Exasperating (Elite Protection Services Book 3)

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Exasperating (Elite Protection Services Book 3) Page 3

by Onley James

  “Don’t listen to her, angel face. I’ll be a perfect gentleman…if that’s what you want.”

  Charlie rolled her eyes. “Robby, I’ll take you—”

  “No, it’s fine. He can take me, er, us. He can take us,” Robby stammered, dropping the dog’s things back into the bag and pulling it onto his shoulder. “I just really need to get home and take a shower.”

  “I can help with that.” Calder grinned. When the boy’s eyes went wide, Calder said, “Getting you home, that is.”

  “Gross,” Charlie muttered before sliding off the conference room table. “Don’t fall for his stupid lines, Robby, the only shower you’ll need is one of those Silkwood decontamination showers. That dude’s dick has given more rides than Uber.”

  Calder clicked his tongue. “Oh, don’t be like that. I heard you love Uber.”

  Charlie flicked him off. “I will not be shamed. That dude was hot and definitely not a virgin, unlike this pristine, untouched boy.”

  The boy in question made a face at both of them. “Uh, this is getting weird. Can he just take me home now?”

  Calder put an arm around Robby’s shoulder, guiding him from the conference room. “Of course, I can.”

  When he looked behind him, Charlie wasn’t looking at them but at Wyatt who was no longer making out with his husband but watching them with a look that Calder could only describe as conniving. What the hell were those two up too? It was probably better not to know.

  Robby tried to calm his nerves the entire ride home, but it was impossible with the man who starred in all of his most recent jerk-off fantasies sitting not two feet away from him in the front seat of his fancy pickup truck. He felt like he should say something, but he just couldn’t seem to find his tongue. By agreeing to allow Calder to take him home, to escort him up to his apartment, it was like he had agreed to something more, and now Robby’s heart was a snare drum, pounding an offbeat rhythm in his ears.

  For all of Charlie’s talk, she was right about Robby. He was a virgin. In every sense of the word. Other than three fake kisses he’d shared on camera and the chaste pecks he’d exchanged with Elijah for show, the only real kisses he’d ever had were with a girl he was too drunk to even remember. He was starting to think there was something really wrong with him. He was twenty-one years old and people treated him like he had an invisible forcefield nobody wanted to penetrate, and Robby really wanted somebody to penetrate him. He glanced over at the man behind the wheel singing softly and tapping out a rhythm on the steering wheel, completely unaware of Robby’s panic. He didn’t want just somebody. He wanted Calder.

  Calder was perfect. He was a self-proclaimed manwhore, so maybe Robby shouldn’t be surprised the man made no effort to hide that he was willing and able to tend to Robby’s immediate needs. Maybe Calder just never said no to anybody. Maybe he was literally working through a list of everybody in LA and this was just his day to scratch Robby off his to-do list. The thought made his chest feel tight, so he pushed it away. Robby had wanted Calder since the day he’d spotted him in that conference room, watching Robby like he was the only person there. It had made him feel vulnerable, like somebody had ripped off his invisibility cloak and left him standing naked in a room full of strangers. But it had also warmed his insides. Somebody had finally noticed him.

  Robby sneaked another glance at the man beside him. Calder was beautiful in a roughneck kind of way, like the boys Robby would see in town growing up back home in Kentucky. His chestnut hair was looped onto his head in a messy top knot that should have looked ridiculous but on him just managed to highlight how little he gave a shit about rules. He wore a sleeveless Metallica shirt covered in holes and paint splotches, and his well muscled arms were covered in gorgeous swirls of colorful ink, all tribal in nature. His beard managed to accent his perfect jawline instead of hiding it, and he had chocolate brown eyes that looked almost black in the shadows of the truck cab.

  “You seem to be thinking some awfully deep thoughts over there. You alright?”

  No. That drawl of Calder’s did things to Robby. That slow, easy way he talked, like he liked to taste the words before he released them into the universe. Robby wanted to know what those words sounded like whispered in his ear or growled against his skin. He shivered, shifting uncomfortably, his cock semi-hard at the thought.

  “You cold, angel face?”

  “Why do you call me that?” Robby blurted.

  Calder chuckled. “You’re joking.”

