother.

  "Things are in play that I could have never imagined or predicted," she explained, trying to be careful with her words, "This world is evolving, I can feel it. Something is happening, and it is going to change everything." She leaned down and kissed the top of Eliss' head, and she felt a wave of anxiety crash over her. She believed her words, she knew that there was some kind of truth behind Little Sarasin's claims, but she didn't want any of it to be true. At that point, all she wanted was Eliss.

  "Well, he is beautiful," Commander Crinnan smiled and gently rested his calloused, leathery hand on his daughter's cheek, "And you are home now. While things may get difficult before they smooth out, I promise you everything will one day be okay."

  Sarasin leaned her face into her father's hand and bit her lower lip. In spite of her moment of peace, she was afraid of everything that was going on. Her father's support and love gave her comfort in a way that Korros, Prince Lazarus or even Eryc never could.

  As she thought of everything that was going on, of everything that had happened to her, she felt herself start to break down. She cried softly in front of her father and brother; her emotions were running wild. She felt shame and anger, sadness and regret. At the same, she was filled with joy and love, hope and happiness. She looked forward to the rest of her life: to watch her son grow and to fully reunite with her family. She was ready for Bishop General Sarasin Fyr to burn away and for Sayraa Jamiso to rise from the ashes.

  "Another Jamiso boy," Rubaan joyfully laughed as he looked down at the baby, "Eliss Jamiso. May the brothers help him." The three of them laughed together. Sarasin was able to forego her tears for a moment, and Commander Crinnan slapped his son's back.

  "I love you all, my children," he said, looking at Rubaan and Sarasin, "All of you," he patted Rubaan on the back, and Rubaan thought back to their conversation earlier. He choked back his emotions and nodded his head as he cleared his throat.

  "To see you living, breathing... to know you are home and safe," he smiled and clapped his hands together, "Now if only we could convince that stupid Cade... Kierson to come home."

  "Wait, you know about Cade?" Sarasin asked, surprised at her father's revelation. Commander Crinnan winked at her and crossed his arms.

  "Who the Hells do you think I am little girl?" Crinnan smirked, looking back and forth between his kids, "I knew about you and Kierson all along. Your mother and I had to keep your, ridiculous name and career changes to ourselves... to protect you guys. We thought it was the right thing to do, and... Well, I still think it was."

  "I understand," Sarasin assured him. She thought over all the times she had buried his activities from the eyes of the Empire, of how she had on occasion fudged numbers and rerouted Govian forces away from those of Black Knight. She wondered if her father had done the same for her, "It does not help your situation as a political and military leader if your children are working for or conspiring with your greatest enemy." She sighed and closed her eyes, "I am sorry daddy, I know it means nothing, but I had to do everything I did to survive."

  "My beautiful girl," Commander Crinnan smiled proudly and leaned down to plant a kiss on her forehead, "You are a powerful woman. Your great life has not even begun yet."

  The door to the room suddenly opened, and the Jamisos turned to watch Vice Commander Card enter with his entourage. His brisk gait suggested he meant business and the armed soldiers behind him reinforced that idea. Commander Crinnan stepped away from his daughter and planted his feet in front of Card, preventing him from moving any closer.

  "Card," Commander Crinnan declared, locking eyes with the Vice Commander, "What are you doing here, have you come to see my new grandson?"

  "Bishop General Sarasin Fyr," Card ignored Crinnan and stepped around him, "You are hereby under arrest for your crimes against Black Knight and the people of Duraan," he turned to his entourage and directed them, "Heal her, and take her to the jail."

  "Card, no. Not right now," Crinnan protested with his hands held outward, "Please give her time with her child, she is not ready for..."

  "Not ready?" Card sharply repeated as he turned toward Crinnan, "The thousands of Knights and civilians of Base 17 were not ready when her forces slaughtered and imprisoned them last year. The people of Canrom City were not ready when she blasted them to nothingness only yesterday. Your daughter is a dangerous criminal, and for our safety, she needs to be apprehended. Those were the terms of her asylum, were they not?"

