Relentless Habit: O-Town Series

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Relentless Habit: O-Town Series Page 24

by Karen Renee

  “Well, good morning, my sweet girl,” MeMaw greeted me from the kitchen counter.

  She held a coffee cup in her hand, but she set it down as I moved closer to her. I leaned in for a quick hug, but she was a world-class hugger and she gave me a long, firm squeeze.

  “I’d ask if you slept okay or not, but waking up every two-hours is the pits.”

  I pulled back from her. “How do you know, MeMaw?”

  Her chin dipped as if I was dense. “Girl, I raised three boys. I distinctly remember your daddy had the concussion, but every time I tell the story he swears up and down it was your Uncle Mike. Bottom line, I was the one waking my boy up all bloody night.”

  I nodded and grabbed a mug to fix a cup of coffee.

  MeMaw was feeling chatty, though.

  “Couldn’t help but hear your boy talking to Razor last night after your parents left and Neil walked them down to their car.”

  I took in a deep breath, but opened the fridge door for the creamer. Once I had my mug doctored, MeMaw continued.

  “He really thought you were shot, honey. Plain as the day is long he loves you, and like I said, I’m thrilled you’ve found that. But, he’s not the only one who’d be devastated if you weren’t in the world.”

  I swallowed a huge lump in my throat and blinked rapidly. When I had it together, I said, “I know, MeMaw.”

  “Do you?” she asked.

  I nodded.

  “You’re loved so much, honey. It’s one of the biggest reasons I don’t understand how you found yourself–”

  “MeMaw, it’s the past. You’ve told me that more than once.”

  Her grin seemed reluctant. “And you’re smart as a whip. Always knew you took after me. Now, do you want me to whip you up some pancakes or what?”

  The bedroom door opened with a whoosh and Brock stood there looking frantic. Until he caught sight of me. “Jesus,” he breathed.

  I shook my head and shot for humor when I asked, “Want me to tell you what year it is, who our president is, and how many fingers you’re holding up?”

  His face hardened, and his eyes narrowed.

  I couldn’t hold it back. “I’m gonna shoot for clairvoyant and say you’re going to hold up just one finger for me. And not to indicate that I’m actually number one.”

  MeMaw laughed, but Brock shook his head.

  “Get your ass in here, woman.”

  “Are you crazy? I haven’t even had a sip of–”

  “Cecilia. Humor me, okay?”

  I shrugged and looked at MeMaw. “I’ll be back. Somebody’s grouchy.”

  “Girl. I can see he’s fun, but you don’t want to play with fire. Now, get.”

  The moment I was in the room, Brock shoved the door closed. I looked up at him to see he was prowling to me. Of course, he didn’t have far to prowl, so once he was in my space, he wrapped his arms around me and guided me to the bed.

  “Sit down, Sunflower,” he rumbled.

  I sat, but did it speaking. “You better not be upset with me, B-Rock. I got news for you, it’s six-fifteen or later, odds are damn good I’ll be out of bed because I can’t handle laying around doing nothing.”

  “Scoot back a little,” he ordered.

  As I did, he came toward me planting his fists in the bed on either side of me. “Here’s some news for you, Cecilia. Fifteen hours after you sustained a concussion odds are damn good I can’t handle not knowing where you are, especially when I checked the bathroom and you weren’t there. Spent hours yesterday afternoon thanking God you were alive and that you didn’t have to spend the night in the hospital, so you better not be upset that I expect you to lay around doing nothing first thing in the morning.”

  His brilliant blue eyes were beautiful normally, but that beauty increased exponentially when the intensity of his emotions took over. I held his gaze, and then I couldn’t hold back. My hands cupped his cheeks and I laid a hot and heavy kiss on him. He tried to keep it brief, but I leaned into it and he groaned.

  Brock took over the kiss, and one of his hands came up to the back of my head and he gently pushed me to my back. The kiss quickly became intense. I hooked a leg over his ass and he tore his mouth away.

  “Honey... God. I love you, and I want to make love to you right now, but sex is not on the list of approved activities after a head injury.”

  I did a slow blink. “So that’s why you tried to hold me off just now.”