  Robby shook his head, swallowing hard. “Why would I joke about that?”

  “I call you angel face because you have the sweetest face I’ve ever seen.”

  “Like a baby?” Robby muttered, his heart sinking.

  Calder risked a glance at him. “Don’t pout, sweetness. I’ve spent more than one night thinking about dirtying up that angelic face.”

  Once more a nervous thrill shot through him. He wasn’t entirely sure what that meant but it sounded promising. “You’re coming upstairs with me, right?” Robby asked as they crept to a halt at the valet.

  This time, Calder looked him in the eye, his gaze weighted with promise. “Is that what you want?”

  Robby nodded, trying to find his voice. “Yeah,” he finally managed. “That’s what I want.”

  Calder grinned. “Well, alright.”

  Calder hopped from the truck, tossing the valet his keys before coming around and opening Robby’s door, taking the bag, and leaving Robby to carry Cas. The ride up to the tenth floor seemed to take forever, especially with six other people on the elevator, giving Robby’s ridiculous outfit a curious stare, and Calder standing close enough for his thumb to trace over the back of Robby’s hand, making his stomach do cartwheels.

  By the time the doors opened, Robby was rock hard and Calder had barely touched him. He was pathetic. His hand shook as he fumbled with his keys until Calder took them from him and opened the door. Robby immediately put the dog down and turned, running straight into a wall of muscle.

  Calder gripped Robby’s hips, steadying him, his thumbs tracing over the new ink on his hip bones. “I really like this top you’re wearing, but I bet you’d look even better without those jeans on.”

  Robby was almost positive his heart stopped. Calder was close enough for Robby to feel the heat of his body, to smell peppermint and something slightly chemical. Robby gripped Calder’s shirt in his fists, feeling the need to hold onto something. He needed to speak but fear had robbed him of his voice.

  Calder leaned in close enough for his beard to scratch against Robby’s cheek. “You scared of me, angel face?” he asked, tone teasing but not mean.

  “I’m scared of everything,” Robby heard himself whisper.

  “I won’t hurt you,” Calder promised, all traces of teasing gone. “I can go anytime you want.”

  Frustration leached into Robby’s voice. “I don’t want you to go… I just don’t know what to do,” he admitted, wanting to crawl into a hole. There was nothing sexy about this conversation. Robby refused to look at him. He couldn’t. “Never mind. Let’s just forget…whatever this was.”

  He turned to head to the bedroom, but found himself turned right back around, Calder’s finger under his chin, forcing his gaze upward. “Is that what you really want?”

  A million thoughts assaulted Robby at once. No. Not at all. Stay with me. Fuck me. Spend the night. Spend the rest of your life. Or mine. All Robby could do was shake his head.

  Calder’s lips grazed Robby’s forehead. “You want to take a shower with me?”

  “Yes, please,” Robby whispered, breathless.

  Calder cupped his face, gazing at him with a look Robby just couldn’t place.

  “Jesus, you’re sweet,” Calder finally said. “Lead the way.”

  Robby did as Calder asked, feeling like he had stopped breathing an hour ago. He had no idea what he was doing or how this had happened, but it seemed inevitable, like this was the final domino to fall in a line they’d pushed over m
onths ago.

  Calder took the lead, which Robby appreciated. His hands were shaking too hard to be of use anyway. He watched as Calder turned on the tap to the fancy rain shower, testing the water. Once he seemed to decide it was the right temperature, he released his hair from its elastic, letting it waterfall down his broad shoulders, before peeling his shirt over his head and dropping it to the floor. Robby itched to touch the springy hair on Calder’s chest and taut ridges of his abdomen but couldn’t seem to move. He swallowed hard as Calder moved into his space. He picked Robby up, depositing him on the lip of the sink, spreading his legs and stepping between them.

  “Your turn,” he murmured, large hands caressing over Robby’s skin as his hoodie went over his head to join Calder’s shirt on the floor. He traced the words scrawled in ink over Robby’s heart, causing goosebumps to erupt along his skin. He blushed. He hated that tattoo. Daddy issues. “Mm, is that so?” Calder asked before his fingers found the bars that pierced the stiff peaks of Robby’s nipples.

