Game Plan: The Philippians 4:8 Guide to Better Thinking
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Philippians 4:9 “Whatever you have learned or received or heard from me, or seen in me—put it into practice. And the God of peace will be with you.”
Imitation is not only a form of flattery, but it is also how we learn, grow, and act. Children learn and act from their parents, relatives, and friends. There are also thousands of leadership books, which communicate the value in modeling for others to follow the leader’s actions. Here in the verse Paul tells the church to imitate him because he is the model of Christ that they have seen.
Paul laid out for the church in Philippians 4:8 how they should think and in verse nine he explains that he is the model they should follow. He is the one exhibiting those qualities he told them to meditate on. This is key because finding a role model will enable us to add these thoughts faster. When a negative thought pops in my head, I ask if my role model would think that about me and my answer is always no. Then I replace the thought with one that is positive.
Is there someone in your life whom you look up to? Find a person you know or have known or even one in the limelight then inspect their life and meet with them if you are able to on a regular basis. Napoleon Hill in his book Think and Grow Rich talks about this concept in the form of a team of counselors you meet. His point in the book is that you will be held accountable and receive ideas as you also help others in your group. It is the concept of iron sharpens iron from Proverbs 27:17.
My dad was not present in my life and by the way this is not a sob story but one of the opportunities he gave me to discover and make my own way. My dad’s lack of presence was a blessing not a curse. On a side note, it is all in how you choose to define something in your life. When I was younger I would be upset, dismayed, and angry, but I decided that I would look to people around me and add certain character traits that I respected and admired. I had no one person to be my role model per se, yet there were people portraying the characteristics that I applauded therefore, it was a buffet of qualities that I was able to choose from.
When I am faced with troublesome situations the many individuals who have influenced me come to mind and I ask ‘what would so and so do?’ then I understand the direction I must take. Terry Snell inspired me to be a better husband, even though I did not observe my parents having a great marriage. I knew he did therefore, I asked him questions and then filtered my decisions through what I believed he would do. I lost contact with him, but his short period of influence has left lasting positive results.
He was a godly man who portrayed Christ in his marriage and therefore, was a model for me to follow. When I face tough decisions or situations in marriage I go back to what he would say to me. He changed my life by his Jesus example. There are and will be people in your life, in fact they may be in your life right now. Ask yourself, “What do I want to be like? What kind of person do I want to be known as?” Asking questions and investigating is an excellent way to learn and grow. It is after all our decision that God graciously gives us on how we want to live.
Now Terry Snell did not seek me out, but I sought him, because I wanted to know and needed to add his knowledge in order for me to be a good husband. My point to you is that no one will do it for you. You have to want it and be it. The answer is there, however no one can teach it to you unless you desire it. Earl Nightingale the father of the modern leadership movement said that the secret to life and the knowledge from the countless great men through history is that no one can teach you anything until you are ready for it. That may read like a “well duh” but I cannot remember how many times I had solid people attempt to pour into me and I was obtuse and indifferent.
You have to be willing, because God cannot force us to do anything. That is the beauty of it, because it is our freedom to choose. It is your freedom to choose. Find a role model and watch them and yes they may fail, but it is all a learning process even for them. There is no such thing as a perfect role model, but we can learn what we will from them. Their knowledge and characteristics can be a blessing to us.
In my office I have an autographed picture of “The Miracle in Ann Arbor.” In 2015, Michigan State went to Ann Arbor to take on the Michigan Wolverines in an epic football game of the ages. I am a rabid Michigan State fan and even contribute articles to I watched most of the game through closed fingers barely covering my eyes. Michigan led almost the entire game except when the clock ticked to zero, it was not the Wolverines hoisting up the Paul Bunyan trophy in the rivalry game. Somehow and someway the Spartans were able to snag a muffed punt in the air and rumble to the end zone for a walk off win in front of a stunned crowd, who were celebrating only moments before.
I had missed the play, because the impending loss was too much to handle. Therefore, I did the only reasonable thing and I turned off of the TV. But as soon as I turned it off, I told myself I had to watch it. I flipped it on again and witnessed Jaylen Watts-Jackson sprinting to the goal. I screamed for several minutes like a little kid coming down the stairs at Christmas and seeing all the presents. A team that never led in the game actually won on the last play.
Watts-Jackson broke his hip as he dove into the end zone and was tackled by Michigan tight end, Jake Butt. The MSU players dove on top of him celebrating until his moans of pain could be heard. Head Coach Mark Dantonio and players all refer to him as the legend. However, Watts-Jackson does not rest on his laurels he worked just as hard as any other player.
The picture reminds me that anything is possible even when it appears that all is against us. The road ahead may seem arduous and unpredictable, however, we must never give up hope or lose our faith because anything can happen. There will be much work to put in, but all the tough labor will be worth it as eventually our thoughts will transform and when that happens our actions will be impacted. Once our actions are repeated we will form habits.
I was able to do this over the course of a year. During that time I slowly put together the plan of action and then followed it methodically. True change does not happen over night, it only occurs because the individual desires it and is willing to do whatever it takes. God is gracious and forgiving and enables us, however, it ultimately is our decision each and every day. You are able and the choice is up to you. What will you decide? What will your Play Calls be?
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Dan Robb
Dan Robb is a Student Pastor, author, blogger, and husband. He resides in picturesque Georgetown, Texas with his wife and two dogs. He is available to speak at conferences, camps, business retreats, workshops, and general events. You may contact him for booking at His goal is to be a blessing, bring hope, and value to people.