  He chuckled. “Uh, yeah. And this doesn’t spell good things for the future if you can get me to lose my mind just comin’ after me for a kick-ass kiss.”

  My eyes drifted to the side and I tried to fight off a smirk, but I knew I failed when he muttered, “Right.”

  He knifed off of me and gestured for me to sit up. Then I answered some questions about my name, the year, and a random current event that for once didn’t include the leader of the free world.

  With a firm grasp, he took my hand to lead me back to the kitchen and MeMaw. I slid my hand around my mug of coffee, happy it still felt warm. A clattering of pans made me wince since it exacerbated the slight pain in my head.

  “Minnie, can I help you with something?” Brock asked, trying to hide his annoyed tone, but failing.

  MeMaw sighed. “Not any more, dear. I needed a mixing bowl, and I got it, but you boys had all manner of dishes stacked in and around that bowl. I’m sorry, CeeCee. I didn’t mean to cause such a ruckus. Now, a batch of pancakes comin’ right up, sweetheart.”


  THE SMILE ON MY FACE probably looked fake, though it wasn’t. I always struggled to look anything other than grumpy after fitful sleep, but watching Debbie hug her daughter goodbye did make me happy. While I really liked Cecilia’s family, they were a handful and I was ready to have my girl all to myself. Though, it was highly unlikely we would do anything today since I woke up tired, and Minnie’s homemade pancakes, along with bacon and eggs, had me on the verge of a food coma.

  “C’mon Debbie, let’s hit the road. It’s plain to see neither one of these kids got decent sleep last night, and I want to get back before lunch.”

  Debbie let Cecilia go and shot a glare at Dave. Over breakfast, he had said, “Stop with the Mr. Lyons bullshit, just call me Dave, you hear?” I wasn’t sure I had his full stamp of approval, but it was a start.

  I reached forward, “Dave, be sure to drive safe.”

  He shook my hand. “Be hard not to since Mom’s gonna be in the backseat. Take care of my girl.”

  I nodded and closed the door behind them. Cecilia’s pale blue eyes looked up at me, but I slid my hand around her waist and guided her to the couch.

  “Brock, we’ve got to dry the dishes, and–”

  I fluffed the pillow on the end of the couch and pulled us both down to it. “No, honey. The dishes are on the drying rack. When they’re dry, I’ll put them away, but right now, we’re taking a nap.”

  “I don’t want to take a nap.”

  My chest jerked with a silent chuckle. “Liar.”

  “Brock, I’m serious.”

  “Don’t worry about it, honey. You can’t sleep tonight, we’ll figure it out then. But doctor’s orders are you need to rest, and I damn sure need to nap, and I want you snuggled with me while I do it.”

  “You’re crazy.”

  “Gettin’ déjà vu, babe, so I know we’ve been over this.”

  She looked like she had more to say, so I gently cupped the back of her head and pulled her lips down to mine for a long, lingering, and wet kiss. It wasn’t half as long as I would’ve liked because her cell phone on the coffee table rang.

  Since I’d tucked Cecilia to the back of the couch, I twisted my torso and tagged her phone.

  Cecilia took the phone and frowned. “That’s weird,” she muttered just before answering.

  I watched my girl while she listened, and her facial expression made me tense.

  Finally she spoke. “I haven’t been to a meeting lately. I’m not supposed to drive today, and I
have to work the day after tomorrow. I might hit a meeting after my shift, if I’m off in time.”

  My body relaxed as I realized she must be talking to her therapist, until the next words came out of her mouth.

  “That’s between you and him. I just heard about that the other day, and I’m not swaying his decision one way or the other.”

  I reached to grab the phone from her, but she shook her head, only to wince at the movement.


  I didn’t want to hurt her, but I hated the idea of my mother manipulating her to get me to come around.

  “Well, you’re right. It is an aspect of my past coming back to me, but too many people have reminded me in no uncertain terms that I have worked too hard and come too far to go back to my old ways.”

  Cecilia’s expression softened, but I didn’t have to wait long before I found out why.

  “Yes. I can see that now. What you did was unethical, and my new therapist isn’t as good, but you’re right. Neither one of us would’ve been comfortable once we found out who the man in my life is.”