  He sucked in a shaky breath but sat frozen.

  “You are just full of surprises, angel,” Calder whispered before his lips found Robby’s.

  Calder kissed like he talked, slow like he was in no rush, brushing his lips over Robby’s again and again, each time lingering a bit longer until Robby opened up for him, wanting more. When Calder’s tongue slipped inside, Robby whimpered, overwhelmed. Was this what kissing always felt like? If kissing Calder felt like this, what would actual sex feel like?

  “Fuck, so sweet,” Calder drawled against his lips once more before pulling back and unbuttoning his jeans. “Water’s gonna get cold.”

  Robby couldn’t look away. He licked his lower lip as Calder removed his jeans and underwear, leaving him naked and hard in Robby’s bathroom. Everything about Calder was beautiful, even his erection, flushed red and twitching under Robby’s scrutiny. “Now you, angel face. What else are you hiding underneath that choirboy exterior?”

  Once more, his inner voice flooded his brain with answers. Fear. Anxiety. Loneliness. An unhealthy obsession with gangsta rap and mochi. Robby let Calder pull him to his feet, trying not to orgasm on the spot as Calder dropped to his knees to remove Robby’s sneakers and socks before undressing him. Calder was close enough to feel his breath on Robby’s thigh. He bit down on his lip as Calder examined his hard and leaking cock. “Uncut,” Calder whispered. “Christ, you’re perfect.”

  Robby didn’t think it was possible to blush harder but he did. He let Calder lead him into the shower, sighing as the hot water pelted his aching body. He leaned his forehead against the cool tiles, wondering if he still looked like somebody had thrown battery acid in his eyes. That couldn’t be sexy. Could Calder see the burn on his hip where the taser prongs had pressed against his skin? Before Robby could spiral further down the rabbit hole of crippling insecurity, Calder pulled him from the wall and began shampooing his hair.

  Robby had never had anybody wash his hair before outside of a salon. Calder massaged his scalp, the blunt scrape of his nails dragging a moan from Robby. Was this what real relationships were like? He sagged against Calder, just letting the man take care of him. Soapy hands began to move along Robby’s chest and belly, scrubbing each part of him. When Calder went to his knees behind him once again, Robby held his breath, but Calder simply washed his feet, dropping kisses to the dimples on his back and the painful burn on his hip before standing again. It was maddening. Why wasn’t he doing more?

  Robby made a noise of frustration.

  Calder chuckled. “What’s wrong, angel face? You want something?”

  He nodded, before whispering, “Yes.”

  Calder’s lips found the spot just behind Robby’s ear, and his fingers tugged at Robby’s nipples hard enough to make his whole body feel like one live wire. “This what you want? You want me to play with you?”

  “I… Yes… I don’t know. I just want more. I need you to touch me.”

  Calder bit down on his earlobe, one hand sliding low on his belly. “I am touching you. Can’t you feel me?”

  Robby could feel him, could feel Calder’s erection pressed against his lower back, could feel his arms around him. It was perfect, but it just wasn’t enough…not nearly enough. “Don’t tease me.”

  Calder turned him around, capturing his lips once more. “I haven’t even started teasing you, sweetness. But I’ll give you what you need.”

  Robby almost cried when Calder wrapped his slick fist around Robby’s cock, his eyes sliding closed and his hands gripping Calder’s biceps. “Oh, God.”

  “Open your eyes, angel. Look at me.” Robby forced himself to comply. “Fuck, you’re so fucking beautiful. I wanna watch you come.”

  That was all it took, Robby cried out in surprise as waves of pleasure rolled along his body, his knees all but giving out on him. Calder’s arm kept him upright, his hand pumping Robby’s spent cock until there was nothing left. He clung to Calder long after his hand disappeared, feeling embarrassed by this sudden need to hold onto something.

  To his credit, Calder didn’t seem in a hurry to release him, they just stood there, testing the limits of Robby’s hot water tank, his forehead resting on Calder’s shoulder and his arms around him. The older man was probably regretting ever offering to give Robby a ride home. He glanced down, looking at Calder’s still hard cock. Robby’s hand was moving before he could talk himself out of it, wrapping around Calder, marveling at the velvet feel of his skin.