  "Those were the terms," Crinnan affirmed, "But I am telling you that now is not the appropriate time. Allow her the night and tomorrow we can discuss..."

  "Commander, I granted her an hour, more than fair considering her sins. I did that out of consideration for you and your family, do not test my generosity. There is no more discussion to be had," Card hissed and took a step closer, "Do not interfere any further or we will be forced to remove you from the situation."

  Commander Crinnan frowned and drew his sword. The sound of metal scraping against the scabbard filled the room, and he held the blade between Card and the bed which Sarasin rested on. Rubaan in a sudden panic drew his as well, not entirely sure what he should do with it. The Knights behind Card raised their rifles and Card rolled his eyes.

  "Lower your weapons," he instructed them, waving his hand through the air, "Commander Crinnan is no danger to us. He is a devout and respected Black Knight and would do nothing to jeopardize his position... though he is Humaan and needs a moment to allow his rash emotions to subside."

  "Come back in the morning," Commander Crinnan slowly growled, "That is an order."

  "Father, stop," Sarasin's voice caused everyone to turn toward her. Her tone demanded attention for she spoke with authority and confidence. As she held her child with one arm, she grimaced and pushed herself up with the other.

  "I understood what coming here meant for me, father," her voice lacked the fear that his did, she seemed resigned to whatever fate Card and the council had in mind for her, "While I do not wish to die or suffer lifelong imprisonment, I know that either may lie in store for me. I have done terrible things, and someone must hold me accountable."

  "I just got you back," Commander Crinnan argued as he clenched his teeth and squeezed the handle of his sword, "I'm not ready to let go again."

  "You do not have to daddy. Put your sword away," Sarasin ordered and turned her head toward Rubaan, "Both of you. They are not your enemies."

  Ladia, Emerald and Amaria walked into the room, and all three breathed a different curse. Ladia and Amaria both stomped over to their husbands, vehement with them and Emerald walked up to Card. A slew of shouting and reprimands were hurled at everyone in the room, and Crinnan finally lowered his weapon.

  "Vice Commander, a minute with my family if you please," Emerald asked. Card huffed at her, but with a slight nod of his head he and his entourage turned and walked toward the door.

  "Five minutes," he ordered as he stood in the entrance of the domicile, "No more." He turned and walked out, closing the door behind him.

  "What has gotten into you?" Ladia hissed at her husband. Her eyes burned with anger, and she slapped him on his shoulder, "What compelled you to draw your sword?"

  "Ladia, he would not listen to reaso
n," Crinnan replied as he sheathed his weapon. "I needed to..."

  "Flex?" Ladia finished his sentence for him, "Show your strength? What in Hells is wrong with you?" Crinnan looked away and shook his head. He was mildly confident he could have put up a fight against Card but entirely sure he would stand no chance against his wife. He sighed and turned toward Sarasin.

  "And another thing," Ladia grabbed his shoulder and spun him around, "What you did back there in the admin building, how you so indignantly declared in front of Rubaan and Card the truth about his... biological father, was completely out of line. You hurt me, Crinnan." The commander cocked his head and closed his eyes. His face scrunched up in a look of repressed anger, and he spoke.

  "Wait, I hurt you?" he nearly laughed as he took a step back and looked around the room, "I hurt you. Great, I am so sorry that I didn't consider your feelings when I told my son that he wasn't mine. Please forgive me for my wild transgression against you!"

  "It was tactless and uncalled for," Ladia growled, her face twisted as she fought back the tears, "That was not the place, that was not the way..."

  "And Exgrane was not the place; Sage was not your husband!" Crinnan shouted as blood rushed to his face, "I will not be made the bad guy here, you are the one who opened your legs for him! I didn't thrust him inside of you!" Ladia stared at Crinnan with a shocked and furious look on her face but had no words to accompany them. She looked back and forth at the mortified expressions of everyone in the room, shook her head, and hurried out the door.