  Another pause before she said, “Right. You take care, too, Dr. Scibearis.”

  She pressed the red icon on her phone screen and tucked the phone into the pocket of her robe.

  I arched a brow. “I could put that on the table for you, honey.”

  She shook her head. “Nah. Someone gave me my marching orders to lounge here on the couch, so if I’m unable to fall asleep I can at least play Candy Crush.”

  I pressed my lips together and shook my head. “Sorry, babe. Video games are off the table for today too.”

  Her eyes bulged. “You’re joking.”

  My chin dipped a little. “I’m a guy, Sunflower. No way do I joke about video games.”

  She rolled her eyes at me and I gave her a squeeze. “So, my mom was trying to manipulate you into getting me to have dinner with her?”

  “No, actually.”

  I gave her a side-eye. “Really?”

  “Really. I just wanted to nip it in the bud in case she thought I could help. Didn’t even dawn on me that you were hearing only my side of the conversation, but really, she wasn’t trying to get me to sway your opinion. In fact her response was, ‘I would never do something like that.’ So, don’t think badly of her, or, more badly I suppose.”

  “Then why’d she call you?”

  She shrugged one shoulder. “I guess she spoke to Warren and he let the cat out the bag about yesterday afternoon. She was more concerned that I would have cravings and whether I needed to find a meeting or if my current therapist was helping out any.”

  I tucked her hair behind her ear. “Should you call your therapist? You can close the door to the bedroom, and I’ll hang out here.”

  “Maybe later in the afternoon, but thanks for the offer.”

  “Whatever you need, honey. I mean it.”

  Her hand slid behind my shoulders and she squeezed as she lowered her head to my chest. “Thanks, B-Rock. I love you.”

  Squeezing her back, I said, “And I you, Sunflower.”

  I STARTLED AWAKE AND found myself in a cold sweat. With a glance down, I saw Cecilia sleeping on me. It was hard for me to believe I didn’t wake her too. After a deep breath, I closed my eyes hoping to doze off but visions of my awful dream came right back. I had no idea why, but my brain was replaying everything that happened yesterday.

  My eyes were open all of thirty seconds before my brother unlocked and came through the door. He opened his mouth to say something, but I held my finger in front of my lips.

  He nodded, and quietly moved through the living room and to his bedroom. I glanced to the kitchen where the microwave indicated it was closing in on one o’clock. Unfortunately it was time to wake Cecilia. Again.

  Fifteen minutes later, Cecilia was taking a shower in my bathroom and Gabe strolled into the kitchen to make himself a sandwich. He put the mayonnaise back in the fridge, shut the door and turned to me.

  “So, what’s the story on this dinner?”

  I sighed. “It’s a belated birthday dinner, and she’s even invited Pop and Marnie in addition to you and Vamp being welcome. Oh, and I shit you not, Cecilia thinks you should bring Cassandra with you.”

  He nearly choked around a bite of his sandwich. He managed to swallow and then he gulped down a mouthful of water to wash it down. “Hell, I wouldn’t even take my worst enemy to this. Why would I wanna do that to a good woman?”

  “Cassandra’s a good woman, huh?”

  “Shut it, man. No way, I’m takin’ a woman to something like this, which is bound to be all kinds of fucked up and awkward.”

  I shook my head. “Call me crazy, man, but I think it’s only going to be awkward if we let it.”

  Chapter Twenty-Six

  Bag, baby. Now.


  A week and three days after my attack, I left work and drove to my apartment. I no longer needed pain medication for my head, and things were getting back to normal. Or, as normal as they could be while I wondered when my former pimp’s minions would strike again. As I unlocked the apartment door, I debated what I was going to wear to dinner tonight.

  While I couldn’t say Brock had decided to let bygones be bygones, he had decided he would regret it if he didn’t allow Pauline Scibearis back into his life in some small way. I did my damnedest to talk him into not taking me with him, but he was having none of that.

  Gabe suggested he stick it to their mother by going somewhere extremely fancy. I shook my head at them during that conversation, but Gabe arched his brow at me. “It is Brock’s belated birthday after all. It’s not like there weren’t twenty-seven others she missed, plus thirty’s a big deal to some people. And by some people, I mean women.”