  Calder moaned, and Robby’s heart did somersaults. He did that. He did it again, experimenting. He had no other frame of reference, so he did what he liked, twisting as he stroked, letting his thumb tease over the head before sliding back down. Calder leaned his shoulders back against the shower wall. “Fuck, that’s it, angel. Keep going.”

  Robby did. He jerked Calder, studying his face, watching how every stroke, every squeeze affected him until he was only doing the things that pulled low moans and deep groans from him. This was the real drug, this heady power of making somebody fall apart. He understood why Calder had wanted to watch Robby’s face, had needed to see the fruits of his labor. Robby wanted to make Calder orgasm almost more than he’d wanted to come himself. By the time Calder was panting, fists clenched, eyes closed, Robby was half hard again just from watching.

  “Oh, fuck. I’m gonna come.” He was thrusting himself up into Robby’s fist now, doing most of the work himself. Then he was giving a rough shout, his body going rigid.

  Robby didn’t know where to look. He was addicted to the shocky look of ecstasy on Calder’s face, but he also liked watching Calder’s cock erupt, his seed coating Robby’s fingers before washing away under the water. Calder took the choice away from him, pushing his hand away and spinning him until he was the one pressed against the wall, Calder’s mouth on his, tongue sliding over Robby’s. He could only hang on as Calder pressed words against his lips. “Fuck, you did so well. God, you’re fucking perfect. So fucking perfect.”

  Calder was in over his head. After their shower, he’d dried the boy off and put him to bed. Now, he lay beside him, watching him sleep. Robby was a walking contradiction. He was a famous Hollywood actor. Maybe not household name famous but certainly recognizable on the street, yet it was clear the moment Calder kissed him that Charlie had vastly underestimated exactly how virginal Robby was. He kissed with abandon, touched Calder like he was a work of art, and came apart in the sweetest way imaginable. It stirred something in Calder, something deep inside that he’d worked hard to wall off years ago.

  Fuck. Linc was right. Calder was a fucking liability. He’d been so determined to have Robby, to test this strange pull he’d felt toward the boy, that he’d completely ignored every red flag. He could have ended it with a kiss when he realized how little experience Robby had. He could have walked away. He should have just walked away. Virgins came with feelings and responsibilities. All the things Calder avoided like the plague. But Robby had just stared up at him with those innocent
eyes, frustration leaching into his voice as he’d tried to ask for what he’d wanted. Calder wasn’t strong enough to resist a temptation like that. He didn’t understand how any man could.

  It was hard to imagine how somebody like this boy had gone unnoticed, but he’d clearly been neglected. Daddy issues. That’s what the boy’s tattoo said. He believed it. Robby had been running amuck since Elijah had ‘cheated’ on him with Shepherd. It was clear their fake relationship had been plenty real to Robby, no matter how mismatched the two had been. Now, he took his pain out on himself, drinking, partying, turning his body into a roadmap of piercings and poorly thought out tattoos.

  Calder liked the boy’s piercings, liked the way he gasped when he played with his nipples, and liked the odd little piercing that sat just inside the boy’s upper lip, resting against his two front teeth. He wanted to play with him, was hard as steel imagining coaxing the boy’s body to let him inside. He couldn’t remember the last time anybody had captured his attention the way Robby did. Calder was content just to watch the boy sleep, liked knowing he was safe at home and not out being abused or accosted by police officers or worse…strippers.

  Except, this wasn’t Calder’s home and Robby wasn’t his to watch. He was just some kid he’d crossed paths with whose big hazel eyes and infectious smile had gotten under Calder’s skin. Maybe it was that Robby never smiled anymore. Before Elijah, there wasn’t a single photo of Robby where he wasn’t flashing his gorgeous smile and perfect teeth. Now, Robby always looked guarded or angry or too drunk to stand.

  Calder rolled off the bed and dressed, taking Casanova’s food from the fridge and placing it on the floor in his bowl, so the dog would let the boy sleep for a little while at least. He had to get out of there. Every minute he stayed, he just wanted to stay longer. That wasn’t going to work. Still, he felt like a dick just sneaking out, so he snagged a paper towel and a sharpie.

  Had to go. Didn’t want to wake you.

  Call if you ever need me.


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