  "It has been twenty-four years, Crinnan," Emerald hurled at him as she turned to follow her sister, "You need to let it go, or go away." She stomped out the door, leaving Amaria behind with the others.

  Commander Crinnan looked at Rubaan and Sarasin, and then to Amaria. He wore a look of defeat and rubbed his face with his hands. When he realized he did not have any words to express his anger or embarrassment, he found a chair and took a seat.

  “I hope for both of your sakes that you two learn the importance of fidelity,” Crinnan’s voice dripped with exhaustion. He, of course, was speaking to Amaria and Rubaan and looked back and forth between them as he did, “Learn to trust each other and to never keep secrets. Otherwise, in a few years, you will look like me…” Neither of them responded, and Sarasin sighed as she got off her bed and stood. She had decided that it was time to say her goodbyes.

  “Glad to see everyone is getting along so well,” she sneered as she placed Eliss into Amaria’s arms. She stroked her baby’s hair and gently kissed him on his forehead. “Mommy loves you, little boy… thank you for everything.” With a final squeeze of his little hand, she looked up at Amaria.

  “It was lovely to meet you, please take care of my brother and send love to little Roc. I hope I may one day meet him.” Amaria nodded, and Sarasin turned to Rubaan.

  “My dear brother,” He opened his arms, and she walked into them. As he closed them around her, he planted a kiss on her temple.

  “Thank you for always being there for me, little Rubii.” She rested her head on his shoulder, and he squeezed her tight, “Never stop being you because you are perfect.” She gently kissed his cheek and stepped toward her father.

  “Daddy, I am sorry you are going through so much,” Sarasin pursed her lips together and bent over so that she was face to face with the seated man, “And I am sorry for leaving you all these years. I wish I had been able to find a different path, one that could have led me home to you…”

  Commander Crinnan stood and embraced his daughter, “You are a remarkable woman, little Sayraa,” He whispered into her ear, struggling to keep his emotions under control, “I don’t give a damn about anything you’ve ever done. You will always be my baby girl.”

  “I love you, Daddy,” He kissed the top of her head, and for a moment she felt like a little girl again. She felt comfortable and safe, and everything she had truly missed out on became clear to her.

  She thought she was going to be strong, that she was going to go into custody with her head held high. Instead, she dug her fingers into the back of her father’s tunic and buried her head in his chest.

  “I am scared,” She whispered, “Daddy I am so scared.”

  “Hush, love," Commander Crinnan stroked her hair and rubbed her back with his free hand. She held onto the fabric of his tunic tightly, knowing that when she let go, she would have to be a grown up and face the world again.

  “You are home now,” Crinnan whispered, “I will make certain that you are taken care of. Trust daddy, okay?” He felt her nodding her head on his tear-soaked chest and then gave her head one final kiss as she pulled away.

  “Come on then, my love,” Crinnan reached out and wiped a tear from her eye before he grabbed his daughter’s hand, “Let’s go see Lord Card.” He guided her through the door and out into the street. Ladia stood with her arms crossed listening to Emerald comfort her and Vice-Commander Card stood near them with his entourage. As Commander Crinnan appeared with Sarasin, Ladia looked up and walked over to them.

  “You are ready?” she asked her daughter. Sarasin nodded at her mother and was quickly wrapped up in her arms.

  “I still love you; you know that right?” Ladia choked as she held her daughter close, “I need you to get through this, I need to be able to forgive you one day… go, atone for your sins and bring my daughter back to me.” She released Sarasin and kissed her on the forehead. Sarasin nodded and stepped away, but Ladia called out to her.

  “And Sayraa, do not forget to sing your mother’s song.” Sarasin gave her mother a faint smile and Card’s men approached her.