  I chuckled. “Fine. You guys play it how you want, just tell me when and where this is happening.”

  The uber-expensive chop houses were already booked up, so the brothers agreed on a seafood restaurant instead. Brock would be dropping by in half-an-hour to take me to the Oceanaire Seafood Room, and I was excited. It had been ages since I went to a swanky place for dinner, and I looked forward to dolling myself up.

  Opening my closet door, I saw my deep aqua, off-shoulder cocktail dress and it was exactly what I needed to wear tonight. After a quick shower, I slicked some product into my hair, scrunching my locks to make them wavier, then blew it dry using a diffuser to encourage my hair to hold the waves. I stepped into the dress and zipped it up the side. The deep v-neck and thin sleeves off my shoulders meant I had to forgo wearing a bra, but it was tight enough through my bust and waist that I could get away with it. The skin-tight dress went to my knees, but had a generous slit edged with a deep ruffle.

  In my bedroom, I broke out some new Urban Decay make-up Tennille gave me for my birthday, which had happened while Brock and I were on the outs. I went heavier and darker on my eye makeup than normal, and I used a rich red lipstick on my lips. I thought about lining my eyebrows, but that seemed like overkill. By the time I dug my shoes out, I had five minutes to spare.

  My dress defined the term monochrome, but my shoes did not. They were four-inch peep-toe heels which had been dyed lavender, but from the arch down to the toes pearlescent white beads and aqua sparkly rhinestones covered the shoe. The beads also ran down the bottom of the heel and only aqua rhinestones could be seen on the underside of the shoe. As shoes went, they screamed ‘special occasion’, and I owned them because a friend from high school asked me to be a bridesmaid back when we were nineteen. The shoes were amongst the few things Tennille salvaged from my place just before I went to rehab. I thanked God she did because they were dead cool.

  When I put my feet into them, I remembered why I hardly ever wore them —besides not going to many fancy places these days— but also because they were uncomfortable. Oh well. Sometimes sacrifices had to be made.

  The doorbell rang, and through the peephole I saw Brock wearing a deep blue suit with a tie. When I opened the door, I saw the
suit material had a glossy sheen to it, and the plum-colored satin tie at his neck made the entire ensemble pop. The more I took him in, the more I realized he looked just like Chris Hemsworth.

  Brock hissing “Fuck,” interrupted all thoughts of Hollywood movie stars.

  I smiled at him and he muttered something under his breath, but I said, “You look like a movie star, Brock.”

  His cobalt eyes flared at me and he pushed me into the small foyer, closing the door behind him. With a hand on the wall at my head, he asked, “How much do you care about your lipstick right now?”

  “Uh, it’s color-stay, so –”

  His arms pulled me flush to him, before his lips crushed mine. He kissed me harder than I had ever been kissed, and I liked that so much I returned the favor, adding my fingers in his hair for good measure.

  When he pulled his face back from mine, his eyes were inky. “Fuckin’ hell. Wanted to take you somewhere fancy for a while, but funds were tight. Now I’m seein’ I should’ve done it any-fuckin’-way.”

  My head tilted a touch. “So, you approve of my wardrobe,” I said, but it came out sounding like a question.

  His hands ran down my back, stopping to dig in at my ass. “Fuck, yes, I approve of your wardrobe, Sunflower.”

  He stepped back, then lifted his arm, and I saw he was wearing a watch, which was unusual for him. His eyes were still intense when they came back to mine. “We got a bit of time. I oughta spend it fucking you against this wall, but I’d rather you go pack a bag. Then tonight, I can look forward to the many ways I’m gonna fuck you at my place. Spoiler alert, you’ll be wearing those Elsa shoes for damn sure.”

  I hadn’t thought of my shoes like that, and reflexively I jutted a foot out and bent so I could look at my whole foot. Brock’s calloused fingers tipped my chin back up.

  “Bag, baby. Now.”

  I gave him a half-assed scowl. “Stop being so bossy.”

  As I started toward my room, he swatted me sharply on my ass. “Get a move on, woman.”


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