  “Have you had adequate time to say your peace?” Card asked as he stepped up to the former Bishop General. Sarasin met his gaze and nodded her head, extending her hands toward him in submission.

  “I have.”

  “Very well, then by the authority bestowed upon me by the countless souls of Black Knight, I place you under arrest for your crimes against Duraan. Silence is your right, you have the right to representation, and you are henceforth a prisoner of Black Knight Base 21. Do you have any questions regarding your rights?”

  “Where is Gerard, my guard?” She asked, “Is he okay?”

  “Your friend has been taken to the infirmary and then will be questioned," Card replied, “His fate will be determined by his cooperation. Do you have any further questions?”

  “No," Sarasin replied, she hoped that Gerard would be okay.

  “Very well, then by…” Card stopped as an exasperated soldier ran up to him. He cocked his head, and the soldier stopped, panting for air.

  “Lord Card,” The soldier gasped, “In the valley, Govia is here… in force.”

  “Govia?” Card repeated as he looked toward his prisoner. He stepped up to her and grabbed her by the throat, squeezing as he pushed her backward. “What have you done!”

  “N... nothing!” She choked. Her eyes grew wide, and Commander Crinnan rushed forward, “I promise!”

  “Let her go!” Crinnan shouted as he swatted Card’s hand away. He put himself in between Card and his daughter and pointed a finger between the Vice-Commander's, “Do not lay another finger on her!”

  Card took a breath as he composed himself and turned back toward the panting soldier, “How many are out there?”

  “Sir it is an army, thousands.”

  “Thousands?” Card whispered. He rubbed his chin and pointed at Sarasin, “How did they get here, Bishop?”

  “I… I imagine that they tracked me," She replied, “They tracked my NaNe… I know that this mountain most likely hides my signal but they know I am nearby and Prince Lazarus saw me board a Black Knight vessel. They most likely are hoping to wipe you out and take me back to the Empire.”

  “Would they turn around if I delivered you to them?” Card asked.

  “No,” Sarasin shook her head and looked down at her feet, “If there are thousands of Govians outside then they are intent on finding and killing you all.”

Card stood and thought for a moment and then turned to Commander Crinnan, “Lord Crinnan, Lady Emerald, I ask that you come with me. Sarasin is to remain here under my soldier’s guard. We will assess the situation and determine the most logical course of action,” Crinnan and Emerald stepped forward, and Crinnan motioned for Rubaan to join.

  “Do not try anything in my absence,” Card warned Sarasin, “We will return shortly.” At that, he and the others hurried away, leaving Ladia and Amaria behind with Sarasin and Card's entourage. Ladia stepped forward and faced her daughter.

  “Sayraa, please tell me that this is not your doing?” she said in a careful tone, “You did not bring them here did you?”

  “No mother,” Sarasin replied, “Not intentionally. Though I have no doubt that they are here for me.”

  “I suppose Base 21 could not have remained hidden forever,” Ladia frowned and crossed her arms. Sarasin watched her pace back and forth, clearly frustrated and anxious about the whole situation. Finally, she turned to Sarasin and looked like she was about to speak, but a look of confusion spread over her face.

  “Who… who is that?” Ladia asked. She seemed to be looking next to Sarasin, not at her. Sarasin looked down and saw that Little Sarasin was standing next to her. She gasped as she realized that the two were looking directly at one another.

  “You can see her?” Sarasin’s eyes grew wide, and she looked back and forth between her mother and the ghost of her child self. She realized that Ladia could, in fact, see her and a sudden burden seemed to be lifted from her shoulders. It was all real.

  “Mommy,” Little Sarasin called out, “I am so happy to see you.”

  Ladia’s face went pale and as she mumbled confused words her eyes rolled back into her head. She took a wobbly step forward and collapsed onto the ground, unconscious. Card’s soldiers hurried over, and Sarasin looked down at her younger self and sighed.

  Chapter Fifteen

  Ema’as III

  23rd of Ramlia - 346AG


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